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Using microcosm experiments, we investigated the interactive effects of temperature and light on specific growth rates of three species each of the phytoplanktonic genera Cryptomonas and Dinobryon. Several species of these genera play important roles in the food web of lakes and seem to be sensitive to high water temperature. We measured growth rates at three to four photon flux densities ranging from 10 to 240 μmol photon · m?2 · s?1 and at 4–5 temperatures ranging from 10°C to 28°C. The temperature × light interaction was generally strong, species specific, and also genus specific. Five of the six species studied tolerated 25°C when light availability was high; however, low light reduced tolerance of high temperatures. Growth rates of all six species were unaffected by temperature in the 10°C–15°C range at light levels ≤50 μmol photon · m?2 · s?1. At high light, growth rates of Cryptomonas spp. increased with temperature until the temperature optimum was reached and then declined. The Dinobryon species were less sensitive than Cryptomonas spp. to photon flux densities of 40 μmol photon · m?2 · s?1 and 200 μmol photon · m?2 · s?1 over the entire temperature range but did not grow under a combination of very low light (10 μmol photon · m?2 · s?1) and high temperature (≥20°C). Among the three Cryptomonas species, cell volume declined with temperature and the maximum temperature tolerated was negatively related to cell size. Since Cryptomonas is important food for microzooplankton, these trends may affect the pelagic carbon flow if lake warming continues.  相似文献   
High-latitude environments, such as the Antarctic McMurdo Dry Valley lakes, are subject to seasonally segregated light–dark cycles, which have important consequences for microbial diversity and function on an annual basis. Owing largely to the logistical difficulties of sampling polar environments during the darkness of winter, little is known about planktonic microbial community responses to the cessation of photosynthetic primary production during the austral sunset, which lingers from approximately February to April. Here, we hypothesized that changes in bacterial, archaeal and eukaryotic community structure, particularly shifts in favor of chemolithotrophs and mixotrophs, would manifest during the transition to polar night. Our work represents the first concurrent molecular characterization, using 454 pyrosequencing of hypervariable regions of the small-subunit ribosomal RNA gene, of bacterial, archaeal and eukaryotic communities in permanently ice-covered lakes Fryxell and Bonney, before and during the polar night transition. We found vertically stratified populations that varied at the community and/or operational taxonomic unit-level between lakes and seasons. Network analysis based on operational taxonomic unit level interactions revealed nonrandomly structured microbial communities organized into modules (groups of taxa) containing key metabolic potential capacities, including photoheterotrophy, mixotrophy and chemolithotrophy, which are likely to be differentially favored during the transition to polar night.  相似文献   
Continued study of the relationship between lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) recruitment and hydroelectric dams and operations, in a variety of river systems and habitat types is needed to improve the ability to predict and monitor impacts of the hydroelectric industry on this species. Herein, we present results of a juvenile lake sturgeon study aimed at addressing concerns over an inferred lack of recruitment resulting from spawning downstream of a hydroelectric generating station (HGS). Two years of sampling (2015 and 2016) were conducted in five sections of a 41 km long reach of the Seine River, Ontario, a lake sturgeon spawning tributary of Rainy Lake. Using an established gillnetting method, deepwater habitat was targeted to capture juvenile lake sturgeon to assess relative abundance, recruitment (cohort strength), and growth. Deepwater habitat, defined as water depths >6 m in this system, comprised only 2.1% of the wetted area in this study area. Within these habitats, a total of 331 lake sturgeon capture events were observed over the 2-years study period. The majority of the lake sturgeon catch (85%) was comprised of age-0 to age-5 individuals (both sampling years combined). Although inter-annual variation in cohort strength was apparent, each cohort between 2006 and 2016 was represented. The spatial distribution of cohorts varied among river reaches with younger individuals (age-0 and age-1) occupying reaches proximal to the Sturgeon Falls HGS, and larger, older individuals (age-2 to age-5) occupying reaches further downstream. The rarity of age-6+ individuals can likely be explained by ongoing downstream redistribution of juveniles over time, out of the Seine River and into Rainy Lake. Growth of juvenile lake sturgeon captured in the Seine River was above average relative to conspecifics from other rivers in the Hudson Bay drainage. Unfortunately, baseline data sets required to facilitate comparisons of contemporary (post-construction Sturgeon Falls HGS) versus historical (i.e. pre- Sturgeon Falls HGS) lake sturgeon recruitment, or to evaluate the influence of the Seine River Water Management Plan (2004) on lake sturgeon recruitment, are lacking. However, juvenile Lake Sturgeon are more abundant in this system than what had been surmised based on recent studies which implemented random sampling. Results indicate that juvenile lake sturgeon may reside in spawning tributaries for several years (age-0 to age-5) prior to seeking alternate habitats and highlights the value of targeted sampling (i.e. by depth) along the flow axis of rivers downstream of spawning areas when assessing lake sturgeon recruitment patterns.  相似文献   
