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排序方式: 共有6995条查询结果,搜索用时 15 毫秒
Summary The effect of sulfur (S) placement and S rate on the efficiency of urea (U) relative to ammonium sulfate (AS) and ammonium nitrate (AN) for cotton were examined in a pot experiment using sandy clay loam soil (pH 7.9). The results showed that AS and AN application in the absence of S increased the yield than U partly because U-induced damage to plants. The combined application of the N sources with S increased the yields and that, the placement of S in the seed horizon in contact with N was more effective than mixing throughout the soil especially with U. These effects were observed with three cotton cultivars. The addition of S to a maximum of 1.5 g/pot gave further increases in yields or the N content of leaves for U, AS or AN. Using the least squares method, it was found that the presence of S significantly increased the efficiency of U than AS or AN. Incubation of S and the N sources with S in the soil was carried out to understand the growth conditions of cotton fertilized by U in alkalin soil. In the case of U-soil system, the pH increased. NO2−N accumulated and considerable loss of N took place. The pH, NO2−N accumulation and the loss of N decreased with S increments.  相似文献   
From the whole plant of Ajuga chamaepitys two new neo-clerodane diterpenoids, ajugapitin and its dihydro derivative, have been isolated. Their  相似文献   
Multivariate binary discrimination by the kernel method   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
AITCHISON  J.; AITKEN  C. G. G. 《Biometrika》1976,63(3):413-420
Robust density estimation using distance methods   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
DIGGLE  PETER J. 《Biometrika》1975,62(1):39-48
A new technique for estimating the absolute level of parasitemias in trypanosome infections is described. At higher levels of infection this is achieved by matching microscopic fields of a wet blood film against charts and, where fewer organisms are present, by counting the number of trypanosomes in 5, 10, or 20 such microscope fields. Good estimates of the number of organisms per milliliter of blood can be made rapidly over the whole range of microscopically patent parasitemia, i.e., above antilog 5.4 (250,000) organisms/ml.  相似文献   
Bacterial periphyton formed during 48 hours was studied by glass slide method and direct counting in Vltava River in Praha, Czechoslovakia. At water temperatures 8–11°C the numbers of rods ranged between 24,000 and 336,000 per 1 cm2 and those of cocci between 30,000 and 228,000. The relation rods: cocci ranged between 0,9 and 2,4 with an average value of 1,7, whereas in a fishpond this average was 0,5. Among the periphyton 81,3% bacterial cells were active. The rods: cocci relation seems to be a good indicator of water pollution by organic matter, but numbers distinguishing the individual saprobic levels cannot be given yet.
Zusammenfassung Es wurde der bakterielle Bewuchs von Glassplatten im Vltava-Fluss in Praha untersucht. Zweitägige Exposition erwies sich als am meisten geeignet, um den Bewuchs mikroskopisch durch direkte Zählung quantitativ zu erfassen. In Abhängigkeit von der Tiefe, Wassertemperatur, Verunreinigungsgrad, Sonnenstrahlung u.a. entwickelte sich der Bewuchs quantitativ unterschiedlich und zeigte auch eine unterschiedliche Relation von Stäbchen zu Kokken. Im beta-mesosaproben Bereich wurden im Herbst (Wassertemperaturen 8–11 °C) 24.000 bis 336.000 Stäbchen und 30.000 bis 228.000 Kokken per 1 cm2 gefunden, mit den Mittelwerten 163.100 Stäbchen und 104.100 Kokken. Die Vergleichswerte von einem Fischteich in Motol lagen für Stäbchen im gleichen Bereich, während die Kokken, bis 254.000 erreichten.Die Relation Stäbchen: Kokken variierte im Vltava-Fluss zwischen 0,9 (nur einmal) und 2,4 mit dem Mittelwert 1,7, im Fischteich zwischen 0,4 ufnd 0,7 mit dem Mittelwert 0,5. Es hat sich erwiesen, dass diese Relation brauchbare Angaben über die organische Verunreinigung gibt. Leider liegen bisher zu wenige Ergebnisse vor, um eine Skale gegenüber den Saprobitätsstufen zu errichten.Unter den Bewuchsbakterien gab es in der Vltava durchschnittlich 81,3% aktive Zellen, wie durch Fluoreszenzanalyse festgestellt wurde.Fast alle Daten indizieren eine schwächere Verunreinigung des Wassers am linken Ufer als am rechten.
Using the paper disc-agar plate method, a number of fatty and related acids have been tested for tested activity for inhibiting the growth of Chlorella pyrenoidosa Chick. Of the saturated acids, a peak in growth inhibiting activity wax observed in the C7–C12 range, where inhibition wax observed when solutions down to 0.02 M were applied to the discs. Most of the unsaturated acids tested showed greater inhibition than did the corresponding saturated acids. Acrylic acid showed detectable inhibition at 0.001 M concentration.  相似文献   
Summary Three types of pericytes outline the vascular bed in Golgi preparations of the newborn rabbit brain. Elongate cells (Type I) are restricted to capillaries, elements resembling smooth muscle cells (Type II) surround vessels of intermediate size, and large flat forms (Type III) cover the surface of arterioles and venules. Electron microscopy shows all types to be located within a well defined perivascular basement membrane. It also reveals the presence of filaments in the cytoplasm of some pericytes resembling the myofilaments of smooth muscle cells. It suggests the possibility that some pericytes are capable of contraction and may participate in regulating blood flow in small vessels.Microglia cells bear no resemblance to pericytes in terms of their shape, distribution or staining characteristics. Microglia cells are located outside the vascular basement membrane (external basal lamina) in the brain parenchyma, and they vary in form according to their location and the character of the surrounding extracellular space. This study does not support the hypothesis that microglia cells arise from pericytes but indicates that they originate either by in situ division or from hematogenous elements that enter the brain by crossing the vessel wall.Support provided by N.I.H. Grants No. NS 10864 and NS 07938 from the U.S. Public Health Service.  相似文献   
张轶群  吴迪  李嘉珣  付晓  吴钢 《生态学报》2021,41(18):7417-7424
草原生态环境损害评估鉴定中,土壤基线是重要的评价标准。如何确定土壤基线,寻找适宜的基线判定方法,进而判定草原土壤的受损害程度,已成为草原生态系统损害评估鉴定、生态系统保护及修复工作中的关键。基于科学、务实、准确的原则,对内蒙古2个草原矿区土壤的总有机质(TOM)、N、P、K含量进行采样分析,采用历史数据法、参考点位法和统计点位法来判定土壤基线。结果表明,胜利矿区土壤养分均值与参考点位法基线值差异较小,采矿对胜利矿区土壤养分含量未见直接的影响。宝日希勒矿区土壤中TOM含量均值明显低于3种方法得出的基线值,N、K均值与参考点位法基线值相似,P均值位于3种基线值之间。可见采矿对宝日希勒矿区土壤中TOM的含量造成了直接影响,对N、P、K含量未见直接的影响。最适宜该地区的方法取决于样本质量和评估尺度,建议以参考点位法为主,历史数据法和统计点位法作为验证工具,3种方法共同使用。  相似文献   
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