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When speciation events occur in rapid succession, incomplete lineage sorting (ILS) can cause disagreement among individual gene trees. The probability that ILS affects a given locus is directly related to its effective population size (Ne), which in turn is proportional to the recombination rate if there is strong selection across the genome. Based on these expectations, we hypothesized that low‐recombination regions of the genome, as well as sex chromosomes and nonrecombining chromosomes, should exhibit lower levels of ILS. We tested this hypothesis in phylogenomic datasets from primates, the Drosophila melanogaster clade, and the Drosophila simulans clade. In all three cases, regions of the genome with low or no recombination showed significantly stronger support for the putative species tree, although results from the X chromosome differed among clades. Our results suggest that recurrent selection is acting in these low‐recombination regions, such that current levels of diversity also reflect past decreases in the effective population size at these same loci. The results also demonstrate how considering the genomic context of a gene tree can assist in more accurate determination of the true species phylogeny, especially in cases where a whole‐genome phylogeny appears to be an unresolvable polytomy.  相似文献   
Paternity protection and the acquisition of multiple mates select for different traits. The consensus from theoretical work is that mate‐guarding intensifies with an increasing male bias in the adult sex ratio (ASR). A male bias can thus lead to male monogamy if guarding takes up the entire male time budget. Given that either female‐ or male‐biased ASRs are possible, why is promiscuity clearly much more common than male monogamy? We address this question with two models, differing in whether males can assess temporal cues of female fertility. Our results confirm the importance of the ASR: guarding durations increase with decreasing female availability and increasing number of male competitors. However, several factors prevent the mating system from switching to male monogamy as soon as the ASR becomes male biased. Inefficient guarding, incomplete last male sperm precedence, any mechanism that allows sperm to fertilize eggs after the male's departure, and (in some cases) the unfeasibility of precopulatory guarding all help explain cases where promiscuity exists on its own or alongside temporally limited mate‐guarding. Shortening the window of fertilization shifts guarding time budgets from the postcopulatory to the precopulatory stage.  相似文献   
The plant genus Silene has become a model for evolutionary studies of sex chromosomes and sex‐determining mechanisms. A recent study performed in Silene colpophylla showed that dioecy and the sex chromosomes in this species evolved independently from those in Silene latifolia, the most widely studied dioecious Silene species. The results of this study show that the sex‐determining system in Silene otites, a species related to S. colpophylla, is based on female heterogamety, a sex determination system that is unique among the Silene species studied to date. Our phylogenetic data support the placing of S. otites and S. colpophylla in the subsection Otites and the analysis of ancestral states suggests that the most recent common ancestor of S. otites and S. colpophylla was most probably dioecious. These observations imply that a switch from XX/XY sex determination to a ZZ/ZW system (or vice versa) occurred in the subsection Otites. This is the first report of two different types of heterogamety within one plant genus of this mostly nondioecious plant family.  相似文献   
Studies comparing the abundance of frugivorous bats in shade‐coffee plantations and forest fragments report contradictory results, and have not taken into account the landscape context in which coffee plantations are immersed. Variables of population composition such as abundance, sex proportion, and reproductive condition, together with biological tags (i.e., bat fly prevalence), can provide information about spatiotemporal dynamics of habitats used by bats. In the central part of Veracruz, Mexico, we compared population variables and ectoparasite prevalence of the highland yellow‐shouldered bat (Sturnira ludovici) in two landscapes, one dominated by shade‐coffee plantations and another by forest fragments. Comparing these attributes between these two landscapes will increase our knowledge about the role of this agro‐ecosystem in the conservation of this species, which is an important seed disperser of cloud forest vegetation. Total abundance and proportion of females was greater in forest fragments than in coffee plantations, whereas the percentage of reproductive females and bat fly prevalence was similar between landscapes. Our results show that landscapes with forest fragments harbor the greatest abundance of S. ludovici, but shade‐coffee plantations also are utilized by S. ludovici and likely adjacent forest remnants provide enough food resources for this species and other frugivores. Moreover, this study provides more evidence documenting the importance of preserving the last cloud forest fragments in the central region of Veracruz, Mexico, and suggests that using shade‐coffee plantations to connect forest fragments may be an effective way of maintaining populations of S. ludovici and likely other volant frugivores.  相似文献   
The sex pheromone of Phyllonorycter ringoniella (Matsumura) (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) has been identified to be a blend of (Z)‐10‐tetradecenyl acetate (Z10‐14:OAc) and E4,Z10‐tetradecadienyl acetate (E4,Z10‐14:OAc) in Japan, Korea, and China. However, the commercial product based on previous results is not attractive enough to be used for monitoring and controlling apple leafminer populations in the field. We re‐investigated the attractiveness of the two pheromone components, singly and in blends, in apple orchards in Shangdong and Shaanxi, the main apple‐growing provinces in China. Our results revealed that Z10‐14:OAc alone was not attractive to Pringoniella male moths in the field, but E4,Z10‐14:OAc alone not only was strongly attractive but caught more males than any of the blends of Z10‐14:OAc and E4,Z10‐14:OAc tested. The most attractive blend ratios differed slightly for the two locations. No clear dose–response relationship was obtained for the 2:8 blend of Z10‐14:OAc and E4,Z10‐14:OAc. However, the dose–response field study of E4,Z10‐14:OAc alone showed that 1 mg per lure achieved the highest moth catch. These findings differ from the previous report of the best pheromone blend in China. Our data showed that E4,Z10‐14:OAc is the major component of the pheromone of Pringoniella.  相似文献   
