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Effects of water stress on production of ethylene and its precursor, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC), by loblolly pine ( Pinus taeda L.) seedlings from a Texas drought-hardy and a Virginia Coastal Plain source were investigated. Ethylene production rates in needles from the Virgnia source increased slightly with initial stress (-1.3 MPa), declined until water potential reached -1.6 MPa and then increased sharply at -2.5 MPa. The ethylene production rates in needles from the Texas also increased slightly with initial stress, then decreased with decreasing water potential. Ethylene production by root tissue was two to three times higher than needle tissue and decreased with decreasing water potential. ACC concentrations in needles of both seed sources decreased as water potential began decreasing. Below -1.4 MPa, ACC levels started increasing (Texas source) or remained constant until -2.8 MPa (Virginia source) at which time its level increased three-fold. Mean ACC levels in root tissue [122 nmol (g dry weight)−1] were slightly higher than the mean levels in the needle tissue [92 nmol (g dry weight) −1]; roots apparently were more efficient in converting it to ethylene since ethylene production was two to three times higher than needle tissue. The modulation of ethylene synthesis by ACC synthase and ethyleneforming enzyme appeared to be influenced by stress level, organ and seed source.  相似文献   
Eva Johannes  Hubert Felle 《Planta》1987,172(1):53-59
By means of pH-sensitive microelectrodes, cytoplasmic pH has been monitored continuously during amino-acid transport across the plasmalemma of Riccia fluitans rhizoid cells under various experimental conditions. (i) Contrary to the general assumption that import of amino acids (or hexoses) together with protons should lead to cytoplasmic acidification, an alkalinization of 0.1–0.3 pHc units was found for all amino acids tested. Similar alkalinizations were recorded in the presence of hexoses and methylamine. No alkalinization occurred when the substrates were added in the depolarized state or in the presence of cyanide, where the electrogenic H+-pump is inhibited. (ii) After acidification of the cytoplasm by means of various concentrations of acetic acid, amino-acid transport is massively altered, although the protonmotive force remained essentially constant. It is suggested that H+-cotransport is energetically interconnected with the proton-export pump which is stimulated by the amino-acid-induced depolarization, thus causing proton depletion of the cytoplasm. It is concluded that, in order to investigate H+-dependent cotransport processes, the cytoplasmic pH must be measured and be under continuous experimental control; secondly, neither pH nor the protonmotive force across a membrane are reliable quantities for analysing a proton-dependent process.Abbreviations 3-OMG 3-oxymethylglucose - pHc cytoplasmic pH - m electrical potential difference across the respective membrane, i.e. membrane potential - H+/F (=pmf) electrochemical proton gradient  相似文献   
Phenylacetic acid (PAA), a naturally-occurring acidic plant growth substance, was readily taken up by pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Alderman) stem segments from buffered external solutions by a pH-dependent, non-mediated diffusion. Net uptake from a 0.2 M solution at pH 4.5 proceeded at a constant rate for at least 60 min and, up to approx. 100 M, the rate of uptake was directly proportional to the external concentration of the compound. The net rate of uptake of PAA was not affected by the inclusion of indol-3yl-acetic acid (IAA) in the uptake medium (up to approx. 30 M) and, unlike the net uptake of IAA, was not stimulated by N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) or 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid. At an external concentration of 0.2 M and pH 4.5, the net rate of uptake of PAA was about twice that of IAA. It was concluded that the uptake of PAA did not involve the participation of carriers and that PAA was not a transported substrate for the carriers involved in the uptake and polar transport of IAA. Nevertheless, the inclusion of 3–100 M unlabelled PAA in the external medium greatly stimulated the uptake by pea stem segments of [1-14C]IAA (external concentration 0.2 M). It was concluded that whilst PAA was not a transported substrate for the NPA-sensitive IAA efflux carrier, it interacted with this carrier to inhibit IAA efflux from cells. Over the concentration range 3–100 M, PAA progressively reduced the stimulatory effect of NPA on IAA uptake, indicating that PAA also inhibited carrier-mediated uptake of IAA. The consequences of these observations for the regulation of polar auxin transport are discussed.Abbreviations IAA indol-3yl-acetic acid - DMO 5,5-dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione - NPA N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid - PAA phenylacetic acid - TIBA 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid  相似文献   
Day/night changes in turgor pressure (P) and titratable acidity content were investigated in the (Crassulacean-acid-metabolism (CAM) plant Kalanchoe daigremontiana. Measurements of P were made on individual mesophyll cells of intact attached leaves using the pressure-probe technique. Under conditions of high relative humidity, when transpiration rates were minimal, changes in P correlated well with changes in the level of titratable acidity. During the standard 12 h light/12 h dark cycle, maximum turgor pressure (0.15 MPa) occurred at the end of the dark period when the level of titratable acidity was highest (about 300 eq H+·g-1 fresh weight). A close relationship between P and titratable acidity was also seen in leaves exposed to perturbations of the standard light/dark cycle. (The dark period was either prolonged, or else only CO2-free air was supplied in this period). In plants deprived of irrigation for five weeks, diurnal changes in titratable acidity of the leaves were reduced (H=160 eq H+·g-1 fresh weight) and P increased from essentially zero at the end of the light period to 0.02 MPa at the end of the dark period. Following more severe water stress (experiments were made on leaves which had been detached for five weeks), P was zero throughout day and night, yet small diurnal changes in titratable acidity were still measured. These findings are discussed in relation to a hypothesis by Lüttge et al. 1975 (Plant Physiol. 56,613-616) for the role of P in the regulation of acidification/de-acidification cycles of plants exhibiting CAM.Abbreviations CAM crassulacean acid metabolism - FW fresh weight - P turgor pressure  相似文献   
