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Dense flocs readily form in continuous culture bioreactors used for hydrogen production, but the fractal and hydrodynamic properties of these flocs have not been previously analyzed. We therefore examined the size distribution, fractal dimension, and hydrodynamic properties of flocs formed in a continuous flow, well-mixed reactor treating synthetic wastewater at a fixed condition of a 4.5 h hydraulic detention time (23 degrees C, pH 5.5). The reactor was operated for a total of 3 months at three different organic loading rates (27, 53, and 80 g-COD/L-d) with influent glucose concentrations of 5, 10, and 15 g-COD/L. At all three loading rates the removal of glucose was nearly complete (98.6-99.4%) and biomass was produced in proportion to the organic loading rate (0.86 +/- 0.11, 2.40 +/- 0.26, and 4.59 +/- 1.55 g/L of MLVSS in the reactor). Overall conversion efficiencies of glucose to hydrogen, evaluated on the basis of a maximum of 4 mol-H2/mol-glucose, increased with organic loading rates in the order 17.7%, 23.1%, and 25.6%. The gas contained 56.1 +/- 4.9% hydrogen, with the balance as carbon dioxide. No methane gas was detected. Under these conditions, flocs were produced with mean sizes that increased with organic loading, in the order 0.12 cm (5 g-COD/L), 0.35 cm (10 g-COD/L), and 0.58 cm (15 g-COD/L). As the average floc size increased, the flocs became on average denser and less fractal, with fractal dimensions increasing from 2.11 +/- 0.17 to 2.48 +/- 0.13. Floc porosities ranged from 0.75-0.96, and resulted in aggregate densities that allowed little intra-aggregate flow through the floc. As a result, average settling velocities were not appreciably larger than those predicted by Stokes' law for spherical, impermeable flocs. Our results demonstrate that dense, relatively impermeable flocs are produced in biohydrogen reactors that have settling properties in reasonable agreement with Stokes' law.  相似文献   
Mass culture of benthic macroalgae under rough offshore conditions in the North Sea requires rigid culture support systems that cannot only withstand rough weather conditions but can also be effectively handled while at the same time retain the cultured species. Various carrier constructions and different mooring systems were tested. Laminaria saccharina grew on all of these carriers with initially high (up to 14.5% per day) and later decreasing length increments. Longlines, ladder and grid systems had certain disadvantages and these are discussed. The study results led to a new ring carrier (patent pending), first used in 1994/1995, which was gradually improved until 2002. This system now emerges as being superior, since it resists not only rough weather conditions (2 m s–1 current velocity, 6 m wave height) but also permits ease of handling when compared to other constructions. The ring allows various operational modes and can be equipped with culture lines that can be collected offshore or transported to shore facilities for harvesting. The modular nature of the tested ring system lends itself for future use in integrated aquaculture systems located in or attached to offshore wind farms.  相似文献   
选用半湿润地区土垫旱耕人为土和冬小麦品种‘小偃22’,通过田间试验研究了在不同施氮水平下冬小麦不同生育期冠层叶片含氮量、叶绿素相对值的垂直分布规律,并分析了它们与小麦穗粒重的相关性。结果表明,小麦各生育期冠层叶片含氮量从上至下呈明显递减规律,并且均随施氮量增加含氮量逐渐提高,倒一叶平均比倒二叶高15.83%,倒二叶平均比倒三叶高25.79%;随着施氮量增加,各叶位间叶片含氮量梯度差在拔节期和孕穗期相对稳定,而倒二叶与倒三叶含氮量梯度在成熟期逐渐加大。冠层叶片叶绿素相对值的垂直分布规律与含氮量相似,倒一叶平均比倒二叶高6.5%,倒二叶平均比倒三叶高27.43%。叶片叶绿素相对值与其含氮量呈极显著正相关(r=0.744**,n=234),其间的一元饱和回归方程为ySPAD=87.90xN/(2.29 xN)(R2=0.710);各叶位叶绿素相对值、叶片含氮量均与其穗粒重大多呈显著正相关,并以倒一叶的相关性最密切。研究发现,施氮能提高小麦冠层叶片的含氮量和叶绿素相对值以及它们在叶片间的梯度差,但不能改变它们自上而下逐渐递减的垂直分布规律。  相似文献   
紫色土坡耕地土壤属性差异对耕层土壤质量的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
