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本文提取人骨骼肌α辅肌动蛋白(α-actinin)是综合了文献报导有关提取兔肌α-actinin的和提取鸡胗α-actinin的方法,稍加修改而确定的。用Hasselbach-Schneider缓冲液提取骨骼肌中的肌球蛋白后,将残余物经硼酸-缓冲液提取、匀浆及高速离心去掉肌动蛋白和肌原纤维的其它成份,上清加硫酸铵至30%,35%饱合度所得的沉淀用220mmol/LTris-乙酸溶解、透析、离心后经DE-52柱层析可得电泳纯。α-actinin。将人骨骼肌α-actinin纯化制品免疫了三只大耳白纯种家兔,两个多月后,三只兔子都产生免抗人骨骼肌α-actinin的特异抗血清,用双向免疫扩散法和酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)测定,产生的抗体效价较高,用双扩散法测定效价为1:32,用ELISA测定,用比率法判断结果,效价最高者为1:100,000左右,经免疫电镜观察结果证实,上述抗血清可以满足进一步实验要求。  相似文献   
The known action of uridine triphosphate (UTP) to contract some types of vascular smooth muscle, and the present finding that it is more potent than adenosine triphosphate in eliciting an increase in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration in aortic smooth muscle, led us to investigate the mode of action of this nucleotide. With this aim, cultured bovine aorta cells were subjected to patch-clamp methodologies under various conditions. Nucleotide-induced variations in cytosolic Ca2+ were monitored by using single channel recordings of the high conductance Ca2+-activated K+ (Maxi-K) channel within on-cell patches as a reporter, and whole-cell currents were measured following perforation of the patch. In cells bathed in Na+-saline, UTP (>30 nm) induced an inward current, and both Maxi-K channel activity and unitary current amplitude of the Maxi-K channel transiently increased. Repetitive exposures elicited similar responses when 5 to 10 min wash intervals were allowed between challenges of nucleotide. Oscillations in channel activity, but not oscillation in current amplitude were frequently observed with UTP levels > 0.1 m. Cells bathed in K+ saline (150 m) were less sensitive to UTP (5-fold), and did not show an increase in unitary Maxi-K current amplitude. Since the increase in amplitude occurs due to depolarization of the cell membrane, a change in amplitude was not observed in cells previously depolarized with K+ saline. The enhancement of Maxi-K channel activity in the presence of UTP was not diminished by Ca2+ entry blockers or by removal of extracellular Ca2+. However, in the latter case, repetitive responses progressively declined. These observations, as well as data comparing the action of low concentrations of Ca2+ ionophores (<5 m) to that of UTP indicate that both agents elevate cytosolic Ca2+ by mobilization of this ion from intracellular pools. However, the Ca2+ ionophore did not cause membrane depolarization, and thus did not change unitary current amplitude. The effect of UTP on Maxi-K channel activity and current amplitude was blocked by pertussis toxin and by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), but was not modified by okadaic acid, or by inhibitors of protein kinase C (PKC). Our data support a model in which a pyrimidinergic receptor is coupled to a G protein, and this interaction mediates release of Ca2+ from intracellular pools, presumably via the phosphatidyl inositol pathway. This also results in activation of membrane channels that give rise to an inward current and depolarization. Ultimately, smooth muscle contraction ensues. PKC does not appear to be directly involved, even though the UTP response is blocked by low nm levels of PMA. While the latter data implicate PKC in diminishing the UTP response, agents that inhibit either PKC or phosphatase activity did not prevent abolition of UTP responses by PMA, nor did they modify basal channel activity.  相似文献   
Potassium (K+) contracture tension, measured in small bundles of rat soleus muscle fibers during maintained depolarization, increases to a peak value and then decays either to the baseline or to a pedestal level. We have tested the hypothesis that the rise and fall of tension are determined by independent activation and inactivation processes. If the “Independence” hypothesis is correct, tension during the decay of K+ contractures should equal tension predicted from the product of the activation and inactivation parameters determined from the same K+ contractures. Both the measured and predicted tensions decayed to a pedestal level that was increased in amplitude in the presence of perchlorate ions. However, the measured tensions in normal solutions and in the presence of perchlorate were three to five times smaller than the predicted tensions. This result indicates that the activation and inactivation of processes controlling the rise and decay of K+ contracture tension are not independent.  相似文献   
