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Animals must allocate some proportion of their time to detecting predators. In birds and mammals, such anti‐predator vigilance has been well studied, and we know that it may be influenced by a variety of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Despite hundreds of studies focusing on vigilance and suggestions that there are individual differences in vigilance, there have been no prior studies examining its heritability in the field. Here, we present one of the first reports of (additive) genetic variation in vigilance. Using a restricted maximum likelihood procedure, we found that, in yellow‐bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris), the heritability of locomotor ability (h2 = 0.21), and especially vigilance (h2 = 0.08), is low. These modest heritability estimates suggest great environmental variation or a history of directional selection eliminating genetic variation in these traits. We also found a significant phenotypic (rP = ?0.09 ± 0.04, P = 0.024) and a substantial, but not significant, genetic correlation (rA = ?0.57 ± 0.28, P = 0.082) between the two traits (slower animals are less vigilant while foraging). We found no evidence of differential survival or longevity associated with particular phenotypes of either trait. The genetic correlation may persist because of environmental heterogeneity and genotype‐by‐environment interactions maintaining the correlation, or because there are two ways to solve the problem of foraging in exposed areas: be very vigilant and rely on early detection coupled with speed to escape, or reduce vigilance to minimize time spent in an exposed location. Both strategies seem to be equally successful, and this ‘locomotor ability‐wariness’ syndrome may therefore allow slow animals to compensate behaviourally for their impaired locomotor ability.  相似文献   
The concept of sociality has been associated with the effectiveness of antipredator mechanisms, like cooperative vigilance and the dilution effect. Lama guanicoe (guanaco) is a social native herbivore in South America and a social species. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the antipredator responses of different-sized groups of guanacos in areas with varying predation risks and to determine antipredator mechanisms in guanacos. For this, we measured different antipredator responses to a potential predator (human subjects). Detection of predator and flight distances from predator both increased with a greater number of guanacos per group and with greater distances among guanacos within the social group. Both buffer distance and flight time decreased with a greater number of guanacos per group, but increased with greater distances among guanacos inside the social group. Solitary adult males moved shorter distance and mixed groups moved greater distances. Flight distances were greater in areas with tall and dense vegetation than in areas with low vegetation. Buffer distance and flight time were shorter in undulating land than on flat lands, and groups were usually observed on hill slopes. Our results suggest that the benefit of social grouping in guanacos is the increased probability of avoiding predator with cooperative vigilance and not with the dilution effect. This means that a predator could be detected earlier when approaching a guanaco group than when approaching a solitary individuals and could thus be avoided.  相似文献   
In humans and other animals, behavioral responses to threatening stimuli are an important component of temperament. Among children, extreme behavioral inhibition elicited by novel situations or strangers predicts the subsequent development of anxiety disorders and depression. Genetic differences among children are known to affect risk of developing behavioral inhibition and anxiety, but a more detailed understanding of genetic influences on susceptibility is needed. Nonhuman primates provide valuable models for studying the mechanisms underlying human behavior. Individual differences in threat-induced behavioral inhibition (freezing behavior) in young rhesus monkeys are stable over time and reflect individual levels of anxiety. This study used the well-established human intruder paradigm to elicit threat-induced freezing behavior and other behavioral responses in 285 young pedigreed rhesus monkeys. We examined the overall influence of quantitative genetic variation and tested the specific effect of the serotonin transporter promoter repeat polymorphism. Quantitative genetic analyses indicated that the residual heritability of freezing duration (behavioral inhibition) is h 2 = 0.384 ( P  = 0.012) and of 'orienting to the intruder' (vigilance) is h 2 = 0.908 ( P  = 0.00001). Duration of locomotion and hostility and frequency of cooing were not significantly heritable. The serotonin transporter polymorphism showed no significant effect on either freezing or orienting to the intruder. Our results suggest that this species could be used for detailed studies of genetic mechanisms influencing extreme behavioral inhibition, including the identification of specific genes that are involved in predisposing individuals to such behavior.  相似文献   