坡耕地是一个区域最易发生水土流失的土地利用类型,其严重的水土流失、面源污染和耕层退化现象直接威胁着坡耕地持续利用以及当地粮食安全、生态安全;耕层土壤质量对自然因素和人为耕作活动的影响较为敏感。以南方3个地点紫色土坡耕地耕层土壤质量为研究对象,从土壤属性角度,对比分析了重庆合川、江西兴国、云南楚雄不同耕层垂直深度土壤养分特征、土壤物理性质、土壤水库特征、耕作性能差异性及其形成原因。结果表明:(1)坡耕地耕层土壤有机质表现为云南楚雄(28.80g/kg)江西兴国(9.03 g/kg)重庆合川(8.80 g/kg);除全钾含量外,土壤全量养分和速效养分的含量表现为云南楚雄江西兴国重庆合川;坡耕地耕层速效养分垂直分布变化规律基本一致,主要表现为土壤速效养分主要在0—20 cm土层富集,而20—40 cm和40—60 cm土层无显著差异。(2)不同地点紫色土坡耕地耕层土壤物理性质差异明显,以重庆合川坡耕地土壤物理质量最差,表现为土壤砂粒含量60%、土壤容重最大(1.43 g/cm3)、土壤总孔隙度(45.97%)和毛管孔隙度(34.36%)最小;从坡耕地耕层土壤物理性质垂直变化特征看,耕作层(0—20 cm)优于心土层(20—40 cm)和底土层(40—60 cm)。(3)紫色土坡耕地耕层土壤初始入渗率以江西兴国坡耕地耕层最大(0.32 mm/min),而以重庆合川坡耕地耕层最小(0.19 mm/min);土壤稳定入渗率和平均入渗率均表现为云南楚雄重庆合川江西兴国;坡耕地耕层土壤最大有效库容以云南楚雄最好(873.311 t/hm~2),说明云南楚雄紫色土坡耕地耕层土壤具有较好的抵御季节性干旱能力;不同地点坡耕地耕层土壤总库容、死库容、兴利库容、滞洪库容、最大有效库容在垂直方向变化表现为耕作层(0—20 cm)大于心土层(20—40 cm)和底土层(40—60 cm)。(4)不同地点紫色土坡耕地耕层土壤抗剪强度和贯入阻力均呈现出相同变化规律,土壤抗剪强度表现为重庆合川(15.39 kg/cm~2)云南楚雄(14.74 kg/cm~2)江西兴国(10.66 kg/cm~2),而土壤贯入阻力值为重庆合川(424.83 k Pa)云南楚雄(252.50 k Pa)江西兴国(188.87 k Pa),这种土壤力学性能的变化说明重庆合川紫色土坡耕地耕层土壤具有较好抵抗剪切破坏的能力和较大耕作阻力。上述研究结果可为不同地点紫色土坡耕地耕层土壤质量诊断、坡耕地合理耕层评价提供理论依据和数据支持。  相似文献   
根系分形结构是植物根系构型应对环境异质性的表型可塑性结果, 可反映植物对生长环境的适应策略。利用ArcGIS建立研究区域的数字高程模型, 并提取坡向数据, 采用全根挖掘和Win-RHIZO根系分析仪相结合的方法, 研究了祁连山北坡高寒退化草地不同坡向甘肃臭草(Melica przewalskyi)的根系分形结构。结果表明: 随着坡向由北坡向东坡、西坡、南坡转变, 草地群落的密度、高度和土壤含水量逐渐减小, 甘肃臭草种群的密度、高度以及根系分形丰度呈逐渐增大的趋势、分形维数逐渐减小; 不同坡向甘肃臭草根系分形维数和分形丰度间的相关性存在差异(p < 0.05), 南坡和北坡甘肃臭草根系分形维数分形丰度之间存在极显著负相关关系(p < 0.01), 东坡和西坡之间存在显著负相关关系(p < 0.05), 甘肃臭草根系分形维数和分形丰度存在着“此消彼长”的权衡关系; 随着坡向由北坡向东坡、西坡、南坡转变, 甘肃臭草根系分形维数和分形丰度回归方程的标准化主轴(SMA)斜率逐渐增大(p < 0.05), 说明在干旱的南坡, 根系所开发利用的相同体积的土壤内, 根系分支更少、更稀疏。不同坡向甘肃臭草合理权衡根系分形维数和分形丰度的资源配置模式, 体现了植物根系构型构建的资源投资权衡机制。  相似文献   
Bulk heterojunction (BHJ) nonfullerene organic solar cells prepared from sequentially deposited donor and acceptor layers (sq‐BHJ) have recently been shown to be highly efficient, environmentally friendly, and compatible with large area and roll‐to‐roll fabrication. However, the related photophysics at donor‐acceptor interface and the vertical heterogeneity of donor‐acceptor distribution, critical for exciton dissociation and device performance, have been largely unexplored. Herein, steady‐state and time‐resolved optical and electrical techniques are employed to characterize the interfacial trap states. Correlating with the luminescent efficiency of interfacial states and its nonradiative recombination, interfacial trap states are characterized to be about 40% more populated in the sq‐BHJ devices than the as‐cast BHJ (c‐BHJ), which probably limits the device voltage output. Cross‐sectional energy‐dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy and ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy depth profiling directly visualize the donor–acceptor vertical stratification with a precision of 1–2 nm. From the proposed “needle” model, the high exciton dissociation efficiency is rationalized. This study highlights the promise of sequential deposition to fabricate efficient solar cells, and points toward improving the voltage output and overall device performance via eliminating interfacial trap states.  相似文献   
Background and Aims Examination of plant growth below ground is relatively scant compared with that above ground, and is needed to understand whole-plant responses to the environment. This study examines whether the seasonal timing of fine root growth and the spatial distribution of this growth through the soil profile varies in response to canopy manipulation and soil temperature.Methods Plasticity in the seasonal timing and vertical distribution of root production in response to canopy and soil water manipulation was analysed in field-grown walnut (Juglans regia ‘Chandler’) using minirhizotron techniques.Key Results Root production in walnuts followed a unimodal curve, with