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We investigated the biosynthetic pathway for 2-phenylethanol, the dominant floral scent compound in roses, using enzyme assays. L-[2H8] Phenylalanine was converted to [2H8] phenylacetaldehyde and [2H8]-2-phenylethanol by two enzymes derived from the flower petals of R. ‘Hoh-Jun,’ these being identified as pyridoxal-5′-phosphate-dependent L-aromatic amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) and phenylacetaldehyde reductase (PAR). The activity of rose petal AADC to yield phenylacetaldehyde was nine times higher toward L-phenylalanine than toward its D-isomer, and this conversion was not inhibited by iproniazid, a specific inhibitor of monoamine oxidase. Under aerobic conditions, rose petal AADC stoichiometrically produced NH3 together with phenylacetaldehyde during the course of decarboxylation and oxidation, followed by the hydrolysis of L-phenylalanine. Phenylacetaldehyde was subsequently converted to 2-phenylethanol by the action of PAR. PAR showed specificity toward several volatile aldehydes.  相似文献   
菊花花色遗传及花色嵌合体发现   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
栗茂腾  余龙江  王丽梅  刘建民  雷呈 《遗传》2005,27(6):948-952
对开黄花菊花和开白花菊花材料分别和开红花菊花材料进行了正反交,结果表明,花色遗传比较复杂, 在以红花材料作为母本组合中表现为比较明显的偏母性遗传特征,而以黄花和白花材料为母本则不表现偏母性特征;除此之外,菊花花色遗传还表现出不完全显性和镶嵌显性的特点。在黄花材料3501和红花材料3509所得到杂种中发现了2个分枝出现花色嵌合体的现象,该嵌合体特征是花一边为红色,而另一边则出现镶嵌显性的现象。染色体分析表明,不同颜色嵌合体花瓣的染色体数目都是36条,因此,实验所得到的花色嵌合体不是由染色体数目变化造成的,而有可能是转座子插入影响色素合成基因造成的。  相似文献   
综述了近年来国内外花卉品质改良研究进展.常规育种虽然是花卉品种改良的主要方法.但有其局限性.现在日益成熟的生物技术为花卉品种改良提供了新的方法,分子育种已在植物的花色、花型、花期、花香、花卉保鲜、抗性等方面取得了一定的成果.  相似文献   
Summary A direct comparison of microspore culture and anther culture was made in Brassica napus using F1 crosses of Regent (canola) by Golden (rapeseed), and their reciprocals, as well as a hybrid between Reston and a highly embryogenic, canola-quality breeding line (G231) as donor plants. The study confirmed that microspore culture can be ten times more efficient than anther culture for embryo production. Embryo yields from cultures initiated from the Reston x G231 were four-fold greater than those initiated from the Regent x Golden crosses, and significant differences were also detected among cultures initiated from the different Regent x Golden crosses. These results illustrate the influence that donor plant genotype has on embryo production. However, superior embryogenic potential among donor material was not always coincident with superior plant production. The average haploid-todiploid ratio in microspore-derived regenerates was 21 for the population obtained from the Regent x Golden crosses but 11 for the Reston x G231 cross. For both types of material, the frequency of diploids increased upon repeated cycles of explanting. A field study showed that there were no differences between the populations of anther-derived and microspore-derived spontaneous diploid and doubled haploid lines, with respect to the days required for them to flower or to mature. The information is valuable for canola breeding programs considering the use of haploidy.  相似文献   