Predator hunting behaviour and prey vulnerability   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
陈永林 《昆虫知识》2002,39(5):335-339
沙漠蝗在史前期就是北非、西亚和印度等热带荒漠地区的河谷与绿洲上的农业大害虫。我国云南和西藏自治区的聂拉木均有沙漠蝗的分布记载 ,虽尚未发生灾害 ,但是沙漠蝗猖獗发生的最大扩散区已达我国云南接壤的缅甸和西藏接壤的尼泊尔、印度。故我国的西藏自治区和云南省的有关边防及农业植物保护机构应予以高度重视并加强监测和预警 ,谨防沙漠蝗的发生危害  相似文献   
We studied effects of habitat structure on routine travel velocities, intermittent locomotion, and vigilance by the degu (Octodondegus), a diurnal rodent of central Chile. We predicted thattravel speed, pauses during locomotion, and vigilance wouldbe greater in open (riskier) than in shrub (safer) habitats.Video recordings of marked individuals in the wild were used to measure speed and other variables of spontaneous locomotionnot triggered by predatory attack or any other noticeable stimulusduring nonforaging periods. Time spent vigilant while foragingwas also measured. Because degus use bare-ground runways fordistant movements (e.g., between burrow openings and/or foodpatches), data on locomotion decisions were not confounded by effects of obstructive vegetation cover and/or resource abundance.When moving across the habitat between different feeding places,degus showed an intermittent pattern of locomotion, interruptingrunning events with short pauses. As predicted, travel speedand the duration of pauses between locomotion bursts were significantlygreater in open habitats. Further, the duration of locomotionbursts between feeding sites or between feeding sites and burrowswas significantly longer in open habitats. Our assumption that pauses and velocities are independent decisions was supportedby the lack of correlation between pauses and speeds duringlocomotion events. During foraging, degus devoted more timeto vigilance in open than in shrub habitats. The static positionadopted by degus during pauses, the speeds attained during movements, and the concordance between pausing behavior andvigilance across habitats suggest that pausing has an antipredatoryrole and is not limited to orientation and/or physiologicalrecovery. Our results support the view that degus perceivehigher predation risk in open areas and that flexible movement behavior reflects an adaptive antipredator response.  相似文献   
This study investigated the costs and benefits of flocking in white-fronted geese Anser albifrons foraging on rice grains in Japan. The time budgets of focal geese were recorded, and the effects of flock size on the proportions of time spent in vigilant and agonistic behaviour were tested. The results showed that the decline in vigilance level and consequent increase in foraging time were beneficial results of flocking whereas agonistic interactions, a potential cost of flocking, did not increase with increasing flock size. However, seasonal variation in flock size suggested that exploitative competition could be a cost of flocking; the sizes of flocks in spring, when resource depletion had progressed, were significantly reduced compared with those in autumn. An experimental increase in rice density resulted in a significant increase in flock size. We conclude that the flock size of foraging white-fronted geese is a result of compromise between a constant benefit of flocking (i.e. decline in vigilance level) and a cost of flocking varying with food abundance (i.e. exploitative competition).  相似文献   
Ideally, prey should respond to their predators efficiently, without over- or underreacting to the threat. This may be particularly important for small-bodied species for whom metabolic demands are high and predatory risk is great. In the current study, two family groups of Callithrix geoffroyi living outside in a rural setting at the Center for Reproduction of Endangered Species, San Diego Wild Animal Park, were observed before, during, and after ten presentations of a great horned owl model. The owl was mounted on a post on a nearby hillside, simulating a situation in which a real but nonimminent threat is posed. As controls, a model of a crow and a cloth bag were also presented, each for ten trials. During the 10 min presentations of the owl, rates of play and foraging decreased, and rates of locomotion and vigilant looking increased from baseline rates. Data on occupation of the best viewing area suggest that the marmosets shared the job of monitoring a potential threat. After the owl was removed, behavior quickly returned to baseline rates, with the exception of looking at the place where the owl had been, and play. Neither the bag nor the crow generated significant differences from the baseline condition that preceded it. Marmosets may reduce the costs of antipredator behavior by appropriately assessing the degree of risk and by quickly resuming important activities once a potential threat has passed. Am. J. Primatol. 46:187–196, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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