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The peroxidase cytochemistry and the ultrastructural characteristics of resident macrophages in fetal rat liver have been investigated. Livers of 10-, 11-, 14-, 17-, and 20-day-old fetuses were fixed by immersion or perfusion, incubated for peroxidase, and processed for transmission electron microscopy. Some 17- and 20-day-old fetuses were injected prior to sacrifice with carbon or 0.8-μm latex particles through the umbilical vein. Some livers were additionally processed for scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The endogenous peroxidase was present in the nuclear envelope (NE) and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of fetal macrophages with a negative reaction in the Golgi apparatus, a distribution pattern identical to that in Kupffer cells of adult rat liver. Such peroxidase-positive cells avidly took up the injected latex and carbon particles and were the only cell type in fetal liver involved in erythrophagocytosis. Furthermore, they were associated with erythropoietic elements, forming close contacts with such cells, especially normoblasts. The peroxidase pattern in leukopoietic cells differed at all stages of maturation from that in macrophages. By SEM the macrophages exhibited ruffles and lamellopodia on their surfaces and protruded often into the lumen of fetal sinusoids. Macrophages in fetal liver underwent mitotic divisions. The macrophages were first seen on gestation day 11, whereas the first mature monocytes were found on gestation day 17. These observations suggest that resident macrophages in fetal rat liver form a self-replicating cell line independent of the monocytopoietic series, although they may both arise from a common precursor cell.  相似文献   
Concanavalin A inhibits the (Na+-K+)-ATPase activity of isolated rat-liver plasma membranes, while leaving the Mg2+-ATPase unaffected. Glucagon and cyclic AMP act supplementary to the lectin in the inhibition. The lectin effect is counteracted by insulin and L-epinephrine, and is completely abolished by the beta-adrenergic blocking agent propranolol. Results are discussed on the basis of the known interactions of concanavalin A with plasma membrane components, including its hormone-like action.  相似文献   
林窗是森林生态系统中普遍存在的干扰形式。探究洪水漫溢对林窗内部微环境时空异质性的影响,对揭示荒漠河岸林物种多样性变化及其更新特征具有重要意义。在塔里木河中游非洪水和洪水漫溢区各选取一个大小相似的林窗样地,并使用便携式气象监测仪对林窗内不同方位的空气温湿度进行监测,对比分析不同水淹条件下林窗内微环境的时空分布差异,为深入探索荒漠河岸林植被更新机制奠定基础。结果表明:(1)非洪水漫溢区和洪水漫溢区林窗内空气温度均呈现先上升后下降的变化趋势,空气湿度均呈现先下降后上升的变化趋势,且同一个样地中温度与湿度之间存在明显的负相关关系,而洪水漫溢改变了森林微环境,使林窗内湿度升高,温度下降。(2)非洪水漫溢区和洪水漫溢区林窗内不同方位温度分布差异较小,洪水漫溢对温度变化影响不大;两个样地林窗内湿度变化过程较为复杂,差异明显,洪水漫溢区湿度变化梯度更为密集。(3)非洪水漫溢区和洪水漫溢区林窗内温度差界限明显,西南方向温度差较小,中心位置温度差最大,洪水漫溢并未改变不同方位温度变化趋势;湿度差以中心偏北方向较大,其中非洪水漫溢区湿度差在西北方向较小,而洪水漫溢区湿度差最小值出现在西南方向。研究结果表示荒漠河岸林林窗微环境时空差异具有干旱区独特性,同时阐明了林窗微环境对洪水漫溢的响应,为深入研究林窗干扰对荒漠河岸林更新与演替提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
The era of big biodiversity data has led to rapid, exciting advances in the theoretical and applied biological, ecological and conservation sciences. While large genetic, geographic and trait databases are available, these are neither complete nor random samples of the globe. Gaps and biases in these databases reduce our inferential and predictive power, and this incompleteness is even more worrisome because we are ignorant of both its kind and magnitude. We performed a comprehensive examination of the taxonomic and spatial sampling in the most complete current databases for plant genes, locations and functional traits. To do this, we downloaded data from The Plant List (taxonomy), the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (locations), TRY (traits) and GenBank (genes). Only 17.7% of the world's described and accepted land plant species feature in all three databases, meaning that more than 82% of known plant biodiversity lacks representation in at least one database. Species coverage is highest for location data and lowest for genetic data. Bryophytes and orchids stand out taxonomically and the equatorial region stands out spatially as poorly represented in all databases. We have highlighted a number of clades and regions about which we know little functionally, spatially and genetically, on which we should set research targets. The scientific community should recognize and reward the significant value, both for biodiversity science and conservation, of filling in these gaps in our knowledge of the plant tree of life.  相似文献   
Recent studies suggest that regeneration following large-scale disturbance in Kibale National Park, Uganda, is slow or possibly arrested. Here, data is provided on the growth and mortality of seedlings in the forest understory, treefall gaps, and in large gaps that suggest that this pattern of arrested succession can be attributed partially to the fact that this East African community lacks aggressive colonizing tree species. Growth and mortality rates were contrasted for seedlings of six tree species planted in the understory, small gaps, and large gaps for 36 months. Data suggest that species are adapted to gaps of particular sizes. For example, Uvariopsis congensis grew faster in the understory than in small gaps, whereas Warburgia ugandensis had the lowest mortality rate and highest growth rate in large gaps. Seedlings (n=170) of 15 species were transplanted to assess the response of the tree community to large gap conditions. The limited survival of seedlings in large gaps relative to the understory suggests that only a small proportion of the tree community in this forest regenerates best in gaps larger than those created by the collapse of a single tree. These findings differ from a number of studies conducted in other geographical regions, and suggests that tree communities differ with respect to the proportion of tree species adapted to gaps of particular sizes. This may relate to variation among regions in their history of disturbance and thus frequency of gap formation, size of gaps, and the duration of periods of release. Such variation could imply the existence of a corresponding pattern among tropical forests of differential vulnerability to human disturbance, which tends to create many large gaps.  相似文献   
Seeliger D  de Groot BL 《Proteins》2007,68(3):595-601