There are few floral volatiles of compounds that have been properly assessed for attracting pollinators. The intense plant odour of Elsholtzia rugulosa (Lamiaceae) to humans may be attributed to the presence of high concentrations of β‐caryophyllene. In a previous study, Zhang, Yang, and Zhang (Scientific Reports, 6, 2016a, 276161) speculated that the presence of β‐caryophyllene attracts pollinators (e.g., honey bees) to its flowers, an assumption that was assessed through the exploration of the functional significance of specific floral volatile compounds and the evaluation of their effects on the behaviour of Apis cerana (Asian honey bees; a known pollinator) and two non‐pollinators, a hornet (Vespa velutina) and a bumblebee (Bombus sp.). The results from these behavioural experiments indicated that both β‐caryophyllene and β‐elemene (both naturally found in flowers of Erugulosa) were individually attractive to the Asian honey bees. Moreover, the combination of the two was more effective than either of them separately. In contrast, neither compound, nor a blend of the two at different concentrations, was attractive to the hornet and bumblebee species. These results demonstrate that β‐caryophyllene and β‐elemene play a key signalling role in attracting Asian honey bees to Erugulosa.  相似文献   
Begonia x elatior plantlets which regenerated from leaf disk callus showed variations in plant morphology, number of flowers per plant, and flower size. Variations in flowering period, number of flowers per plant, and flower morphology were observed in Saintpaulia ionantha L. plants directly regenerated from leaf disk explants. The cytokinins, benzylaminopurine and zeatin, tested in the culture medium did not affect the basic plant characteristics including flower colour which remained stable in both species. Micropropagation of selected somaclones having the desirable trait of high number of flowers per plant was stable in the MV2 and MV3 generations.  相似文献   
针对切花红掌日光温室冬季生产时CO2亏缺严重的现象,以不增施CO2为对照,研究了增施700、1000、1300 μmol·mol-1浓度CO2对切花红掌‘火焰’光合特性和生长发育的影响.结果表明: 增施60 d CO2,红掌叶片的净光合速率、胞间CO2浓度和水分利用效率均显著提高,且以1000 μmol·mol-1处理的增幅最大;而气孔导度则较对照显著下降.增施CO2后,红掌叶片的可溶性糖、淀粉和可溶性蛋白含量均较对照显著增加,佛焰苞大小、色泽、花茎长度等切花品质参数,以及叶片发育质量参数和花茎生长速率均有不同程度的提高,且均以1000 μmol·mol-1浓度最佳.增施1000 μmol·mol-1的CO2可以有效促进日光温室切花红掌的冬季生产.  相似文献   
南瓜两性花的形态与结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄玉源  缪汝槐  张宏达   《广西植物》1999,19(2):136-142
对南瓜的两性花进行外部形态及结构的研究,结果表明:南瓜的两性花可有子房上位花、子房半下位花和子房下位花三种类型:花萼、花冠均为5,合瓣;雄蕊3,其中有两枚各由两个雄蕊合生而成,分离和部分联合,花药结构特殊,花粉发育正常;雌蕊具有单个或两个柱头及花柱。子房壁结构正常。上方的子房壁表皮发育完好,具气孔器。胚珠在外形上也发育正常。两性花与单性花同生长在一个植株上,可以连续多代稳定地遗传,萌生当代植株的种子来源于上一代雌花。这对探讨被子植物的系统进化关系有着重要的意义  相似文献   
张雪梅  李琳  李旭锋  罗鹏   《广西植物》1999,19(3):243-245+293
在MS附加BA的几种培养基上首次从诸葛菜花柄切段和花托部位直接诱导出小花及花枝开花。花发育不正常,无花粉。该花花茎、叶柄、子房等的切段培养仍能再生出小枝,说明成花诱导态是稳定的,不可逆的.  相似文献   
miR319在植物器官发育中的调控作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Luo M  Zhang ZM  Gao J  Zeng X  Pan GT 《遗传》2011,33(11):1203-1211
microRNAs(miRNAs)是一类内源性的、21~25个碱基长度的小分子非编码RNA,它通过指导剪切或者抑制翻译等方式调节植物基因的表达,参与调控植物生长发育各个方面。大量研究表明,miR319通过靶向TCPs转录因子控制植物叶、花等器官的生长命运,并参与调控部分激素生物合成和信号传导通路,在植物发育过程中发挥重要生物学功能。文章综述了miR319在植物叶形态建成、生长发育以及叶衰老和花器官发育等过程中的重要调控作用。  相似文献   
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