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We observed the number of predatory mites (Phytoseiidae:Typhlodromus caudiglans) on the foliage of 20 North American species of grapes (Vitis spp) plus the domesticated EuropeanVitis vinifera, all grown in a common garden. We found relatively few phytophagous mites. The numbers of phytophagous mites were not correlated with the plant characteristics that we measured. We found approximately five times as many predatory mites as phytophagous mites and the numbers of these phytoseiid predators were not affected by the availability of prey. Similarly, numbers of phytoseiids were unaffected by plant gender and, hence, the availability of pollen, another source of food. The numbers of phytoseiids were not clustered according to the taxonomic grouping of the tested plant species. Leaf surface characteristics explained over 25% of the variance in the numbers of phytoseiids. Numbers of phytoseiids were positively associated with the density of vein hairs, the density of bristles in leaf axils, and the presence of leaf domatia. These results suggest that sheltered habitats rather than food availability may limit the numbers of phytoseiid mites on grapevines.  相似文献   
We analysed the relative effects of food availability and temperature on rates of growth and development of a predatory planktonic water mite, Piona exigua. Growth in length of mites fed Daphnia, Ceriodaphnia and Chydorus was analysed by Gompertz or von Bertalanffy curves; these curves were compared by parallel curve analysis. Growth rates of nymphs and adult female mites increased with temperature; the duration of the imagochrysalis stage decreased. Females grown at 10 °C were smaller at final size than females grown at 15 °C, 18 °C or 22 °C. Females reared at food levels of 15 or 30 prey l−1 grew more slowly and were smaller than those provided with 60 or 120 prey l−1. Nymphs grew more slowly when Daphnia were the only prey, than when smaller prey were available. Food level did not affect nymph growth at 10 °C or 15 °C, but growth at 18 °C or 22 °C may have been slowed at the lowest food levels. Synergistic effects of temperature and food level on nymph growth were apparent only from analysis of growth curves and not from stage duration data.  相似文献   
云南西部不同生境区域革螨群落的模糊聚类分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
郭宪国  叶炳辉 《昆虫知识》1995,32(6):352-355
云南西部10个不同生境区域小兽体表革螨群落经用模糊聚类分析,归并为4种群落类型:华南区室内生境型、华南区室外农耕地生境型、西南区室内生境型及西南区室外农耕地生境型。研究表明,生境的不同或在动物地理上位置的不同导致了革螨群落的差异。  相似文献   
Arrenurus larvae, ectoparasitic on zygopteran imagoes, attach to the host's cuticle and tear it to obtain the host's tissue fluids. Within the host's epidermis, each larval mite produces a feeding device, the stylostome, a narrow gelatinous resilient blind sac. Heavy mite infestation brings about several wounds in close proximity, accompanied by loss of more or less extensive areas of the epidermis. Despite wound repair by congregating hemocytes, local lack of epidermis seems to enfeeble the host, presumably owing to desiccation. Heavily mite-loaded zygopterans have lost the typical agility and are easily caught. A mite-induced mortality seems to exist in zygopteran populations; the infestation contributes to reduced longevity. The study of formation and decline of the arrenurid stylostome in zygopterans renders it possible to trace cellular defence reactions under natural conditions. Most stylostomes seem to thwart the ability of the host to recognize them as foreign bodies. The host's defence appears as a two-step reaction: (1) initial hemolymph clotting and deposition of melanin associated with aggregating hemocytes at the penetration site, (2) occasional subsequent melanization and cellular encapsulation of the stylostome.  相似文献   
