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研究了鼎湖山生物圈保护区苗圃(幼苗)、马尾松、混交林和季风常绿阔叶林(季风林)土壤CO2排放和CH4吸收的一些特征及其对模拟N沉降增加的响应.结果表明,土壤CO2日(白天)平均排放量的大小顺序为(平均值±标准误)苗圃(258±62mg·m-2·h-1)>季风林(177±42 mg·m-2·h-1)>马尾松林(162±39 mg·m-2·h-1)>混交林(126±30 mg·m-2·h-1).土壤CH4日(白天)平均吸收量的大小顺序为马尾松林(-0.15±0.02 mg·m-2·h-1)>季风林(-0.08±0.01 mg·m-2·h-1)>混交林(-0.07±0.01 mg·m-2·h-1)>苗圃(-0.05±0.01 mg·m-2·h-1).低N(50 kg N·hm-2·a-1)和中N(100kg N·hm-2·a-1)处理对苗圃、马尾松林和混交林样地土壤CO2日平均排放量的影响均不明显,高N(150 kg N·hm-2·a-1)处理对苗圃土壤CO2的日平均排放量也无显著影响,但倍高N(300kg N·hm-2·a-1)处理显著促进苗圃样地土壤CO2的排放.然而,所有N(低N、中N和高N)处理均显著促进季风林土壤CO2日平均排放量,且这种促进作用随N处理水平的升高而增加.N处理显著促进季风林和马尾松林土壤对CH4吸收速率,但对混交林土壤CH4吸收则无明显的影响.在苗圃样地,除倍高N外,N处理对土壤CH4吸收速率也无显著作用,但倍高N处理使苗圃土壤发生功能转变,即从CH4汇转变为CH4源.  相似文献   
To assess the pedoecological effects of a 23-year old poplar ( Populus simonii Carr.) forest on soil amelioration and vegetation restoration via soil erosion reduction and atmospheric dust retention in a desertified sandy land ecosystem, daily dynamics of wind speed, sand transport and dust deposition rates were monitored over an erosive period from April through June in 2001, using fixed observation sites located at different positions within and around the forest. Soil and vegetation characteristics at these sites were also measured. The observation sites were placed at distances of 15H (as control), 6H and 3H (H is mean tree height) from the forest edge of the windward side (abbreviated CK, 6H-W and 3H-W respectively), forest center (FC), and at distances of 0H, 6H and 8H from the forest edge of the leeward side (FE-L, 6H-L and 8H-L respectively). Daily mean wind speed was significantly lower in different observation sites than CK, with FC having the greatest reduction of wind speed and 6H-W the least reduction. Daily transport rate of sand by wind was also significantly lower in different observation sites than CK, with FE-L having the greatest reduction of wind erosion and 6H-W the least reduction. The fact that the poplar forest will lose its functions against wind at a distance of about 12-fold tree height from the forest edge of the leeward side suggests that the effective wind-preventing range of the poplar forest is about 150 m. There was marked spatial and seasonal distribution of dust-fall rate. Over space, the rate of dust-fall was much greater within the forest than outside the forest. Over time, the daily dust deposition rate was greatest in April, followed in decreasing order by May, June, July, September and August, closely linked to the seasonal distribution pattern of dust storm. Significant positive changes in soil and vegetation parameters of the different observation sites during the 23 years that the poplar forest was established suggest the perceptible pedoecological effects of the poplar forest on soil development and restorative succession of plant community within its immediate vicinity through windbreak, soil erosion reduction and atmospheric dust retention. Understanding these pedoecological effects may aid in the design of protective forest systems in arid and semi-arid areas.  相似文献   
 CO2浓度升高与氮沉降增加对陆地生态系统的耦合作用已成为全球变化的研究热点。应用大型开顶箱(OTC)人工控制手段研究了人工生态系统在1)高CO2(700±20 μmol·mol–1)+高氮沉降(100 kg N·hm–2·a–1)(CN); 2)高CO2(700±20 μmol·mol–1)+背景氮沉降(C+); 3)高氮沉降(100 kg N· hm–2·a–1)+背景CO2(N+); 4)背景CO2+背景氮沉降处理(CK) 4种处理条件下荷木 (Schima superba)、红锥(Castanopsis hystrix)、海南红豆(Ormosia pinnata)、肖蒲桃(Acmena acuminatissima)、红鳞蒲桃(Syzygium hancei)等主要南亚热带森林植物的生物量积累模式及其分配格局。连续近3年的实验结果表明: 不同处理条件下, 各参试植物生物量积累具有不同的响应特征, N+处理显著促进荷木、肖蒲桃及红鳞蒲桃生物量的积累; C+处理显著促进肖蒲桃、海南红豆生物量的积累; CN处理显著促进除红锥外其他物种生物量的积累, 并且具有两者单独处理的叠加效应。不同处理改变物种生物量的分配模式, N+处理降低植物的根冠比, 促进地上部分生物量的积累; C+处理增加红锥和红鳞蒲桃地下部分生物量的分配, 却促进荷木和海南红豆地上部分的积累; CN处理仅促进红磷蒲桃地下部分的积累。群落生物量的积累与分配格局取决于优势物种的生物量及其分配格局在群落中所占的权重。  相似文献   
酸沉降对森林生态系统影响的研究现状及展望   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
刘菊秀 《生态学杂志》2003,22(5):113-117
酸沉降影响下物质循环及其不平衡研究;酸沉降对土壤理化性质的影响;森林水化学方面的研究;酸沉降下重金属的活化研究;酸沉降对植物生长的影响研究;酸沉降和气候变化对森林的影响;模拟酸雨对土壤理化性质和植物生长的影响;酸沉降下土壤风化问题的研究;运用模型对酸化问题的研究;森林土壤人为和自然的酸化;酸沉降临界负荷的研究;酸沉降和其它污染物对植物的联合影响;酸化土壤恢复研究等方面介绍了酸沉降对森林生态系统影响的研究现状,并阐明了今后研究的方向及应该注意的问题。  相似文献   
Chen LX  Duan WB 《应用生态学报》2011,22(8):2005-2012