N F Parnell  J T Streelman 《Heredity》2013,110(3):239-246
Sex-determining systems may evolve rapidly and contribute to lineage diversification. In fact, recent work has suggested an integral role of sex chromosome evolution in models of speciation. We use quantitative trait loci analysis of restriction site-associated DNA -tag single nucleotide polymorphisms to identify multiple loci responsible for sex determination and reproductively adaptive color phenotypes in Lake Malawi cichlids. We detect a complex epistatic sex system consisting of a major female heterogametic ZW locus on chromosome 5, two separate male heterogametic XY loci on chromosome 7, and two additional interacting loci on chromosomes 3 and 20. Our data support the known chromosomal linkage between orange blotch color and ZW, as well as novel genetic associations between male blue nuptial color and two sex determining regions (an XY and ZW locus). These results provide further empirical evidence for a complex antagonistic sex–color system in this species flock and suggest a possible role for, and effect of, polygenic sex-determining systems in rapid evolutionary diversification.  相似文献   
The underlying basis of genetic variation in quantitative traits, in terms of the number of causal variants and the size of their effects, is largely unknown in natural populations. The expectation is that complex quantitative trait variation is attributable to many, possibly interacting, causal variants, whose effects may depend upon the sex, age and the environment in which they are expressed. A recently developed methodology in animal breeding derives a value of relatedness among individuals from high‐density genomic marker data, to estimate additive genetic variance within livestock populations. Here, we adapt and test the effectiveness of these methods to partition genetic variation for complex traits across genomic regions within ecological study populations where individuals have varying degrees of relatedness. We then apply this approach for the first time to a natural population and demonstrate that genetic variation in wing length in the great tit (Parus major) reflects contributions from multiple genomic regions. We show that a polygenic additive mode of gene action best describes the patterns observed, and we find no evidence of dosage compensation for the sex chromosome. Our results suggest that most of the genomic regions that influence wing length have the same effects in both sexes. We found a limited amount of genetic variance in males that is attributed to regions that have no effects in females, which could facilitate the sexual dimorphism observed for this trait. Although this exploratory work focuses on one complex trait, the methodology is generally applicable to any trait for any laboratory or wild population, paving the way for investigating sex‐, age‐ and environment‐specific genetic effects and thus the underlying genetic architecture of phenotype in biological study systems.  相似文献   
Sex allocation theory predicts the optimal allocation to male and female reproduction in sexual organisms. In animals, most work on sex allocation has focused on species with separate sexes and our understanding of simultaneous hermaphrodites is patchier. Recent theory predicts that sex allocation in simultaneous hermaphrodites should strongly be affected by post-copulatory sexual selection, while the role of pre-copulatory sexual selection is much less clear. Here, we review sex allocation and sexual selection theory for simultaneous hermaphrodites, and identify several strong and potentially unwarranted assumptions. We then present a model that treats allocation to sexually selected traits as components of sex allocation and explore patterns of allocation when some of these assumptions are relaxed. For example, when investment into a male sexually selected trait leads to skews in sperm competition, causing local sperm competition, this is expected to lead to a reduced allocation to sperm production. We conclude that understanding the evolution of sex allocation in simultaneous hermaphrodites requires detailed knowledge of the different sexual selection processes and their relative importance. However, little is currently known quantitatively about sexual selection in simultaneous hermaphrodites, about what the underlying traits are, and about what drives and constrains their evolution. Future work should therefore aim at quantifying sexual selection and identifying the underlying traits along the pre- to post-copulatory axis.  相似文献   
Polyandry, by elevating sexual conflict and selecting for reduced male care relative to monandry, may exacerbate the cost of sex and thereby seriously impact population fitness. On the other hand, polyandry has a number of possible population-level benefits over monandry, such as increased sexual selection leading to faster adaptation and a reduced mutation load. Here, we review existing information on how female fitness evolves under polyandry and how this influences population dynamics. In balance, it is far from clear whether polyandry has a net positive or negative effect on female fitness, but we also stress that its effects on individuals may not have visible demographic consequences. In populations that produce many more offspring than can possibly survive and breed, offspring gained or lost as a result of polyandry may not affect population size. Such ecological ‘masking’ of changes in population fitness could hide a response that only manifests under adverse environmental conditions (e.g. anthropogenic change). Surprisingly few studies have attempted to link mating system variation to population dynamics, and in general we urge researchers to consider the ecological consequences of evolutionary processes.  相似文献   
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