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段后浪  赵安  姚忠 《生态学报》2017,37(11):3744-3754
湿地植物与土壤关系问题一直就是生态学研究的热点,也是湿地植物种群生态位研究的基础。基于鄱阳湖典型湿地-|恒湖农场茶叶港草洲19个样地20种植物重要值组成的样地-|物种矩阵,用等级聚类分析中的Ward法(离差平方和法)将研究区植物划分为灰化薹草(Carex cinerascens)群落、虉草(Phalaris arundinacea)群落及南荻(Triarrhena lutarioriparia)群落3个群落类型。通过Spearman秩相关分析检验物种多样性指数(Shannon-Wiener多样性指数H'、物种丰富度指数S和Pielou均匀度指数J)与土壤因子(土壤pH值、电导率、含水量和有机质)的相关性,结果发现研究区植物物种的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数H'、物种丰富度指数S与土壤pH值分别为显著(P0.05)和极显著(P0.01)正相关关系,而与土壤有机质分别达到显著(P0.05)和极显著(P0.01)负相关水平,Pielou均匀度指数J与土壤因子相关性不明显。利用RDA(冗余分析)排序分析研究区植物物种分布与土壤p H值、电导率、含水量、有机质的关系,结果发现土壤pH值、土壤有机质与研究区植物物种分布关系最为密切(P=0.042,0.048),可以看成是关键控制因子。基于对研究区植物物种分布影响较大的土壤pH值及有机质环境因子,将其分别划分为10个梯度等级,分析植物种群生态位。发现研究区优势种灰化薹草、虉草生态位宽度较大,蚊母草(Veronica peregrina)、荇菜(Nymphoides peltata)等生态位宽度较小,生态位重叠值整体保持在较低水平,说明物种在土壤pH值和土壤有机质两个环境梯度上生态位分化明显。  相似文献   
Competition in plant communities is often a contentious issue because the mechanisms of competitive interactions are not obvious. We sought evidence that Proteaceae communities are competing along two leaf niche axes as observed in a previous study. Two functional characters, leaf size and leaf shape were measured on numerous individuals per species per plot of six communities from two different regions. Patterns of overdispersion along these leaf trait axes between species were observed, similar to the earlier study. The observed results were compared with the patterns expected under a null model using standard and novel indices to test the significance of trait dispersion between species within a plot. Competition and niche differentiation in the observed plots were not supported as the observed trait overlaps were not significantly different from the null expectation. Our results do not support the theory that Proteaceae communities compete along the two proposed functional leaf traits.  相似文献   
Despite the common occurrence of ontogenetic niche shifts, their consequences for morphological adaptations have been little studied. To address this question, we studied morphological adaptations related to ontogenetic niche shifts in Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis) in eight lakes that varied in density of benthic resources and planktivorous fish biomass. Perch start to feed on pelagic zooplankton, then shift to benthic resources at intermediate sizes, and finally, when large enough, mainly feed on fish. These three functional niches over ontogeny are expected to set constraints on the morphology and size-specific growth of perch. The growth of perch was negatively related to planktivorous fish biomass in the zooplanktivorous niche, but positively related to planktivorous fish biomass in the piscivorous niche. The number of gill rakers of perch was negatively related to the biomass of planktivorous fish, providing evidence for the occurrence of character displacement as a consequence of competition in the zooplanktivorous niche. Perch in lakes with low densities of predator-sensitive macroinvertebrates had greater body height measurements and a larger mouth early during ontogeny. This pattern is suggested to be a result of a selection for increased efficiency in the benthic niche when the availability of benthic resources is low. Perch in lakes with a high biomass of planktivorous fishes had fusiform body morphology, a thicker tail and a larger mouth then the average piscivorous perch. The different responses of perch morphology to variation in the availability of benthic resources compared to variation in planktivore biomass are suggested to be partly because the availability of the former resource to a larger extent is set by abiotic conditions (humic content). We suggest that the key factors affecting size-specific growth and body morphology of perch in the system studied are the availability of resources in the benthivorous and piscivorous niches. We also provide evidence for morphological trade-offs, especially between the benthivorous and the piscivorous ontogenetic niches. Received: 6 July 1999 / Accepted: 8 September 1999  相似文献   
Infection patterns of trophically transmitted helminth parasites were compared with feeding ecology in two sympatric whitefish Coregonus lavaretus morphs from two lake systems in northern Norway. In both lakes, the pelagic morph was an obligate zooplanktivore, while the benthic morph utilized both the benthivore and zooplanktivore trophic niches. The differences in niche utilization between the two morphs were associated with differences in trophic morphology (gill raker numbers), suggesting that they were genetically dissimilar and reproductively isolated. The benthic morph had the highest number of helminth species, probably because they exhibited a broader niche width compared to the pelagic morph. In both lakes, the species composition and intensities of helminths reflected the trophic diversification of the whitefish ecotypes with respect to different habitat choice (benthic v . pelagic) and dietary specialization (benthivore v . zooplanktivore feeding strategies within the benthic whitefish morph). Zooplanktivorous fish from both morphs acquired parasites mainly from pelagic copepods and in almost equal quantities. The benthivore feeders within the benthic morph had the highest proportion of parasites with transmission stages from benthic organisms. Host feeding behaviour seemed to be a major determinant of the helminth community structure, and helminths appeared to be useful indicators of long-term trophic specialization of whitefish ecotypes.  相似文献   
