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Mirabilis antiviral protein (MAP) is a single-chain ribosome-inactivating protein (RIP) isolated from Mirabilis jalapa L. It depurinates the 28S-like rRNAs of prokaryotes and eukaryotes. A specific modification in the 25S rRNA of M. jalapa was found to occur during isolation of ribosomes by polyacrylamide/agarose composite gel electrophoresis. Primer extension analysis revealed the modification site to be at the adenine residue corresponding to A4324 in rat 28S rRNA. The amount of endogenous MAP seemed to be sufficient to inactivate most of the homologous ribosomes. The adenine of wheat ribosomes was also found to be removed to some extent by an endogenous RIP (tritin). However, the amount of endogenous tritin seemed to be insufficient for quantitative depurination of the homologous ribosomes.Endogenous MAP could shut down the protein synthesis of its own cells when it spreads into the cytoplasm through breaks of the cells. Therefore, we speculate that MAP is a defensive agent to induce viral resistance through the suicide of its own cells.  相似文献   
Tryptophan was found to be degraded in Saccharomyces cerevisiae mainly to tryptophol. Upon chromatography on DEAE-cellulose two aminotransferases were identified: Aromatic aminotransferase I was constitutively synthesized and was active in vitro with tryptophan, phenylalanine or tyrosine as amino donors and pyruvate, phenylpyruvate or 2-oxoglutarate as amino acceptors. The enzyme was six times less active with and had a twenty times lower affinity for tryptophan (K m=6 mM) than phenylalanine or tyrosine. It was postulated thus that aromatic aminotransferase I is involved in vivo in the last step of tyrosine and phenylalanine biosynthesis. Aromatic aminotransferase II was inducible with tryptophan but also with the other two aromatic amino acids either alone or in combinations. With tryptophan as amino donor the enzyme was most active with phenylpyruvate and not active with 2-oxoglutarate as amino acceptor; its affinity for tryptophan was similar as for the other aromatic amino acids (K m=0.2–0.4 mM). Aromatic aminotransferase II was postulated to be involved in vivo mainly in the degradation of tryptophan, but may play also a role in the degradation of the other aromatic amino acids.A mutant strain defective in the aromatic aminotransferase II (aat2) was isolated and its influence on tryptophan accumulation and pool was studied. In combination with mutations trp2 fbr, aro7 and cdr1-1, mutation aat2 led to a threefold increase of the tryptophan pool as compared to a strain with an intact aromatic aminotransferase II.  相似文献   
The Rhinoceros Beetle Project in Western Samoa has developed and successfully applied biological methods to control the rhinoceros beetle, a serious pest of coconut palms, by using two specific pathogens, a baculovirus (Family Baculoviridae), and an entomopathogenic fungus, Metarhizium anisopliae. The application of virus particularly has markedly suppressed the beetle population and helped revive the copra industry. The virus disease had established itself in the wild beetle population several years after its introduction at a level between 30 and 50%. At the same time an increase in beetle numbers and damage to palm trees was experienced. Therefore, a continuous release of virus into beetle-infested areas was proposed. It was argued that, considering the relatively high level of “natural” virus incidence, further releases of virus into the population would be futile. In a combined research and control program, virus was again re-released into the wild beetle population which was already virus infected. The results show that through re-release the virus level can be raised and the number of beetles and consequently the damage can be reduced. The techniques of the control methods are described. The virus release is very easy and cheap; it requires no chemicals, no special equipment, and it is particularly recommended in situations where breeding places are inaccessible or other methods such as plantation sanitation are either impossible or economically impractical. Above all, the methods are absolutely safe from the standpoint of environmental protection.  相似文献   
Ursula Meindl 《Protoplasma》1982,110(2):143-146
Summary Developing cells ofMicrasterias denticulata Bréb. show a characteristic fluorescence of the plasma membrane (or cortical protoplasm) after treatment with chlorotetracycline (CTC), which is known to be an indicator for membrane-bound Ca2+. Depending on the stage of development the fluorescing sites of the young half cell are distributed in a specific pattern which corresponds to cell pattern formation. Therefore growth and thus cytomorphogenesis inMicrasterias seem to be mediated by a patterned accumulation of Ca2+ at the periphery of the differentiating cell. Participation of Ca2+ in a membrane-recognition process responsible for local vesicle incorporation is discussed.  相似文献   
Ursula Meindl 《Protoplasma》1982,112(1-2):138-141
Summary During the stage of pore formation developing cells ofMicrasterias denticulata show a patterned distribution of fluorescent dots on the plasma membrane after treatment with chlorotetracycline. The center-to-center spacing of these dots corresponds with the distances between the individual cell wall pores ofMicrasterias. Therefore it is supposed that the patterned distribution of pores and their formation which is mediated by special pore vesicles are related to local accumulations of membrane-associated Ca2+. Membrane-associated Ca2+ seems not only to be functional in tip growth but to be a general mediator for recognition and fusion processes between various vesicles and the plasma membrane.  相似文献   
