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beta-Catenin is an essential component of the canonical Wnt signaling system that controls decisive steps in development. We employed here two conditional beta-catenin mutant alleles to alter beta-catenin signaling in the central nervous system of mice: one allele to ablate beta-catenin and the second allele to express a constitutively active beta-catenin. The tissue mass of the spinal cord and brain is reduced after ablation of beta-catenin, and the neuronal precursor population is not maintained. In contrast, the spinal cord and brain of mice that express activated beta-catenin is much enlarged in mass, and the neuronal precursor population is increased in size. beta-Catenin signals are thus essential for the maintenance of proliferation of neuronal progenitors, controlling the size of the progenitor pool, and impinging on the decision of neuronal progenitors to proliferate or to differentiate.  相似文献   
Under a nearly neutral model in which most amino acid substitutions are slightly deleterious, variation in demography, population structure, and other ecological factors among closely related species can potentially modify the effective population size or the selective regime, leading to differences in the rate of nonsynonymous substitution. Ratios of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitutions (dN/dS) between species were analyzed in a sea star genus (Patiriella) and a molluscan genus (Littorina), each with diverse modes of reproduction, including multiple lineages with pelagic and nonpelagic larvae. In both genera, lineages with nonpelagic larvae had significantly higher dN/dS ratios than lineages with pelagic larvae. The hypothesis that the elevated dN/dS ratios in species with nonpelagic larvae was due to reduced effective population size was tested by comparing nucleotide diversities in three genera of gastropod mollusks (Littorina, Crepidula, and Hydrobia), each with several modes of reproduction. Overall, there was a significant (p < 0.05) reduction in nucleotide diversity in species with nonpelagic larvae compared to species with pelagic larvae.  相似文献   
Complexity in the networks of interactions among and between the living and abiotic components forming ecosystems confounds the ability of ecologists to predict the economic consequences of perturbations such as species deletions in nature. Such uncertainty hampers prudent decision making about where and when to invest most intensively in species conservation programmes. Demystifying ecosystem responses to biodiversity alterations may be best achieved through the study of the interactions allowing biotic communities to compensate internally for population changes in terms of contributing to ecosystem function, or their intrinsic functional redundancy. Because individual organisms are the biologically discrete working components of ecosystems and because environmental changes are perceived at the scale of the individual, a mechanistic understanding of functional redundancy will hinge upon understanding how individuals' behaviours influence population dynamics in the complex community setting. Here, I use analytical and graphical modelling to construct a conceptual framework for predicting the conditions under which varying degrees of interspecific functional redundancy can be found in dynamic ecosystems. The framework is founded on principles related to food web successional theory, which provides some evolutionary insights for mechanistically linking functional roles of discrete, interacting organisms with the dynamics of ecosystems because energy is the currency both for ecological fitness and for food web commerce. Net productivity is considered the most contextually relevant ecosystem process variable because of its socioeconomic significance and because it ultimately subsumes all biological processes and interactions. Redundancy relative to productivity is suggested to manifest most directly as compensatory niche shifts among adaptive foragers in exploitation ecosystems, facilitating coexistence and enhancing ecosystem recovery after disturbances which alter species' relative abundances, such as extinctions. The framework further explicates how resource scarcity and environmental stochasticity may constitute 'ecosystem legacies' influencing the emergence of redundancy by shaping the background conditions for foraging behaviour evolution and, consequently, the prevalence of compensatory interactions. Because it generates experimentally testable predictions for a priori hypothesis testing about when and where varying degrees of functional redundancy are likely to be found in food webs, the framework may be useful for advancing toward the reliable knowledge of biodiversity and ecosystem function relations necessary for prudent prioritization of conservation programmes. The theory presented here introduces explanation of how increasing diversity can have a negative influence on ecosystem sustainability by altering the environment for biotic interactions and thereby changing functional compensability among biota--under particular conditions.  相似文献   
Electrolyte metabolism undergoes significant changes in trained subjects, but it is unknown if it undergoes significant changes in untrained subjects during hypokinesia (decreased movement). The aim of this study was to measure calcium (Ca) changes in trained and untrained subjects during prolonged hypokinesia (HK). Studies were done during 30 d of a pre-HK period and 364 d of a HK period. Forty male trained and untrained volunteers aged 23–26 yr were chosen as subjects. All subjects were equally divided into four groups: trained ambulatory control subjects (TACS), trained hypokinetic subjects (THKS), untrained hypokinetic subjects (UHKS), and untrained ambulatory control subjects (UACS). The THKS and UHKS groups were kept under an average running distance of 0.7 km/d. Fecal Ca excretion, urinary Ca and magnesium (Mg) excretion, serum ionized calcium (CaI), Ca, Mg, intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH) and 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D [1,25 (OH)2 D] concentration, body weight, and peak oxygen uptake were measured. Fecal Ca loss, urinary Ca and Mg excretion, and serum CaI, Mg, and Ca increased significantly (p ≤ 0.01), whereas serum iPTH and 1,25 (OH)2 D concentration body weight and peak oxygen uptake decreased significantly (p ≤ 0.01) in the THKS and UHKS groups when compared with the TACS and UACS groups. The measured parameters were much greater and much faster in the THKS group than in the UHKS group. By contrast, the corresponding parameters did not change significantly in the TACS and UACS groups when compared with the baseline control values. It was concluded that prolonged HK induces significant fecal, urinary, and serum Ca changes in the hypokinetic subjects when compared with control subjects. However, fecal, urinary, and serum Ca changes were much greater and appeared much faster in the THKS group than the UHKS group.  相似文献   
