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The aim of this review is to show that probably the internal clock of precocial birds is imprinted in the prenatal period by exogenous factors (zeitgeber). The activity of organ functions occurs early during embryonic development, before this function is ultimately necessary to ensure the survival of the embryo. Prenatal activation of some functional systems may have a training effect on the postnatal efficiency.The development of physiological control systems is influenced by endogenous and exogenous factors during the late prenatal and early postnatal period: epigenetic adaptation processes play an important role in the development of animals; they have acquired characteristics which are innated but not genetically fixed. As a rule, the actual value during the determination period has a very strong influence on the set-point of the system. This will be explained using the example of thermoregulation.It is shown in detail that it seems to be possible to imprint the prenatal development of circadian rhythms by periodic changes of the light-dark cycle but not by rhythmic influence of acoustic signals.Altogether, there are more questions open than solved concerning the perinatal genesis of circadian rhythms in birds. Topics are given for the future research.  相似文献   
Identification of different protein functions facilitates a mechanistic understanding of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) infection and opens novel means for drug development. Support vector machines (SVM), useful for predicting the functional class of distantly related proteins, is employed to ascribe a possible functional class to Japanese encephalitis virus protein. Our study from SVMProt and available JE virus sequences suggests that structural and nonstructural proteins of JEV genome possibly belong to diverse protein functions, are expected to occur in the life cycle of JE virus. Protein functions common to both structural and non-structural proteins are iron-binding, metal-binding, lipid-binding, copper-binding, transmembrane, outer membrane, channels/Pores - Pore-forming toxins (proteins and peptides) group of proteins. Non-structural proteins perform functions like actin binding, zinc-binding, calcium-binding, hydrolases, Carbon-Oxygen Lyases, P-type ATPase, proteins belonging to major facilitator family (MFS), secreting main terminal branch (MTB) family, phosphotransfer-driven group translocators and ATP-binding cassette (ABC) family group of proteins. Whereas structural proteins besides belonging to same structural group of proteins (capsid, structural, envelope), they also perform functions like nuclear receptor, antibiotic resistance, RNA-binding, DNA-binding, magnesium-binding, isomerase (intra-molecular), oxidoreductase and participate in type II (general) secretory pathway (IISP).  相似文献   
The purpose of the study was to analyse the effect of arm-shoulder fatigue on manual performance. Ten experienced carpenters performed three standardized tasks (nailing, sawing and screwing). Electromyographic activity was recorded from six arm-shoulder muscles and the performances were video-filmed. After 45 min of standardized arm-cranking (arm-shoulder-fatiguing exercise of approximately 70%-80% maximal oxygen consumption), the tasks were repeated. The number of work movements and the time taken for each task were recorded and the quality of the work performed was compared. After the fatiguing exercise, only nailing was perceived as being harder and more mistakes were made during nailing and sawing. Movement performance was not influenced during nailing but was slightly slower during sawing and faster during screwing. However, there were increased mean EMG amplitudes in the upper trapezius and biceps muscles during nailing, in the upper trapezius, anterior deltoid and infraspinatus muscles during sawing and in the anterior deltoid muscle during screwing. Of the muscles studied the upper trapezius and anterior deltoid muscles increased their activity most after the arm-shoulder-fatiguing exercise.  相似文献   
Summary Mate detection success of male grey-sided voles,Clethrionomys rufocanus, in relation to the spatial distribution of sexually receptive females was studied in an experimental island population. The spatiotemporal distribution of receptive females was controlled by containing females in small, mobile wire-mesh cages, whereas the response by free-ranging males was monitored by means of radiotelemetry. Males were on average more successful in finding oestrous females when females were spatially clumped than when females were spatially overdispersed. In addition, the variance (CV) in male mate detecting success was highest when females had an overdispersed spatial distribution. These results are consistent with predictions from a theoretical model (Ims, 1988b) analysing the effect of mate distribution on male mating success, and with empirical results on prey detection success of predators searching for prey.  相似文献   
