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Few studies have examined the potential for pathogens with complex life cycles to cause selection on their required alternate (=intermediate) hosts. Here we examine the effects of two fungal pathogens on an herbaceous mustard, Arabis holboellii. One pathogen species uses A. holboellii as a primary host, the other uses it as an alternate host. This plant-pathogen system is especially interesting because the host, A. holboellii, is apomictic; thus individuals reproduce exact copies of themselves. Despite this mode of reproduction, A. holboellii populations are surprisingly genetically diverse. Could frequency dependent selection by pathogens be maintaining clonal diversity? This study assesses the potential for selection by pathogens. In a controlled greehouse experiment we show that there is heritable variation in A. holboellii's resistance to the rust, Puccinia monoica, and that host fitness is severely reduced by P. monoica infection in both the greenhouse and under natural conditions. Field observations indicate that host clones are also differentially susceptible to the short-cycled rust, P. thlaspeos, and that host fitness is reduced by infection to this pathogen as well. Although the preconditions for pathogen-mediated selection are present, frequency-dependent selection by pathogens is unlikely to be important in structuring populations of Arabis holboellii because multiple host genotypes are susceptible to the same inoculum and the pathogen has a long generation time.  相似文献   
The Ih and lh i alleles have been shown previously to reduce the level of endogenous gibberellin A1 (GA1) in shoots of pea (Pisum sativum L.), resulting in a dwarf phenotype compared with the wild type, cv. Torsdag (Lh). In addition, plants homozygous for the lh i allele have reduced seed yield compared with Lh (tall, wild type) and lh (dwarf) plants. In this paper we show that the lh i mutation is expressed in developing seeds and pods. Comparison of GA levels in young shoots and developing seeds of genotypes lh and lh i demonstrates that the relative severity of the two mutations varies in different tissues. Homozygous h i seeds have reduced GA levels, weigh less, and are less likely to develop to maturity when compared with Lh seeds. However, fertilization of lh i plants with Lh pollen increases seed GA levels, seed weight and seed survival, indicating that an increase in seed GA levels due to the presence of the Lh allele can restore normal seed growth. Pods developing on self-pollinated lh i plants are shorter than pods on Lh (wild type) plants, although this may be an indirect effect of the increased seed abortion of lh i plants. Based on these results we suggest that endogenous GAs play an important role in the development of seeds of P. sativum L.Abbreviations GA(n) gibberellin An We wish to thank Katherine McPherson, Peter Newman, Leigh Johnson and Peter Bobbi for technical assistance, Professor L. Mander (ANU, Canberra) and Professor B.O. Phinney (UCLA, USA) for labelled GA standards, and the Australian Research Council for financial support.  相似文献   
Thymidylate synthase (TS), an essential enzyme for catalyzing the biosynthesis of thymidylate, is a critical therapeutic target in cancer therapy. Recent studies have shown that TS functions as an RNA-binding protein by interacting with two different sequences on its own mRNA, thus, repressing translational efficiency. In this study, peptides binding TS RNA with high affinity were isolated using mRNA display from a large peptide library (>1013 different sequences). The randomized library was subjected up to twelve rounds of in vitro selection and amplification. Comparing the amino acid composition of the selected peptides (12th round, R12) with those from the initial random library (round zero, R0), the basic and aromatic residues in the selected peptides were enriched significantly, suggesting that these peptide regions might be important in the peptide-TS mRNA interaction. Categorizing the amino acids at each random position based on their physicochemical properties and comparing the distributions with those of the initial random pool, an obvious basic charge characteristic was found at positions 1, 12, 17 and 18, suggesting that basic side chains participate in RNA binding. Secondary structure prediction showed that the selected peptides of R12 pool represented a helical propensity compared with R0 pool, and the regions were rich in basic residues. The electrophoretic gel mobility shift and in vitro translation assays showed that the peptides selected using mRNA display could bind TS RNA specifically and inhibit the translation of TS mRNA. Our results suggested that the identified peptides could be used as new TS inhibitors and developed to a novel class of anticancer agents.  相似文献   
The spider mite Tetranychus urticae shows variation in its dispersal capacity (i.e., the leaf quality at which a female decides to disperse). We were able to artificially select mites that had either a high or a low dispersal capacity, indicating that this trait was genetically controlled. We then compared correlated responses to this selection. Mites with a genetically high dispersal capacity (‘HD’ strains) had a higher diapause incidence and a lower performance compared to mites with a low dispersal capacity (‘LD’ strains). A possible effect of random genetic drift during the selection was negligible. Our results suggest that differential dispersal capacity is associated with contrasting life history patterns as a result of natural selection. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
A group of Colobus polykomosat Tiwai, Sierra Leone, demonstrated seasonal flexibility in its diet, with seeds, young leaves, and mature leaves each dominating the diet at different times. Comparison of food consumption with phenological data indicates that seeds are eaten whenever available and are preferred to other foods, while young leaves are preferred to mature leaves. Colobus polykomosalso prefer liane to tree leaves, despite the relatively high quality of mature tree foliage at the Tiwai site. Analysis of protein, fiber, and energy values of foods selected and items available, but not eaten, suggests that preference is related to protein and energy maximization. Leguminous plants, especially Papilionaceae and Mimosaceae, are highlighted as important food sources for C. polykomos;seeds and leaves from these families have a high nitrogen content, and the protein content of leguminous seeds often equals or exceeds that found in leaves. It is predicted, therefore, that colobines living in habitats with a high density of legumes will feed heavily on seeds, subject to constraints such as seasonal availability. Where suitable leguminous species are less common, a mixture of fruits, seeds, and young or mature leaves or both is likely to be selected. The results of this and other recent studies of colobines do not support the notion that colobines are specialist folivores.  相似文献   
