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In a two-choice test, moreS. furcifera females settled more often on exposed plants than on parafilm-masked ones, regardless of the susceptibility of rice varieties. This indicates that rice volatiles play an important role in the insect's short-range orientation to its host. The fact that more insects settled on exposed resistant Rathu Heenati (RHT) than to masked susceptible Taichung Native 1 (TN1) suggests that there must be certain common volatiles released by both varieties. Few females landed on masked plants of either RHT or TN1. This implies that the insect could not recognize at a distance that a plant was resistant or susceptible without olfactory stimuli.S. furcifera excreted less honeydew on masked plants than on exposed ones for both varieties and more on masked TN1 than on exposed RHT. The electronic monitoring of feeding behavior demonstrates that the insect made more frequent probes and had shorter phloem ingestion durations on exposed RHT than on exposed TN1 and on masked RHT than on masked TN1. Moreover, the insect had longer phloem ingestion durations on masked TN1 than on exposed RHT. These results suggest that volatile chemicals given off by resistant RHT plants have a negative effect on feeding.  相似文献   
The nocR gene of Agrobacterium tumefaciens Ti plasmid pTiT37 is the regulatory gene of the nopaline catabolism (noc) operon of pTiT37. We have cloned and sequenced nocR, which encodes a DNA-binding protein. The deduced amino acid sequence is similar to those of members of the LysR family of prokaryotic activator proteins. Gel retardation experiments demonstrated that the NocR protein binds to the nocR promoter in both the presence and absence of nopaline. The increased mobility of the complex and alterations in the DNase I footprints revealed a nopaline-induced conformational change in the NocR-DNA complex. Sequence analysis of the NocR binding site indicated the presence immediately downstream of the –10 sequence of the nocR promoter of a 12 by putative operator overlapping a consensus gyrase recognition sequence and an 18 by long alternating purine-pyrimidine sequence. These results suggest that nopaline-induced alterations in the NocR protein-nocR promoter complex might control gene expression in the noc operon.  相似文献   
We examined the foraging patterns of two species of caterpillar (Junonia coenia: Nymphalidae and Spilosoma congrua: Arctiidae) that contrast in feeding specialization and crypticity on plantain (Plantago lanceolata) in the absence and presence of two different insect predators [stinkbugs, Podisus maculiventris (Pentatomidae) and wasps, Polistes fuscatus (Vespidae)]. Junonia larvae were quite apparent to human observers, feeding on upper leaf surfaces during daylight, whereas Spilosoma larvae were relatively cryptic, often hiding under leaves and in soil crevices during daylight. In the presence of either predator species, the non-cryptic Junonia caterpillars more quickly left the plant on which they were initially placed and were less apparent than Junonia larvae not exposed to predators. The presence of predators had no detectable influence on where the caterpillars occurred on the plants (new, intermediate-aged or mature leaves, or reproductive stalks). Surprisingly, the predators influenced the behavior of the inherently cryptic Spilosoma: the apparency of these larvae at night increased when wasps had access to the plots during the day. Survivorship of the non-cryptic Junonia was less than 12% when stinkbugs were present compared to 60% in their absence. Although the presence of wasps resulted in a lower relative growth rate for the non-cryptic Junonia larvae, the indirect effect of predators on reduction in survivorship due to alterations in prey growth rate through behavioral changes was less than 3%. After taking into account the decline in caterpillars per plot through predation, we found that both the amount of leaves eaten and the proportion of plants eaten were altered on plots with predators present, which suggests that the caterpillars' increased consumption countered increased maintenance costs due to the presence of predators. Overall, our results indicate that hostplant size, level of predation and type of predator can influence the degree to which these caterpillars react to the presence of insect predators. In contrast, degree of inherent feeding specialization and cryptic behavior seemed to have little effect on the expression of reactive behaviors of these caterpillars to predators.  相似文献   
Tansley Review No. 59 Leaf boundary layers   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Studies of heat and mass exchange between leaves and their local environment are central to our understanding of plant-atmosphere interactions. The transfer across aerodynamic leaf boundary layers is generally described by non-dimensional expressions which reflect largely empirical adaptations of engineering models derived for flat plates. This paper reviews studies on leaves, and leaf models with varying degrees of abstraction, in free and forced convection. It discusses implecations of finding for leaf morphology as it affects – and is affected by – the local microclimate. Predictions of transfer from many leaves in plant communities are complicated by physical and physiological feedback mechanisms between leaves and their environment. Some common approaches, and the current challenge of integrating leaf-atmosphere interactions into models of global relevance, are also briefly addressed.  相似文献   
We use the electron-conformational interaction approach to develop a physical model which self-consistently describes the photomobilized electron transfer kinetics and structure conformational transitions in reaction centers (RCs) of purple bacteria. We consider the kinetics of electron transition from pigment onto primary acceptor and the subsequent charge recombination accounting for the change of distance between the above-mentioned cofactors. It is shown that, given natural values of RC parameters, the kinetic constant's dependence on the acting light intensity is monotone. As opposed to the previous case, similar dependencies for the chain of electron transfer between primary and secondary quinone acceptors revealed anS-like relationship. This can lead to bistability of the RC optical transmission coefficient and a fundamental dependence of charge recombination kinetics upon the prehistory of the RC's interaction with exciting radiation.  相似文献   
