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R. R. Hofmann 《Oecologia》1989,78(4):443-457
Summary A review is made of the ruminant digestive system in its morphophysiological variations and adaptations relating to foraging behaviour, digestive physiology, to interactions between plants and ruminants and to geographic and climatic diversity of ruminants' ecological niches. Evidence is provided for evolutionary trends from an extreme selectivity mainly for plant cell contents and dependence upon a fractionated fore- and hindgut fermentation, to an unselective intake of bulk roughage subjected to an efficient plant cell wall fermentation, mainly in the forestomachs. The review is based on detailed comparative morphological studies of all portions of the digestive system of 65 ruminant species from four continents. Their results are related to physiological evidence and to the classification of all extant ruminants into a flexible system of three overlapping morphophysiological feeding types: concentrate selectors (40%), grass and roughage eaters (25%) and intermediate, opportunistic, mixed feeders (35%). Several examples are discussed how ruminants of different feeding types are gaining ecological advantage and it is concluded that ruminants have achieved high levels of digestive efficiency at each evolutionary stage, (including well-documented seasonal adaptations of the digestive system) and that ruminant evolution is still going on. Deductions made from the few domesticated ruminant species may have, in the past, biased scientific evaluation of the free-ranging species' ecology. The main threat to a continuous ruminant evolution and diversity appears to be man's neglect for essential ecological interactions between wild ruminants and their specific habitats, which he alters or destroys.Abbreviations bw body weight - CS concentrate selector - DFC distal fermentation chamber (distended caecocolon) - GR grass and roughage eater - IM intermediate (mixed) feeder - PFC proximal fermentation chamber (ruminoreticulum/forestomachs) - RR Ruminoreticulum - SCFA Short-chain fatty acis (acetic, butyric, propionic acid set free by rumen bacteriae) - SE Surface enlargement (of absorptive mucosa) Supported by German Research Community grant DFG Ho 273/6Dedicated to Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Dietrich Starck on the occasion of his 80th birthday  相似文献   
Artificial infestation of seven pine species revealed that Matsucoccus josephi (Homoptera: Margarodidae) completes its development on Pinus brutia , P. eldarica and P. halepersis , whereas only a small number of the scale larvae infesting P. cunariensis and P. pined reached the second instar and none developed to the adult stage. M. josephi crawlers died while trying to feed on P. radiata and P. pinaster. Histological examination of the infested plant sections indicated that necrosis in shoot and stem barks of P. eldarica and P. halepensis occurs just before or after the scale completes its development. Injury reached the cambium, and traumatic resin ducts; parenchyma cells instead of tracheids and curved tracheids were formed. In P. brutia wound periderm was observed in the stem section but not in the shoot cortex following scale development. Wound periderm was also formed in the stem cortex of P. canariensis and P. pinena whereas no pathological changes were detected in the infested cortex of P. pinaster and P. radiata.
Mechanical lesions caused by needle punctures resulted in the production of parenchyma cells instead of tracheids in all four pine species investigated. The response of the pine cortex was non-specific; however several similarities in the response to scale infestation, such as the formation of resin ducts, were observed. We hypothesize that the response of the pine tissue to the scale saliva is a hypersensitive reaction. It is suggested that the development of Matsucoccus species on particular pine species is related to the scale's inability to trigger the defence system of the host while the larvae are feeding.  相似文献   
Summary Eels were adapted to black- or white-coloured backgrounds and the pituitary glands were prepared for light and electron microscopy. Immunocytochemical staining was used to study the distribution of the neurohypophysial melanin-concentrating hormone in the neurointermediate lobe. The hormone was located in small, elliptical, electron-opaque neurosecretory granules, measuring approximately 120×90 nm. The neurones terminated on blood vessels in the centre of the neurohypophysis and on the basement membrane separating neural and intermediate lobe tissues. The results of both light and electron immunocytochemistry and of radioimmunoassay are consistent with a higher rate of hormone release from eels adapted to white backgrounds than from those adapted to black backgrounds. In addition to this, when fish that had been adapted to white tanks were transferred to black tanks, there was an accumulation of irMCH in the gland and an increased numerical density of secretory granules at nerve terminals. These results reinforce the proposal that MCH is released during adaptation to a white background, to cause melanin concentration and to inhibit MSH release, and that its release is halted in black-adapted fish.  相似文献   
Larvae of the lacewing Nineta pallida (Schneider), collected in the field during two seasons, from September to July, were reared in the laboratory under short- or long-day light conditions at 21°C. In autumn and winter, artificial short days delayed the first ecdysis. The influence on the duration of the first instar was maximal (3.4 times longer) when the short days began at hatching time, and later regularly diminished. In spring, the second and third instars showed a reversed response so that the long days now increased the duration of development, although development took no more than 1.4 time as long as in short days. A similar effect appeared in field-collected third instars on and after mid June, reaching its maximum (1.8 time until the cocoon spinning) in July. This sort of photoperiodic effect on the larval development is new to the seasonal adaptation of the life cycle in insects.
