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Genome structure exhibits remarkable plasticity within Zea mays. To examine how haplotype structure has evolved within the Andropogoneae tribe, we have analyzed the bz gene‐rich region of maize (Zea mays), the Zea teosintes mays ssp. mexicana, luxurians and diploperennis, Tripsacum dactyloides, Coix lacryma‐jobi and Sorghum propinquum. We sequenced and annotated BAC clones from these species and re‐annotated the orthologous Sorghum bicolor region. Gene colinearity in the region is well conserved within the genus Zea. However, the orthologous regions of Coix and Sorghum exhibited several micro‐rearrangements relative to Zea, including addition, truncation and deletion of genes. The stc1 gene, involved in the production of a terpenoid insect defense signal, is evolving particularly fast, and its progressive disappearance from some species is occurring by microhomology‐mediated recombination. LTR retrotransposons are the main contributors to the dynamic evolution of the bz region. Common transposon insertion sites occur among haplotypes from different Zea mays sub‐species, but not outside the species. As in Zea, different patterns of interspersion between genes and retrotransposons are observed in Sorghum. We estimate that the mean divergence times between maize and Tripsacum, Coix and Sorghum are 8.5, 12.1 and 12.4 million years ago, respectively, and that between Coix and Sorghum is 9.3 million years ago. A comparison of the bz orthologous regions of Zea, Sorghum and Coix with those of Brachypodium, Setaria and Oryza allows us to infer how the region has evolved by addition and deletion of genes in the approximately 50 million years since these genera diverged from a common progenitor.  相似文献   
对小麦及其4种近缘属间禾草进行了长时间 (0.5~5.7年, 个别8.6年) 的愈伤组织培养,在继代过程中染色体数目的变异在染色体倍性低的簇毛麦(Haynaldia villosa, 2n=2x=14)及新麦草(Psathyrostachys juncea, 2n=2x=14) 倾向于数目的增大;染色体倍性高的小麦 (Triticum aestivum, 2n=6x=42) 趋向于数目的减少;而倍性居中的羊草 (Leymus chinensis, 2n=4x=28) 既有增大也有减小;染色体倍性最高的高冰草 (Agropyron elongatum, 2n=6x=70) 最为稳定,但也有减少的趋向。愈伤组织的胚性主要与二倍体及亚二倍体的总水平相关。  相似文献   
科尔沁沙地3种草本植物根系生长动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用微管对狗尾草(Setaria viridis)、黄蒿(Artemisia scoparia)和沙米(Agriophyllum squarrosum)根系生长动态进行了观测。结果表明:1)在观察期内,狗尾草和黄蒿的根系生长表现出先增后减的“抛物线”型,而沙米的根系成指数生长。在7月末至8月初狗尾草、黄蒿和沙米根系具有最高的生产量,其根量密度分别为4 690.91、2 975.76和2 354.55条·m-2;在8月末,狗尾草和黄蒿根系都表现出不同程度的衰减,沙米根数保持增加。2)狗尾草优先生长表层根系,根系主要生长在0~30 cm的土层内,根长密度最大时为2.23 cm·cm-2;黄蒿生长前期表层根长密度大,生长后期下层根长密度开始增加;沙米优先发展下层根系,快速生长期后,地下30~50 cm处的根长密度增加高于上层。3)生长前期和快速生长期,0~50 cm狗尾草根长密度最大,黄蒿次之,沙米最小,生长末期,沙米根长密度大于狗尾草。  相似文献   
用随机引物扩增多态DNA(RAPD)技术对三种不同组合:小麦(Triticum aestivum)( )簇毛麦(Haynaldia villosa);小麦( )羊草(Leymus chinensis)和小麦( )高冰草(Agropyron elongatum)的属间不对称杂种进行分子鉴定,不同杂种植株的基因组经随机引物扩增后,均出现双亲的多态特异产物,证实它们含有双亲的基因组。将引物OPJ-12扩增的高冰草多态特异产物(分子量为0.77bp的DNA片段)分离纯化并标记作探针,用Southern杂交证明了小麦( )高冰草杂种经OPJ-12扩增的0.77kbp特异片段与高冰草这一片段具有同源性。本文结果证明,RAPD技术可作为小麦属间不对称体细胞杂种的一种快速、简便、有效的分子鉴定方法。  相似文献   
African perennial C4 grasses are highly successful invaders in Hawaiian ecosystems. We examined the effects of African molasses grass (Melinis minutiflora Beauv.) on Hawaiian shrubland nitrogen (N) dynamics without the influence of fire disturbance. Vegetation tissue carbon and nitrogen chemistry, soil inorganic N pools, net N mineralization rates, and total soil N were studied in three adjacent areas: a monospecificMelinis grassland, a mixed grass/shrubland mosaic, and an un-invaded shrubland.Melinis plots within the mosaic area exhibited the largest inorganic N pools and fastest net N mineralization rates, but were temporally variable with grass phenology. Un-invaded shrubland plots contained the smallest inorganic N pools and lowest net N mineralization rates. Grass foliar C:N and litter C:N were lower than those of common shrubland species, providing one possible link between species and ecosystem N dynamics at this site. The combined effects of N cycle modification, successful light competition, and fire-cycle enhancement make the invasion ofMelinis a significant perturbation to Hawaiian shrubland ecosystem function and successional dynamics. ei]Section editor H Lambers  相似文献   


