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城市公园是城市生态系统的重要组成部分和城市生物多样性热点地区,具有丰富的声景观资源。由于声景观及声学方法具有信息量大,成本低,低侵入的特点,因此其研究和应用对生态系统健康及监测具有较高价值。声景观研究通过总结生物声的活动或多样性来衡量生物多样性。记录了北京20个城市公园的春季声景观,使用定量方法描述了声景观特征与变化;测试三种了已被证明与生物多样性相关并被广泛使用的声学指数(BIO、ADI、NDSI)与植被群落关系,完成了城市环境中声景观与环境关系的初步探究。研究结果表明:(1)声学指数能够有效表征城市公园声景观信息,具有显著的时间动态特性,能准确反映鸟类黎明合唱等重要生物生态活动;(2)声学强度指数也具有显著的时间动态变化和沿频率梯度的变化,不同的频率区间反映了不同声学群落的活动信息;(3)植被结构尤其是垂直结构对声景观起着重要作用,垂直异质性越大,声学多样性越高。发现支持声景观作为公园植被状况的度量,强调了其作为生物多样性和生态系统健康状况监测方法,用于城市管理和可持续发展的巨大潜力。  相似文献   
武静  李梦婷 《生物信息学》2020,27(1):110-114
近年来,中国诸多大中城市内涝灾害频发。武汉市作为城市内涝频发的典型城市,其建成区地表高度(20.0~24.0 m)大多低于外江常年所处的洪水位高度(23.9 m),在区域性暴雨条件下,极易引发内涝灾害。武汉由于其内涝典型性,2013年被列为全国31个重点防洪城市之一,2015年被列入首批海绵城市试点城市之一。从城市内涝发生机理出发,以水文角度的小流域单元作为内涝风险区划的基本单元,利用小流域单元分析武汉市景观地形要素(地表高程、地表起伏度、地表粗糙度)与城市内涝积水密度的相关性及其影响程度,量算统计出小流域单元的内涝风险等级。基于此,提出武汉市小流域单元减灾地形调控评价。以武汉市作为城市内涝问题的研究案例,以期为武汉市内涝缓解提供新的思考路径,具有典型性和必要性。  相似文献   
Food action plans in many global cities articulate interest in multiple objectives including reducing in‐ and trans‐boundary environmental impacts (water, land, greenhouse gas (GHG)). However, there exist few standardized analytical tools to compare food system characteristics and actions across cities and countries to assess trade‐offs between multiple objectives (i.e., health, equity) with environmental outcomes. This paper demonstrates a streamlined model applied for analysis of four cities with varying characteristics across the United States and India, to quantify system‐wide water, energy/GHG, and land impacts associated with multiple food system actions to address health, equity, and environment. Baseline diet analysis finds key differences between countries in terms of meat consumption (Delhi 4; Pondicherry 16; United States 59, kg/capita/year), and environmental impact of processing of the average diet (21%, 19%, <1%, <1% of community‐wide GHG‐emissions for New York, Minneapolis, Delhi, and Pondicherry). Analysis of supply chains finds city average distance (food‐miles) varies (Delhi 420; Pondicherry 200; United States average 1,640 km/t‐food) and the sensitivity of GHG emissions of food demand to spatial variability of energy intensity of irrigation is greater in Indian than US cities. Analysis also finds greater pre‐consumer waste in India versus larger post‐consumer accumulations in the United States. Despite these differences in food system characteristics, food waste management and diet change consistently emerge as key strategies. Among diet scenarios, all vegetarian diets are not found equal in terms of environmental benefit, with the US Government's recommended vegetarian diet resulting in less benefit than other more focused targeted diet changes.  相似文献   
Anthropogenic noise can adversely impact urban bird populations by interfering with vocal communication. Less research has addressed if anthropogenic noise masks the adventitious sounds that birds use to aid predator detection, which may lead to increased vigilance and reduced feeding efficiency. We test this hypothesis using a controlled playback experiment along an urban–rural gradient in Sheffield (UK). We also test the related predictions that anthropogenic noise has the greatest impacts on vigilance and feeding efficiency in rural