one marked flush of root growth starting in mid-May, with a peak in mid-June. Root production declined later in the season, corresponding to increased soil temperature, as well as to the period of major carbohydrate allocation to reproduction. Canopy and soil moisture manipulation did not influence the timing of root production, but did influence the vertical distribution of roots through the soil profile. Water deficit appeared to promote root production in deeper soil layers for mining soil water. Canopy removal appeared to promote shallow root production.Conclusions The findings of this study add to growing evidence that root growth in many ecosystems follows a unimodal curve with one marked flush of root growth in coordination with the initial leaf flush of the season. Root vertical distribution appeared to have greater plasticity than timing of root production in this system, with temperature and/or carbohydrate competition constraining the timing of root growth. Effects on root distribution can have serious impacts on trees, with shallow rooting having negative impacts in years with limited soil water or positive impacts in years with wet springs, and deep rooting having positive impacts on soil water mining from deeper soil layers but negative impacts in years with wet springs.  相似文献   
A Kolmogorov-type competition model featuring allocation profiles, gain functions, and cost parameters is examined. For plant species that compete for sunlight according to the canopy partitioning model [R.R. Vance and A.L. Nevai, Plant population growth and competition in a light gradient: a mathematical model of canopy partitioning, J. Theor. Biol. 245 (2007), pp. 210–219] the allocation profiles describe vertical leaf placement, the gain functions represent rates of leaf photosynthesis at different heights, and the cost parameters signify the energetic expense of maintaining tall stems necessary for gaining a competitive advantage in the light gradient. The allocation profiles studied here, being supported on three alternating intervals, determine “interior” and “exterior” species. When the allocation profile of the interior species is a delta function (a big leaf) then either competitive exclusion or coexistence at a single globally attracting equilibrium point occurs. However, if the allocation profile of the interior species is piecewise continuous or a weighted sum of delta functions (multiple big leaves) then multiple coexistence states may also occur.  相似文献   
格氏栲天然林与人工林细根生物量、季节动态及净生产力   总被引:59,自引:14,他引:59  
通过对福建三明格氏栲天然林及在其采伐迹地上营造的33年生格氏栲人工林和杉木人工林细根分布、季节动态与净生产力进行的为期3a(1999~2001)的研究,结果表明,格氏栲天然林、格氏栲和杉木人工林活细根生物量分别为4.944t/hm2、3.198t/hm2和1.485t/hm2,死细根生物量分别为3.563t/hm2、2.749t/hm2和1.287t/hm2;死细根生物量占总细根生物量的比例分别为41.9%、46.2%和46.4%;<0.5mm细根生物量占总细根生物量的比例分别为31.2%、29.4%和69.9%。3种林分活细根生物量和死细根生物量季节间差异显著(P<0.05),但年份间差异则不显著(P>0.05);活细根生物量最大值均出现在3月份,最小值一般出现在5~7月份或11~翌年1月份间。0~10cm表土层格氏栲天然林活细根生物量高达295.65g/m2,分别是格氏栲人工林和杉木人工林的2.4倍和8.1倍;该层格氏栲天然林活细根生物量占全部活细根生物量的59.8%,均高于格氏栲人工林(39.07%)和杉木人工林(24.51%)。格氏栲天然林、格氏栲人工林和杉木人工林细根分解1a后的干重损失率分别为68.34%~80.13%、63.51%~77.95%和47.69%~60.78%;年均分解量分别为8.747、5.143和2.503t/hm2;死亡量分别为8.632、5.148和2.492t/hm2;年均净生产量分别为8.797、5.425和2.513t/hm2,年周转速率分别为1.78、1  相似文献   
通过对婴幼儿期难治性癫痫———婴儿痉挛症(infantile spasms, IS)听觉诱发脑电细貌混沌特性的研究,探讨与IS相伴的认知功能障碍的发生机制。研究方法是分别记录IS组及正常对照组对象的听觉诱发脑电,经Mexihat连续小波变换后,分别计算信号各尺度小波分量的相关维数。结果表明IS组与正常对照组的各小波分量相关维数的差别主要表现在小波的第3尺度分量上(频带范围是32~64 Hz,主要为γ频带范围),在这个尺度上正常组相关维数明显低于IS组(P<0.05)。相关维数的降低意味着大脑活动自由度的减少,表明大脑的各单元耦合加强。因为正常组脑干内信息传递通道完好,使得大脑各个单元之间的信息耦合较强; IS组则由于脑干功能的异常,存在神经信息传递障碍,进而影响到脑干及其与大脑各个局部之间的信息耦合。小波第3尺度处于较高频率范围(γ频带范围),而在大脑皮层上的基频信号与听觉调频信号经加工后所产生的神经信号正在这一频率范围,且这一信号与大脑高级认知功能密切相关。因此,IS患者γ频带细貌信号的相关维数高于正常值,能够解释IS认知功能发生障碍的原因。  相似文献   
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