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Two closely related, photosynthetic species belonging to the genus Dinophysis were examined, D. acuminata Claparède et Lachmann and D. fortii Pavillard. Typical dinoflagellate features include the amphiesmal covering enclosing the cells and the structure of the nucleus and mitochondria. Many other characteristics seem to be specific to the order Dinophysiales. Many rhabdosomes are present, and complex mucocysts are found beneath the amphiesma. The thecal pores are unusual with the base of the pore occluded by a thin disc that is continuous with the main amphiesmal plate. The structure of the apical pore is also distinctive. Chloroplasts are grouped together in chromatospheres, enclosed by a double membrane, and contain paired thylakoids with electron dense contents in the lumen. The two pusules are extensive, each branching off the flagellar canal, and consisting of a large antechamber and a number of convoluted sacs. The entrance of each antechamber, and site of an emerging flagellum, is surrounded by a striated fibrous collar. Near the flagellar pore is a prominent microtubular/microbody complex which penetrates deep into the cell cytoplasm. Consideration is given to taxonomic position of the Dinophysiales and also to the nature and origins of the chloroplasts.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The germinal micronucleus divides six times during conjugation of Paramecium caudatum : this includes two meiotic divisions and one mitosis of haploid nuclei during mating, and three mitoses of a fertilization nucleus (synkaryon). Microsurgical removal of the macronucleus showed that micronuclei were able to divide repeatedly in the absence of the macronucleus, after metaphase of meiosis I of the micronucleus and also after synkaryon formation. When the macronucleus was removed after the first division of synkaryon, in an extreme case the synkaryon divided five times and produced 32 nuclei, compared to three divisions and eight nuclei produced in the presence of the macronucleus. Treatment with actinomycin D (100 μ /ml) inhibited the morphological changes of the macronucleus during conjugation and induced a multimicronucleate state in exconjugants. However, in other cells, it induced production of a few giant micronuclei. We conclude that the micronucleus is able to undergo repeated divisions at any stage of conjugation in the absence of the macronucleus once the factor(s) for induction of the micronuclear division has been produced by the macronucleus. The macronucleus may also produce a regulatory factor required to stop micronucler division.  相似文献   
The antithrombotic effect of topical application of the 3-oxamethano-prostaglandin (PG) I1 analog, SM-10902 in the microcirculation and in vitro antiplatelet functions of its active form SM-10906 were estimated in comparison with PGI2 and PGE1. In rat platelets, SM-10906 evoked accumulation of intracellular cyclic adenosine 3′,5′-monophosphate, and exhibited antiaggregatory and disaggregatory activities, which were all enhanced by the phosphodiesterase inhibitor theophylline. Additionally, SM-10906 was shown to inhibit platelet adhesion to collagen in human platelet-rich plasma. PGI2 and PGE1 also showed in vitro antiplatelet effects in the order of PGI2 > SM-10906 ≥ PGE1. SM-10902 exhibited a dose-dependent antithrombotic effect in the guinea pig mesenteric arteriole by a topical application, and this activity might be exerted by the antiplatelet functions of SM-10906. Although SM-10906, PGI2 and PGE1 also showed the antithrombotic effects, SM-10902 was the most potent. In conclusion, the present studies indicate that an external topical preparation of SM-10902 may be useful for the therapy of peripheral circulatory insufficiency.  相似文献   
In normal rats treated with 1,25(OH)2D3 or 24,25(OH)2D3, serum Ca2+, ALP, PRL and GH are significantly altered. In order to study the primary effect of vitamin D3 analogues on target organ function, rat UMR 106 osteosarcoma and GH3 pituitary adenoma cells in monolayer culture were exposed accordingly.Surprisingly, prolonged exposure of these cell lines to physiological levels of either 1,25(OH)2D3 or 24,25(OH)2D3 did not significantly affect the secretory parameters (ALP, PRL or GH) tested. However, 1,25(OH)2D3 exposure significantly reduced PTH- and Gpp(NH)p-elicited AC as well as Gpp(NH)p-stimulated PLC activities in the UMR 106 cells. These changes were accompanied by an increase and decrease in the membrane contents of the G-protein subunits G36 and Gq/11, respectively. In contrast, 24,25(OH)2D3 remained without significant biological effect on these signalling systems despite concomitantly augmented levels of G36. TRH- and Gpp(NH)p-elicited PLC activities in the GH3 cells were significantly reduced by 1,25(OH)2D3 with a concurrent reduction in cellular amounts of Gq/11, however, 24,25(OH)2D3 did not significantly alter