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暂时与群体分离的个体藏马鸡的反捕食警戒   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
卢欣 《动物学报》2004,50(1):32-36
通过与同伴分担捕食风险 ,生活在稳定群体中的个体动物可以获得长期的适合度利益 ,但同时它们不得不承担食物竞争所带来的潜在代价。这种代价常常取决于食物资源的类型。当好的食物资源出现时 ,一些个体可以离开群体而独享这种资源。了解这些临时游离者如何组织其反捕食行为 ,在进化生态学上是有意义的。藏马鸡 (Crossoptilonharmani)是西藏雅鲁藏布江中游高山灌丛植被的一种典型的非繁殖季节集群鸟类。野外观察表明 ,为了独享好的食物资源 ,一些个体常常远离当前群体的活动范围。分离事件更可能发生于大的群体 ,但其发生率与参与者的数量呈负相关 ;而参与分离的个体愈多 ,分离持续的时间就愈长。分离者的个体警惕水平随着临时群体大小的增加而下降 ,遵从在其它自然大小鸟类群体所发现的一般性规律。分离行为的发生和持续时间被认为是个体对当前食物回报和捕食风险进行权衡的结果。这种利益 -代价权衡也可以解释藏马鸡所具有的强烈集群行为  相似文献   
Snowy Owls Bubo scandiacus often face the sun when sitting on the ground or when perched. Such sun‐orienting has been suggested to represent a visual display to conspecifics but other explanations have not been thoroughly examined. We observed the orientation of wintering Snowy Owls to both the sun and the wind, and their perching behaviour during two winters in central Saskatchewan, Canada. We proposed three new explanations for sun orientation in addition to the display hypothesis: thermoregulation, hunting and defence against predators. On sunny days, 44% of 710 Owls faced the sun; this was non‐random because few did so on overcast days. Sun‐ as opposed to wind‐orienting was strongly associated with weather conditions. Logistic regressions indicated that at temperatures below –13 °C and at wind speeds greater than about 18 km/h, Owls tended to orient to the wind rather than to the sun. The likelihood of wind‐orienting increased if the Owl perched above the ground, whereas the likelihood of sun‐orientating increased slightly when the Owl was sitting on the ground. There was no difference between the sexes in orienting behaviour. Snowy Owls seemed to prioritize wind‐orienting for thermoregulation but the results are also consistent with the idea that sun‐orientation can reduce heat loss. Facing into the sun did not support the hunting explanation because the birds would have been blinded and not able to see prey, but was consistent with the protection explanation if it helps to increase vigilance against enemies. Although we cannot completely rule out the display explanation, the spatial context of sunning Owls and a lack of a sex effect makes it unlikely that this is the main function. Instead, Owls seem to trade‐off wind‐ vs. sun‐orienting according to the prevailing weather conditions and do so mainly to thermoregulate and perhaps to maintain vigilance.  相似文献   
The evolution of parasite-defence grooming in ungulates   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Grooming repertoires are exhibited by all terrestrial mammals, and removal of ectoparasites is an important ancestral and current function. Parasite‐defence grooming is regulated both by a central control mechanism (programmed grooming model) and by cutaneous stimulation from bites (stimulus‐driven model). To study the evolution of parasite‐defence grooming in ungulates, we compared species‐typical grooming behaviour with host morphology and habitat to test predictions of the programmed grooming model while taking into account phylogenetic relatedness. We observed grooming in 60 ungulate species at ectoparasite‐free