Adaptation of Microcystis aeruginosa (Cyanobacteria) to resist the herbicide glyphosate was analysed by using an experimental model. Growth of wild-type, glyphosate-sensitive (Gs) cells was inhibited when they were cultured with 120 ppm glyphosate, but after further incubation for several weeks, occasionally the growth of rare cells resistant (Gr) to the herbicide was found. A fluctuation analysis was carried out to distinguish between resistant cells arising from rare spontaneous mutations and resistant cells arising from other mechanisms of adaptation. Resistant cells arose by rare spontaneous mutations prior to the addition of glyphosate, with a rate ranging from 3.1 × 10−7 to 3.6 × 10−7 mutants per cell per generation in two strains of M. aeruginosa; the frequency of the Gr allele ranged from 6.14 × 10−4 to 6.54 × 10−4. The Gr mutants are slightly elliptical in outline, whereas the Gs cells are spherical. Since Gr mutants have a diminished growth rate, they may be maintained in uncontaminated waters as the result of a balance between new resistants arising from spontaneous mutation and resistants eliminated by natural selection. Thus, rare spontaneous pre-selective mutations may allow the survival of M. aeruginosa in glyphosate-polluted waters via Gr clone selection.  相似文献   
We describe an efficient method for generating highly functional membrane proteins with variant amino acids at defined positions that couples a modified site saturation strategy with functional genetic selection. We applied this method to the production of a cysteine-less variant of the Crithidia fasciculata inosine-guanosine permease CfNT2 to facilitate biochemical studies using thiol-specific modifying reagents. Of 10 endogenous cysteine residues in CfNT2, two cannot be replaced with serine or alanine without loss of function. High-quality single- and double-mutant libraries were produced by combining a previously reported site saturation mutagenesis scheme based on the Stratagene Quikchange method with a novel gel purification step that effectively eliminated template DNA from the products. Following selection for functional complementation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells auxotrophic for purines, several highly functional noncysteine substitutions were efficiently identified at each desired position, allowing the construction of cysteine-less variants of CfNT2 that retained wild-type affinity for inosine. This combination of an improved site saturation mutagenesis technique and positive genetic selection provides a simple and efficient means to identify functional and perhaps unexpected amino acid variants at a desired position.  相似文献   
Summary We studied the nesting success of Evening Grosbeaks (Coccothraustes vespertinus) inhabiting two areas of the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains of Colorado from 1983–1987. Sixty-four nests were followed during building, incubating, brooding, and fledging; 54.7% were successful (young fledged). The largest number of nests failed during incubation. Nests started later were more successful than nests begun earlier in the season. Failure was most likely due to severe weather, abandonment during building, or predation. Specific habitat characteristics of grosbeak nesting sites and where nests were placed in trees were consistently associated with nesting success. Successful nests, when compared with nests that failed, were: (1) built in more open areas characterized by dispersed vegetation and a higher minimum canopy, (2) oriented in more southerly directions, (3) built closer to the main trunk of the nest tree, and (4) built in larger trees. Current ideas about whether or not birds actually select nest-sites are briefly discussed. We conclude that some grosbeaks optimally select nest sites where the likelihood of producing fledglings is higher than in other areas.  相似文献   
Timing is essential, but circadian clocks, which play a crucial role in timekeeping, are almost unaddressed in evolutionary ecology. A key property of circadian clocks is their free-running period length (τ), i.e. the time taken for a full cycle under constant conditions. Under laboratory conditions, concordance of τ with the ambient light–dark cycle confers major fitness benefits, but little is known about period length and its implications in natural populations. We therefore studied natural variation of circadian traits in a songbird, the great tit (Parus major), by recording locomotor activity of 98 hand-raised, wild-derived individuals. We found, unexpectedly, that the free-running period of this diurnal species was significantly shorter than 24 h in constant dim light. We furthermore demonstrate, to our knowledge for the first time in a wild vertebrate, ample genetic variation and high heritability (h2 = 0.86 ± 0.24), implying that period length is potentially malleable by micro-evolutionary change. The observed, short period length may be a consequence of sexual selection, as offspring from extra-pair matings had significantly shorter free-running periods than their half-siblings from within-pair matings. These findings position circadian clocks in the ‘real world’ and underscore the value of using chronobiological approaches in evolutionary ecology. Evolutionary ecologists study variation and its fitness consequences, but often have difficulties relating behavioural variation to physiological mechanisms. The findings presented here open the possibility that properties of internal, circadian clocks affect performance in traits that are relevant to fitness and sexual selection.  相似文献   
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