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小尺度森林生态功能分区研究——以台湾惠荪林场为例   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
基于景观生态学中结构与功能相互依存的理念 ,选定小尺度森林为研究对象 ,根据生态系统内部结构特性 ,确立森林生态功能的空间定位 ,以提高森林生态系统的功能与价值。研究首先基于森林生态系统具有生物生产、环境服务及文化支持等基本功能 ,提出上述功能应通过森林生产、教学实习、科学研究、休闲游憩和生态保护等功能区加以体现。后依据研究区环境特征进行影响因子分析 ,结合景观生态与生态规划相关理论 ,构建森林生态功能分区方案。在案例实践中 ,选择台湾惠荪林场进行研究 ,配合研究区现况 ,期望通过功能区与结构的空间调整 ,达到服务功能的优化。  相似文献   
Photosynthetic leaf traits were determined for savanna and forest ecosystems in West Africa, spanning a large range in precipitation. Standardized major axis fits revealed important differences between our data and reported global relationships. Especially for sites in the drier areas, plants showed higher photosynthetic rates for a given N or P when compared with relationships from the global data set. The best multiple regression for the pooled data set estimated Vcmax and Jmax from NDW and S. However, the best regression for different vegetation types varied, suggesting that the scaling of photosynthesis with leaf traits changed with vegetation types. A new model is presented representing independent constraints by N and P on photosynthesis, which can be evaluated with or without interactions with S. It assumes that limitation of photosynthesis will result from the least abundant nutrient, thereby being less sensitive to the allocation of the non‐limiting nutrient to non‐photosynthetic pools. The model predicts an optimum proportionality for N and P, which is distinct for Vcmax and Jmax and inversely proportional to S. Initial tests showed the model to predict Vcmax and Jmax successfully for other tropical forests characterized by a range of different foliar N and P concentrations.  相似文献   
Heterotrophic nitrogen fixation is a key ecosystem process in unpolluted, temperate old‐growth forests of southern South America as a source of new nitrogen to ecosystems. Decomposing leaf litter is an energy‐rich substrate that favours the occurrence of this energy demanding process. Following the niche ‘complementarity hypothesis’, we expected that decomposing leaf litter of a single tree species would support lower rates of non‐symbiotic N fixation than mixed species litter taken from the forest floor. To test this hypothesis we measured acetylene reduction activity in the decomposing monospecific litter of three evergreen tree species (litter C/N ratios, 50–79) in an old‐growth rain forest of Chiloé Island, southern Chile. Results showed a significant effect of species and month (anova , Tukey's test, P < 0.05) on decomposition and acetylene reduction rates (ARR), and a species effect on C/N ratios and initial % N of decomposing leaf litter. The lowest litter quality was that of Nothofagus nitida (C/N ratio = 78.7, lignin % = 59.27 ± 4.09), which resulted in higher rates of acetylene reduction activity (mean = 34.09 ± SE = 10.34 nmol h?1 g?1) and a higher decomposition rate (k = 0.47) than Podocarpus nubigena (C/N = 54.4, lignin % = 40.31 ± 6.86, Mean ARR = 4.11 ± 0.71 nmol h?1 g?1, k = 0.29), and Drimys winteri (C/N = 50.6, lignin % = 45.49 ± 6.28, ARR = 10.2 ± 4.01 nmol h?1 g?1, k = 0.29), and mixed species litter (C/N = 60.7, ARR = 8.89 ± 2.13 nmol h?1g?1). We interpret these results as follows: in N‐poor litter and high lignin content of leaves (e.g. N. nitida) free‐living N fixers would be at competitive advantage over non‐fixers, thereby becoming more active. Lower ARR in mixed litter can be a consequence of a lower litter C/N ratio compared with single species litter. We also found a strong coupling between in situ acetylene reduction and net N mineralization in surface soils, suggesting that as soon N is fixed by diazotroph bacteria it may be immediately incorporated into mineral soil by N mineralizers, thus reducing N immobilization.  相似文献   
An igapó forest near the confluence of Rio Tarumã Mirim (Tarumãzinho) and Rio Negro has been studied. It is a typical ectotroph forest with a raw humus layer and suppressed litter decomposing activity by Higher (i.e., carpophore-producing) Fungi. The number of the latter is about one-fifth of that observed in the (anectotrophic) terra firme forest. All ectotrophically mycorrhizal fungi observed belonged in three families:Amanitaceae, Boletaceae, Russulaceae. Leguminosae are dominant, and of theseAldina latifolia andSwartzia cf.polyphylla were demonstrably ectomycorrhizal. The scarcity of mineral nutrients in the soils of igapó, campinarana and campina is overcome by direct cycling through ectomycorrhizae. This is in contrast to other black- and white-water inundated forest communities in Amazonia.Litter Decomposition and Ectomycorrhiza in Amazonian Forests3. Previous contributions seeSinger & Araujo (1979) andSinger & al. (1983).  相似文献   
