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Primary productivity has been measured routinely at Lake Tahoe since 1967, and a number of mechanisms underlying variability in the productivity record have now been identified. A long-term trend due to nutrient loading dominates the series. Seasonality also is prominent, apparently controlled by direct physical factors unrelated to the trophic cascade. A 3-yr cycle has been detected and several possible mechanisms are considered. Irregular fluctuations also are present, caused in part by isolated events (a forest fire) and recurring but variable phenomena (spring mixing). Except possibly for the 3-yr cycle, the known sources of variability appear to operate bottom-up through direct physical and chemical effects on the phytoplankton.  相似文献   
The profiles of photon flux density incidented on a tubularloop photobioreactor in the day could be altered by inclining the bioreactor at an angle with the horizontal. The photon flux density at noon decreased with increasing angle of inclination, whereas the photon flux density in the early morning and late afternoon increased with increasing angle of inclination. The overall photosynthetic radiance received by the bioreactor inclined at 0, 25, 45, and 80 degrees was 1:0.89:0.77:0.62. Regardless of the angle of bioreactor inclination, the overall biomass output rate of a fed-batch culture over an 8-h/day period was comparable (26-36 g-biomass m(-2) bioreactor surface area day(-1)). As a bioreactor inclined at an angle occupied smaller land area, and daily biomass output rate per land area of a bioreactor inclined at 80 degrees (130 g-biomass m(-2) land) was about six times of that obtainable at horizontal position (21-g biomass m(-2) land). The bioenergetics growth yield from the absorbed photosynthetic radiance was not a constant but an inverse function of the photon flux density. The quasi-steady state chlorophyll content of the Chlorella cells varied between 36 and 63 mg g(-1) cells. Photoinhibition of the maximum photosynthetic capacity was not observed in this study.  相似文献   
An expression vector for G-CSF, pASLB3-3, was constructed and introduced into Namalwa KJM-1 cells (Hosoi et al., 1988), and cells resistant to 100 nM of methotrexate (MTX) were obtained. Among them, the highest producer, clone SC57, was selected and the productivity of this clone was further characterized. The maximal production of G-CSF was at the most 1.8 g/ml/day using a 25 cm2 tissue culture flask, even though the cell number was above 7×105 cells/ml. The limiting factors at high density were analyzed as the deficiency of nutrients, such as glucose, cysteine and serine, and pH control. The depression of specific G-CSF productivity per cell under the batch culture conditions was overcome by using a perfusion culture system, BiofermenterTM (Sato, 1983) with modifications of nutrients supplementation by a dialysis membrane and/or dissolved oxygen (DO) supplementation by microsilicone fibers. ITPSGF medium was modified to elevate concentrations of amino acids and glucose by 2.0- and 2.5-times, respectively. Under the control of pH at 7.4 and DO at 3 ppm, the specific G-CSF productivity was not depressed even at high cell density (above 1×107 cells/ml), and the amount of G-CSF reached 41 g/ml. These results indicated the possibility of finding the optimum culture conditions for the production of recombinant proteins by Namalwa KJM-1 cells.Abbreviations ABTS 2,2-Azino-di-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline)-6-sulfonic acid - BSA Bovine Serum Albumin - BSA-PBS Phosphate-buffered Saline without Ca2+ and Mg2+ containing Bovine Serum Albumin - dhfr Dihydrofolate Reductase - DO Dissolved Oxygen - G-CSF Granulocyte Colony-stimulating Factor - HEPES 4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethansulfonic Acid - IFN Interferon - MTX Methotrexate - PBS(-) Phosphate-buffered saline without Ca2+ and Mg2+ - Tween-PBS Phosphate-buffered saline without Ca2+ and Mg2+ containing 0.05% of Tween 20  相似文献   
Summary Differences in the productivity of establishedP. radiata plantations on pasture and forest soils were found to be reproducible withP. radiata seedlings in a glasshouse environment. The growth of seedlings on pasture soil exceeded that of seedlings on native forest soil (the ‘primary pasture effect’). After a history of pine on both native and pasture soils a residual effect of pasture on seedling growth was evident (the ‘secondary pasture effect’). However, the effect of a history of pine plantation (the ‘pine effect’) was to decrease the productivity of both native and pasture soil as assessed by seedling growth. These effects were not related to changes due to land management in mycorrhizal infection or in soil structure. The analysis of seedling growth leads to the conclusion that soil fertility, particularly the availability of nitrogen and phosphorus, has changed.  相似文献   