Résumé Des formes préimaginales (oeufs, puis larves) de N. pallida sont récoltées sur des conifères de montagne (Pyrénées), chaque mois depuis septembre jusqu'en juillet en deux saisons (1983/84 et 1985/86). Elles sont ensuite élevées au laboratoire à 21°C, soit en jours longs (JL=L16:D8), soit en jours courts (JC=L8:D16).Le développement embryonnaire est légèrement plus long s'il se fait en JC. Pour les larves de premier stade récoltées en automne et en hiver, les JC retardent considérablement la première mue et prolongent aussi le deuxième stade qui en provient. L'influence retardatrice est maximale (3,4 fois) lorsque les JC agissent dès l'éclosion. Elle diminue ensuite progressivement et devient insignificante pour les larves récoltées à artir de février.Au printemps, les larves récoltées au deuxième stade ainsi que les troisièmes stades qui en découlent présentent une réaction inverse: ce sont alors les JL qui augmentent la durée du dévelopement, toutefois, pas plus de 1,4 fois par rapport aux JC. Un effet de même ordre se manifeste sur les larves de troisième stade récoltées à partir de juin, atteignant son maximum (1,8 fois) dans le lot de larves de juillet, c'est-à-dire peu avant la fin de la croissance pondérale larvaire et le coconnage.Un tel retardement du développement larvaire hivernal, prolongé au printemps et au début de l'été par une inversion de la réponse à la photopériode, est nouveau comme élément d'adaptation saisonnière du cycle naturel chez les insectes.
Primary cultures of rat pancreatic acinar cells in serum-free medium   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary Rat pancreatic acinar cells were isolated and cultured in Ham's F12 medium with 15% bovine calf serum. Caerulein, insulin, somatostatin, and dexamethasone (DEX) had no effect on intracellular or secreted amylase in these cultured cells. A serum-free medium, using Waymouth's MB 752/1 supplemented with albumin, epidermal growth factor (EGF), DEX, and HEPES, was then developed to avoid serum factors that might mask hormonal effects. In this SF medium, pancreatic acinar, cells maintained the morphological and ultrastructural characteristics of freshly isolated cells and secreted amylase in response to the secretagogue, carbamyl choline. Insulin, at a concentration of 1 μg/ml, significantly increased intracellular and secreted amylase activity after 3 d. This model cell system can be used to study the regulation of the synthesis of amylase and other pancreatic enzymes in vitro.  相似文献   
'Grasslands Huia' white clover ( Trifolium repens L.), 'Grasslands Maku' lotus ( Lotus pedunculatus Cav.) and suckling clover ( T. dubium Sibth) were grown in a controlled environment at various levels of P supply. Dry weights and the concentration of inorganic-, lipid-, ester- and residual-P in trifoliate leaves were measured. Lotus grew better than white or suckling clover at low P. White clover and lotus responded steeply to increased P and had similar shoot dry weights at high P. Suckling clover had lower shoot weights than the other species at all P levels. The superior growth of lotus at low levels of p was probably due to better root growth and P uptake. Lotus had higher shoot P concentrations at low levels of P but lower concentrations than the others at high levels. White clover and suckling clover had similar shoot P concentrations at all levels of supply. In white and suckling clover total leaf P concentration rose with P supply. Of the P fractions, inorganic-and residual-P showed the largest rises in concentration. The increases in lipid- and ester-P were smaller. Increases in lotus leaf P were small, primarily because of the relatively small rises in inorganic- and residual-P. White clover is a vigorous species but requires high levels of P for best growth. Suckling clover has a relatively small response to improvements in P availability. The behaviour of the various P fractions is similar to that in white clover. Lotus grows well at low P but also shows rapid growth at high P supply. Whether efficiency is defined as the ability to extract P from the environment or to maintain low internal P concentration, lotus makes efficient use of P over the whole range of P supply.  相似文献   
The concept of adaptation has been used differently in studies of biological and cultural evolution, and this divergence raises the question of whether genetic and cultural adaptations are truly comparable. This paper compares genetic and cultural traits associated with endemic malaria in Sardinia, Italy. Thalassemia and G-6-Pd deficiency, two genetic traits of the Island's population, are believed to enhance fitness against malaria, despite increased risk for the diseases of thalassemia major and favism. Two cultural traits, a pastoral pattern of inverse transhumance and rules limiting the geographical mobility of lowland women, limited exposure to the malaria vector, Anopheles labranchiae; these are used as examples of cultural adaptations. The distribution, costs, and benefits of the adaptive cultural and genetic traits are compared, and the theoretical difficulties of finding a common measure of adaptive value are discussed.  相似文献   
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