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In the Netherlands and adjacent countries on old (non-holocene) soils the relation was studied between high forest dominated by Fagus sylvatica, and coppice derived from it, with Quercus spp. and Betula spp. or Carpinus betulus. From place-names a shift Fagus > Quercus > Betula is found, caused by cutting and coppicing. An analysis of relevés of the vegetation yielded more detailed information.The occurrence and rejuvenation of Fagus and other climax tree species decrease, while most other trees and shrubs show an increase. The mean total number of species in 1396 relevés increases from 22.0 to 24.4. Decreasing species include widely distributed species as well as character species. Increasing species include shrubs, woodedge species of heathland or limestone grassland, and nitrophilous species.The light-indication according to Ellenberg increases considerably, most of all in the types on poor soils. Moisture seems hardly involved, but pH-indication is divergent: decreasing in acid types, increasing in alkaline types. For the latter erosion is held responsible. N-indication follows the same trend. All ecological shifts remain within the framework of each association concerned.The Sørensen index for floristic composition shows a mean of 68% correlation, of the same order as variants within one association. The ecological correlation is even higher. So coppice can be considered as management variants, not deserving an association status, as often was given in the past.  相似文献   
Summary Using data from three fires in northeastern Spain, we tested a condition necessary to support the idea that fire has been a factor in the evolution of the resprouting habit: populations of all resprouting species within a community should show high levels of genet survival after fires and show a low coefficient of variation. Species with high mean survival values were:Quercus ilex L.,Phillyrea latifolia L., andViburnum tinus L., with 88, 86 and 83% survival respectively; these groups had resprouts emerging from rootcrowns. Then followedArbutus unedo L. (75%),Pistacia lentiscus L. (73%),Erica arborea L. (77%),Erica multiflora L. (57%) andJuniperus oxycedrus L. (55%). This last group had resprouts from lignotubers or burls. These two groups also differed in the variability around the mean: the first showed a lower coefficient of variation, 6–12, and the second ranged from 19 to 26. Slope exposure had no significant influence on the process of resprouting, but soil depth did, with precipitation as a covariate. In the shallow soil category, the difference in genet survival between southern and northern exposures was 14% (71% vs. 57%); while the difference in the deep soil category was low, 5% (87% vs. 82%). There was no significant interaction. The component of variance for soils was larger than that for species-specific effects; substantial overlap of the within-species variance indicated that species responded as if they were a single hypothetical population, in which most of the variation in chances of survival was due to the soil conditions. The possession of the resprouting habit did not ensure a high performance. Hence, we find weak support for fire as a factor in the evolution of the resprouting habit.  相似文献   
Phosphorus availability in soils is controlled by both the sizes of P pools and the transformation rates among these pools. Rates of gross P mineralization and immobilization are poorly known due to the limitations of available analytical techniques. We developed a new method to estimate P transformation rates in three forest soils and one grassland soil representing an Alfisol, an Ultisol, and Andisol, and a Mollisol. Three treatments were applied to each soil in order to separate the processes of mineral P solubilization, organic P mineralization, and solution P immobilization. One set of soils was retained as control, a second set was irradiated with -rays to stop microbial immobilization, and a third was irradiated and then autoclaved, also stop phosphatase activity. All three sets of samples were then incubated with anion exchange resin bags under aerobic conditions. Differences in resin P among the three treatments were used to estimate gross P mineralization and immobilization rates. Autoclaving did not affect resin-extractable P in any of the soils. Radiation did not alter resin-extractable P in the forest soils but increased resin-extractable P in the grassland soil. This increase was corrected in the calculation of potential P transformation rates. Effects of radiation on phosphatase activity varied with soils but was within 30% of the original values. Rates of P gross mineralization and immobilization ranged from 0.6–3.8 and 0–4.3 mg kg-soil-1 d-1, respectively, for the four soils. The net rates of solubilization of mineral P in the grassland soil were 7–10 times higher than the rates in forest soils. Mineralization of organic P contributed from 20–60% of total available P in the acid forest soils compared with 6% in the grassland soil, suggesting that the P mineralization processes are more important in controlling P availability in these forest ecosystems. This new method does not require an assumption of equilibrium among P pools, and is safer and simpler in operation than isotopic techniques.  相似文献   