Divalent cation and lipid-protein interactions of biomembranes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Divalent cations play an important role in the functions of biomembranes. This review deals with three topics: (1) Mg2+-mediated change in physical state of phospholipid induces conformation and activity change of reconstituted mitochondrial H+-ATPase, (2) a proper transmembrane Ca2+ gradient is essential for the higher enzymatic activity of adenylate cyclase, and (3) role of transmembrane Ca2+ gradient in the modulation of reconstituted sarcoplasmic reticulm Ca2+-ATPase activity.  相似文献   
For the first time, three cases of capture and forced interaction were observed between bonobos (Pan paniscus)and two other species of primates (Colobus angolensisand Cercopithecus ascanius)in the Lilungu (Ikela) region, Republic of Zaire. The bonobos interacted with the captured primates as if they were dealing with individuals of their own species. They sought cooperation in their interactions with the captured young primates without scccess. There is no evidence that they ate the captives.  相似文献   
Genetic dominance and worker interactions affect honeybee colony defense   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Colonies of honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) were established thatvaried in the proportions of their workers that were of Europeanand hybrid (Africanized x European) descent. Colony defensiveresponses increased with higher proportions of hybrid workers.Colonies consisting exclusively of hybrid workers did not differin their response from "pure" Africanized colonies, suggestingthat the strong defensive behavior of Africanized workers isgenetically dominant. European workers became more defensivein colonies that also contained hybrid workers, whereas hybridworkers became less defensive in the same mixed colonies. Inmixed colonies hybrid workers were individually more likelythan Europeans to sting a leather target but not more likelyto guard the entrance.  相似文献   
Abstract: The N-methyl-d -aspartate (NMDA) receptor possesses two distinct amino acid recognition sites, one for glutamate and one for glycine, which appear to be allosterically linked. Using rat cortex/hippocampus P2 membranes we have investigated the effect of glutamate recognition site ligands on [3H]glycine (agonist) and (±)4-trans-2-car-boxy-5,7-dichloro-4-[3H]phenylaminocarbonylamino-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline ([3H]l -689,560; antagonist) binding to the glycine site and the effect of glycine recognition site ligands on l -[3H]glutamate (agonist), dl -3-(2-carboxypiperazin-4-yl)-[3H]propyl-1 -phosphonate ([3H]-CPP; “C-7” antagonist), and cis-4-phosphonomethyl-2-[3H]piperidine carboxylate ([3H]CGS-19755; “C-5” antagonist) binding to the glutamate site. “C-7” glutamate site antagonists partially inhibited [3H]l -689,560 binding but had no effect on [3H]glycine binding, whereas “C-5” antagonists partially inhibited the binding of both radioligands. Glycine, d -serine, and d -cycloserine partially inhibited [3H]CGS-19755 binding but had little effect on l -[3H]-glutamate or [3H]CPP binding, whereas the partial agonists (+)-3-amino-1-hydroxypyrrolid-2-one [(+)-HA-966], 3R-(+)cis-4-methyl-HA-966 (l -687,414), and 1-amino-1-carboxycyclobutane all enhanced [3H]CPP binding but had no effect on [3H]CGS-19755 binding, and (+)-HA-966 and l -687,414 inhibited l -[3H]glutamate binding. The association and dissociation rates of [3H]l -689,560 binding were decreased by CPP and d -2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid (“C-5”). Saturation analysis of [3H]l -689,560 binding carried out at equilibrium showed that CPP had little effect on the affinity or number of [3H]l -689,560 binding sites. These results indicate that complex interactions occur between the glutamate and glycine recognition sites on the NMDA receptor. In addition, mechanisms other than allosterism may underlie some effects, and the possibility of a steric interaction between CPP and [3H]l -689,560 is discussed.  相似文献   
Successful control of greenhouse whitefly may be achieved by complementary activity of the parasitoidEncarsia formosa and the fungusAschersonia aleyrodis. One way to obtain an additive mortality effect of both entomopathogen and parasitoid would be achieved by the selection of healthy hosts by the parasitoid and rejection of fungus-infected hosts. Third and fourth instar larvae ofTrialeurodes vaporariorum which had been treated with a spore suspension ofA. aleyrodis 0, 4, 7, 10 or 14 days beforehand, were presented to female parasitoids. The parasitoids adopted the oviposition posture on untreated hosts as well as on treated hosts, irrespective of the different stages of infection in the hosts. However, significantly more hosts were parasitized byE. formosa in the control treatment than in the fungal treatment. The parasitoids offered treated hosts, showed rejection behaviour after probing on hosts showing detectable signs of infection (containing hyphal bodies or mycelium in the haemolymph). For instance, when hosts were offered seven days after spore treatment, the parasitoids showed an oviposition posture on a total of 83 (95.4%) out of 87 infected larvae, but laid only 4 eggs (4.6%). In contrast, on 48 (94.1%) out of 51 noninfected (or showing no detectable signs of infection) hosts an oviposition posture was adopted and 40 eggs (78.4%) were found after dissection. When infected hosts were encountered the oviposition posture lasted less than 1′40″ while rejection of non-infected hosts occurred after more than 1′40″. Other experiments were carried out offering treated hosts for 24 h to the parasitoids. The hosts were dissected afterwards. Again, significantly more eggs were laid in the non-infected hosts. When hosts were parasitized shortly after fungal spore treatment they were colonized by the fungus and the parasitoids did not develop. Transmission of the entomopathogen after probing infected hosts was observed to a limited extent. In conclusion,A. aleyrodis andE. formosa can be used together in a glasshouse situation. The parasitoid will be most effective when introduced more than seven days after application ofA. aleyrodis, because from that time onwards it is able to detect and reject fungus-infected hosts.  相似文献   
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