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In theory, animals are expected to relax vigilance in the safety of large groups. Four controlled studies of primates have failed to detect relaxed vigilance as group size increases. The counter‐intuitive behavior of primates might arise if another component of vigilance increases with group size, masking any decrease in outward, anti‐predator vigilance. Surveillance of associates is a major component of primate vigilance and might be expected to increase with group size due to an increase in competitive interactions. The present analysis uses data on glances toward associates to determine if within‐group surveillance is related to group size in wild red colobus and redtail monkeys of Uganda. Although males glance at associates more frequently during mating periods and females glance at associates more often when infants are young or out of contact, there was no evidence of a group‐size effect on within‐group surveillance. As with previous studies, primate vigilance patterns reflect reproductive strategies such as infant protection and mate defense. This study joins several others that indicate that primate vigilance is unresponsive to group size. New models that take into account association patterns below the level of the group may be needed. Am. J. Primatol. 48:113–126, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Varying environmental conditions and energetic demands can affect habitat use by predators and their prey. Anthropogenic habitats provide an opportunity to document both predation events and foraging activity by prey and therefore enable an empirical evaluation of how prey cope with trade‐offs between starvation and predation risk in environments of variable foraging opportunities and predation danger. Here, we use seven years of observational data of peregrine falcons Falco peregrinus and shorebirds at a semi‐intensive shrimp farm to determine how starvation and predation risk vary for shorebirds under a predictable variation in foraging opportunities. Attack rate (mean 0.1 attacks/hr, equating 1 attack every ten hours) was positively associated with the total foraging area available for shorebirds at the shrimp farm throughout the harvesting period, with tidal amplitude at the adjacent mudflat having a strong nonlinear (quadratic) effect. Hunt success (mean 14%) was higher during low tides and declined as the target flocks became larger. Finally, individual shorebird vigilance behaviors were more frequent when birds foraged in smaller flocks at ponds with poorer conditions. Our results provide empirical evidence of a risk threshold modulated by tidal conditions at the adjacent wetlands, where shorebirds trade‐off risk and rewards to decide to avoid or forage at the shrimp farm (a potentially dangerous habitat) depending on their need to meet daily energy requirements. We propose that semi‐intensive shrimp farms serve as ideal “arenas” for studying predator–prey dynamics of shorebirds and falcons, because harvest operations and regular tidal cycles create a mosaic of foraging patches with predictable food supply. In addition, the relatively low hunt success suggests that indirect effects associated with enhanced starvation risk are important in shorebird life‐history decisions.  相似文献   
植食性哺乳动物在分享社群觅食带来好处的同时,是否因个体间的相互干扰而影响其摄入率。在新鲜马唐叶片构建的均质密集食物斑块上,测定东方田鼠家族群成员个体在食物斑块上的觅食行为序列过程及行为参数,检验家族群存在对成员个体觅食行为的影响。结果发现,东方田鼠家族群雌、雄成员个体的觅食行为参数均无显著差异。然而,与单只个体相比,家族群觅食尽管能显著地缩短成员个体的觅食决定时间,但却显著地降低了成员个体的摄入率。分析觅食行为参数觅食中断时间发现,相较于单只个体,家族群成员个体间因相互干扰而引起的觅食中断时间的增加,不但增大了收获每口食物的时间,而且导致其摄入率下降。检测家族群成员个体各警觉行为动作参数,发现,成员个体间的相互干扰能引致个体的一般扫视、盯视及嗅闻动作时间比例显著增大,尽管直立扫视和静听动作时间比例减少显著,但并未使个体的觅食中断时间减小。结果充分说明,东方田鼠家族群成员个体间的相互干扰能使个体觅食行为参数发生变异,导致觅食中断时间增加,摄入率降低。  相似文献   
This study examined the effects of odors on sustained attention during a vigilance task. Two essential oils (lavender and eucalyptus) and two materials (l-menthol and linalyl acetate) were compared with a control. The increase in reaction time was significantly lower with lavender than with the control. The results suggest that the administration of lavender helped to maintain sustained attention during the long-term task.  相似文献   
Game-theoretical models have been highly influential in behavioural ecology. However, these models generally assume that animals choose their action before observing the behaviour of their opponents while, in many natural situations, individuals in fact continuously react to the actions of others. A negotiation process then takes place and this may fundamentally influence the individual attitudes and the tendency to cooperate. Here, I use the classical model system of vigilance behaviour to demonstrate the consequences of such behavioural negotiation among selfish individuals, by predicting patterns of vigilance in a pair of animals foraging under threat of predation. I show that the game played by the animals and the resulting vigilance strategies take radically different forms, according to the way predation risk is shared in the pair. In particular, if predators choose their target at random, the prey respond by displaying moderate vigilance and taking turns scanning. By contrast, if the individual that takes flight later in an attack endures a higher risk of being targeted, vigilance increases and there is always at least one sentinel in the pair. Finally, when lagging behind its companion in fleeing from an attacker becomes extremely risky, vigilance decreases again and the animals scan simultaneously.  相似文献   
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