As for other major crops, achieving a complete wheat genome sequence is essential for the application of genomics to breeding new and improved varieties. To overcome the complexities of the large, highly repetitive and hexaploid wheat genome, the International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium established a chromosome-based strategy that was validated by the construction of the physical map of chromosome 3B. Here, we present improved strategies for the construction of highly integrated and ordered wheat physical maps, using chromosome 1BL as a template, and illustrate their potential for evolutionary studies and map-based cloning.


Using a combination of novel high throughput marker assays and an assembly program, we developed a high quality physical map representing 93% of wheat chromosome 1BL, anchored and ordered with 5,489 markers including 1,161 genes. Analysis of the gene space organization and evolution revealed that gene distribution and conservation along the chromosome results from the superimposition of the ancestral grass and recent wheat evolutionary patterns, leading to a peak of synteny in the central part of the chromosome arm and an increased density of non-collinear genes towards the telomere. With a density of about 11 markers per Mb, the 1BL physical map provides 916 markers, including 193 genes, for fine mapping the 40 QTLs mapped on this chromosome.


Here, we demonstrate that high marker density physical maps can be developed in complex genomes such as wheat to accelerate map-based cloning, gain new insights into genome evolution, and provide a foundation for reference sequencing.  相似文献   
The Iberian mountain spiny fescues are a reticulate group of five diploid grass taxa consisting of three parental species and two putative hybrids: F. × souliei (F. eskia × F. quadriflora) and F. × picoeuropeana (F. eskia × F. gautieri). Phenotypic and molecular studies were conducted with the aim of determining the taxonomic boundaries and genetic relationships of the five taxa and disentangling the origins of the two hybrids. Statistical analyses of 31 selected phenotypic traits were conducted on individuals from 159 populations and on nine type specimens. Molecular analyses of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were performed on 29 populations. The phenotypic analyses detected significant differences between the five taxa and demonstrated the overall intermediacy of the F. × picoeuropeana and F. × souliei between their respective parents. The RAPD analysis corroborated the genetic differentiation of F. eskia, F. gautieri and F. quadriflora and the intermediate nature of the two hybrids; however, they also detected genetic variation within F. × picoeuropeana. These results suggest distinct origins for F. × picoeuropeana in the Cantabrian and Pyrenean mountains, with the sporadic Pyrenean populations having potentially resulted from recent hybridizations and the stabilized Cantabrian ones from older events followed by potential displacements of the parents. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 173 , 676–706.  相似文献   
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are related to plant community dynamics and ecosystem functioning. Overgrazing can negatively affect plant performance, and consequently unbalance the association with AMF. We studied the grazing effect on AMF colonization for preferred (Bromus pictus and Poa ligularis) and unpreferred grasses (Pappostipa speciosa and Pappostipa humilis) by sheep in the Patagonian steppe. For each species, AMF colonization in ungrazed, moderate and intense grazing sites was quantified. In ungrazed areas, B. pictus showed the highest extent of AMF colonization. Mycorrhizal colonization was higher during the active season, and largely reduced by intense grazing conditions. The decrease of AMF colonization was maximal for the most preferred species, but also significant for the unpreferred species. Our results suggest that overgrazing could reduce mycorrhizal benefits for the plant by reduction of AMF colonization, which can be a good indicator of ecosystem functioning, eventually revealing an increasing degree of environmental degradation.  相似文献   
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