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The monolayer technique has been used to study the interaction of lipids with plasma apolipoproteins. Apolipoprotein C-II and C-III from human very low density lipoproteins, apolipoprotein A-I from human high density lipoproteins and arginine-rich protein from swine very low density lipoproteins were studied. The injection of each apoprotein underneath a monolayer of egg phosphatidyl[14C]choline at 20 mN/m caused an increase in surface pressure to approximately 30 mN/m. With apolipoprotein C-II and apolipoprotein C-III there was a decrease in surface radioactivity indicating that the apoproteins were removing phospholipid from the interface; the removal of phospholipid was specific for apolipoprotein C-II and apolipoprotein C-III. Although there was a removal of phospholipid from the monolayer, the surface pressure remained constant and was due to the accumulation of apoprotein at the interface. The rate of surface radioactivity decrease was a function of protein concentration, required lipid in a fluid state and, of the lipids tested, was specific for phosphatidylcholine. Cholesterol and phosphatidylinositol were not removed from the interface. The addition of 33 mol% cholesterol to the phosphatidylcholine monolayer did not affect the removal of phospholipid by apolipoprotein C-III.The addition of phospholipid liposomes to the subphase greatly facilitated the apolipoprotein C-II-mediated removal of phospholipid from the interface.  相似文献   
The cellular mechanisms involved in the uptake and metabolism of low density lipoprotein (LDL) by cultured normal human fibroblasts have been investigated with the aid of drugs known to disrupt cytoplasmic microtubules or to inhibit membrane fusion.Two drugs which disrupt microtubules by differing mechanisms, colchicine and vinblastine, each reduced the high affinity surface binding of 125I-labelled LDL by fibroblasts. Associated reductions of the endocytosis and degradation of the lipoprotein could be attributed almost entirely to this effect. In contrast, lumicolchicine, an analogue of colchicine without microtubule-disruptive activity, had little or no effect on 125I-labelled LDL metabolism.Each of two groups of membrane-stabilizing agents, the phenothiazines and the tertiary amine local anaesthetics, directly inhibited both the internalization of 125I-labelled LDL following high affinity binding to cell surface receptors and the catabolism of the lipoprotein subsequent to endocytosis, supporting previous morphological evidence for the importance of membrane fusion in these processes.  相似文献   
Using a density gradient medium (Percoll) we succeeded in isolating homogeneous cell populations from the stromal-vascular fraction of the inguinal tissue of 3-day-old rats. In primary culture, in medium 199 supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum and 5.5 mM glucose, almost complete differentiation (90%) of these fractions was obtained for the first time in presence of a physiological concentration of insulin (10?9 M). During the adipose conversion, insulin markedly enhanced the activities of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and acid:CoA ligase. When VLDL and heparin were added with insulin to the medium, this effect was not potentiated. On the contrary, VLDL and heparin in presence of insulin increased the triglyceride content of the cells. With VLDL and heparin only, the biochemical and morphological characteristics of the cells were very similar to those observed in control culture. The heavier fraction was morphologically heterogeneous and did not undergo the adipose conversion to the same extent as the two lighter fractions. It was concluded that this model could be helpful in studying the proliferation and the differentiation of preadipocytes at an early stage of development.  相似文献   
Conclusion Two of the main reasons for developing serum-free medium are to improve the growth and to increase the productivity of a cell. This review has attetmpted to show that these goals can be achieved far more easily than generally realised by utilising the methods that have been developed during the past decade and by using a limited number of standard supplements. Serum-free media have contributed greatly to the advances made in recent years in the fields of cell biology and mammalian cell technology and it is clear that they will continue to play a major role in the clarification of cellular regulatory processes and in the refinement of processes in modern cyto-technology.  相似文献   
Chylomicron degradation by hearts from fed and fasted rats was studied using a perfusion technique, which allows the separate collection of coronary (Qrv) and interstitial effluent (Qi). Upon perfusion with [3H]-cholesterol-containing chylomicrons the tissue recovery of label was highest in the fasted state, while label recovered in Qi was highest in the fed state. Density gradient centrifugation of Qi indicated that the label was recovered in lipoproteins with higher densities: low density lipoproteins (1.019<d<1.050), high density lipoproteins (1.050<d<1.21) and a fraction of d>1.21. These particles probably represent chylomicron degradation products (remnants and “surface fragments”). Our results indicate that tissue cholesterol uptake during chylomicron degradation may be inhibited in the fed state. Furthermore, the role of the myocyte (or interstitial) lipoprotein lipase in chylomicron degradation is discussed.  相似文献   
Mink Ld1 antigen of serum low-density lipoprotein was demonstrated by alloantibodies. No genetic relation was found between Ld1 and the Lpm system of very-high-density lipoprotein. The existence of an autosomal dominant gene, coding for the new alloantigenic marker, is postulated on the basis of mink breeding data.  相似文献   
Besides ethanol, other aliphatic alcohols such as n-propanol and isopropanol induce a triacylglycerol (TAG) accumulation in the liver. To determine whether a common mechanism is responsible for the effects of these three alcohols on hepatic lipid metabolism, each was administered by gastric tube to female Wistar rats at the dose of 50 mmol/kg body wt. Whichever alcohol was administered, the hepatic triacylglycerol accumulation was found to be related to the duration of elevated blood alcohol concentration. After administration of n-propanol or isopropanol, the liver [14C]palmitate uptake was increased whereas hepatic palmitate oxidation to 14CO2 was impaired and palmitate esterification into TAG enhanced; these perturbations were however more discrete than after ethanol administration. In contrast to ethanol and n-propanol which, at the dose presently used, increase precursor incorporation into blood TAG, isopropanol inhibits this incorporation. Interference with the process of very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) synthesis and/or secretion, which appears only at a late stage of isopropanol intoxication, is probably responsible for the intensity and duration of the fatty liver observed after administration of this alcohol.  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown that the cholesteryl ester core of plasma low density lipoprotein (LDL) can be extracted with heptane and replaced with a variety of hydrophobic molecules. In the present report we use this reconstitution technique to incorporate two fluorescent probes, 3-pyrenemethyl-23, 24-dinor-5-cholen-22-oate-3β-yl oleate (PMCA oleate) and dioleyl fluorescein, into heptane-extracted LDL. Both fluorescent lipoprotein preparations were shown to be useful probes for visualizing the receptor-mediated endocytosis of LDL in cultured human fibroblasts. When normal fibroblasts were incubated at 37°C with either of the fluorescent LDL preparations, fluorescent granules accumulated in the perinuclear region of the cell. In contrast, fibroblasts from patients with the homozygous form of familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) that lack functional LDL receptors did not accumulate visible fluorescent granules when incubated with the fluorescent reconstituted LDL. A fluorescence-activated cell sorter was used to quantify the fluorescence intensity of individual cells that had been incubated with LDL reconstituted with dioleyl fluorescein. With this technique a population of normal fibroblasts could be distinguished from a population of FH fibroblasts. The current studies demonstrate the feasibility of using fluorescent reconstituted LDL in conjunction with the cell sorter to isolate mutant cells lacking functional LDL receptors.  相似文献   
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