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Na+-dependent uptake of L-[3H]proline was measured in a crude synaptosomal preparation from the entire rat hippocampal formation or from isolated hippocampal regions. Among hippocampal regions, Na+-dependent proline uptake was significantly greater in areas CA1 and CA2-CA3-CA4 than in the fascia dentata, whereas there was no marked regional difference in the distribution of Na+-dependent gamma-[14C]aminobutyric acid ([14C]GABA) uptake. A bilateral kainic acid lesion, which destroyed most of the CA3 hippocampal pyramidal cells, reduced Na+-dependent proline uptake by an average of 41% in area CA1 and 52% in area CA2-CA3-CA4, without affecting the Na+-dependent uptake of GABA. In the fascia dentata, neither proline nor GABA uptake was significantly altered. Kinetic studies suggested that hippocampal synaptosomes take up proline by both a high-affinity (KT = 6.7 microM) and a low-affinity (KT = 290 microM) Na+-dependent process, whereas L-[14C]glutamate is taken up predominantly by a high-affinity (KT = 6.1 microM) process. A bilateral kainic acid lesion reduced the Vmax of high-affinity proline uptake by an average of 72%, the Vmax of low-affinity proline uptake by 44%, and the Vmax of high affinity glutamate uptake by 43%, without significantly changing the affinity of the transport carriers for substrate. Ipsilateral-commissural projections of CA3 hippocampal pyramidal cells appear to possess nearly as great a capacity for taking up proline as for taking up glutamate, a probable transmitter of these pathways. Therefore proline may play an important role in transmission at synapses made by the CA3-derived Schaffer collateral, commissural, and ipsilateral associational fibers.  相似文献   
Summary Different mushrooms, mosses and corresponding soil samples have been collected mainly from two sites in the alpine region of southwestern Bavaria. At the end of the growthseason, September 1986, gamma spectroscopic analysis showed that the moss-, mould, and needle-layer contained considerably more 134Cs and 137Cs activity per unit fresh weight than eight different species of mushroom. These two isotopes were carried into the biotop mainly as a consequence of the Chernobyl accident. 131J could not be found any more in the samples ca. 5–6 months after the catastrophe. The activity of the cesium isotopes decreased with increasing soil depth. In the mushrooms the activity was relatively high in Xerocomus badius and surprisingly low in Boletus edulis; samples of the latter and of Cantharellus cibarius collected in September 1985 (before the accident) and kept deep frozen contained almost identical amounts of 137Cs as those collected from August to October 1986. Mushrooms contained considerably more of the natural isotope 40K than the needlelayers and the soil samples in the neighbourhood. In all mushrooms except Xerocomus badius the activity of 40K was generally higher than the 137Cs activity. The results indicate that except Xerocomus badius the analyzed mushrooms do not actively take up Cs from the soil, in contrast to K.  相似文献   
Protoplasts isolated from beetroot tissue took up glucose preferentially whereas sucrose was transported more slowly. The 14C-label from [14C]glucose and [14C]sucrose taken up by the cells could be detected rapidly in phosphate esters and, after feeding of [14C]glucose was found also in sucrose. The temperature-dependent uptake process (activation energy EA about 50 kJ · mol–1) seems to be carrier mediated as indicated by its substrate saturation and, for glucose, by competition experiments which revealed positions C1, C5 and C6 of the D-glucose molecule as important for effective uptake. The apparent Km(20° C) for glucose (3-O-methylglucose) was about 1 mM whereas for sucrose a significantly lower apparent affinity was determined (Km about 10 mM). When higher concentrations of glucose (5 mM) or sucrose (20 mM) were administered, the uptake process followed first-order kinetics. Carrier-mediated transport was inhibited by N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, Na-orthovanadate, p–chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid, and by uncouplers and ionophores. The uptake system exhibited a distinct pH optimum at pH 5.0. The results indicate that generation of a proton gradient is a prerequisite for sugar uptake across the plasma membrane. Protoplasts from the bundle regions in the hypocotyl take up glucose at higher rates than those derived from bundle-free regions. The results favour the idea that apoplastic transport of assimilates en route of unloading might be restricted to distinct areas within the storage organ (i.e. the bundle region) whereas distribution in the storage parenchyma is symplastic.Abbreviations CCCP Carbonylcyanide m–chlorophenylhydrazone - DCCD N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide - DOG deoxyglucose - Mes 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid - 3-OMG 3-O-methylglucose - PCMBS p–chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid - SDS Sodium dodecyl sulfate - Tris 2-amino-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol  相似文献   
