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本研究对仿刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)的一个特殊品系蓬莱玉参产卵、受精及胚胎和幼体发育过程进行显微观察,并与普通仿刺参进行比较。在19~21℃水温下,蓬莱玉参受精卵分别在受精12 min和24 min后释放第一、二极体,1 h后卵裂成2细胞期,之后每30 min左右完成一次卵裂,6 h后进入囊胚期,19 h后发育成原肠胚;40 h后进入耳状幼体阶段,在其后侧臂的一端出现一个不规则形的石灰质骨片,并发现其位置与水体腔处于同一侧这一规律;5 d和8 d后发育为中耳状幼体和大耳状幼体,10 d后变态发育为樽形幼体,骨片由不规则状发育为齿轮状,并出现第二个石灰质骨片;12 d后发育为五触手,14 d后发育成稚参,40 d后发育为幼参。蓬莱玉参胚胎和幼体发育时序与当前已报道的仿刺参无显著差异,但从幼参开始蓬莱玉参通体始终为白色,而普通仿刺参在45日龄时体表局部出现色素,疣足处较为明显,60日龄幼体一半以上全身布满色素。蓬莱玉参因通体纯白色而受到了众多养殖企业和研究领域的关注,本文的结果为其今后的研究奠定了可靠的理论基础。  相似文献   
本文从繁殖群体的环境条件、形体特征、卵巢发育与繁殖力方面对广东从化地区溪流、池塘、农田3种不同生境的食蚊鱼(Gambusia affinis)种群展开比较研究。结果发现,无论流动水体溪流还是静水水体池塘和农田,食蚊鱼的繁殖期均在3~12月份,繁殖群体中雌鱼占比明显高于雄鱼(Chi-Square test,P0.01)。雌鱼周年平均体长及体重,池塘生境的显著大于农田和溪流生境。农田生境中雌鱼的个体怀卵量(24.1±12.1)粒,体重相对繁殖力(57.5±31.0)粒/g,二者均明显高于溪流生境[(16.6±11.6)粒,(40.8±15.5)粒/g]与池塘生境[(18.9±16.3)粒,(35.7±19.1)粒/g],但农田生境雌鱼成熟卵子的卵径显著小于溪流和池塘生境。结果表明,在环境稳定的池塘生境中,食蚊鱼的繁殖策略偏向k-对策特性;在人为干扰较大的农田生境中,食蚊鱼的繁殖策略偏向r-对策特性。不同类型生境中食蚊鱼的繁殖特性存在一定差异,主要与其栖息环境的稳定性和饵料生物的丰富度有关。  相似文献   
乙酰胆碱酯酶(ACh E)被证明存在于多种吸虫体内,但是关于ACh E在吸虫发育过程中的分布变化情况却少有报道。本实验以贝居腹盾吸虫(Aspidogaster conchicola)为研究对象,选取不同发育阶段的虫体,分别采用醋酸洋红染色和乙酰胆碱酯酶组织化学染色方法,对比处于不同发育阶段虫体的正常结构及乙酰胆碱酯酶分布特征,了解乙酰胆碱酯酶在吸虫发育过程中的分布变化规律。结果显示,从河蚌(Anodonta woodiana)体内获得的虫体根据内部器官的发育程度,可以分为4个不同发育阶段,即幼虫阶段Ⅰ、幼虫阶段Ⅱ、成虫阶段Ⅰ、成虫阶段Ⅱ。乙酰胆碱酯酶的分布在不同发育阶段存在着明显差异,幼虫阶段Ⅰ的睾丸及阴茎囊基部最先出现乙酰胆碱酯酶阳性反应,幼虫阶段Ⅱ在子宫末段膨大部位出现阳性反应;成虫阶段Ⅰ的卵黄腺、输卵管出现阳性反应,并且随着虫体的发育上述部位的阳性反应逐渐加强。而该吸虫的附着、消化、排泄器官在发育早期即出现较强的阳性反应,并伴随虫体发育全过程。该吸虫的神经系统在幼虫早期既已具备脑神经节、主要神经干等结构,而完整、复杂的中枢神经结构至成虫阶段才得以清晰显现。结果表明,乙酰胆碱酯酶的分布区域及反应程度随着虫体的发育而出现变化。  相似文献   
Understanding the mechanisms of early embryonic patterning and the timely allocation of specific cells to embryonic regions and fates as well as their development into tissues and organs, is a fundamental problem in Developmental Biology. The classical explanation for this process had been built around the notion of positional information. Accordingly the programmed appearance of sources of Morphogens at localized positions within a field of cells directs their differentiation. Recently, the development of organs and tissues from unpatterned and initially identical stem cells (adult and embryonic) has challenged the need for positional information and even the integrity of the embryo, for pattern formation. Here we review the emerging area of organoid biology from the perspective of Developmental Biology. We argue that the events underlying the development of these systems are not purely linked to “self‐organization,” as often suggested, but rather to a process of genetically encoded self‐assembly where genetic programs encode and control the emergence of biological structures.  相似文献   
Human height is a highly variable trait, both within and between populations, has a high heritability, and influences the manner in which people behave and are treated in society. Although we know much about human height, this information has rarely been brought together in a comprehensive, systematic fashion. Here, we present a synthetic review of the literature on human height from an explicit evolutionary perspective, addressing its phylogenetic history, development, and environmental and genetic influences on growth and stature. In addition to presenting evidence to suggest the past action of natural selection on human height, we also assess the evidence that natural and sexual selection continues to act on height in contemporary populations. Although there is clear evidence to suggest that selection acts on height, mainly through life‐history processes but perhaps also directly, it is also apparent that methodological factors reduce the confidence with which such inferences can be drawn, and there remain surprising gaps in our knowledge. The inability to draw firm conclusions about the adaptiveness of such a highly visible and easily measured trait suggests we should show an appropriate degree of caution when dealing with other human traits in evolutionary perspective.  相似文献   
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