Analyses of four years of in situ sulfate uptake by microplankton communities in two,trophically different lakes showed that about 12% of the experiments had dark uptake equal to or higher than uptake at ambient light. Three axenic algal cultures subjected to different light intensities showed that sulfate uptake patterns, relative to primary productivity, vary with species and although sulfate uptake tends to decrease at lower light levels, at or very near darkness, in physiologically active (young) cultures sulfate uptake frequently increases dramatically. The field data, when summarized according to the light received, shows the same trends seen in the axenic cultures. It is concluded that sulfate uptake is only loosely associated with inorganic carbon uptake (primary productivity) and that under some circumstances a low level of light may increase the sulfate uptake rate.  相似文献   
Phytoplankton productivity was measured in Byram Lake Reservoir during summer 1977. Depth integrated productivity (0–5 gC m– 2 d–1) increased with station depth, which together with visibility measurements indicated that light did not limit deep station productivity (C1 and S2). Macrophytes at station C5 (shallow) reduced the euphotic zone to 0 in June.On a unit depth basis, C5 was the most productive station. Apparently changes in macrophyte growth, regulated by light and temperature, controlled phytoplankton production. At C1, productivity was related to levels of different nutrients at different depths, the thermocline influencing nutrient availability at mid-depth. At S2, NH3-N controlled mid-depth productivity. Surface and mid-depth productivity appeared influenced by factors not measured in this study.  相似文献   
Three lakes near the southern terminus of the Lake Wales Ridge of south-central Florida were studied. The lakes, all connected by either natural drainage or canals, vary significantly in terms of shoreline development. All three lakes are soft water systems with low concentrations of dissolved nutrients; however, rates of primary productivity and chlorophyll a appear to be correlated with the degree of shoreline development. Nutrient enrichment bioassay experiments in the laboratory showed that, in general, water from all the lakes responded to additions of nitrogen and phosphorus in combination. Samples from only one lake responded to enrichment with phosphorus alone, and no samples to additions of nitrogen alone.Two of the lakes can be classified as oligotrophic while the third is most probably eutrophic.  相似文献   
The role played by heterotrophic microplankton in the synthesis and flux of organic matter was studied in the Punta San Juan Coastal upwelling region off Peru in April and May 1977. The data from a drogue study show that the main component of the planktonic community in the freshly upwelled water is the microheterotroph component. The biomass of bacteria (49 mg C/ m3) in the newly upwelled water exceeded by two orders of magnitude the biomass of phytoplankton. Total respiration of the microheterotrophs (3.35 g C/ m2/ day) exceeded by three-fold the primary production, indicating that the heterotrophic respiration was dependent on the content of organic matter preexisting in the upwelling waters. In the upwelling at Punta San Juan the biomass of protozoa was 1 g/ m3 (wet weight) at the depth of the maximum concentration; this concentration is the highest ever observed in sea water. During transects on a section normal to the coastline an abundant population of dinoflagellates (5 to 40 × 103 /1) of the genera Gymnodinium and Prorocentrum were found in anoxic waters at 50 to 100 m. Strong red tide water coloration was observed as a result of a bloom of the autotrophic ciliate Mesodinium rubrum; the biomass of the ciliate at the surface in calm weather reached 50 to 70 g/ m3 (wet weight) and the cell density was 2 to 4 × 106/l.  相似文献   
鲁韦坤  李蒙  程晋昕  窦小东 《生态学报》2024,44(4):1441-1455
净初级生产力(NPP)和净生态系统生产力(NEP)是估算陆地生态系统碳源/汇的重要指标,云南为我国碳汇的主要区域之一,开展云南NPP和NEP时空变化特征分析对科学评估陆地生态系统碳源/汇功能,以及开展碳排放交易具有重要意义。基于BEPS模型1981—2019年NPP和NEP产品,采用线性趋势分析、文献对比等方法,研究云南NPP和NEP时空变化特征及其在云南的适用性。结果表明:(1)1981—1999年云南NPP和NEP呈水平波动,2000年后云南NPP和NEP呈明显波动上升趋势,2000—2019年云南NPP高值区域主要分布在西部和南部,而NEP高值区则主要分布在东部和西部局部地区;(2)2000—2019年云南NPP和NEP除西北部部分地区为下降趋势外,其余大部地区为上升趋势;(3)云南NPP峰值出现在7、8月,谷值出现在2月,NEP峰值出现月份与NPP基本相同,但谷值出现月份较NPP滞后1—3个月,6—10月是云南碳汇的主要月份;(4)BEPS模型估算的NPP与目前广泛应用的CASA和遥感模型结果较为一致,时空变化特征与云南生态恢复措施和气候特征吻合,其估算的NEP与陆地生物圈模型...  相似文献   
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