A rigorous quantitative assessment of atomic contacts and packing in native protein structures is presented. The analysis is based on optimized atomic radii derived from a set of high-resolution protein structures and reveals that the distribution of atomic contacts and overlaps is a structural constraint in proteins, irrespective of structural or functional classification and size. Furthermore, a newly developed method for calculating packing properties is introduced and applied to sets of protein structures at different levels of resolution. The results show that limited resolution yields decreasing packing quality, which underscores the relevance of packing considerations for structure prediction, design, dynamics, and docking.  相似文献   
The molecular forces that stabilize membrane protein structure are poorly understood. To investigate these forces we introduced alanine substitutions at 24 positions in the B helix of bacteriorhodopsin and examined their effects on structure and stability. Although most of the results can be rationalized in terms of the folded structure, there are a number of surprises. (1) We find a remarkably high frequency of stabilizing mutations (17%), indicating that membrane proteins are not highly optimized for stability. (2) Helix B is kinked, with the kink centered around Pro50. The P50A mutation has no effect on stability, however, and a crystal structure reveals that the helix remains bent, indicating that tertiary contacts dominate in the distortion of this helix. (3) We find that the protein is stabilized by about 1kcal/mol for every 38A(2) of surface area buried, which is quite similar to soluble proteins in spite of their dramatically different environments. (4) We find little energetic difference, on average, in the burial of apolar surface or polar surface area, implying that van der Waals packing is the dominant force that drives membrane protein folding.  相似文献   
How predictable is evolution? Adaptation of fish to hydrogen sulphide In our work, we have used the multiple independent adaptations of the freshwater fish Poecilia mexicana to toxic hydrogen sulphide (H2S) in the headwaters of several Mexican rivers to answer the question if evolution is predictable. We sequenced population genomes of H2S‐adapted individuals along with their respective neighbouring populations in two river systems to quantitatively compare the degree of parallel evolution. The proportion of less than one percent of non‐random overlapping features on most hierarchical levels of biological organisation strongly supported the contingency theory. Even for the key adaptation of H2S tolerance, different mechanisms were identified. The largely independent evolutionary trajectories were due to different de novo mutations.  相似文献   
The mycorrhizal mycoflora was investigated in 35 stands of Pinus sylvestris in three types of young (4-13 yr) and three of old (50-80 yr) stands in the Netherlands, differing in number of rotations and soil type. A plot of 1050 m2 (30 m x 35 m) within each stand was searched for carpophores during the autumns of 1986 and 1987. 10 soil samples per plot were taken in October 1987 in order to assess the mycorrhizal status of the tree roots. The composition of mycorrhizal mycoflora in the different plots was subjected to TWINSPAN cluster analysis and Detrended Correspondence Analysis. Plot groupings generated by these analyses largely parallelled the stand types, indicating that each stand type has its own mycoflora. Differences in myco-floristic composition between stand types were parallelled by differences in the composition of green vegetation. The young stand types had 3.5–27 x more carpophores and 1.4–6.8 x more species than two of the old stand types One old stand type was intermediate. Considerable differences in species composition between the young stand types were observed. It is concluded that the succession of mycorrhizal fungi is not primarily influenced by ageing of the trees, but rather by changes in the soil. The results were compared with data on changes in the occurrence of fruiting species of mycorrhizal fungi in the Netherlands during this century. It appeared that species which have declined according to these data were more frequent in the young plots than in the old plots. However, these species are reported to be frequent in old stands of P. sylvestris in Estonia and Finland. It is argued that this difference is related to the high nitrogen deposition in the Netherlands.  相似文献   
We present a nearest neighbor lattice model of the effects of modifiers on two-state enzyme catalysis of the reaction s ? p-We do not in general make the assumptions of the classical approach to cooperative catalysis that yield (1) adsorption isotherms of the same form as those for the corresponding equilibrium system and (2) a rate of the catalyzed reaction proportional to the number of occupied catalytic sites. Closed form results are obtained for two approximations, the Bragg-Williams and the quasi-chemical. The latter requires (l),but is exact for several simple cases, including the concerted model, under this condition. Under (1) it is found that an interaction between modifier and catalytic sites, whether attractive or repulsive, increases the magnitudes of the slopes of the adsorption isotherms but that interactions between identical sites (catalytic or modifier) increase these magnitudes if attractive and decrease them if repulsive. Thus, the former interaction allows for phase transitions if sufficiently attractive or repulsive, but the latter only if sufficiently attractive. Herein also lies the explanation for why the concerted model displays only “positive cooperativity”. It is further seen that it is not possible to classify a modifier as an activator or inhibitor of the catalyzed reaction solely on the basis of the sign of the interaction energy between catalytic and modifier sites. For agiven energy, the rate of the reaction may increase or decrease in response to the modifier, or it may respond biphasically. Similarly, the rate may respond biphasically to the activities of s or p, lead- ing to instabilities. Thus, possibilities of multiple nonequilibrium stationary states or spatio-temporal patterns are raised-  相似文献   
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