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Discrete plant habit categories such as ‘tree’, ‘shrub’, and ‘liana’ belie continuous variation in nature. To study the evolution of this continuous variation, we gathered data on stem length, diameter and tissue mechanical stiffness across a highly morphologically diverse highland xerophytic scrub on a lava flow in central Mexico. With stem allometric and mechanical data from 1216 segments from 50 species, we examined relationships between stem length–diameter proportions and tissue mechanical stiffness using linear mixed‐effects models. Rather than a series of discrete clouds in stem length–diameter–tissue stiffness space, corresponding to traditional habit categories, the plants of this xerophytic scrub formed a single continuous one. Within this cloud, self‐supporting plants had stems that became predictably longer and tissues that became stiffer for a given diameter increase, and there was no paucity of intermediates between trees and shrubs (‘trubs’). Non self‐supporting plants had a steeper stem length–diameter slope and their tissues did not increase in stiffness with stem size. The area between self‐ and non self‐supporting plants was sparsely occupied as stem size increased. We predict that this ‘empty’ space between lianas and trees is developmentally accessible but of low fitness, meaning that there should be few ‘trianas’ in nature. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 179 , 361–373.  相似文献   
Fierce competition exists between most stem‐twining lianas and the trunks of host trees. However, Merremia boisiana, a vigorous invasive twining liana, never strangles the host tree. Here, we investigated how M. boisiana stems adjust their twining growth to avoid intense competition with host trees, and how hydraulic conductivity is maintained for rapid asexual reproduction. We evaluated the effects of competition on twining M. boisiana stems (Em) and host tree trunks (Eh), compared differences in secondary growth between twining and creeping M. boisiana stems, calculated the total number of vessels (Nt), vessel density (Vmm−2), average vessel diameter (VDave), and percentage of vessels wider than 300 μm in diameter (P300) in the secondary xylem, and traced how these parameters change with increasing cross‐sectional area of stem (SA). The results showed that twining M. boisiana stems were competitively weaker, and mean Em (14.3%) was 21 times greater than that of Eh (0.7%). Secondary growth along the normal direction of the contact surface was significantly inhibited in stems twining on host trees. The lateral secondary growth of these stems was active, forming secondary vascular rings and/or arcs with abundant large vessels. Secondary growth in the central vascular cylinder was also significantly limited in extremely flat twining stems. Nt was positively and linearly correlated with SA. Vmm−2 and VDave fluctuated greatly in younger stems and tended to be stable in older stems. Nt and Vmm−2 did not significantly differ between twining and creeping stems, while VDave and P300 were both higher in twining stems compared to creeping stems of the same size. In conclusion, well‐developed lateral anomalous secondary growth prevents twining M. boisiana stems from fiercely competing with their host trees, while stable vessel density and wider, newly formed, vessels ensured sufficient hydraulic conductivity for the rapid asexual reproduction of twining M. boisiana stems.  相似文献   
Huge areas of tropical forests are degraded, reducing their biodiversity, carbon, and timber value. The recovery of these degraded forests can be significantly inhibited by climbing plants such as lianas. Removal of super‐abundant climbers thus represents a restoration action with huge potential for application across the tropics. While experimental studies largely report positive impacts of climber removal on tree growth and biomass accumulation, the efficacy of climber removal varies widely, with high uncertainty as to where and how to apply the technique. Using meta‐analytic techniques, we synthesize results from 26 studies to quantify the efficacy of climber removal for promoting tree growth and biomass accumulation. We find that climber removal increases tree growth by 156% and biomass accumulation by 209% compared to untreated