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The purpose of this study was to determine gustatory thresholds for five different food-associated sugars in Ateles geoffroyi. Using a two-bottle test, three adult spider monkeys were found to significantly prefer concentrations as low as 3 mM sucrose, 15 mM fructose, 20 mM glucose, and 10 mM lactose over tap water. Maltose was significantly discriminated down to 20 mM with individual animals showing either a preference or an aversion, or an inverted U-shaped function of preference toward higher concentrations of this carbohydrate. The results showed the spider monkey to respond to lower sugar concentrations compared to other nonhuman primates tested so far and thus support the assumptions that Ateles geoffroyi may use sweetness as a criterion for food selection, and that the remarkably high sweet-taste sensitivity of this frugivorous species might be correlated with its dietary specialization. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Dispersal is the main determinant of the dynamics and persistence of predator–prey metapopulations. When defining dispersal as a predator exploitation strategy, theory predicts the existence of a continuum of strategies: from some dispersal throughout the predator–prey interaction (the Milker strategy) to dispersal only after the prey had been exterminated (the Killer strategy). These dispersal strategies relate to differences in prey exploitation at the population level, with more dispersal leading to longer predator–prey interaction times and higher cumulative numbers of dispersing predators. In the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis, empirical studies have shown genetic variation for prey exploitation as well as for the timing of aerial dispersal in the presence of prey. Here, we test whether artificial selection for lines that differ in timing of dispersal also results in these lines differing in prey exploitation. Six rounds of selection for early or late dispersal resulted in predator lines displaying earlier or later dispersal. Moreover, it resulted—at the population level—in predicted differences in the local predator–prey interaction time and in the cumulative numbers of dispersers in a population dynamics experiment. We pose that timing of dispersal is a heritable trait that can be selected in P. persimilis, which results in lines that show quantitative differences in local predator–prey dynamics. This opens ways to experimentally investigate the evolution of alternative prey exploitation strategies and to select for predator strains with prey exploitation strategies resulting in better biological control.  相似文献   
Some brown spider species infest man‐made environments and pose a threat to human health. Because habitat architecture affects spider populations, I evaluated the preferences of individuals of Loxosceles gaucho (Gertsch) (Araneae: Sicariidae) for refugia with different angular structures. Four differently angled refugia models (acute‐, right‐, obtuse‐angled and cylindrical) were placed on the litter of a forest fragment and observed each month for 1 year. Females of this species were found to prefer refugia with acute angles. This finding brings new information to our understanding of brown spider infestations in man‐made environments: refugia with acute angles are likely to offer more protection for females and their offspring.  相似文献   
中国红螯蛛属两新种及两种雄蛛新发现(蜘蛛目:管巢蛛科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文记述红螯蛛属2新种,即宁明红螯蛛Cheiracanthiumningmingensis,sp.nov,和思茅红螯蛛Cheiracanthiumsimaoensis,sp.nov及2种雄性的补充描述,即粗美红螯蛛CheiracanthiumexquestiumZhangetZhu,1993和纤红螯蛛CheiracanthiumfibrosumZhangetal,1994模式标本保存于湖南省生物研  相似文献   
Do stabilimenta in orb webs attract prey or defend spiders?   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
Orb-weaving spiders are ideal organisms for the study of conflictbetween behavioral investments in foraging and defense becausetheir webs provide physical manifestations of those investments.We examined the impact of including stabilimenta, designs ofbright-white noncapture silk, at the center of orb webs forforaging and defense in Argiope aurantia. Our findings suggestthat stabilimentum building is a defensive behavior, supportingthe "web advertisement" hypothesis that the high visibilityof stabilimenta can prevent birds from flying through webs.Yet, spiders often do not include stabilimenta in their webs,indicating that a serious cost is associated with them. We alsoshow, through comparison of paired webs with and without stabilimenta,that stabilimenta reduce the prey capture success of spidersby almost 30%. This demonstrates the potential impact that defensivebehaviors of spiders can have on their foraging success andsuggests that much of the variation in stabilimenta may be accountedfor by a cost—benefit trade-off made when including stabilimentain webs.  相似文献   
The frequency of injury and death during female-female aggression varies in the jumping spider genus Portia, with interactions being more violent (likely to end in death or injury of one of the combatants) in P. labiata (from Sri Lanka) than in another two species (P. fimbriata from Australia and P. schultzi from Kenya). To investigate the role of draglines in the assessment of fighting ability, two types of tests were carried out: 1) dragline discrimination and 2) mirror image response (Portia's reaction to mirror images is comparable to interaction with conspecific rivals). For both types of testing, triplets of equal-size conspecific females were used: one female (the test spider) was exposed to draglines of two equal-size conspecific females they had not encountered before (donor spiders). The fighting abilities of donor spiders were determined directly by staging intraspecific contests between them. In dragline-discrimination tests (spider placed in petri dish containing draglines from two conspecific females with different fighting ability), females of P. labiata, but not the other two species, avoided draglines of the superior fighter (i.e., they spent the majority of their time on draglines of donor spiders with lesser fighting ability). For mirror-image testing, the test spider was placed in a petri dish containing a mirror and draglines. Each test spider was tested on two successive days, with donor draglines in the two tests coming from conspecific females with different fighting ability. In these tests, females of P. labiata (but not the other two species) spent less time embracing (each spider pressing its forelegs, palps and front of body against the other spider) and more time in a part of the petri dish where view of the mirror was obstructed when on the draglines of donor spiders with greater fighting ability than when on the other conspecific's draglines. Findings from this study suggest that P. labiata females use signpost cues associated with draglines to assess the relative fighting abilities of unknown opponents.  相似文献   