any signalling systems nor G-proteins analyzed.It is concluded that the osteoblastic and pituitary cell secretion of ALP, PRL and GH remain unaffected by the presence of 1,25(OH)2D3 and 24,25(OH)2D3, despite distinct alterations in components of G-protein mediated signalling pathways. Hence, other factors like ambient Ca2+ may be responsible for the perturbed secretory patterns of ALP and PRL seen in vitamin D3 treated rats.Abbreviations AC adenylate cyclase - ALP alkaline phosphatase - BGP osteocalcin - BSA bovine serum albumin - DA dopamine - DAG diacylglycerol - GH growth hormone - GHRH growth hormone releasing hormone - Gpp(NH)p guanosine 5-[-imido]triphosphate - G-protein guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory protein - Gs etc. Gs protein -subunit - IP3 inositol 1,4,5 trisphosphate - OAF osteoclast activating factor - PGE2 prostaglandin E2 - PKA & PKC protein kinase A & C - PLC phospholipase C - PRL prolactin - PTH parathyroid hormone - SRIF somatostatin - TRH thyrotropin releasing hormone - VIP vasoactive intestinal peptide - 25(OH)D3 25 hydroxy vitamin D3 - 1,25(OH)2D3 1·25 dihydroxy vitamin D3 - 24,25(OH)2D3 24,25 dihydroxy vitamin D3  相似文献   
Barbara C. Boyer 《Hydrobiologia》1995,305(1-3):217-222
In spiralian embryos determination of the axes of bilateral symmetry is associated with D quadrant specification. This can occur late through equal cleavage and cell interactions (conditional specification) or by the four-cell stage through unequal cleavage and cytoplasmic localization (autonomous specification). Freeman & Lundelius (1992) suggest that in spiralian coelomates the former method is ancestral and the latter derived, with evolutionary pressure to shorten metamorphosis resulting in early D quadrant determination through unequal cleavage and appearance of adult features in the larvae. Because of the key phylogenetic position of the turbellarian platyhelminthes, understanding the method of axis specification in this group is important in evaluating the hypothesis. Polyclad development, with equal quartet spiral cleavage, is believed to represent the most primitive condition among living turbellarians and has been examined experimentally in Hoploplana inquilina. Blastomere deletions at the two and four-cell stage produce larvae that are abnormal in morphology and symmetry, indicating that early development is not regulative, and also establish that the embryo does not have an invariant cell lineage. Deletions of micromeres and macromeres at the eight-cell stage indicate that cell interactions are involved in dorso-ventral axis determination, with cross-furrow macromeres playing a more significant role than non-cross-furrow cells. The results support the idea that conditional specification is the primitive developmental mode that characterized the common ancestor of the turbellarians and spiralian coelomates. Evolutionary trends in development in polyclads and other turbellarian orders are discussed.  相似文献   
Preeclampsia or pregnancy-induced hypertension is a major cause of both maternal and fetal-neonatal morbidity and mortality. The deficiency of vitamin E can cause accumulation of lipid peroxidation products, which, in turn, can induce vasoconstriction. This study has examined any evidence of increased cellular lipid peroxidation and accumulation of malonydialdehyde (MDA, an end product of lipid peroxidation) in pregnancy-induced hypertension and any relationship between the elevated MDA and lower vitamin E levels with hypertension in pregnant women. EDTA-Blood was collected from pregnant women at the time of delivery. Plasma vitamin E was determined by HPLC; MDA by the thiobarbituric acid-reactivity. Subjects with diastolic blood pressure(DBP) 90 mm Hg were considered hypertensive (HT) and with <90 mm Hg normotensive (NT). Data (Mean±SE) from 49 NT and 11 HT women show that HT has significantly lower vitamin E (22±1 vs 27±1 nmole/ml, p<0.03) and elevated MDA levels (0.56±0.06 vs 0.43±0.02 nmole/ml, p<0.03) compared to NT; the ages and gestational ages of women were similar. Among all women, there was a significant positive relationship between DBP and MDA levels (r=0.27, p<0.05), and a significant negative relationship between vitamin E levels and DBP (–0.36, p<0.005), and a significant negative relationship between MDA and vitamin E levels (r=–0.27, p<0.05). Thus, HT women's plasma has significantly lower E and higher MDA levels, and DBP significantly correlates with the extent of vitamin E deficiency and increased MDA levels. This study suggests a relationship between elevated lipid peroxidation and lower vitamin E levels and hypertension in pregnancy (preeclampsia).  相似文献   
