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We have analysed the expression of the 8–10 members of the gene family encoding the flavonoid biosynthetic enzyme chalcone synthase (CHS) from Petunia hybrida. During normal plant development only two members of the gene family (CHS-A and CHS-J) are expressed. Their expression is restricted to floral tissues mainly. About 90% of the total CHS mRNA pool is transcribed from CHS-A, wheares CHS-J delivers about 10% in flower corolla, tube and anthers. Expression of CHS-A and CHS-J during flower development is coordinated and (red) light-dependent. In young seedlings and cell suspension cultures expression of CHS-A and CHS-J can be induced with UV light. In addition to CHS-A and CHS-J, expression of another two CHS genes (CHS-B and CHS-G) is induced in young seedlings by UV light, albeit at a low level. In contrast to CHS genes from Leguminoseae, Petunia CHS genes are not inducible by phytopathogen-derived elicitors. Expression of CHS-A and CHS-J is reduced to a similar extent in a regulatory CHS mutant, Petunia hybrida Red Star, suggesting that both genes are regulated by the same trans-acting factors. Comparison of the promoter sequences of CHS-A and CHS-J reveals some striking homologies, which might represent cis-acting regulatory sequences.  相似文献   
Calli from hypocotyl and root explants of Digitalis obscura L. showed regeneration of adventitious shoots, roots and embryos when transferred to Murashige & Skoog medium supplemented with cytokinins alone or in combination with auxins. Optimum shoot-bud formation was achieved in the presence of IAA and BA, while roots mainly appeared either in absence of growth regulators or with IAA and Kn. Embryo formation took place only in those combinations that included Kn. Embryo development was influenced by the type of auxin, and precocious germination occurred in media with NAA. Mechanically isolated cells from hypocotyl- and root-derived calli were plated in MS medium supplemented with several IAA and BA combinations. Single cells were able to proliferate forming callus within 20–30 days in culture. In order to induce organogenesis, calli were transferred to various regeneration media. Shoot-bud differentiation efficiency depended on both callus origin and medium initially used for cell culture, best results being obtained in calli grown from hypocotyl-derived cells cultured in the presence of casein hydrolysate. A further subculture to medium containing coconut milk and lower concentrations of NH4NO3 and sucrose promoted shoot development. Rooting was readily achieved upon transferring shoots onto half-strength MS medium. Plantlets were ultimately established in soil.Abbreviations BA benzyladenine - BM basal medium - CH casein hydrolysate - CM coconut milk - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - IAA indoleacetic acid - Kn kinetin - MS Murashige & Skoog - NAA naphthaleneacetic acid  相似文献   
In laboratory experiments treatment of sugar-beet plants with aldicarb stimulated the mobility of Aphis fabae and two clones of Myzus persicae which were susceptible (S) and resistant (R) to carbamate-based insecticides, respectively. On the other hand, the number of aphids probing and the total number of probes made was reduced, and hence the transmission of beet mosaic virus (BMV) was restricted. In outdoor experiments the spread of BMV from aldicarb-treated plants by naturally infesting aphids was also restricted. The number of infected plants decreased with increasing distance from the sources of infection.
Résumé Des plantes de betterave traitées au laboratoire avec de l'aldicarbe ont stimulé la mobilité d'Aphis fabae et de deux clones de Myzus persicae, l'un sensible et l'autre résistant à des insecticides contenant des carbamates. Par ailleurs, le nombre de pucerons en train de sonder les feuilles ainsi que le nombre total de sondages ont été réduits et ainsi la transmission du virus de la mosaïque de la betterave (BMV) a été limitée. Dans des expériences à l'extérieur, la vitesse de propagation de BMV par des pucerons sur des plantes traitées à l'aldicarbe a été aussi plus limitée. Le nombre de plantes contaminées diminuait avec la distance de la source de contamination.
Earlier studies have indicated that interior (physical and/or chemical) properties of a plant may be responsible for feeding-site selection by the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westw.). In order to study the process of feeding-site selection further, stylet-penetration activities and the pathway followed by the stylets in host-plant tissue were investigated using a DC electrical recording method and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Penetrating whiteflies attached to a gold wire were included in an electrical circuit to record electrical penetration graphs (EPGs). Seven EPG patterns have been distinguished, five of which could be correlated with components of the stylet-penetration process: 1) one with penetration of the leaf surface, 2) one with intercellular penetration and salivary-sheath secretion, 3) one with sieve element penetration and ingestion, 4) one with short penetration of a cell, and 5) one with xylem penetration. The stylet pathway is almost completely intercellular before the phloem is reached and in contrast to aphids, brief symplast punctures are very rare. In general, it takes T. vaporariorum more than half an hour from the start of a penetration to reach a sieve element. Rejection of feeding sites occurs within a few minutes of penetration by adult whiteflies, a time span in which stylets are presumed to penetrate just beyond the epidermis. Properties of the apoplast close to the leaf surface seem therefore to play a major role in feeding-site selection.