forest, and that efficacy remains for at least 19 years. Extrapolating from these results, climber removal could sequester an additional 32 Gigatons of CO2 over 10 years, at low cost, across regrowth, and production forests. Our analysis also revealed that climber removal studies are concentrated in the Neotropics (N = 22), relative to Africa (N = 2) and Asia (N = 2), preventing our study from assessing the influence of region on removal efficacy. While we found some evidence that enhancement of tree growth and AGB accumulation varies across disturbance context and removal method, but not across climate, the number and geographical distribution of studies limits the strength of these conclusions. Climber removal could contribute significantly to reducing global carbon emissions and enhancing the timber and biomass stocks of degraded forests, ultimately protecting them from conversion. However, we urgently need to assess the efficacy of removal outside the Neotropics, and consider the potential negative consequences of climber removal under drought conditions and for biodiversity.  相似文献   
基于探地雷达的滨河带藤本和次生乔木林土壤优先流特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侯芳  程金花  王通簙 《生态学报》2022,42(5):1766-1776
滨河带是河流生态系统和森林生态系统的过渡带,该区域林分的土壤优先流特征对流域的地表水文过程会产生重要影响。探究土壤异质性与优先流的关系,为当地地下水安全和河流上下游水生态安全提供参考。本研究以永定河滨河带的藤本和次生乔木林两种植被为研究对象,结合传统亮蓝(Brilliant Blue FCF)染色示踪法,利用探地雷达(Ground Penetrating Radar, GPR)技术进行测线扫描。提取探地雷达图像的单道波形图,对反射波各参数与染色面积比进行拟合,并结合优先流染色特征进行分析。染色形态特征表明,藤本样地土壤染色形态呈现断离式零散分布,优先流发育带为土壤表层以下5—30 cm的土层深度,而次生乔木林土壤呈现大面积斑块状分布,优先流发育较为迟缓,其发育带为土壤表层以下10—25 cm的土层深度,且平均染色面积比藤本小1.68%。探地雷达测线表明,土层深度为0—15 cm时,最大振幅和总振幅面积均随土层的深度增加而下降,土层深度为15—35 cm时,两参数开始波动变化,且藤本样地的最大振幅和总振幅面积大于次生乔木林样地。经拟合发现,染色面积比与最大振幅呈y=25.104lnx+2...  相似文献   
木质藤本是维持森林物种多样性的组成部分。近年来,热带、亚热带森林尤其是次生林内的木质藤本数量的过度增长给森林的恢复和健康发展造成了威胁。至今,国内尚少有研究对森林木质藤本过多的现象、增长机制与生态效应进行综合认识。该文梳理国内外相关文献,从木质藤本数量增长的机制与生态效应进行分析和总结,综合相关研究认为:(1)木质藤本数量的增长与干旱化加剧、大气CO2浓度上升、自然干扰和森林破碎化有关,在环境变化的情况下,木质藤本在形态、行为、生理等方面比树木更具优势,表现为更快的生长速率、更强的繁殖力和可塑性以及资源利用效率。(2)木质藤本主要通过遮荫胁迫、资源竞争和机械压力与损伤等方式对树木造成影响。(3)木质藤本过度增长在个体水平上会阻碍树木生长、生殖并引起树木死亡,在群落水平上会改变物种组成、降低多样性,在生态系统水平上会降低森林碳储量,改变碳、矿质养分和水分循环过程等。因此,建议结合野外长期监测与控制实验开展木质藤本数量动态与环境变化关系、森林干扰对木质藤本生长的影响、木质藤本对环境变化的响应及适应机理、木质藤本数量过度增长的生态效应评价研究。同时,应积极探索合理的森林...  相似文献   
东亚温带藤本植物多样性及其格局   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
胡亮 《生物多样性》2011,19(5):567-573
藤本植物的组成及其地理分布是藤本植物生态学研究的重要内容之一,但对温带藤本植物的相关研究相对缺乏.本文对包括中国东北、日本、朝鲜半岛和蒙古在内的东亚温带9个分区种子植物区系中藤本植物的科属组成、区系成分、生活型和攀援方式及其地理格局进行了比较研究.结果表明:研究范围内总计有藤本304种(含变种、亚种),分属38科96属...  相似文献   
Aero-terrestrial algae are ecologically and economically valuable bioresources contributing to carbon sequestration, sustenance of soil health, and fertility. Compared to aquatic algae, the literature on subaerial algae is minimal, including studies of distinctive habitats such as forest soils, agricultural fields, deserts, polar regions, specific subaerial zones, artificial structures, and tropical soils. The primary goal here was to identify the gaps and scope of research on such algae. Accordingly, the literature was analyzed per sub-themes, such as the “nature of current research data on terrestrial algae,” “methodological approaches,” “diversity,” “environmental relationships,” “ecological roles,” and “economic significance.” The review showed there is a high diversity of algae in soils, especially members belonging to the Cyanophyta (Cyanobacteria) and Chlorophyta. Algal distributions in terrestrial environments depend on the microhabitat conditions, and many species of soil algae are sensitive to specific soil conditions. The ecological significance of soil algae includes primary production, the release of biochemical stimulants and plant growth promoters into soils, nitrogen fixation, solubilization of minerals, and the enhancement and maintenance of soil fertility. Since aero-terrestrial habitats are generally stressed environments, algae of such environments can be rich in rare metabolites and natural products. For example, epilithic soil algae use wet adhesive molecules to fix them firmly on the substratum. Exploring the ecological roles and economic utility of soil and other subaerial algae could be helpful for the development of algae-based industries and for achieving sustainable soil management.  相似文献   
