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The allometry of egg to body size in temperate butterflies, and the relationships between egg size and larval host structure, taxonomy, voltinism, and duration of the egg stage, are investigated using cross-species analysis and the comparative analysis of independent contrasts. In addition, the effect of two sources of uncertainty that may affect continuous data when treated under a statistical, comparative, framework, is assessed: (1) unknown evolutionary distances, and (2) taxonomic representativity (proportion of species of a given taxon, from which data are available). It is suggested that the effects of taxonomic under-representation could be important in comparative, quantitative studies, but this problem may be tempered by means of weighted regression. Under the assumption that taxonomy represents butterfly phylogeny, egg and adult body size are related by negative allometry (i.e. the slope of the line fitted to the logarithmically transformed data is lower than 1.0). However, the precise slope (0.2-0.9) depends on the method used, branch lengths, and taxonomic sampling. There is evidence for a relationship between a species' voltinism and the number of days it spends in the egg stage, as well as between adult butterfly size and the gross structure of the plants used as larval hosts (woody plants or herbs). Egg size proves to be related to foodplant taxonomy, voltinism, and duration of the egg stage when the data are analysed using species means, but these relationships become non-significant when the comparative method is employed.  相似文献   
The yearly timing of the life cycle of a parasitoid is a key element of its life‐history strategy. I examine here factors influencing the expression of partial bivoltinism in Tetrastichus julis Walker (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), a specialist parasitoid introduced to North America to attack its univoltine host, the cereal leaf beetle, Oulema melanopus (L.) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). The varying tendency was assessed of individuals of this gregarious larval parasitoid to either emerge as adults in the same summer they mature, or to enter diapause to emerge the following year. Parasitized hosts were obtained by rearing cereal leaf beetles collected as mature larvae from grain fields in northern Utah (western USA) throughout the growing seasons in 2013 and 2014. Cocoons spun by these beetles were held to determine patterns over the spring and summer in the tendency of the parasitoid to forgo larval diapause. A high percentage (nearly 90% in 2013) of parasitoid individuals were found to forgo diapause and emerge in the same summer from earliest maturing hosts. This percentage rapidly declined to 20% or less of individuals forgoing diapause and emerging from cocoons as the summer advanced. The percentage of parasitoid individuals forgoing diapause increased significantly at a given time of season (early or late) as the number of conspecifics with which an individual shared a host larva increased. These results may reflect a trade‐off for individual parasitoids in which greater success in finding – and ovipositing in – host larvae the following spring vs. in summer, is countered by reduced survivorship in diapausing over the winter vs. emerging in the same summer in which the parasitoid matures. Expression of partial bivoltinism of T. julis, as affected strongly by both season and within‐host density, results in high rates of parasitism of cereal leaf beetles both early and late in the season.  相似文献   
Many organisms express discrete alternative phenotypes (polyphenisms) in relation to predictable environmental variation. However, the evolution of alternative life‐history phenotypes remains poorly understood. Here, we analyze the evolution of alternative life histories in seasonal environments by using temperate insects as a model system. Temperate insects express alternative developmental pathways of diapause and direct development, the induction of a certain pathway affecting fitness through its life‐history correlates. We develop a methodologically novel and holistic simulation model and optimize development time, growth rate, body size, reproductive effort, and adult life span simultaneously in both developmental pathways. The model predicts that direct development should be associated with shorter development time (duration of growth) and adult life span, higher growth rate and reproductive effort, smaller body size as well as lower fecundity compared to the diapause pathway, because the two generations divide the available time unequally. These predictions are consistent with many empirical data. Our analysis shows that seasonality alone can explain the evolution of alternative life histories.  相似文献   
Deterministic seasonality can explain the evolution of alternative life history phenotypes (i.e., life history polyphenism) expressed in different generations emerging within the same year. However, the influence of stochastic variation on the expression of such life history polyphenisms in seasonal environments is insufficiently understood. Here, we use insects as a model and explore (1) the effects of stochastic variation in seasonality and (2) the life cycle on the degree of life history differentiation among the alternative developmental pathways of direct development and diapause (overwintering), and (3) the evolution of phenology. With numerical simulation, we determine the values of development (growth) time, growth rate, body size, reproductive effort, adult life span, and fecundity in both the overwintering and directly developing generations that maximize geometric mean fitness. The results suggest that natural selection favors the expression of alternative life histories in the alternative developmental pathways even when there is stochastic variation in seasonality, but that trait differentiation is affected by the developmental stage that overwinters. Increasing environmental unpredictability induced a switch to a bet‐hedging type of life history strategy, which is consistent with general life history theory. Bet‐hedging appeared in our study system as reduced expression of the direct development phenotype, with associated changes in life history phenotypes, because the fitness value of direct development is highly variable in uncertain environments. Our main result is that seasonality itself is a key factor promoting the evolution of seasonally polyphenic life histories but that environmental stochasticity may modulate the expression of life history phenotypes.  相似文献   