The disribution ranges of Drosophila azteca and D. athabasca overlap in northen California and southern Oregon. Seven populations, four of which are located in this area, were studied. Large random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) variation was found within species; nevertheless, more than half the primers used in the study yielded greater diofference between than within species. A nested analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that the variance between populations within species was significantly greater than zero for 55% of the oligonucleotides used, which provided evidence for an underlying geographical structure of these populations. Specimens of D. azteca and D. athabasca from Salem (OR), where both species were collected together, presented the highest similarity encountered between species.  相似文献   
The long anticipated ‘genetic revolution’ in neuropsychiatry has yet to have an impact on the practice of clinical medicine. Excitement in the 1980s over major genetic breakthroughs in schizophrenia and manic depression, for example, has been replaced in the late 1990s by the sobering realization that most common neuropsychiatric disorders are multifactorial. Despite considerable effort and resources, no ‘causative’ genetic variation has been identified that plays a definitive major role in any common neuropsychiatric disorder.  相似文献   
The gamma-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla) domains of the vitamin K-dependent blood coagulation proteins contain 10 highly conserved Gla residues within the first 33 residues, but factor IX is unique in possessing 2 additional Gla residues at positions 36 and 40. To determine their importance, factor IX species lacking these Gla residues were isolated from heterologously expressed human factor IX. Using ion-exchange chromatography, peptide mapping, mass spectrometry, and N-terminal sequencing, we have purified and identified two partially carboxylated recombinant factor IX species; factor IX/gamma 40E is uncarboxylated at residue 40 and factor IX/gamma 36,40E is uncarboxylated at both residues 36 and 40. These species were compared with the fully gamma-carboxylated recombinant factor IX, unfractionated recombinant factor IX, and plasma-derived factor IX. As monitored by anti-factor IX:Ca (II)-specific antibodies and by the quenching of intrinsic fluorescence, all these factor IX species underwent the Ca(II)-induced conformational transition required for phospholipid membrane binding and bound equivalently to phospholipid vesicles composed of phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylcholine, and phosphatidylethanolamine. Endothelial cell binding was also similar in all species, with half-maximal inhibition of the binding of 125I-labeled plasma-derived factor IX at concentrations of 2-6 nM. Functionally, factor IX/gamma 36,40E and factor IX/gamma 40E were similar to fully gamma-carboxylated recombinant factor IX and plasma-derived factor IX in their coagulant activity and in their ability to participate in the activation of factor X in the tenase complex both with synthetic phospholipid vesicles and activated platelets. However, Gla 36 and Gla 40 represent part of the epitope targeted by anti-factor IX:Mg(II)-specific antibodies because these antibodies bound factor IX preferentially to factor IX/gamma 36,40E and factor IX/gamma 40E. These results demonstrate that the gamma-carboxylation of glutamic acid residues 36 and 40 in human factor IX is not required for any function of factor IX examined.  相似文献   
Ehrlich ascites tumor cells, loaded with 3H-labeled arachidonic acid and 14C-labeled stearic acid for two hours, were washed and transferred to either isotonic or hypotonic media containing BSA to scavenge the labeled fatty acids released from the cells. During the first two minutes of hypo-osmotic exposure the rate of 3H-labeled arachidonic acid release is 3.3 times higher than that observed at normal osmolality. Cell swelling also causes an increase in the production of 14C-stearic acid-labeled lysophosphatidylcholine. This indicates that a phospholipase A2 is activated by cell swelling in the Ehrlich cells. Within the same time frame there is no swelling-induced increase in 14C-labeled stearic acid release nor in the synthesis of phosphatidyl 14C-butanol in the presence of 14C-butanol. Furthermore, U7312, an inhibitor of phospholipase C, does not affect the swelling induced release of 14C-labeled arachidonic acid. Taken together these results exclude involvement of phospholipase A1, C and D in the swelling-induced liberation of arachidonic acid. The swelling-induced release of 3H-labeled arachidonic acid from Ehrlich cells as well as the volume regulatory response are inhibited after preincubation with GDPβS or with AACOCF3, an inhibitor of the 85 kDa, cytosolic phospholipase A2. Based on these results we propose that cell swelling activates a phospholipase A2—perhaps the cytosolic 85 kDa type—by a partly G-protein coupled process, and that this activation is essential for the subsequent volume regulatory response. Received: 23 July 1996/Revised: 17 June 1997  相似文献   
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