The link between stapedius muscle activity and acoustic structure of vocalization was analysed in cocks of age 20–30 to 90–100 days old. The results show that stapedius muscle activation depends on the acoustic structure of vocalization and changes during vocal development. This dependence was observed in spontaneous calls and in vocalizations elicited by stimulating the mesencephalic calling area. In 30-day-old cocks stapedius muscle EMG response is never associated with vocalizations with an acoustic energy content which is always distributed at frequencies higher than 2000 Hz. The coupling between vocalization and stapedius muscle activity begins later, when birds produce vocalizations with acoustic energy shifted towards lower frequencies. Overall, stapedius muscle activity is related to a bird's production of high amplitude low frequencies. These results support the hypothesis that the primary role of the stapedius muscle during normal vocal development is to dampen the amplitude of low frequency energy that reaches the cochlea during vocalization.  相似文献   
The three-dimensional structure of bovine carbonic anhydrase III (BCA III) from red skeletal muscle cells has been determined by molecular replacement methods. The structure has been refined at 2.0 Å resolution by both constrained and restrained structure-factor least squares refinement. The current crystallographic R-value is 19.2% and 121 solvent molecules have so far been found associated with the protein. The structure is highly similar to the refined structure of human carbonic anhydrase II. Some differences in amino acid sequence and structure between the two isoenzymes are discussed. In BCA III, Lys 64 and Arg 91 (His 64 and Ile 91 in HCA II) are both pointing out from the active site cavity forming salt bridges with Glu 4 and Asp 72 (His 4 and Asp 72 in HCA II), respectively. However, Arg 67 and Phe 198 (Asn 67 and Leu 198 in HCA II) are oriented towards the zinc ion and significantly reduce the volume of the active site cavity. Phe 198 particularly reduces the size of the substrate binding region at the “deep water” position at the bottom of the cavity and we sugest that this is one of the major reasons for the differences in catalytic properties of isoenzyme III as compared to isozyme II. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Fibroblast growth factors are believed to play many distinct roles in vertebrate development, owing to their ability to stimulate cell growth, prevent cell death, determine cell fate, and inhibit terminal differentiation in a variety of in vitro culture systems. We have used in situ hybridization to localize fibroblast growth factor-4 (FGF-4, also termed HST and K-FGF) gene expression in 7.5 to 16.5 day gestation mouse embryos. Seven discrete sites of gene expression were detected: (1) primitive streak (E7.5–8.5); (2) paraxial presomitic mesoderm in the trunk (E7.5–11.5); (3) primitive neuroectoderm (E8.0–8.5); (4) pharyngeal pouch endoderm (E8.5–9.5); (5) branchial arch ectoderm (E8.5–9.5); (6) limb apical ectoderm (E10.5–12.5), and (7) skeletal myoblast groups (E9.5–13.5). FGF-4 gene expression is spatially restricted within many of these sites. The profile of FGF-4 gene expression among skeletal muscle groups is overlapping, but distinct, from that of FGF-5, thereby revealing myoblast heterogeneity at the molecular level and suggesting distinct roles for multiple FGFs in muscle development.  相似文献   
目的 运动训练已被证明能够改善许多慢性肌肉功能疾病,被用于治疗衰老型肌萎缩。本文采用电阻抗成像(electrical impedance tomography,EIT)研究人类小腿肌肉对运动训练生理响应的电学特性,旨在使用EIT方法可视化运动训练对人类小腿响应肌肉隔室内肌肉纤维体积增加的效果。方法 实验对象被要求在连续5个实验日进行左、右腿单侧提踵训练,应用EIT检测每日运动训练前和运动训练后小腿肌肉的电导率分布。为了定量分析运动训练对响应肌肉隔室的作用,使用配对样本t检验分析EIT重建图像的空间平均电导率<σ>。结果 运动训练后,由小腿腓肠肌组成的M1肌肉隔室空间平均电导率<σ>M1显著增加。此外,连续5个实验日的EIT测量结果显示,运动训练前的空间平均电导率<σpre>M1呈上升趋势。所有实验对象在实验日1早晨进行实验前的腿部瘦体重与<σ>M1呈线性关系,即<σ>M1随腿部瘦体重增加而增加;运...  相似文献   
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