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原位杂交和原位PCR技术在鱼类基因定位中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
染色体原位杂交( in situ hybridization, ISH)是基因物理定位的主要方法之一,它根据核酸分子碱基互补配对的原理,将标记的外源核酸探针与染色体上变性处理后的单链DNA互补配对,再经检测而将靶顺序在染色体上的位置显示出来。 原位PCR技术是将原位杂交与PCR技术有机的结合,在原位扩增目的DNA片段,并在原位检测其扩增产物,因而兼有PCR及原位杂交技术二者的优越性:既可以同时获得组织及细胞的形态结构信息与分子信息,进行定性、定位分析,又具有比原位杂交更好的敏感性与专一性。 染色体原位…  相似文献   
真菌发酵生产鱼油特征脂肪酸   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
DHA和EPA是鱼油的特征脂肪酸,具有调整血脂、改善大脑功能和维持正常视力等重要作用.一直以来,其来源主要是海产鱼油.近年研究发现许多微生物的脂质中也含有DHA和EPA,特别是一些低等真菌含量甚为丰富,利用其发酵生产DHA和EPA替代鱼油资源具有广阔的前景.阐述了能产生EPA,DHA的真菌及其合成途径和发酵影响因素.  相似文献   
Larger males of the wild Siamese fighting fish Betta splendens were more successful in male contests. There were no differences in fighting duration among treatments. Comparing agonistic behaviour between large and small males in ±1 and ±2 S.D treatments, larger males attacked, chased and performed total agonistic behaviour more than smaller males. There were no differences between larger and smaller males concerning other agonistic behaviour during fighting. Females presented with two potential mates of different sizes did not prefer larger males.  相似文献   
A population of Channa gachua in a small irrigation canal that supplies rice fields was studied by monthly sampling over 2 years. The population density was positively correlated with the rainfall and varied from 0.34 to 0.95 individuals m−2. The growth parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth equation determined on monthly size–frequency data were Lx = 179 mm total length and K =0.50. Overall male to female ratio was 0.82 and there were more females than males in the middle size classes. Spawning occurred throughout the year, but all evidence indicated enhanced breeding during major rainy periods of May to July and October to December. The length at first spawning was 102 mm, which is reached in about 20 months. Fecundity, which varied between 389 and 2130, was positively correlated with gonad weight, body weight and total length. Longevity and natural mortality were estimated as 6 years and l.27 yr−1, respectively. However, 99% of the population appeared to live for only 3 years. The mean biomass, average annual production and turnover ratio of the population were 7.35 g m−2, 12.06 g m−2 and 1.64, respectively.  相似文献   
鱼类生殖细胞移植的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生殖细胞移植在生物学、畜牧学及兴起的鱼类生物工程上都有很多用途。目前,采用基于基因组的育种方法已选育出多种带有所需遗传性状的鱼类新品系;但由于缺乏鱼卵与胚胎的低温保存技术,尚未找到长期保存其种质资源的方法。就鱼类生殖细胞移植的最新研究进展进行综述,同时针对鱼类生殖细胞移植及其低温保存技术研究中存在的问题进行讨论,并提出了鱼类生殖细胞移植的应用前景,以期能积极推动鱼类生物工程的研究,加速鱼类生殖细胞移植在产业中的应用。  相似文献   
Triangulamyxa amazonica n. gen. and n. sp. (Myxozoa, Ortholineidae), found in the lumen of the intestine of the freshwater fish Sphoeroides testudineus, is described. The fish were collected from the Amazon River near the city of Algodoal, State of the Pará, Brazil. Numerous irregular plasmodia containing different stages of sporogony, including spores, were observed. The plasmodia were lying free in the lumen or had slender pseudopodia-like cytoplasmic processes in contact with intestinal epithelial cells with microvilli projections. Spores, which are equilaterally triangular in valvar view with rounded pointed ends and ellipsoidal in transverse section, are 8.5 μm long, 7.6 μm wide, and 3.8 μm thick. The anterior end of the spores contains two equal drop-shaped polar capsules measuring 2.6 μm in length, each having an isofilar polar filament with 5–6 turns. The characteristics of the spore shape, the spore wall structure and its ridge organization, the plasmodial characteristics and the identity of the host suggest that the parasite is a new genus and species, which is herein designated T. amazonica.  相似文献   
Numbers and biomass of piscivorous fish and their predation on other fish may often be high in undisturbed coral reef communities. The effects of such predation have sometimes been studied by removal of piscivores (either experimentally or by fishermen). Such perturbations have usually involved removal of large, highly vulnerable, mobile piscivores that are often actively sought in fisheries. The effects of fishing on smaller, demersal, semi-resident piscivores have been little studied. We studied such effects on the fish communities of patch reefs at Midway atoll by experimentally removing major resident, demersal, piscivorous fishes. First, four control reefs and four experimental reefs were