Body size has been shown to decrease with increasing temperature in many species, prompting the suggestion that it is a universal ecological response. However, species with complex life cycles, such as holometabolous insects, may have correspondingly complicated temperature–size responses. Recent research suggests that life history and ecological traits may be important for determining the direction and strength of temperature–size responses. Yet, these factors are rarely included in analyses. Here, we aim to determine whether the size of the bivoltine butterfly, Polyommatus bellargus, and the univoltine butterflies, Plebejus argus and Polyommatus coridon, change in response to temperature and whether these responses differ between the sexes, and for P. bellargus, between generations. Forewing length was measured using digital specimens from the Natural History Museum, London (NHM), from one locality in the UK per species. The data were initially compared to annual and seasonal temperature values, without consideration of life history factors. Sex and generation of the individuals and mean monthly temperatures, which cover the growing period for each species, were then included in analyses. When compared to annual or seasonal temperatures only, size was not related to temperature for P. bellargus and P. argus, but there was a negative relationship between size and temperature for P. coridon. When sex, generation, and monthly temperatures were included, male adult size decreased as temperature increased in the early larval stages, and increased as temperature increased during the late larval stages. Results were similar but less consistent for females, while second generation P. bellargus showed no temperature–size response. In P. coridon, size decreased as temperature increased during the pupal stage. These results highlight the importance of including life history factors, sex, and monthly temperature data when studying temperature–size responses for species with complex life cycles.  相似文献   
Many species are undergoing distributional shifts in response to climate change. However, wide variability in range shifting rates has been observed across taxa, and even among closely‐related species. Attempts to link climate‐mediated range shifts to traits has often produced weak or conflicting results. Here we investigate interactive effects of developmental processes and environmental stress on the expression of traits relevant to range shifts. We use an individual‐based modelling approach to assess how different developmental strategies affect range shift rates under a range of environmental conditions. We find that under stressful conditions, such as at the margins of the species’ fundamental niche, investment in prolonged development leads to the greatest rates of range shifting, especially when longer time in development leads to improved fecundity and dispersal‐related traits. However, under benign conditions, and when traits are less developmentally plastic, shorter development times are preferred for rapid range shifts, because higher generational frequency increases the number of individual dispersal events occurring over time. Our results suggest that the ability of a species to range shift depends not only on their dispersal and colonisation characteristics but also how these characteristics interact with developmental strategies. Benefits of any trait always depended on the environmental and developmental sensitivity of life history trait combinations, and the environmental conditions under which the range shift takes place. Without considering environmental and developmental sources of variation in the expression of traits relevant to range shifts, there is little hope of developing a general understanding of intrinsic drivers of range shift potential.  相似文献   
美国白蛾是原产于北美地区的世界性植物检疫性害虫,自1979年发现入侵我国以来,严重威胁我国的生态安全。近年来,随着全球气候变暖,美国白蛾疫情不断南扩,其化性在一些地区出现新的变化。本文根据1979—2021年该虫发生扩散情况和各地区监测普查结果,结合部分地区温度变化数据,全面分析了美国白蛾入侵我国以来的发生扩散过程,对比分析了各地区发生世代数及变化情况,阐明部分地区世代数增加的原因。针对美国白蛾世代数演变规律和反复暴发成灾的情况,提出了当前应关注的几个重点问题:世代数增加引发的扩张速率显著上升;扩张潜力与沿长江地区扩散趋势减缓关系;暴发成灾时有发生与本土化趋势不明显。鉴于当前外来入侵物种管理要求提高及多年来美国白蛾防控工作中暴露的一些问题,提出要在守护国家生物安全底线前提下制定防治策略、在统筹生物多样性保护下实现控制目标、在做好应急准备下摸清暴发成灾规律、在强化疫情检疫管理中提高疫情认定效率等对策。  相似文献   
Abstract. Strophingia ericae (Curtis) (Homoptera: Psylloidea) takes one or two years to complete its life cycle. In both cases eggs hatch over a prolonged period from midsummer, possibly extending into the following spring at high altitude, and instars overlap in time. Instar III is the predominant overwintering stage in the lowland, annual cycle, whereas in the upland, biennial cycle most first-year nymphs overwinter in instars I and II and most second-year nymphs in instar V. When moved to the laboratory, instars IV and V from a predominantly annual population showed accelerated development in response to elevated temperatures and to long days in both mid-winter and early spring. In the biennial life cycle, short autumn days retard instar V development but the response to photoperiod disappears by the end of winter. Exposure to LD 18 : 6 h retarded development of early instars in the annual population, resulting in an accumulation in instar III. The proportion of overwintering instars I and II rises with increase in altitude and moult to instar III becomes progressively delayed. Nymphs that reach instar III under long daylengths in the year following hatching are channelled towards the biennial cycle. Exposure of a predominantly biennial population to 15 °C and LD 18 : 6 h after midsummer, thus avoiding autumn conditions, promoted the rapid development of overwintered nymphs, switching the cycle from biennial to annual.  相似文献   
1. The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) exerts considerable control on U.K. weather. This study investigates the impact of the NAO on butterfly abundance and phenology using 34 years of data from the U.K. Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (UKBMS).2. The study uses a multi-species indicator to show that the NAO does not affect overall U.K. butterfly population size. However, the abundance of bivoltine butterfly species, which have longer flight seasons, were found to be more likely to respond positively to the NAO compared with univoltine species, which show little or a negative response.3. A positive winter NAO index is associated with warmer weather and earlier flight dates for Anthocharis cardamines (Lepidoptera: Pieridae), Melanargia galathea (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), Aphantopus hyperantus (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), Pyronia tithonus (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), Lasiommata megera (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) and Polyommatus icarus (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). In bivoltine species, the NAO affects the phenology of the first generation, the timing of which indirectly controls the timing of the second generation.4. The NAO influences the timing of U.K. butterfly flight seasons more strongly than it influences population size.  相似文献   
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