The fate of15N labeled nitrogen applied to mature citrus trees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The efficiency and balance of nitrogen from one year's application was studied in a long-term fertigation experiment. Enriched nitrogen fertilizer, K15NO3, was applied to a 22-year-old Shamouti orange tree with a history of high N applications (N3) and to an N-starved tree (N1). The distribution of N in the different parts of the trees and in the soil was determined after the experimental trees were excavated. Similar total recovery of the labeled fertilizer N was found in the trees and soil in both treatments (N1−61.7% N3−56%). However, the distribution between tree and soil was different. The amount of recovered residual fertilizer in the soil was much larger in the N3 treatment than in N1. The highest percentage of fertilizer N was found in the new organs,i.e. fruits, twigs and leaves. The roots and branches took up only 6–14% from the labeled fertilizer. Only 20.9% of the leaf N and 23.4% of the fruit N in the N3 tree originated in the labeled fertilizer, indicating translocation of N from older parts of the tree to new growth. Evidence was found of storage of N in the wooded branches, while the roots contained a surprisingly small part of labeled fertilizer. Contribution 1599E.  相似文献   
Growth of 2-month-old nonnodulatedHippophaë rhamnoides seedlings supplied with combined N was compared with that of nodulated seedlings grown on zero N. Plant growth was significantly better with combined N than with N2 fixation and, although not statistically significant for individual harvests, tended to be highest in the presence of NH 4 + , a mixture of NH 4 + and NO 3 ? producing the highest yields. Growth was severely reduced when solely dependent on N2 fixation and, unlike the combined-N plants, shoot to root ratios had only slightly increased after an initial decrease. An apparently insufficient nodule mass (nodule weight ratio <5 per cent) during the greater part of the experimental period is suggested as the main cause of the growth reduction in N2-fixing plants. Thein vivo nitrate reductase activity (NRA) of NO 3 ? dependent plants was almost entirely located in the roots. However, when grown with a combination of NO 3 ? and NH 4 + , root NRA was decreased by approximately 85 per cent.H. rhamnoides demonstrated in the mixed supply a strong preference for uptake of N as NH 4 + , NO 3 ? contributing only for approximately 20 per cent to the total N assimilation. Specific rates of N acquisition and ion uptake were generally highest in NO 3 ? +NH 4 + plants. The generation of organic anions per unit total plant dry weight was approximately 40 per cent less in the NH 4 + plants than in the NO 3 ? plants. Measured extrusions of H+ or OH? (HCO 3 ? ) were generally in good agreement with calculated values on the basis of plant composition, and the acidity generated with N2 fixation amounted to 0.45–0.55 meq H+. (mmol Norg)?1. Without acidity control and in the presence of NH 4 + , specific rates of ion uptake and carboxylate generation were strongly depressed and growth was reduced by 30–35 per cent. Growth of nonnodulatedH. rhamnoides plants ceased at the lower pH limit of 3.1–3.2 and deterioration set in; in the case of N2-fixing plants the nutrient solution pH stabilized at a value of 3.8–3.9 without any apparent adverse effects upon plant performance. The chemical composition of experimental and field-growing plants is being compared and some comments are made on the nitrogen supply characteristics of their natural sites.  相似文献   
Although [3H]imipramine is a selective radioligand for the 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) transporter in human platelets, its affinity for binding to the 5-HT transporter complex at 0 degrees C (0.6 nM) is significantly higher than its potency for inhibition of [3H]5-HT uptake at the physiological temperature of 37 degrees C (Ki = 29 nM). As this apparent discrepancy could be related to the assay temperature, we studied the thermodynamics of drug interaction with the 5-HT transporter at assay temperatures between 0 degrees C and 37 degrees C, using as radioligands [3H]imipramine (0 degrees C and 20 degrees C) and [3H]paroxetine (20 degrees C and 37 degrees C), a newly available probe for the 5-HT transporter. At 20 degrees C, Ki values of 14 tricyclic and nontricyclic drugs for inhibition of [3H]imipramine and [3H]paroxetine binding to human platelet membranes were highly significantly correlated (r = 0.98, p less than 0.001), validating the use of these two radioligands to study the 5-HT transporter over a temperature range larger than was previously possible with [3H]imipramine alone. The affinity of imipramine for the 5-HT transporter is progressively enhanced with decreasing incubation temperature, thus favoring the selectivity of [3H]imipramine for the 5-HT transporter at 0 degrees C. At 37 degrees C, the Ki of imipramine for inhibition of [3H]paroxetine binding is 32 nM, and equals its Ki value for inhibition of 5-HT uptake into human platelets. With the exception of chlorimipramine, other tricyclic 5-HT uptake inhibitors showed a temperature sensitivity in their interaction with the 5-HT transporter similar to that of imipramine.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