Aim Lianas differ physiologically from trees, and therefore their species‐richness patterns and potential climate‐change responses might also differ. However, multivariate assessments of spatial patterns in liana species richness and their controls are lacking. Our aim in this paper is to identify the environmental factors that best explain the variation in liana species richness within tropical forests. Location Lowland and montane Neotropical forests. Methods We quantified the contributions of environmental variables and liana and tree‐and‐shrub abundance to the species richness of lianas, trees and shrubs ≥ 2.5 cm in diameter using a subset of 65 standardized (0.1 ha) plots from 57 Neotropical sites from a global dataset collected by the late Alwyn Gentry. We used both regression and structural equation modelling to account for the effects of environmental variables (climate, soil and disturbance) and liana density on liana species richness, and we compared the species‐richness patterns of lianas with those of trees and shrubs. Results We found that, after accounting for liana density, dry‐season length was the dominant predictor of liana species richness. In addition, liana species richness was also related to stand‐level wood density (a proxy for disturbance) in lowland forests, a pattern that has not hitherto been shown across such a large study region. Liana species richness had a weak association with soil properties, but the effect of soil may be obscured by the strong correlation between soil properties and climate. The diversity patterns of lianas and of trees and shrubs were congruent: wetter forests had a greater species richness of all woody plants. Main conclusions The primary association of both liana and tree‐and‐shrub species richness with water availability suggests that, if parts of the Neotropics become drier as a result of climate change, substantial declines in the species richness of woody plants at the stand level may be anticipated.  相似文献   
崀山丹霞地貌区野生藤本植物区系与生长特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用线路与样方相结合的调查方法,对崀山丹霞地貌区野生藤本植物区系的种类组成及重要类群进行了调查,并根据调查结果对该藤本植物区系的分布区类型、生活型、叶质和叶级及生长特性和群落形成因素进行了分析.结果显示,崀山丹霞地貌区有野生藤本植物41科75属131种,其中蕨类植物和裸子植物各有1科1属1种,被子植物有39科73属129种;在被子植物中,双子叶植物有34科68属121种,具有明显优势.比较重要的科有蝶形花科(Papilionaceae)、葡萄科(Vitaceae)、茜草科(Rubiaceae)、防己科(Menispermaceae)和卫矛科(Celastraceae), 重要属有铁线莲属(Clematis L. )、蔷薇属(Rosa L. )、猕猴桃属(Actinidia Lindl. )、南蛇藤属(Celastrus L. )、葡萄属(Vitis L. )、蛇葡萄属(Ampelopsis Michaux)和地锦属(Parthenocissus Planch. ).该藤本植物区系含有12个分布区类型,具有明显的热带属性, 热带分布属占总属数的66.19%, 东亚分布和东亚-北美间断分布类型在该藤本植物区系中也有重要作用.在该藤本植物区系中,高位芽、地上芽、地面芽、地下芽和1年生草本植物的比例分别为78.63%、 8.40%、 5.34%、 6.87%和0.76%, 并且以缠绕类的数量占优势, 缠绕类、卷曲类、吸固类和搭靠类藤本植物的比例分别为51.91%、 21.37%、 15.27%和11.45%;叶质以纸质叶为主,占83.21%;叶级谱为中型叶35.88%、小型叶55.72%、微型叶7.63%、鳞型叶0.76%.调查结果表明,崀山丹霞地貌区野生藤本植物类型十分复杂,具有完整的生活型谱,区系组成具有地带性植被--亚热带常绿阔叶林的特征;在崀山丹霞赤壁上由藤本植物和苔藓、矮小草本植物组成的盖度较大的藤本植物组合已经成为一个生态功能单位,形成了一个新的藤本植物植被类型.  相似文献   
Mechanical role of the leaf sheath in rattans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Leaf sheaths of rattans are long, tubular and persistent and unlike many self-supporting palms, extend far from the apex of the plant. The mechanical role of the leaf sheath was investigated in eight rattan species of the subfamily Calamoideae. The main objective was to analyse its influence on the mechanical architecture and contribution to the climbing habit. Bending mechanical properties were measured along climbing axes before and after removal of leaf sheaths. Results were related to stem and leaf sheath geometry and mechanical properties. Contribution of the leaf sheath to axial flexural rigidity was high (c. 90%) in the early stages of growth and towards the apex of older climbing axes for all climbing palms tested. Senescence and loss of the leaf sheath strongly influenced axial stiffness. A nonclimbing species, Calamus erectus, showed a different mechanical architecture. Although lacking secondary growth, palms have been able to develop successful climbers with a mechanical architecture broadly analogous to, although developmentally different from, dicotyledonous lianas. The role of the leaf sheath in modulating mechanical properties during ontogeny ought not to be neglected in studies on monocotyledons, as it possibly contributed significantly to the ways in which different growth forms have evolved in the group.  相似文献   
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