populations, and on species that are more sensitive to urbanisation. We focus on six passerines, in order from most to least urbanised (based on how urbanisation influences population densities): blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus, robin Erithacus rubeculla, great tit Parus major, chaffinch Fringilla coelebs, coal tit Periparus ater and nuthatch Sitta europaea. We used play-back of anthropogenic urban noise and a control treatment at 46 feeding stations located along the urban–rural gradient. We assess impacts on willingness to visit feeders, feeding and vigilance rates. Exposure to anthropogenic noise reduced visit rates to supplementary feeding stations, reduced feeding rates and increased vigilance. Birds at more urban sites exhibit less marked treatment induced reductions in feeding rates, suggesting that urban populations may be partially habituated or adapted to noisy environments. There was no evidence, however, that more urbanised species were less sensitive to the impacts of noise on any response variable. Our results support the adventitious sound masking hypothesis. Urban noise may thus interfere with the ability of birds to detect predators, reducing their willingness to use food rich environments and increase vigilance rates resulting in reduced feeding rates. These adverse impacts may compromise the quality of otherwise suitable foraging habitats in noisy urban areas. They are likely to be widespread as they arise in a range of species including common urban birds.  相似文献   
近自然森林作为城市植被恢复的重要模式,已在我国多地开展了实践,并衍生了新的造林模式。为评估不同近自然森林建设模式的群落恢复进程,本研究以上海城市裸地上重建的近自然森林为对象,通过长期监测两处分别应用原"宫胁法"与新"异龄复层落叶—常绿混交林"种植模式的近自然森林重建过程,从物种组成、垂直结构、生活型组成和目标恢复物种4个方面解析恢复动态。结果表明:两种造林模式恢复的近自然森林,随恢复进程其物种组成逐渐趋同,在十多年内已形成了落叶—常绿垂直混交结构;"异龄复层落叶—常绿混交林"造林模式可更好地促进常绿阔叶树种的恢复,尤其是常绿建群种红楠与小叶青冈。本研究证实了近自然森林恢复技术可以缩短亚热森林群落向演替后期发展的时间,以及新造林模式的有效性,为近自然森林技术的应用与实施提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
Urbanization affects key aspects of wildlife ecology. Dispersal in urban wildlife species may be impacted by geographical barriers but also by a species’ inherent behavioural variability. There are no functional connectivity analyses using continuous individual‐based sampling across an urban‐rural continuum that would allow a thorough assessment of the relative importance of physical and behavioural dispersal barriers. We used 16 microsatellite loci to genotype 374 red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) from the city of Berlin and surrounding rural regions in Brandenburg in order to study genetic structure and dispersal behaviour of a mobile carnivore across the urban‐rural landscape. We assessed functional connectivity by applying an individual‐based landscape genetic optimization procedure. Three commonly used genetic distance measures yielded different model selection results, with only the results of an eigenvector‐based multivariate analysis reasonably explaining genetic differentiation patterns. Genetic clustering methods and landscape resistance modelling supported the presence of an urban population with reduced dispersal across the city border. Artificial structures (railways, motorways) served as main dispersal corridors within the cityscape, yet urban foxes