Summary Under the ?Bois plus? scheme, the CTBA is currently developing a third party certification, based on the Scrivener law, with the aim of defending the consumers' interests. At this early stage, wood preservatives and treated wood are checked for the efficacy of treatments in order to ensure the stability and security of works in buildings and civil engineering. According to the different classes of risks in service, ?Bois plus? provides the most adeguate level of protection. In the close future, the industry is planning to incorporate, with the help of the CTBA and experts, health criteria within the frame of the ?Bois plus? certification scheme. The means could beSafety indexes, which are objectives of quality for professionals.Safety indexes are concentrations of substances in wood which can be taken as safe for humans and the general environment, while still toxic for the wood pests. This attractive experience aims to make with the brandname ?Bois plus? a synonym of efficacy and safety. This approach meets the essential requirements 1, 3, 4 of the 89/106 EEC directive: mechanical resistance and stability/hygiene, health and environment/safety in use.  相似文献   
Summary C-band number, guard cell length, and chloroplast number per guard cell were determined for eight maize populations. These populations consisted of maize selected for cold tolerance at the University of Nebraska as well as the original unselected populations. The genome size of these populations had previously been determined. C-band number fluctuated concertedly with the changes in genome size indicating that deletions and additions of constitutive heterochromatin occurred during selection, resulting in altered genome sizes. Guard cell size of all the cold tolerant populations was greater than the cell size of the respective nonselected populations. Chloroplast number per guard cell was also higher in all the cold tolerant populations than in their parental populations, but the increases were not statistically significant. The results indicate that changes in genome size that occurred during selection for cold tolerance are the result of changes in amounts of C-band heterochromatin and that the selection process results in an increase in cell size in the cold tolerant populations.  相似文献   
Summary The sensory receptor responsive to pressure applied internally to the ventral abdominal body wall of the blood-feeding insects, Rhodnius prolixus, is a single sense cell containing, at its distal end, a cilium enclosed within a scolopale, a densely staining structure characteristic of insect scolopidial sensilla. A small spherical structure lies within a dilation near the midregion of the cilium, and contains nine heavily staining bodies, the position of each corresponding to a pair of microtubules in the cilium. Proximal to the dilation, the microtubules are organized in a ring of nine pairs with one microtubule of each pair associated with dyneinlike arms. Dastal to the dilation a central pair of microtubules is present, but dyneinlike arms are absent. The scolopale cell, which gives risc to the scolopale, has cytoplasmic invaginations that form an elaborate array of extracellular compartments surrounding the body wall of the sense cell. These compartments may serve to dampen high frequency vibrations permitting the receptor to respond to pressure exerted by touch, an attribute in keeping with the receptor's proposed function of detecting abdominal distension related to the size and movement of the stomach.  相似文献   
The Acheulian Technocomplex exhibits two phenomena: variability and conservatism. Variability is expressed in the composition and frequencies of tool types, particularly in the varying frequencies of bifaces (handaxes and cleavers). Conservatism is expressed in the continuous presence of bifaces along an immense time trajectory. The site of Gesher Benot Ya‘aqov (GBY) offers a unique opportunity to study aspects of variability and conservatism as a result of its long cultural-stratigraphic sequence containing superimposed lithic assemblages. This study explores aspects of variability and conservatism within the Acheulian lithic assemblages of GBY, with emphasis placed on the bifacial tools. While variability has been studied through a comparison of typological frequencies in a series of assemblages from the site, evidence for conservatism was examined in the production modes expressed by the reduction sequence of the bifaces. We demonstrate that while pronounced typological variability is observed among the GBY assemblages, they were all manufactured by the same technology. The technology, size, and morphology of the bifaces throughout the entire stratigraphic sequence of GBY reflect the strong conservatism of their makers. We conclude that the biface frequency cannot be considered as a chrono/cultural marker that might otherwise allow us to distinguish between different phases within the Acheulian. The variability observed within the assemblages is explained as a result of different activities, tasks, and functions, which were carried out at specific localities along the shores of the paleo-Hula Lake in the early Middle Pleistocene.  相似文献   
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