通过室内模拟氮沉降试验,研究了氮沉降对温带典型森林土壤有效氮的影响.结果表明:试验期间,与对照相比,经过氮沉降处理的土壤铵态氮、硝态氮和有效氮均呈增长的趋势,增加的程度取决于森林类型、土层、氮处理类型和氮处理的持续时间.氮沉降对不同林型土壤有效氮形态和含量的影响不同,氮沉降对混交林的影响弱于阔叶林,强于针叶人工纯林;土壤A层对氮沉降的敏感程度大于土壤B层;铵态氮形态沉降对土壤铵态氮含量的影响比对土壤硝态氮含量的影响大,而硝态氮形态沉降对土壤硝态氮含量的影响比对土壤铵态氮含量的影响大,混合形态的氮沉降对二者均有促进作用,且增加幅度更高;氮沉降对土壤有效氮的影响存在累加效应.  相似文献   
不同环境条件下土壤微生物对模拟大气氮沉降的响应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
刘蔚秋  刘滨扬  王江  雷纯义 《生态学报》2010,30(7):1691-1698
研究了林内及林缘两个生境中,在有苔藓覆盖和无苔藓覆盖条件下,人工加氮对土壤理化性质及土壤微生物群落的影响。结果显示加氮使土壤pH下降,有效态氮和有效态磷的含量上升,但不同生境及有无苔藓植物覆盖在一定程度上影响土壤理化性质及其对加氮的反应。苔藓植物覆盖可以缓解加氮引起的土壤酸化及有效氮含量上升压力,促进有效态磷含量上升。不同生境中,土壤微生物对氮沉降的响应亦不同。低氮使林缘生境土壤微生物的胁迫程度减小,中高氮使其胁迫程度上升,而任何加氮均增加林内生境中土壤微生物的胁迫程度。两个生境中,苔藓植物覆盖均可以缓解过量氮沉降对土壤微生物造成的压力,降低过量氮沉降对土壤微生物的伤害,提高土壤微生物的代谢活性。  相似文献   
The 15N ratio of nitrogen oxides (NOx) emitted from vehicles, measured in the air adjacent to a highway in the Swiss Middle Land, was very high [δ15N(NO2) = +5.7‰]. This high 15N abundance was used to estimate long-term NO2 dry deposition into a forest ecosystem by measuring δ15N in the needles and the soil of potted and autochthonous spruce trees [Picea abies (L.) Karst] exposed to NO2 in a transect orthogonal to the highway. δ15N in the current-year needles of potted trees was 2.0‰ higher than that of the control after 4 months of exposure close to the highway, suggesting a 25% contribution to the N-nutrition of these needles. Needle fall into the pots was prevented by grids placed above the soil, while the continuous decomposition of needle litter below the autochthonous trees over previous years has increased δ15N values in the soil, resulting in parallel gradients of δ15N in soil and needles with distance from the highway. Estimates of NO2 uptake into needles obtained from the δ15N data were significantly correlated with the inputs calculated with a shoot gas exchange model based on a parameterisation widely used in deposition modelling. Therefore, we provide an indication of estimated N inputs to forest ecosystems via dry deposition of NO2 at the receptor level under field conditions. Received: 7 November 1997 / Accepted: 16 September 1998  相似文献   
Controlling electrochemical deposition of lithium sulfide (Li2S) is a major challenge in lithium–sulfur batteries as premature Li2S passivation leads to low sulfur utilization and low rate capability. In this work, the solvent's roles in controlling solid Li2S deposition are revealed, and quantitative solvent‐mediated Li2S growth models as guides to solvent selection are developed. It is shown that Li2S electrodeposition is controlled by electrode kinetics, Li2S solubility, and the diffusion of polysulfide/Li2S, which is dictated by solvent's donicity, polarity, and viscosity, respectively. These solvent‐controlled properties are essential factors pertaining to the sulfur utilization, energy efficiency and reversibility of lithium–sulfur batteries. It is further demonstrated that the solvent selection criteria developed in this study are effective in guiding the search for new and more effective electrolytes, providing effective screening and design criteria for computational and experimental electrolyte development for lithium–sulfur batteries.  相似文献   
It is shown that an electrochemically‐driven oxide overcoating substantially improves the performance of metal electrodes in high‐temperature electrochemical applications. As a case study, Pt thin films are overcoated with (Pr,Ce)O2?δ (PCO) by means of a cathodic electrochemical deposition process that produces nanostructured oxide layers with a high specific surface area and uniform metal coverage and then the coated films are examined as an O2‐electrode for thin‐film‐based solid oxide fuel cells. The combination of excellent conductivity, reactivity, and durability of PCO dramatically improves the oxygen reduction reaction rate while maintaining the nanoscale architecture of PCO layers and thus the performance of the PCO‐coated Pt thin‐film electrodes at high temperatures. As a result, with an oxide coating step lasting only 5 min, the electrode resistance is successfully reduced by more than 1000 times at 500 °C in air. These observations provide a new direction for the design of high‐performance electrodes for high‐temperature electrochemical cells.  相似文献   
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