It has been recently that particulate matter (PM) exposure increases the risk and exacerbation of allergic asthma. However, the underlying mechanisms and factors associated with increased allergic responses remain elusive. We evaluated IL‐23 and IL‐23R (receptor) expression, as well as changes in the asthmatic phenotype in mice administered PM and a low dose of house dust mite (HDM). Next, changes in the phenotype and immune responses were evaluated after intranasal administration of anti‐IL‐23 antibody during co‐exposure to PM and low‐dose HDM. We also performed in vitro experiments to investigate the effect of IL‐23. IL‐23 expression was significantly increased in Epcam+CD45− and CD11c+ cells, while that of IL‐23R was increased in Epcam+CD45− cells only in mice administered PM and low‐dose HDM. Administration of anti‐IL‐23 antibody led to decreased airway hyperresponsiveness, eosinophils, and activation of dendritic cells, reduced populations of Th2 Th17, ILC2, the level of IL‐33 and granulocyte‐macrophage colony‐stimulating factor (GM‐CSF). Inhibition of IL‐23 in PM and low‐dose HDM stimulated airway epithelial cell line resulted in decreased IL‐33, GM‐CSF and affected ILC2 and the activation of BMDCs. PM augmented the phenotypes and immunologic responses of asthma even at low doses of HDM. Interestingly, IL‐23 affected immunological changes in airway epithelial cells.  相似文献   
研究了紫背金盘Ajuga nipponensis Makino各溶剂提取物和部分化合物对桔全爪螨Panonychus citri McGregor雌成螨及其产卵的驱避作用.结果表明,石油醚萃取物、乙酸乙酯萃取物具有较强的生物活性.在0.1 g · L-1时, 石油醚和乙酸乙酯萃取物对该螨处理1d后的产卵忌避率分别为:84.86%、69.88%;2d后为89.49%、82.19%;对雌成螨驱避率分别为:85.08%、68.66%;2d后为50.96%、69.84%.乙酸乙酯萃取物经分离得到四类化合物,结果表明:馏分Ⅰ为长链脂肪酸混合物,具有较强生物活性,2000μg/ml和1000μg/ml处理1d后,产卵忌避率分别为:80.77%、74.77%;2d后为73.81%、72.59%.2000μg/ml处理1d后对雌成螨的驱避率为:69.88%;2d后为74.24%.刺槐素Ⅱ、新克罗烷化合物Ⅲ和β-蜕皮甾酮Ⅳ在2000μg/ml均不表现活性.对馏分Ⅰ中的4个主要化合物单体进行活性测定,结果表明:十六烷酸、十六烷酸甲酯、十六烷酸乙酯和十八烷酸甲酯在2000μg/ml处理时,1d后,产卵驱避率分别为:75.18%、61.76%、59.18%和66.49%;2d后产卵驱避率为:66.67%、31.15%、46.75%和44.84%;雌成螨驱避率分别为:1d后,67.53%、63.79%、59.26%和68.00;2d后,67.23%、43.96%、48.23%和64.19%.在1000μg/ml处理时,1d 后,产卵驱避率分别为:59.21%、59.16%、57.02%和61.40%;1d后,雌成螨驱避率分别为:69.64%、61.43%、55.76%和64.00%.  相似文献   
张丽梅  高梅香  刘冬  张雪萍  吴东辉 《生态学报》2016,36(13):3951-3959
识别扩散限制和环境筛选在群落物种共存中的相对作用,是土壤动物群落物种共存机制研究的重要内容,然而少有针对地表和地下土壤动物群落的探讨。在三江平原农田生态系统,设置一个50 m×50 m的空间尺度,探讨环境筛选和扩散限制对地表和地下土壤螨群落物种共存的调控作用。基于Moran特征向量图(MEMs)和变差分解的方法来区分环境筛选和扩散限制的调控作用;采用偏Mantel检验进一步分析环境距离和空间距离的相对贡献;使用RDA分析环境因子对螨群落物种组成的解释能力。变差分解结果表明,空间变量对地表、地下和地表-地下土壤螨群落具有较大的显著方差解释量,而环境变量和空间环境结构的解释量相对较小且不显著;偏Mantel检验没有发现环境距离或空间距离的显著贡献;RDA分析表明土壤p H值、大豆株高和土壤含水量对土壤螨群落具有显著的解释能力,说明环境变量对螨群落物种组成的重要作用。研究表明,在三江平原农田生态系统,地表和地下土壤螨群落物种共存主要受到扩散限制的调控作用,同时环境筛选的调控作用也不容忽视。  相似文献   
退化红壤植被恢复对土壤螨类群落结构的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对退化红壤地区的旱生性草坡、稀疏针叶林、针叶林、针阔混交林等4种植被恢复类型及裸地、顶级常绿阔叶林等2个对照样地的土壤螨类群落进行四季调查,共捕获4亚目53科,其中隐气门亚目27科(Cryptostigmata),前气门亚目(Prostigmata)17科,中气门亚目(Mesostigmata)8科,无气门亚目(Astigmata)1科,优势类群为矮汉甲螨科(Nanhermanniidae)和单翼甲螨科(Haplozetidae),常见类群包括若甲螨科(Oribatulidae)、盖头甲螨科(Tectocepheidae)等16科。应用个体密度、类群数、香农多样性、密度.类群DG指数、丰富度和均匀度、甲螨群落的MGP分析和捕食性螨类MI指数,研究其中螨类的群落结构特征。研究结果表明:不同植被类型土壤螨类群落差异显著,各项指标均以常绿阔叶林为最高,其次为稀疏针叶林,显著高于其它样地(P〈0.05),针叶林和裸地处于最低水平。甲螨群落类群结构中,各植被类型中的甲螨群落均属于M型;甲螨个体密度结构类型中,裸地属于MP型,旱生性草坡属P型,常绿阔叶林属于O型,其它均属于M型。中气门螨类的MI指数在各植被类型没有明显的变化。DCA分析将6类型分为3类:裸地、常绿阔叶林各为一类,其余各类型归为一类,这显示了土壤螨类群落对植被恢复不同类型的响应。  相似文献   
目的:对尘螨主要变应原Der f 1进行核酸序列测定,探讨其系统进化信息。方法:根据Genbank公布的Der f 1基因序列设计引物,巢式PCR扩增Der f 1的cDNA,纯化、回收、克隆至pMD19-T simple后进行序列测定,序列比对后用Clustal W1.83构建分子进化树。结果:成功扩增出Der f 1的cDNA片段,测序表明该基因含ORF1个,长度966bp,与参考序列同源性达99.9%。该变应原具半胱氨酸蛋白酶活性,与果蝇进化关系最远,与梅氏嗜霉螨进化关系最近。结论:成功获得了尘螨变应原Der f 1基因片段.根据其编码的氨基酸序列构建出的系统进化树与形态学分类不一致。  相似文献   
金道超 《动物学研究》1992,13(2):109-115
作者在整理采自贵阳、长沙、武汉的马氏雄尾螨Arrenurus(Micruracarus)madarasziDaday标本中,发现了两个近似新种:拟马氏雄尾螨Arrenurus(Micruracarus)madarasziatus sp.nov.和华中雄尾螨Arrenurus(Micruracarus)huazhongensis sp.nov.本文记述了此三近以种,并作了特征鉴别。  相似文献   
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