We recently identified a functionally important disulfide bridge between C255 and C511 of the human Na+/glucose cotransporter SGLT1. In this study, voltage-clamp fluorometry was used to characterize the fluorescence of four different dyes attached to C255 and C511 under various ionic and substrate/inhibitor conditions. State-dependent fluorescence changes (DeltaF) were observed when TMR5M or TMR6M dyes were attached to C255 and C511 or when Alexa488 was bound to C511. TMR5M-C511 was extremely sensitive to membrane potential (Vm) and to external Na+ and alphaMG (a nonmetabolizable glucose analog) concentrations. A progressive increase in alphaMG concentration drastically changed the maximal voltage-dependent DeltaF and produced a positive shift in the midpoint of the DeltaF-Vm curve. By determining specific fluorescence intensity for each state of the cotransporter, our steady-state fluorescence data could be reproduced using the rate constants previously proposed for a five-state kinetic model exclusively derived from electrophysiological measurements. Our results bring an independent support to the proposed kinetic model and show that the binding of alphaMG substrate significantly modifies the environment of C255 and C511.  相似文献   
The paper summarizes thoughts induced by some of the programmatic questions Pier Luigi Luisi posed for discussion at the Erice workshop. Presented at: International School of Complexity – 4th Course: Basic Questions on the Origins of Life; “Ettore Majorana” Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice, Italy, 1–6 October 2006.  相似文献   
The voltage gated sodium channel NaV1.8 has been postulated to play a key role in the transmission of pain signals. Core hopping from our previously reported phenylimidazole leads has allowed the identification of a novel series of benzimidazole NaV1.8 blockers. Subsequent optimization allowed the identification of compound 9, PF-06305591, as a potent, highly selective blocker with an excellent preclinical in vitro ADME and safety profile.  相似文献   
Irina Goia 《Plant biosystems》2019,153(2):187-194
The presence data of 153 bryophyte species, recorded on beech (BDW) and spruce (SDW) deadwood in the managed forests within a montane watershed, were analysed by controlling for different plot size, substrate pH and elevation. Only three pleurocarpous species, which were probably remnant epiphytes from live wood, showed relative specificity for BDW, but none to SDW. The few species displaying preference for BDW or SDW were generally true epixylic, mosses and hepatics, respectively. The chances of occurrence of epiphytic (early successional) and epixylic (mid-late successional) taxa on either deadwood species increased and respectively, decreased with the substrate pH. There was no consistent relationship between bryophyte preference to BDW/SDW and elevation. Neither total nor threatened species richness was related to deadwood species identity. However, at 100 cm2 resolution and within certain extension range, the cumulative number of bryophyte species was significantly higher on BDW than on SDW, despite no significant difference in species pool size. Threatened species richness increased monotonically towards lower elevations, suggesting that valley bottoms might act as refugia with high air humidity. The number of threatened species and in particular, the presence of Lophozia ascendens, were good predictors of total bryophyte richness regardless of deadwood species identity.  相似文献   
The distribution of embryonic and larval mantles is documented in linguliform and craniiform brachiopods. Criteria are presented for identifying these mantle types. The mantle type is related to planktotrophic and lecithotrophic larval life history patterns. In the Linguliformea and Craniiformea, all Lower Palaeozoic families with adequate preservation had larval mantles, indicating the presence of a planktotrophic larva. Heterochronic changes in the time of mantle origin, from the larval to the embryonic stage of development, has occurred several times. In the Lingulidae this change appears to have taken place at about the time the family originated in the Devonian and has been retained in extant genera. The family Discinidae has also retained a planktotrophic larval stage from the Lower Palaeozic to the present. The extant genus Crania in the Craniidae has a short-lived lecithotrophic larva that lacks a mantle. Through the Lower Jurassic, this family had planktotrophic larvae with a larval shell. During the Upper Jurassic, genera with a lecithotrophic larva that lacked a larval shell began to appear; however, the last genera in this family with a planktotrophic larva and a larval shell did not become extinct until the Tertiary.  相似文献   
Characterizing the cost of oviposition in insects: a dynamic model   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The development of a consensus model of insect oviposition has been impeded by an unresolved controversy regarding the importance of time costs versus egg costs in mediating the trade-off between current and future reproduction. Here I develop a dynamic optimization model that places time and egg costs in a common currency (opportunity costs expressed as decreased lifetime reproductive success) so that their relative magnitudes can be compared directly. The model incorporates stochasticity in host encounter and mortality risk as well as behavioral plasticity in response to changes in the age and egg load of the ovipositing female. The dynamic model's predictions are congruent with those of a simpler, static model: both time- and egg-mediated costs make important contributions to the overall cost of oviposition. Modest quantitative differences between the costs predicted by the static versus dynamic models show that plasticity of oviposition behavior modulates the opportunity costs incurred by reproducing females. The relative importance of egg-mediated costs increases substantially for oviposition events occurring later in life. I propose that the long debate over how to represent the cost of oviposition should be resolved not by advocating the pre-eminence of one sort of cost above all others, but rather by building models that represent the complementary roles of different costs. In particular, both time and egg costs must be recognized to produce a general model of insect oviposition that incorporates a realistic representation of the cost of reproduction. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
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