基于2007年Landsat TM遥感影像和影响防护林的主导环境因子,对三峡库区的森林立地进行分类,并通过选取水源涵养量、生物量和林分生产力3个指标,利用多目标灰色局势决策模型对库区现有的针叶林、阔叶林、针阔混交林和灌木林4种防护林类型进行空间优化配置.结果表明: 2007年,三峡库区森林立地可划分为40种类型;空间配置优化后,研究区针叶林、阔叶林、针阔混交林和灌木林的面积比例分别为32.55%、29.43%、34.95%和3.07%.与优化前相比,优化后针叶林和灌木林的面积比例分别减少了8.79%和28.55%,阔叶林和针阔混交林分别增加了10.23%和27.11%.通过防护林类型的空间优化,三峡库区整体的水源涵养能力、生物量和林分生产力分别增加14.09×108 m3、0.35×108 t和1.08×106 t.  相似文献   
Acoustic communication is fundamental in avian territory defence and mate attraction. In urban environments where sound transmissions are more likely to be masked by low-frequency anthropogenic noise, acoustic adaptations may be advantageous. However, minor modifications to a signal could affect its efficacy. While recent research has shown that there is divergence between songs from noisy and quiet areas, it is unknown whether these differences affect the response to the signal by its receivers. Here, we show that there is a difference in spectral aspects of rural and urban song in a common passerine, the great tit Parus major, at 20 sites across the UK. We also provide, to our knowledge, the first demonstration that such environmentally induced differences in song influence the response of male territory holders. Males from quiet territories exhibited a significantly stronger response when hearing song from another territory holder with low background noise than from those with high background noise. The opposite distinction in response intensity to homotypic versus heterotypic song was observed in males from noisy territories. This behavioural difference may intensify further signal divergence between urban and rural populations and raises important questions concerning signal evolution.  相似文献   
元谋干热河谷生态恢复区昆虫多样性研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
以元谋退化生态系统初始生态恢复中人工构建植被为研究对象,在样地调查的基础上,对比分析了退化生态系统和恢复生态系统昆虫群落多样性组成与结构的恢复状况及其对人工群落类型的生态响应。结果表明,植物群落组成是影响昆虫群落多样性的关键因子。与天然植被相比,混交林促进了昆虫在退化地的扩散和定居,物种多样性明显增加。主成分分析排序将6种生境分为两大类:第Ⅰ类为赤桉纯林,代表物种单一、林下空旷、环境干燥为特点的植被;第Ⅱ类为扭黄茅草坡、车桑子灌丛及赤桉 银合欢、赤桉 相思、相思 银合欢3种混交林,代表物种相对复杂,生境偏向湿润的植被。不同生境的特有昆虫和优势昆虫种类和数量分析表明,在3种混交林中,相思 合欢恢复的效果较赤桉 相思与赤桉 合欢显著,是最好的先锋群落植物混交模式,能够较快改良生境,提高其物种多样性。但由于造林面积较小,植被恢复时间短,受人为干扰较大,昆虫多样性恢复的效果还不明显。  相似文献   
Recognition of genetic structure of populations and the ability to identify vulnerable populations is useful for the formation of conservation management strategies for plants. Eucalyptus grandis is a tall forest tree that has a major area of occurrence in subtropical eastern Australia, with smaller populations located in the east coast tropics. Many widespread forest species exhibit population differentiation that corresponds to geographic regions. However, Eucalyptus grandis appears to be an exception based on isozyme and morphological data. This is intriguing given a large discontinuity between northern populations and those in the southern part of the species range. In this study, the distribution of a maternally inherited chloroplast locus was examined because it was more likely to reveal genetic structure due to the slower evolution of the chloroplast genome and limited dispersal of seed in eucalypts. As expected, the G ST for chloroplast DNA was higher than that for nuclear DNA but indicated low population differentiation for a forest tree species. Phylogeographic analysis indicated that the 15 populations grouped into three broad geographical regions; however, overall population structure was weak suggesting that the large geographical disjunction in the distribution of E. grandis may be relatively recent. A paradigm for conservation management of E. grandis based on chloroplast DNA haplotype distribution would take into account the low differentiation among populations.  相似文献   
峨眉山常绿落叶阔叶混交林的生物多样性及植物区系初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谷海燕  李策宏 《植物研究》2006,26(5):618-623
对峨眉山常绿落叶阔叶混交林的群落结构﹑组成﹑生物多样性及植物区系等几方面进行了研究分析。结果显示峨眉山阔叶混交林由226种维管束植物组成,其中被子植物73科137属207种, 占总种数的91.6%,是峨眉山阔叶混交林的重要组成部分;群落分层现象明显,为乔木层﹑灌木层﹑草本层和层外植物4层,其中草本层发育情况差;科分布型是以热带—亚热带﹑热带—温带为主,各占22.7%, 在属的水平上则以温带分布占绝对优势(52.9%),揭示了峨眉山阔叶混交林的区系性质是以温带为主的亚热带类型;生物多样性指数处于较低的水平,在经过人为干扰后,群落处于稳定的恢复阶段。  相似文献   
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