Summary The effects of four lysimeter soil series under three salinity levels were evaluated for grain yield, wt/1000 seeds, protein, and amino acids in Mexican dwarf wheat (Triticum aestivum L. var. Cajeme 71). The soil series consisted of: Holtville clay loam, Greenfield sandy loam, San Emigdio sandy loam, and Altamont clay loam. The irrigation water salinity levels were designated: low –2.2 mmho, medium –4.2 mmho, and high –7.1 mmho.No significant differences were found in the amount of grain harvested or wt/1000 seeds in the 1976 crop produced on the differential soil series. The yield of the 1977 crop was significantly affected by the soil types.Effects of soil type on the protein amino acids in the grain in both years were similar. Significantly higher protein amino acid levels of histidine, arginine, aspartic acid, threonine, serine, glutamic acid, glycine, alanine, cystine, valine, methionine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine, and phenylalanine were found in the grain grown on Altamont clay loam soil than the other types.The free amino acids in grain from the 1976 and 1977 crops were similarly affected by the soil types, except that the quantitative values of the free amino acids were substantially lower in 1977 than in 1976. The free amino acids significantly influenced by soil types were tryptophane, lysine, arginine, aspartic acid, threonine, serine, glycine, alanine, valine, isoleucine, tyrosine, and phenylalanine. In both years' crops, the sum of the free amino acid fractions was significantly higher in the grain produced on the Altamont soil than on the other soils.Salinity level in the irrigation water did not affect the 1976 crop yield or wt/1000 seeds. Although yields of the 1977 crop were significantly reduced by salinity, the wt/1000 seeds was not. The sum of protein amino acids was significantly higher in the 1976 and 1977 grain crops irrigated with high salinity water than in low salinity irrigated crops.An increased salinity irrigation water significantly reduced the sum of free amino acid fractions in the 1976 grain crop. Since some of the free amino acids in the 1977 grain crop increased while the others decreased due to the salinity level in the irrigation water, the sum of the free amino acid fractions was not significantly influenced.Significant interactions were found between soil types and salinity levels on free arginine, threonine, serine, glutamic acid, and alanine, and also on the sum of the free amino acids in the 1976 wheat grain. In the 1977 wheat grain, there were significant interactions between soil types and salinity levels on the free glutamic acid, valine, leucine, tyrosine, and phenylalanine, and on protein serine, glutamic acid, glycine, alanine, and the sum of the protein amino acids.The amounts of essential amino acids expressed as mg of amino acid/g of protein were not affected by the soil types or salinity levels. With the exception of lysine, and possibly threonine and methionine plus cystine, the essential amino acids were present in the grain at concentrations equal to or greater than recommended by WHO and FAO.  相似文献   
Summary An attempt was made to study the number of species belonging to Cyanophyceae, Chlorophyceae and Bacillariophyceae in Lateritic, Red and Black soils and also Dry lands (jowar, cotton and wheat) and Wet lands (paddy and sugar cane). Lateritic and black soils had a poor algal flora and in general sandy soils were rich. Cyanophyceae appeared to be more resistant than Chlorophyceae and Bacillariophyceae to desiccation. Part of the Ph.D. Thesis approved by the Karnatak University (1976).  相似文献   
The hypotheses that quantitative variation in leaf resins in the leguminous genus Hymenaea may partially be a response to insect predation was tested in feeding experiments with the generalist herbivore, the beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua Hübn (Noctuidae). Leaf resins of all Hymenaea species are comprised of essentially the same suite of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, but discrete quantitative patterns have been classified as Compositional Types based on the amounts of major components. In this work pure extracts of leaf resins of Type I (high - and β-selinene), Type II (intermediate amounts of -and β-selinene and caryophyllene) and Type III (high caryophyllene) were incorporated into an artificial diet for the insects at 1 and 3.2% (dry wt). Resin Type treatments produced differential dose-dependent effects on growth rate (lower larval weights and increased time to pupation) and in mortality. More significant inhibitory effects occurred in Compositional Types with a predominance of a single compared (i.e. Types I and III). Significantly higher mortality occurring in Type III treatments suggests that caryophllene may have higher potential toxicity than - and β-selinene for S. exigua. These experiments indicate that feeding by generalist herbivores could be a factor determining quantitative compositional variation: (a) among populations; (b) during the development of leaves; (c) in the spatial distribution within the leaves; and (d) between parent tree and seedling progeny.  相似文献   
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