zoological parks in which the confound of differential tick exposure was controlled for and stimulus‐driven grooming was ruled out. Concentrated‐changes tests indicated that sexually dimorphic grooming (in which breeding males groom less than females) has coevolved with sexual body size dimorphism, suggesting that intrasexual selection has favoured reduced grooming that enhances vigilance of males for oestrous females and rival males. Concentrated‐changes tests also revealed that the evolution of complex oral grooming (involving alternate use of both teeth and tongue) and adult allogrooming (whereby conspecifics oral groom body regions not accessible by self grooming) was concentrated in lineages inhabiting closed woodland or forest habitat associated with increased tick exposure, with such advanced grooming being most concentrated in Cervidae. Regression analyses of independent contrasts indicated that both host body size and habitat play a role in the evolution of species‐typical oral grooming rates, as previously reported. These results indicate that the observed grooming represents centrally driven grooming patterns favoured by natural selection in each lineage. This is the first phylogenetically controlled comparative study to report the evolution of parasite‐defence grooming behaviours in response to selection pressures predicted by the programmed grooming hypothesis. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 81 , 17–37.  相似文献   

Neurobehavioural impairment on the first night shift is often greater than on subsequent night shifts due to extended wakefulness. The aim of the study was to determine whether a 1-h afternoon nap prior to the first night shift is sufficient to produce neurobehavioural performance at levels comparable to the second night shift. Twelve male volunteers (mean age 22.9 years) participated in a laboratory protocol that simulated two 12-h night shifts. A nap preceded the first shift and a 7-h daytime sleep was scheduled between shifts. Neurobehavioural performance and subjective sleepiness measured across each night did not significantly differ between first and second shifts.  相似文献   
植食性哺乳动物功能反应描述了摄入率与植物可利用性变量的动态关系。动物警觉因占用了处理食物时间即觅食中断时间而延迟与下一口食物相遇,引致摄入率降低,进而对功能反应构型产生影响。在新鲜白三叶叶片构成的各类食物密集斑块上,测定东方田鼠觅食行为,建立功能反应函数模型,检验觅食中断对功能反应的作用格局及机制。结果发现,除小叶片斑块觅食中断时间在觅食活动中所占的比例较低外,在大、中型叶片斑块的觅食中断时间比例均达到15.42%-26.82%;尽管,觅食中断使摄入率降低了33%,但东方田鼠功能反应仍为Ⅱ型功能反应。除东方田鼠采食时间及觅食回合时间随叶片重增大保持相对稳定外,处理时间及觅食中断时间均随叶片重增大呈线性递增趋势;采食时间、处理时间及觅食中断时间随口量的增大呈线性递增趋势;采食率随叶片重和口量增大呈指数递减趋势。研究结果揭示,东方田鼠因警觉引起的觅食中断事件是导致采食率及摄入率降低的主要因子。摄入率测定值与模型预测值的线性回归极显著(P < 0.01),表明,新建立的功能反应模型具有良好的可预测性。推测,东方田鼠因警觉引起采食率及摄入率减小的代价,是以延长觅食时间来补偿的。研究结果充分验证了,在可利用性植物密集斑块,由植物大小调控的动物口量决定其摄入率,且受采食和处理食物竞争及觅食中断的制约,其功能反应为Ⅱ型功能反应的假说。  相似文献   
李峰  蒋志刚 《生物多样性》2014,22(6):758-580
青海湖地区是目前已知的狗獾分布海拔最高点。为了解狗獾在青藏高原严酷生态环境下的生活史特点, 并验证是否人类干扰造成了狗獾夜行性的假说, 我们利用红外相机技术, 结合无线电遥测和野外调查研究了青海湖湖东地区亚洲狗獾(Meles leucurus)的种群密度、洞穴口的行为及活动节律。结果表明: (1)研究地区狗獾的平均种群密度为1.2 ± 0.6只/km2, 其分布受食物丰富度的影响; (2)狗獾基本在夜间活动, 出洞时间集中在20:00-23:00之间, 而回洞时间则集中在清晨4:00-7:00之间, 23:00-4:00之间是狗獾的活动高峰; (3)狗獾离洞前行为主要是警戒行为, 回洞穴时的行为主要是嬉戏行为, 其他行为较少见, 表达具有特定的时间性; (4)人类活动对于狗獾活动没有显著性影响(P < 0.05)。  相似文献   
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