The effects of red and far-red light on the enhancement of in vitro nitrate reductase activity and on nitrate accumulation in etiolated excised maize leaves were examined. Illumination for 5 min with red light followed by a 4-h dark period caused a marked increase in nitrate reductase activity, whereas a 5-min illumination with far-red light had no effect on the enzyme activity. The effect of red light was completely reversed by a subsequent illumination with the same period of far-red light. Continuous far-red light also enhanced nitrate reductase activity. Both photoreversibility by red and far-red light and the operation of high intensity reaction under continuous far-red light indicated that the induction of nitrate reductase was mediated by phytochrome. Though nitrate accumulation was slightly enhanced by red and continuous far-red light treatments by 17% and 26% respectively, this is unlikely to account for the entire increase of nitrate reductase activity. The far-red light treatments given in water, to leaves preincubated in nitrate, enhanced nitrate reductase activity considerably over the dark control. The presence of a lag phase and inhibition of increase in enzyme activity under continuous far-red light-by tungstate and inhibitors of RNA synthesis and protein synthesis-rules out the possibility of activation of nitrate reductase and suggests de novo synthesis of the enzyme affected by phytochrome.  相似文献   
Abstract. Regulation of the concentration of osmotic solutes was studied in Chlorella emersonii grown at external osmotic pressures (II) ranging between 0.08 and 1.64MPa. NaCl was used as osmoticum. The total solute content of the cells was manipulated by applying 2 mol m−3 3- O -methylglucose (MG), which was not metabolized, and accumulated at concentrations ranging between 60 and 230 mol m−3 within 4 h after its addition to the medium. Methylglucose uptake resulted in decreases in concentrations of proline and sucrose, the two solutes mainly responsible for osmotic adaptation of C. emersonii to high external II. The responses were consistent with the hypothesis that proline and sucrose concentrations are controlled by a system of osmotic regulation, with turgor and/or volume as a primary signal. Short-term experiments showed that even very small increases in turgor and/or volume, due to accumulation of methylglucose, resulted in large decreases in proline and sucrose. Over the first 30-60 min the total solute concentration in the cells increased by at most 15 osmol m−3 which would represent an increase in turgor pressure of at most 0.04 M Pa. Yet, the decreases in proline and sucrose were as fast as those in cells exposed to a sudden decrease of 0.25 MPa in external II, when the turgor pressure would have increased by at least 0.15 MPa. High concentrations of methylglucose in cells grown at high II did not affect the rapid synthesis of proline and sucrose which started when the cells were transferred to yet higher II. Thus, methylglucose had no direct effects on proline and sucrose metabolism, and it has been assumed that it acted solely as an inert osmotic solute within the cell.  相似文献   
Incorporation of ethanol (1.0 or 1.25 M) into exponential-phase cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCYC 366 growing anaerobically in a medium supplemented with ergosterol and an unsaturated fatty acid caused a retardation in growth rate, which was greater when the medium contained oleic rather than linoleic acid. Ethanol incorporation led to an immediate drop in growth rate, and ethanol-containing cultures grew at the slower rate for at least 10 h. Incorporation of ethanol (0.5 M) into buffered (pH 4.5) cell suspensions containing d-[6-3H] glucose, d-[1-14C] glucosamine, l-[U-14C] lysine or arginine, or KH2 32PO4 lowered the rate of solute accumulation by cells. Rates of accumulation of glucose, lysine and arginine were retarded to a greater extent when cells had been grown in the presence of oleic rather than linoleic acid. This difference was not observed with accumulation of phosphate. Ethanol was extracted from exponential-phase cells by four different methods. Cells grown in the presence of linoleic acid contained a slightly, but consistently, lower concentration of ethanol than cells grown in oleic acid-containing medium. The ethanol concentration in cells was 5–7 times greater than that in the cell-free medium.  相似文献   
The regulation of membrane formation in bacteriophage PM2 serves as a simple model for changes in membrane structure in eukaryotic cells. Prior to Pseudomonas host lysis, wild-type virions mature to an icosahedral morphology at the inner face of the cytoplasmic membrane. The proliminary charcterization of two temperature-sensitive mutants of PM2 is described. In cells infected at the restrictive temperature with ts 1, an abundance of “empty” virus-size membrane vesicles are seen. Synthesis of DNA is also reduced in ts 1 infected cells. The preponderance of vesicles is not sen in cells infected with wil-type virus or with ts 1 at the permissive temperature. The “empty” appearance of the viral membranes suggests that viral DNA is not encapsulated. The major viral capsid protein (MW 26,000) is located just out side the viral membrane and normallyl sediments with host and virus membranes; insted, large amounts of capsid protein can be precipitated from the supernatant with TCA. Compared to cells infected with wild type virus, cells infected with is 5 at th restrictive temperature produce inside the cell an aboundance of virus-soze membrane vesicles. Taken Together, These results with viral mutants suggest that formation of a viral membrane of the proper size does not require a DNA core around which to form, or an outer scaffolding of coat protein against which to form a spherical bilayer.  相似文献   
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