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脑肿瘤干细胞   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
脑肿瘤尤其是恶性脑胶质瘤,由于生长及复发快,预后极差,所以找到胶质瘤复发的根源,提高胶质瘤病人的存活率,已成为国内外的肿瘤生物学工作者和临床医学工作者亟待解决的难题。近年来肿瘤干细胞概念的提出及脑肿瘤干细胞的分离及鉴定,为脑肿瘤的研究提供了新的切入点,同时可成为肿瘤治疗新的靶标,为根治脑肿瘤带来了光明的前景。简要综述了脑肿瘤干细胞无限增殖、自我更新、多分化潜能的生物学特性,脑肿瘤干细胞的起源以及与脑肿瘤相关机制方面的研究进展,从而为今后脑肿瘤早期诊断、治疗以及以此为靶标的药物开发提供新的思路和方向。  相似文献   
Mao JW  Wang LW  Jacob T  Sun XR  Li H  Zhu LY  Li P  Zhong P  Nie SH  Chen LX 《Cell research》2005,15(5):371-378
The transwell chamber migration assay and CCD digital camera imaging techniques were used to investigate the relationship between regulatory volume decrease (RVD) and cell migration in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells (CNE-2Z cells). Both migrated and non-migrated CNE-2Z cells, when swollen by 47% hypotonic solution, exhibited RVD which was inhibited by extracellular application of chloride channel blockers adenosine 5‘-triphosphate (ATP), 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino) benzoic acid (NPPB) and tamoxifen. However, RVD rate in migrated CNE-2Z cells was bigger than that of non-migrated cells and the sensitivity of migrated cells to NPPB and tamoxifen was higher than that of nonmigrated cells. ATP, NPPB and tamoxifen also inhibited migration of CNE-2Z cells. The inhibition of migration was positively correlated to the blockage of RVD, with a correlation coefficient (r) = 0.99, suggesting a functional relationship between RVD and cell migration. We conclude that RVD is involved in cell migration and RVD may play an important role in migratory process in CNE-2Z cells.  相似文献   
肿瘤抑素抗肿瘤相关肽的克隆及生物活性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为得到肿瘤抑素中具有直接抗肿瘤活性肽并检测其生物学活性,人工合成肿瘤抑素中185~2 0 3位氨基酸(19肽)所对应的核苷酸序列,将其连接到融合蛋白表达载体pTYB2中,酶切和测序鉴定后,转化到大肠杆菌BL 2 1(DE3)中诱导表达.表达的融合蛋白经几丁质亲和层析、二硫苏糖醇(DTT)的柱内还原,直接获得可溶性19肽.利用MTT法,细胞生长曲线,小鼠H2 2腹水型转移型肝癌实体瘤模型抑瘤实验并结合组织病理学切片,研究19肽的生物学活性.获得的19肽对B16小鼠黑色素瘤细胞、人SMMC 772 1肝癌细胞、人脐静脉内皮细胞的生长均具有抑制作用.小鼠H2 2腹水型肝癌抑瘤率达4 8 4 6 % .病理学切片显示,19肽可促使小鼠肿瘤组织坏死,血管数量减少.19肽具有较强的直接抗肿瘤活性,有可能成为肿瘤治疗的一种新的有前景的药物.  相似文献   
A variety of intrinsic and extrinsic factors contribute to the altered efficiency of CTLs in elderly organisms. In particular, the efficacy of antiviral CD8+ T cells responses in the elderly has come back into focus since the COVID‐19 pandemic outbreak. However, the exact molecular mechanisms leading to alterations in T cell function and the origin of the observed impairments have not been fully explored. Therefore, we investigated whether intrinsic changes affect the cytotoxic ability of CD8+ T cells in aging. We focused on the different subpopulations and time‐resolved quantification of cytotoxicity during tumor cell elimination. We report a surprising result: Killing kinetics of CD8+ T cells from elderly mice are much faster than those of CD8+ T cells from adult mice. This is true not only in the total CD8+ T cell population but also for their effector (TEM) and central memory (TCM) T cell subpopulations. TIRF experiments reveal that CD8+ T cells from elderly mice possess comparable numbers of fusion events per cell, but significantly increased numbers of cells with granule fusion. Analysis of the cytotoxic granule (CG) content shows significantly increased perforin and granzyme levels and turns CD8+ T cells of elderly mice into very efficient killers. This highlights the importance of distinguishing between cell‐intrinsic alterations and microenvironmental changes in elderly individuals. Our results also stress the importance of analyzing the dynamics of CTL cytotoxicity against cancer cells because, with a simple endpoint lysis analysis, cytotoxic differences could have easily been overlooked.  相似文献   