Macrozoobenthos of the ultraoligotrophic Lake 95 (61°N, 46°W, 8 ha, zmax=18 m, ) is composed of about 14 taxa dominated by 12 Chironomidae species. Abundance, life cycle, biomass and production were estimated for the six dominant taxa. Abundance declined fromca. 4150 at 2.5 m depth toca. 1400 ind m–2 at 16 m depth and averagedca. 3200 ind m–2 on a lakewide basis. By numbers,Heterotrissocladius changi andH. oliveri dominated the average fauna.H. changi was common at the 2.5 m and 5 m depth stations, whereasH. oliveri dominated from 5 m depth downwards. Chironomids showed mainly a 1-yr life cycle, but apparently bothHeterotrissocladius species had two contemporary cohorts with emergence in midsummer and late autumn/early spring, respectively. Average annual ratio was 4.2 and 4.6 forH. oliveri andH. changi, respectively. Annual production varied from 0.3 g ash-free dry weight (AFDW) m–2 y–1 at 16 m depth to 1.6 g AFDW m–2 y–1 at 2.5 m depthH. changi contributed 45%, fiveMicropsectra spp. 17% andH. oliveri 15% to total average production, which on a lakewide basis wasca. 1.1 g AFDW or 25 kJ m–2 y–1. Lake 95 thus belongs at the very low end of measured lake zoobenthic productions, which range from 10 kJ m–2 y–1 in Arctic lakes toca. 1600 kJ m–2 y–1 in highly eutrophic shallow lakes.  相似文献   
16S rRNA clone library analysis was used to examine the biodiversity and community structure within the sediments of three hypersaline Antarctic lakes. Compared to sediment of low to moderate salinity Antarctic lakes the species richness of the hypersaline lake sediments was 2-20 times lower. The community of Deep Lake (32% salinity, average sediment temperature -15 degrees C) was made up almost entirely of halophilic Archaea. The sediment communities of two meromictic hypersaline lakes, Organic Lake (20% salinity, -7 degrees C) and Ekho Lake (15% salinity, 15 degrees C) were more complex, containing phylotypes clustering within the Proteobacteria and Cytophagales divisions and with algal chloroplasts. Many phylotypes of these lakes were related to taxa more adapted to marine-like salinity and perhaps derive from bacteria exported into the sediment from the lower salinity surface waters. The Ekho Lake clone library contained several major phylotypes related to the Haloanaerobiales, the growth of which appears to be promoted by the comparatively high in situ temperature of this lake.  相似文献   
Song Biyu 《Hydrobiologia》2000,427(1):143-153
The species richness and seasonal development of planktonic ciliates were studied and compared in two shallow mesotrophic lakes, one covered with dense submerged macrophytes, the other macrophyte poor. Considerable differences in ciliate species composition, dominant taxa, abundance and biomass were observed. Ciliates were much more species rich in the macrophyte-rich lake, while they were more abundant numerically in the macrophyte-poor lake. Altogether, 96 species, included in 53 genera, 14 orders were identified. Among them, 80 species (included in 45 genera, 14 orders) observed from the macrophyte-rich lake, against 49 species (36 genera, 12 orders) were from the macrophyte-poor lake. In the macrophyte-rich lake, the mean abundance and biomass were 13.5 cells ml-1 and 547.10 g l-1 f.w.; abundance and biomass were higher in spring and winter; naked oligotrichs dominated total ciliate abundance and Peritrichida dominated the biomass. In the macrophyte-poor lake, ciliate mean abundance and biomass were 35.5 cells ml-1 and 953.39 g l-1 f.w.; abundances peaked in autumn; Scuticociliates dominated the abundance and Tintinnids dominated the biomass. Possible causes for the observed differences are discussed.  相似文献   
J. Schutten  A. J. Davy 《Oecologia》2000,123(4):445-452
Aquatic macrophytes are important in stabilising moderately eutrophic, shallow freshwater lakes in the clear-water state. The failure of macrophyte recovery in lakes with very soft, highly organic sediments that have been restored to clear water by biomanipulation (e.g. in the Norfolk Broads, UK) has suggested that the physical stability of the sediment may limit plant establishment. Hydraulic forces from water currents may be sufficient to break or remove plants. Our aim was to develop a simple model that could predict these forces from plant biomass, current velocity and plant form. We used an experimental flume to measure the hydraulic forces acting on shoots of 18 species of aquatic macrophyte of varying size and morphology. The hydraulic drag on the shoots was regressed on a theoretically derived predictor (shoot biomass × current velocity1.5). Such linear regressions proved to be highly significant for most species. The slopes of these lines represent species-specific, hydraulic roughness factors that are analogous to classical drag coefficients. Shoot architecture parameters describing leaf and shoot shape had significant effects on the hydraulic roughness factor. Leaf width and shoot stiffness individually did not have a significant influence, but in combination with shoot shape they were significant. This hydraulic model was validated for a subset of species using measurements from an independent set of shoots. When measured and predicted hydraulic forces were compared, the fit was generally very good, except for two species with morphological variations. This simple model, together with the plant-specific factors, provides a basis for predicting the hydraulic forces acting on the root systems of macrophytes under field conditions. This information should allow prediction of the physical stability of individual plants, as an aid to shallow-lake management. Received: 11 March 1999 / Accepted: 18 January 2000  相似文献   