selected, their dimensions and habitats mapped, and their visible fish communities censused repeatedly over 1 year. Census of all control and experimental reefs was continued for the following 39 months, during which known piscivores were collected repeatedly by hand spearing. Records were kept of catch and effort to calculate CPUE as an index of predator density. Spearfishing on the experimental reefs removed 2504 piscivorous fish from 12 families and 43 taxa (mostly species). The species richness of the catch did not show an overall change over the duration of the experiment. Spearman rank correlation analysis showed some unexpected positive correlations for density in numbers and biomass of major fished piscivorous groups (especially lizardfish) over the experiment. Only two relatively minor fished piscivorous taxa declined in abundance over the experiment, while the overall abundance of piscivores increased. Visual censuses of fish on the experimental reefs also failed to show reduction of total piscivores over the full experimental period. No significant trend in the abundance of lizardfish censused over the full period was apparent on any of the control reefs. The high resilience of piscivores on these experimental reefs to relatively intense fishing pressure could result from their protracted recruitment seasons, high immigration rates, cryptic habits, or naturally high abundances. A major factor was the high immigration rates of lizardfish, replacing lizardfish and other less mobile piscivores removed from the reefs by spearing. On the fished reefs, the removed lizardfish population replaced itself >20 times during the experiment; other piscivorous taxa replaced themselves only 5 times.  相似文献   

A review of the conservation status of fish in the estuarine environment around the South African coastline reveals that some species face serious problems associated either with habitat destruction, and its associated biological, physical and chemical components or exploitation. The 65 species considered fall into three categories; truly estuarine species, which are dependent on estuaries for their entire life; marine species dependent on estuaries during the juvenile phase of their life cycle; and marine species whose juveniles occur mainly in estuaries but are also found at sea. Included in the first two categories are 14 species of fish which are on the South African Red Data list. These comprise one species which is endangered, five which are vulnerable and eight which are rare. All groups are considered in relation to factors in estuaries which are affecting their populations. A conservation strategy is suggested for certain estuarine types or for specific estuaries which could ensure the survival of the entire range of estuarine faunas.  相似文献   
DNA from archived otoliths was used to explore the temporal stability of the genetic composition of two cod populations, the Moray Firth (North Sea) sampled in 1965 and 2002, and the Bornholm Basin (Baltic Sea) sampled in 1928 and 1997. We found no significant changes in the allele frequencies for the Moray Firth population, while subtle but significant genetic changes over time were detected for the Bornholm Basin population. Estimates of the effective population size ( N e ) generally exceeded 500 for both populations when employing a number of varieties of the temporal genetic method. However, confidence intervals were very wide and N e 's most likely range in the thousands. There was no apparent loss of genetic variability and no evidence of a genetic bottleneck for either of the populations. Calculations of the expected levels of genetic variability under different scenarios of N e showed that the number of alleles commonly reported at microsatellite loci in Atlantic cod is best explained by N e 's exceeding thousand. Recent fishery-induced bottlenecks can, however, not be ruled out as an explanation for the apparent discrepancy between high levels of variability and recently reported estimates of N e  << 1000. From life history traits and estimates of survival rates in the wild, we evaluate the compatibility of the species' biology and extremely low N e / N ratios. Our data suggest that very small N e 's are not likely to be of general concern for cod populations and, accordingly, most populations do not face any severe threat of losing evolutionary potential due to genetic drift.  相似文献   
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