Pitfall trapping is a sampling technique extensively used to sample surface foraging invertebrates for biological diversity studies and ecological monitoring. To date, very few invertebrate studies have considered what trap size is optimal for sampling spiders. This study presents preliminary findings from a single short sampling period on the role of trap size in sampling spiders in a Western Australian Jarrah forest. Four different trap diameters (4.3, 7.0, 11.1 and 17.4 cm) were examined (4 trap sizes × 15 replicates = 60 traps). Two-way ANOVAs revealed no significant interaction effects between trap size or the spatial positioning of transects within the study site along which the pitfall traps were arranged. Post-hoc tests revealed abundance, family richness and species richness increased with increasing trap sizes for traps 7.0 cm. No significant differences in these dependent variables occurred between 4.3 and 7.0 cm traps, or for species richness between 11.1 and 17.4 cm traps. Determination of an optimal trap size was undertaken by bootstrapping and calculating species accumulation curves for increasing numbers of traps used. Three different criteria were considered: equivalent number of traps (15), standardized sampling intensity (cumulative trap circumference, approximately 207 cm) and standardized cumulative handling time (approximately 1 hour 17 minutes). The largest trap size (17.4 cm) was most efficient in terms of number of traps and trap circumference. For the same number of traps, it caught 19 species whereas all other trap sizes caught ten species. At the standardized circumference, it caught seven species whereas all other trap sizes caught five. For handling time, however, the two largest trap sizes (17.4 and 11.1 cm) were optimal. Both caught nine species whereas all other traps caught 相似文献   
Trypsin, chymotrypsin, cathepsins B and D, aminopeptidase and carboxypeptidases A and B were detected in body extracts of the storage mite Acarus farris (Oudemans) (Astigmata: Acaridae). Faeces-enriched medium exhibited higher (10-50-fold) specific protease activity rates than those measured with mite body extracts for trypsin, chymotrypsin and carboxypeptidases A and B, suggesting that they are involved in mite digestion. However, the activity of cathepsin B was only three-fold higher in faecal than in body extracts, indicating that its presence in the lumen of the digestive tract is low compared to that of serine proteases. The activity of aminopeptidases was higher in mite bodies, indicating that they might be membrane bound. Cathepsin D activity was only detected in body extracts, indicating that this enzyme is not a digestive protease in this species. Zymograms resolved three major bands of gelatinolytic activity, but at least one protease form was only present in body extracts. Protease inhibitors of different specificity were tested in vivo to establish their potential as control agents. The development of A. farris was significantly retarded when the immature stages were fed on artificial diet containing inhibitors of serine and cysteine proteases and aminopeptidases, whereas no such effect was found with inhibitors of aspartyl proteases and carboxypeptidases. Interestingly, the most significant effects on A. farris occurred when a combination of inhibitors targeting different enzyme classes was supplied mixed in the diet, suggesting a synergistic toxicity. Several plant lectins were also tested, but only wheat germ agglutinin and concanavalin-A affected development.  相似文献   
We analyzed the food source of riparian spiders in a middle reach of the Chikuma River, Japan, by using stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen. The carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of attached algae were higher than those of terrestrial plants, reflecting a large carbon isotope fractionation in terrestrial plants and a difference in nitrogen sources. The carbon isotope ratios of terrestrial insects were similar to those of the terrestrial plants, and the ratios of aquatic insects were scattered between those of the terrestrial plants and the attached algae. The carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of spiders were intermediate between those of the terrestrial and aquatic insects. The two-source mixing model using the carbon isotope ratio showed that the web-building spiders utilized both the terrestrial and aquatic insects, with large contribution by the aquatic insects (54% on average with a maximum of 92% among spiders taxa collected in each zone), in the riparian area in a middle reach of the Chikuma River. The large contribution of the aquatic insects was often observed for the spiders collected near river channel (<5m) and for the horizontal web-building spiders collected across the riparian area. The relative contribution of the aquatic insects might be related with food availability (distance from river channel) and spiders food preference reflected in their web types (horizontal vs. vertical). Our results showed that organic materials produced in the river channel, in the riparian area, and in the terrestrial area surrounding the riparian area were mixed at the carnivorous trophic level of riparian spiders.  相似文献   
I investigated the diet and feeding ecology of two social groups of woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagotricha poeppigii) in Yasuní National Park, Ecuador between April 1995 and March 1996. Woolly monkeys in Yasuní were predominantly frugivorous, with fruits comprising ca. 77% of the yearly diet; the next most common food type in the diet was insect and other animal prey. The fruit diet of woolly monkeys in Yasuní is the most diverse yet recorded for any ateline primate, including spider monkeys (Ateles), which are often regarded as ripe fruit specialists: 208 distinct morphospecies of fruits were consumed by woolly monkeys either during the study or during several preceding months of pilot work. Nonetheless, close to one-third of the yearly diet came from just 3 plant genera—Inga, Ficus, and Spondias—and only 20 genera each contributed to 1% of the diet. For one study group, the proportion of ripe fruit in the diet each month was correlated with the habitat-wide availability of this resource, a pattern evidenced by several other ateline species. However, the relationship was not apparent in the second study group. The modal party size for feeding bouts on all food types was a single monkey, and, contrary to reports for other atelines, neither feeding party size nor the total number of feeding minutes that groups spent in food patches was well predicted by patch size. Both results highlight the independent nature of woolly monkey foraging. Given that woolly monkeys and closely-related spider monkeys focus so heavily on ripe fruits, their very different patterns of social organization are intriguing and raise the question of just how their ecological strategies differ. Two important differences appear to be in the use of animal prey and in the phytochemical composition of the ripe fruits that they consume: spider monkeys rarely forage for animal prey, and woolly monkeys seldom consume the lipid-rich fruits that are an important part of spider monkey diets.  相似文献   
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