Permafrost‐affected soils of the northern circumpolar region represent 50% of the terrestrial soil organic carbon (SOC) reservoir and are most strongly affected by climatic change. There is growing concern that this vast SOC pool could transition from a net C sink to a source. But so far little is known on how the organic matter (OM) in permafrost soils will respond in a warming future, which is governed by OM composition and possible stabilization mechanisms. To investigate if and how SOC in the active layer and adjacent permafrost is protected against degradation, we employed density fractionation to separate differently stabilized SOM fractions. We studied the quantity and quality of OM in different compartments using elemental analysis, 13C solid‐phase nuclear magnetic resonance (13C‐NMR) spectroscopy, and 14C analyses. The soil samples were derived from 16 cores from drained thaw lake basins, ranging from 0 to 5500 years of age, representing a unique series of developing Arctic soils over time. The normalized SOC stocks ranged between 35.5 and 86.2 kg SOC m?3, with the major amount of SOC located in the active layers. The SOC stock is dominated by large amounts of particulate organic matter (POM), whereas mineral‐associated OM especially in older soils is of minor importance on a mass basis. We show that tremendous amounts of over 25 kg OC per square meter are stored as presumably easily degradable OM rich in carbohydrates. Only about 10 kg OC per square meter is present as presumably more stable, mineral‐associated OC. Significant amounts of the easily degradable, carbohydrate‐rich OM are preserved in the yet permanently frozen soil below the permafrost table. Forced by global warming, this vast labile OM pool could soon become available for microbial degradation due to the continuous deepening of the annually thawing active layer.  相似文献   
To understand the effect of hydrodynamical process on water phosphorus concentration, wind, wave, and several water quality indices were observed in Meiliang Bay, a shallow and eutrophic bay locates in north of Lake Taihu. During the 7 day observation period, wind speed and significant wave height were recorded more than 3 h per day, and water samples were collected in five water-depth layers once a day. Hydrodynamical disturbance had no significant correlationship with the water quality at the top layer when the significant wave height was smaller than 30 cm, but it significantly increased suspended solids (SS) concentration of the bottom water layer. Concentrations of nutrients showed no positive correlationship with SS concentration in the water body. Intensive sediment resuspension may not have occurred when the hydrodynamic stress on sediment was only a little higher than the critical stress for sediment resuspension. A new method for confirming the critical stress for intensive sediment resuspension and nutrient release still needs to be developed. The range of the water quality indices was quite high during the seven days of observation. High variation seems to be a common character of large shallow lakes like Taihu.  相似文献   
Abstract. Whether nitrogen‐fixing plants facilitate or inhibit species change in primary succession is best resolved by examining their impacts throughout the plant's entire life cycle from arrival to senescence. We experimentally examined two aspects of the successional impacts of a nitrogen‐fixing shrub, Coriaria arborea, on Mt. Tarawera, a volcano in New Zealand: factors limiting Coriaria colonization and impacts of Coriaria‐induced soil changes on a later successional tree, Griselinia littoralis. Coriaria germination was promoted by artificial wind protection and by the presence of heath shrubs. Transplanted Coriaria seedlings survived only if nodulated with Frankia, and the addition of Coriaria‐enriched soils slowed Coriaria seedling growth and did not improve seedling survival. This explained why Coriaria seedlings were found mostly in protected habitats away from adult Coriaria, and suggested that Coriaria thickets are not self‐replacing. Coriaria increased soil fertility by developing a 4 cm thick organic soil horizon that was richer in nitrogen (tenfold) and phosphorus (threefold) than pre‐Coriaria stages. These soil changes resulted in three‐ to sixfold increases in growth of Griselinia when it was grown in Coriaria‐enriched soils in a glasshouse. Coriaria's net effect on primary succession is facilitative, but the establishment of Coriaria is itself facilitated by the amelioration of the physical habitat by earlier colonists, suggesting facilitation is important throughout the life cycle of Coriaria. Sequential facilitative events determine the order of species replacements in this study but inhibition, linked to the developmental stages of Coriaria, may determine the rate of species change.  相似文献   
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