Aim The aim of community‐level modelling is to improve the performance of species distributional models by taking patterns of co‐occurrence among species into account. Here, we test this expectation by examining how well three community‐level modelling strategies (‘assemble first, predict later’, ‘predict first, assemble later’, and ‘assemble and predict together’) spatially project the observed composition of species assemblages. Location Europe. Methods Variation in the composition of European tree assemblages and its spatial and environmental correlates were examined with cluster analysis and constrained analysis of principal coordinates. Results were used to benchmark spatial projections from three community‐based strategies: (1) assemble first, predict later (cluster analysis first, then generalized linear models, GLMs); (2) predict first, assemble later (GLMs first, then cluster analysis); and (3) assemble and predict together (constrained quadratic ordination). Results None of the community‐level modelling strategies was able to accurately model the observed distribution of tree assemblages in Europe. Uncertainty was particularly high in southern Europe, where modelled assemblages were markedly different from observed ones. Assembling first and predicting later led to distribution models with the simultaneous occurrence of several types of assemblages in southern Europe that do not co‐occur, and the remaining strategies yielded models with the presence of non‐analogue assemblages that presently do not exist and that are much more strongly correlated with environmental gradients than with the real assemblages. Main conclusions Community‐level models were unable to characterize the distribution of European tree assemblages effectively. Models accounting for co‐occurrence patterns along environmental gradients did not outperform methods that assume individual responses of species to climate. Unrealistic assemblages were generated because of the models’ inability to capture fundamental processes causing patterns of covariation among species. The usefulness of these forms of community‐based models thus remains uncertain and further research is required to demonstrate their utility.  相似文献   
To understand the geographic distribution of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), Brazil, both the climatic niches of Lutzomyia longipalpis and VL cases were analysed. Distributional data were obtained from 55 of the 79 counties of MS between 2003-2012. Ecological niche models (ENM) of Lu. longipalpis and VL cases were produced using the maximum entropy algorithm based on eight climatic variables. Lu. longipalpis showed a wide distribution in MS. The highest climatic suitability for Lu. longipalpis was observed in southern MS. Temperature seasonality and annual mean precipitation were the variables that most influenced these models. Two areas of high climatic suitability for the occurrence of VL cases were predicted: one near Aquidauana and another encompassing several municipalities in the southeast region of MS. As expected, a large overlap between the models for Lu. longipalpis and VL cases was detected. Northern and northwestern areas of MS were suitable for the occurrence of cases, but did not show high climatic suitability for Lu. longipalpis . ENM of vectors and human cases provided a greater understanding of the geographic distribution of VL in MS, which can be applied to the development of future surveillance strategies.  相似文献   
The role of pollinators in floral divergence has long attracted the attention of evolutionary biologists. Although abundant studies have reported the effect of pollinators on flower‐shape variation and plant speciation, the influence of pollinators on plant species differentiation during rapid radiations and the specific consequences of shifts among similar pollinators are not well understood. Here, we evaluate the association between pollinators and floral morphology in a closely related and recently diversifying clade of Linaria species (sect. Supinae subsect. Supinae). Our approach combined pollinator observations, functional floral morphometric measures and phylogenetic comparative analyses. The fauna visiting Linaria species was determined by extensive surveys and categorized by a modularity algorithm, and the size and shape of flowers were analysed by means of standard and geometric morphometric measures. Standard measures failed to find relationships between the sizes of representative pollinators and flowers. However, discriminant function analyses of geometric morphometric data revealed that pollination niches are finer predictors of flower morphologies in Linaria if compared with phylogenetic relationships. Species with the most restrictive flowers displayed the most slender spurs and were pollinated by bees with larger proboscides. These restrictive flower shapes likely appeared more than once during the evolutionary history of the study group. We show that floral variation can be driven by shifts between pollinators that have been traditionally included in a single functional group, and discuss the consequences of such transitions for plant species differentiation during rapid radiations.  相似文献   
An integrated approach to hydropower impact assessment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The submerged aquatic vegetation of 17 Norwegian lakes is described and related to the environmental impacts that result from hydro-electric power (HEP) use of these lakes. Largely based upon physiognomical features, three main community types are discerned. These are denoted as (a) shallow-water, (b) mid-depth, and (c) deep-water community, respectively. The aquatic macrophytes are classified into a plant strategy framework. This classification suggests that these macrophytes frequently exhibit combined traits of the S (stress-tolerating), R (ruderal), and C (competitive) strategies. A plant-strategy index for the lakes is derived from the species classification and related to their HEP use.Broadly, the response features of hydrolake vegetation are: (1) a decline in species richness; (2) the gradual disappearance of the shallow-water and mid-depth communities; (3) a conspicuous absence of vascular submerged macrophytes in storage hydrolakes when lake levels change more than 7 m annually, and; (4) an increased incidence of species possessing plant strategies of the ruderal (R) type. The implications of these results for an environmental impact assessment of hydropower schemes are discussed.  相似文献   
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