avoided densely built‐up areas. We show that despite their ubiquitous presence in urban areas, their mobility and behavioural plasticity, foxes were affected in their dispersal by anthropogenic presence. Distinguishing between man‐made structures and sites of human activity, rather than between natural and artificial structures, is thus essential for better understanding urban fox dispersal. This differentiation may also help to understand dispersal of other urban wildlife and to predict how behaviour can shape population genetic structure beyond physical barriers.  相似文献   
Phenotypic plasticity plays a critical role in adaptation to novel environments. Behavioural plasticity enables more rapid responses to unfamiliar conditions than evolution by natural selection. Urban ecosystems are one such novel environment in which behavioural plasticity has been documented. However, whether such plasticity is adaptive, and if plasticity is convergent among urban populations, is poorly understood. We studied the nesting biology of an ‘urban-adapter’ species, the dark-eyed junco (Junco hyemalis), to understand the role of plasticity in adapting to city life. We examined (i) whether novel nesting behaviours are adaptive, (ii) whether pairs modify nest characteristics in response to prior outcomes, and (iii) whether two urban populations exhibit similar nesting behaviour. We monitored 170 junco nests in urban Los Angeles and compared our results with prior research on 579 nests from urban San Diego. We found that nests placed in ecologically novel locations (off-ground and on artificial surfaces) increased fitness, and that pairs practiced informed re-nesting in site selection. The Los Angeles population more frequently nested off-ground than the San Diego population and exhibited a higher success rate. Our findings suggest that plasticity facilitates adaptation to urban environments, and that the drivers behind novel nesting behaviours are complex and multifaceted.  相似文献   
朱立安  曾清苹  柳勇  柯欢  程炯  张会化  李俊杰 《生态学报》2020,40(13):4659-4669
富集重金属的枯落物分解可能提高重金属暴露率,增加人体接触健康风险。为了解南方城市土壤重金属在森林生态系统中的分布及流转情况,通过调查研究了佛山市8个典型森林群落土壤及枯落物重金属含量,分析了各森林群落枯落物对不同重金属的富集效应及重金属随枯落物回归土壤流通量。结果表明:1)城市森林各土壤重金属含量在不同典型群落间差异显著(P<0.05),差异最大为Pb、Cr、Zn,As、Cu、Ni次之,Hg、Cd最小;土层深度(0-20,20-40,40-60 cm)对重金属含量影响显著(P<0.05),差异最大为Cd、Hg,其次为As、Cu,最小为Zn、Ni、Pb、Cr。整体上,Cd、Hg、As、Pb、Zn在0-20 cm最高,表层富集特征明显,Cr和Ni在40-60 cm最高。2)8个森林群落中阴香-白楸-醉香含笑群落(CMMC)枯落物对8种重金属的综合富集系数(TBCF,66.76)最高,其中以Cd的富集效果最突出,富集系数为44.45,且对Pb、Cu、Zn也相对富集;最低的为黧蒴锥-香椿-樟树群落(CTCC),综合富集系数(TBCF)为8.09,仅对Cd、Cr、Cu相对富集,对其余重金属富集效应不明显。3)相关分析显示,群落重金属枯落物流通量与0-60 cm土壤重金属平均含量(Cr和Ni除外)无显著相关性。本研究对城市森林建设管理及筛选重金属富集植物及群落具有较强理论及实践意义。  相似文献   
包红光  王成  杜万光  郭二果  王晓磊  贺然 《生态学报》2020,40(14):4699-4709
随着城市的不断扩张,PM_(2.5)污染凸显,引起广泛关注。研究表明,城市林木为城市环境提供了重要的生态保障,在调控、缓解、降低城市PM_(2.5)污染危害等方面发挥极其重要的作用,通过筛选树种、优化配置结构、提高林木质量等方面进行城市林木前瞻性布局。然而,结合前期研究基础如何进一步深入研究并研究突破城市林木调控PM_(2.5)污染机制与机理,实现调控PM_(2.5)效应的最大化、最优化,依然是一个亟待解决的难题,这迫切需要在多尺度、多维度进行调控PM_(2.5)效应研究,并在不同尺度、不同维度进一步进行结合、延伸。对基于实地监测的城市林木调控PM_(2.5)能力研究现状相关文献进行归纳总结,并从林木单位叶面积与形态特征、配置结构特征、气象条件以及其他因素等方面归纳城市林木调控PM_(2.5)机制,同时从城市林木调控PM_(2.5)效应的时间变化特征、水平距离和垂直变化特征、内外变化特征等方面总结城市林木调控PM_(2.5)时空特征。最终提出研究城市林木调控PM_(2.5)效应目前存在的主要问题以及未来研究展望。  相似文献   
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