Résumé De précédentes études ont montré que les propriétés internes (physiques et/ou chimiques) d'une plante peuvent induire la sélection du site de nutrition de la mouche blanche de serres, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westw.). Afin d'étudier plus avant le processus de sélection du site de nutrition, les activités de piqûre et le chemin suivi par le stylet dans les tissus de la plante-hôte ont été étudiés par une méthode d'enregistrement électrique en courant continu ainsi que par microscopie à transmission d'électrons (TEM). Des aleurodes en activité de piqûre attachées à un fil d'or ont été incluses dans un circuit électrique pour enregistrer des graphes de pénétration électriques (EPG). Sept motifs d'EPG ont été distingués, dont cinq peuvent être corrélés aux composantes du processus de pénétration du stylet: 1) un avec pénétration de la surface foliaire, 2) un avec pénétration interecellulaire et sécrétion d'une gaine de salive, 3) un avec pénétration du phloème, 4) un avec courte pénétration d'une cellule, et 5) un avec pénétration du xylème. Le parcours du stylet est presque entièrement intercellulaire avant que le phloème soit atteint. Contrairement aux pucerons, les ponctions brèves dans le symplasme sont rares. Généralement, T. vaporariorum met plus d'une demi-heure, à partir du début d'une piqûre, pour atteindre un vaisseau. Le rejet des sites de nutrition par les aleurodes adultes se passe quelques minutes après la pénétration du stylet; pendant ce laps de temps, le stylet pénétrerait juste sous l'épiderme. Le rôle des propriétés de l'apoplaste près de la surface foliaire semble donc majeur dans la sélection des sites de nutrition.
1. The working hypothesis that neuropeptide gene expression in a neuron is an indicator of that neuron's physiological activity is discussed. 2. Representative examples from the literature are presented to support the hypothesis. 3. Further, we discuss the regulation of expression of two opioid peptides, preproenkephalin and preprodynorphin, in laminae I and II of the spinal cord and in nucleus caudalis of the trigeminal nuclear complex, where they may play a role in pain modulation. 4. The expression of the opioid peptide genes can be induced by both painful and nonnoxious stimuli in neurons in time-dependent and sensory-specific fashions.  相似文献   
The 6.5 kb HindIII DNA fragment of the Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris H2 plasmid pDI21 was cloned into Escherichia coli POP13 with NM1149, and also directly into Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis 4125 using a newly-constructed broad host-range vector pFX1. Proteinase was experessed in both transformed organisms. The proteinase resembles a PI type since it preferentially degraded -casein. The restriction map of the 6.5 kb proteinase gene fragment has minor differences from those of published plamid proteinase genes. High-efficiency electroporation with pFX1 provides a direct approach for gene cloning in lactococci.Abbreviations cfu colony forming units - HEPES N-[2-hydroxyethyl]piperazine-N-[2-ethanesulphonic acid] Dedicated to Prof. Dr. G. Drews on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   
Melanoma growth stimulatory activity (MGSA) was originally described as an endogenous growth factor for human melanoma cells. To test the hypothesis that an MGSA autocrine loop is responsible for the partial freedom from growth control observed in nevocytes and melanoma cells, MGSA growth response and MGSA mRNA/protein levels were examined in these cells compared with normal melanocytes. As a single agent, or in combination with other factors, MGSA stimulated the growth of normal human epidermal melanocytes as well as other growth promoters for melanocytes. Nevocytes were not as responsive to exogenous MGSA as melanocytes. MGSA mRNA was minimal or not detected in cultured normal melanocytes, although the protein was present when the cells were cultured in the presence of serum/growth factors and absent when serum/growth factors were omitted. In contrast, MGSA mRNA was constitutively expressed in the absence of exogenous growth factors in cultures established from benign intradermal and dysplastic nevi and melanoma lesions in different stages of tumor progression. Nevus cultures contained immunoreactive MGSA protein in the presence of serum but were negative or only faintly positive in the absence of serum. Melanoma cell lines were positive for MGSA protein in both the presence and the absence of serum. Thus, continued expression of both MGSA mRNA and MGSA protein in the absence of exogenous hormones or serum factors may correlate with partial freedom from growth control exhibited by malignant melanocytes.  相似文献   
A method to obtain plants from embryogenic callus of Brassica nigra and protoplasts of hypocotyl expiants is described. Callus was initiated on Murashige and Skoog medium containing kinetin (kn) and 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D). Lowering of auxin induced embryo formation. Supplementation with gibberellic acid (GA3) enhanced embryogenic response tenfold. Passage through liquid medium devoid of growth regulators was essential for the growth of embryos. Secondary embryos were produced on transfer to solid basal medium. Embryogenic callus retained its morphogenic ability even after 12 subcultures. Both primary and secondary embryos produced fertile plants. Hypocotyl-derived protoplasts were also regenerated to plants following the same protocol. The survival of plants on transfer to soil was about 80%. The seeds from plants derived from callus and protoplasts were viable.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid - NAA naphthalene acetic acid - IAA indole acetic acid - kn kinetin - GA3 gibberellic acid  相似文献   
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