Summary After random Tn5 mutagenesis of the stem-nodulating Sesbania rostrata symbiont strain ORS571, Nif-, Fix- and Nod- mutants were isolated. The Nif- mutants had lost both free-living and symbiotic N2 fixation capacity. The Fix- mutants normally fixed N2 in the free-living state but induced ineffective nodules on S. rostrata. They were defective in functions exclusively required for symbiotic N2 fixation. A further analysis of the Nod- mutants allowed the identification of two nod loci. A Tn5 insertion in nod locus 1 completely abolished both root and stem nodulation capacity. Root hair curling, which is an initial event in S. rostrata root nodulation, was no longer observed. A 400 bp region showing weak homology to the nodC gene of Rhizobium meliloti was located 1.5 kb away from this nod Tn5 insertion. A Tn5 insertion in nod locus 2 caused the loss of stem and root nodulation capacity but root hair curling still occurred. The physical maps of a 20.5 kb DNA region of nod locus 1 and of a 40 kb DNA region of nod locus 2 showed no overlaps. The two nod loci are not closely linked to nif locus 1, containing the structural genes for the nitrogenase complex (Elmerich et al. 1982).  相似文献   
Rengel, Z. and Kordan, H. A. 1987. Effects of growth regulators on light-dependent anthocyanin production in Zea mays seedlings.
The effects of ethylene, indolyl- and naphthylacetic acids, zeatin, benzyladenine, gib-berellic acid and triiodobenzoic acid on anthocyanin production in seedlings of Zea mays L. cv. Golden Bantam were investigated. Endogenously produced and exogen-ously supplied ethylene, as well as the other growth regulators tested markedly suppressed anthocyanin formation. Except for triiodobenzoic acid, the other growth regulators stimulated ethylene production, the amounts produced in the light being larger than those in the dark. Absorption of ethylene by permanganate as well as inhibition of ethylene production or action by Co2+ or Ag+ increased anthocyanin formation in maize seedlings above the level found in the control plants. The inhibiting effect of auxins and cytokinins on anthocyanin production was reversed by Co2+ or Ag+. In contrast, decreased anthocyanin formation caused by gibberellic acid or triiodobenzoic acid seemed unrelated to ethylene and could not be alleviated by Co2+ or Ag+.  相似文献   
The activity of the enzymes 5'-nucleotidase (EC, adenosine nucleosidase (EC, adenine phosphoribosyl transferase (EC and acid phosphatase (EC was determined in sections of tomato plant ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Bellina). The distribution of the enzymes changed markedly during development and a role for these enzymes in cytokinin metabolism is suggested.  相似文献   
The auxins indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) stimulated ethylene production from gametophytes of the fern Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn. var. latiusculum (Desv) underw. ex Heller and sporophytes of the ferns Matteuccia struthiopteris (L.)Todaro and Polystichum munitum (Kaulf.) Presl. Treatment with Co2+ or l -α -(2-aminoethoxyvinyl)-glycine (AVG) eleminated or significantly reduced the stimulatory effects of IAA. Treatment with 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) resulted in significantly greater rates of ethylene production from all tissues tested. Based on their response to auxin, ACC, AVG and Co2+, the ethylene biosynthetic pathway in these three lower vascular plants appears similar to that existing in angiosperms.  相似文献   
An NAD(P)H oxidase activity stimulated by phenolic compounds has been investigated in purified plasma membranes (pm) and in an intracellular membrane (icm) fraction depleted in plasma membranes, both obtained from a microsomal fraction from cauliflower inflorescences ( Brassica oleracea L.). The phenolic compounds salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM), ferulic acid, coniferyl alcohol, n -propyl gallate, naringenin, kaempferol and caffeic acid all strongly stimulated the activity. Peroxidase (EC, or a peroxidase-like enzyme, was responsible for the NAD(P)H oxidase activity, which proceeded through a free-radical chain reaction and was inhibited by catalase (EC, superoxide dismutase (EC and KCN. Most of the total activity was soluble; however, the membrane-bound activity was highly enriched in the pm compared to the icm. The catalase activity was 6 times higher in the icm-fraction than in the pm-fraction, but this was not the reason for the much lower phenol-stimulated NADH oxidase activity in the icm. Peroxidase activity measured with o -dianisidine and H2O2 had about the same specific activities in the pm-and icm-fractions.
Neither the phenol-stimulated NADH oxidase nor the peroxidase activity could be washed away from the pm even by 0.7 M NaCl, indicating that these activities are truly membrane-bound. SHAM as well as the other phenolic compounds capable of stimulating the NADH oxidase reaction were potent inhibitors of blue light-induced cytochrome b -reduction in the pm fraction.  相似文献   
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