A transient 45% increase in cortical high-affinity choline uptake (HACU) was observed after an injection of quinolinic acid (QUIN) into the nucleus basalis magnocellularis (nbM) of the rat. This was followed by a steady decline in choline uptake, which resulted in a 46% decrease by day 7. Specific [3H]hemicholinium-3 binding to coronal brain sections showed a similar pattern following injections of QUIN into the nbM. The increase in cortical HACU elicited by QUIN appeared to be dose dependent.  相似文献   
The partially inbred Danish (Skive) strain of mice exhibits a form of liver alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) which differs in electrophoretic mobility from that of all other inbred mouse strains thus far examined, e.g., C57BL/10, DBA/2J, and BALB/c. In order to compare the catalytic and molecular properties of the variant and normal enzyme forms, they were purified to homogeneity by ion-exchange and affinity chromatography. Tryptic peptides of reduced and carboxymethylated subunits of the normal and variant ADH forms were mapped by thin-layer two-dimensional electrophoresis and chromatography and by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. A unique nonapeptide in the Danish mouse liver ADH which did not appear in enzymes from C57BL/10, DBA/2J, or BALB/c mice was identified by both methods. Amino acid sequencing of this peptide revealed that the Arg residue at position 124, as predicted from the cDNA sequence of ADH in DBA/2J mice, has been replaced by Leu in the Danish variant. The Leu for Arg substitution in the variant form appears to account for its decreased cathodic mobility with electrophoresis in starch gels at pH 7.2. The K m and V max of ADH from the Danish strain for three primary alcohols and three aldehydes were similar in value to those of ADH from the C57BL/10, DBA/2J, and BALB/c strains. Based on the X-ray structure of horse liver ADH, position 124 is on the solvent-exposed surface of the catalytic domain. The finding that the kinetic constants are similar for the normal and variant forms is consistent with the observation that this residue is not in the active site and that there is no known role for it in the ADH catalytic mechanism.This work was supported by NIAAA Grant AA-04307.  相似文献   
It had been previously demonstrated that the oleate activation of synaptosomal membrane phospholipase D liberated choline which was available for acetylcholine formation. The present investigations were undertaken to determine if oleate might have an effect on choline uptake by synaptosomes. It was observed that oleate interfered with choline uptake when incubations were carried out at 37°C but uptake was stimulated at 3°C. Oleate was the most effective fatty acid of several tested. Preliminary observations suggest the presence of a membranous form of choline acetyltransferase.  相似文献   
Summary Two annual species of Bromus, an invader (B. hordeaceus, ex B. mollis) and a non-invader (B. intermedius), were grown for 28 days in growth chambers, at 5 and 100 M NO 3 - in flowing nutrient solution. No differences between the two species were observed at either NO 3 - level, in terms of relative growth rate (RGR) or its components, dry matter partitioning, specific NO 3 - absorption rate, nitrogen concentration, and other characteristics of NO 3 - uptake and photosynthesis. The effects of decreasing NO 3 - concentration in the solution were mainly to decrease the NO 3 - concentration in the plants through decreased absorption rate, and to decrease the leaf area ratio through increased specific leaf mass and decreased leaf mass ratio. Organic nitrogen concentration varied little between the two treatments, which may be the reason why photosynthetic rates were not altered. Consequently, RGR was only slightly decreased in the 5-M treatment compared to the 100-M treatment. This is in contrast with other species, where growth is reduced at much higher NO 3 - concentrations. These discrepancies may be related to differences in RGR, since a log-linear relationship was found between RGR and the NO 3 - concentration at which growth is first reduced. In addition, a strong linear relationship was found between the RGR of these species and their maximum absorption rate for nitrate, suggesting that the growth of species with low maximum RGR may be partly regulated by nutrient uptake.  相似文献   
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