王卓  申笑涵  施奇惠 《遗传》2021,(2):108-117
随着单细胞基因组测序技术的建立与发展,对细胞基因组特征的分析进入了单细胞水平。单细胞的基因组分辨率不但使研究人员能够在单细胞尺度上分析肿瘤细胞的异质性,也使得传统上难以检测的稀有细胞的基因组研究成为可能。这些稀有细胞往往具有重要的生物学意义或临床价值,如癌症患者血液中循环肿瘤细胞(circulatingtumorcell,CTC)的基因组检测或三代试管婴儿植入前胚胎细胞的遗传缺陷诊断与筛查(preimplantation genetic diagnosis/screening, PGD/PGS)。本文总结了近年来发展的各种单细胞基因组扩增技术及其优缺点,并介绍了单细胞基因组测序技术在肿瘤生物学和临床检测中的应用,以期为单细胞基因组测序技术在临床检测中应用开发提供参考。  相似文献   
目的:探讨伽玛刀治疗术后顽固性脑水肿发生的临床特点和相关影响因素。方法:总结432例颅内病变经伽玛刀治疗患者,发生顽固性脑水肿87例,以年龄,性别,病灶部位,90%病灶容积的边缘剂量,病灶的平均直径,病灶与正常脑组织的关系作为影响因素,分析伽玛刀治疗术后顽固性脑水肿的相关性。结果:伽玛刀治疗术后顽固性脑水肿的总发生率20.1%,其中以脑内动静脉畸形发生率最高,达41.9%;脑水肿发生率与年龄,病灶部位,90%病灶容积的边缘剂量,病灶平均直径,病灶与正常脑组织关系等因素密切相关。结论:伽玛刀治疗术后顽固性脑水肿发生率较高,值得临床重视。  相似文献   
肿瘤是危害人类健康的重大疾病之一。目前用于肿瘤治疗的方法有手术治疗、化学药物治疗、放射治疗等。然而,传统的治疗方法存在治疗效果不佳、易引发多药耐药、毒副作用大等缺点,仍需进一步探索新的肿瘤治疗靶点和策略。线粒体作为细胞的能量转换器,被认为是肿瘤、心血管和神经性疾病新药设计的最重要靶点之一。纳米药物递送载体具有易被主动靶向基团修饰的特点,可实现细胞乃至细胞器的精准靶向给药。本文从抑制肿瘤细胞增殖、促进肿瘤细胞凋亡、抑制肿瘤复发与转移、诱导细胞自噬等方面综述了线粒体靶向纳米载体在肿瘤诊疗中的应用。  相似文献   
Mitochondria are intracellular organelles involved in energy production, cell metabolism and cell signaling. They are essential not only in the process of ATP synthesis, lipid metabolism and nucleic acid metabolism, but also in tumor development and metastasis. Mutations in mtDNA are commonly found in cancer cells to promote the rewiring of bioenergetics and biosynthesis, various metabolites especially oncometabolites in mitochondria regulate tumor metabolism and progression. And mutation of enzymes in the TCA cycle leads to the unusual accumulation of certain metabolites and oncometabolites. Mitochondria have been demonstrated as the target for cancer treatment. Cancer cells rely on two main energy resources: oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) and glycolysis. By manipulating OXPHOS genes or adjusting the metabolites production in mitochondria, tumor growth can be restrained. For example, enhanced complex I activity increases NAD+/NADH to prevent metastasis and progression of cancers. In this review, we discussed mitochondrial function in cancer cell metabolism and specially explored the unique role of mitochondria in cancer stem cells and the tumor microenvironment. Targeting the OXPHOS pathway and mitochondria-related metabolism emerging as a potential therapeutic strategy for various cancers.  相似文献   
The receptor for advanced glycation end-products (RAGE) is a multiligand binding and single-pass transmembrane protein which actively participates in several chronic inflammation-related diseases. RAGE, in addition to AGEs, has a wide repertoire of ligands, including several damage-associated molecular pattern molecules or alarmins such as HMGB1 and members of the S100 family proteins.Over the last years, a large and compelling body of evidence has revealed the active participation of the RAGE axis in tumor biology based on its active involvement in several crucial mechanisms involved in tumor growth, immune evasion, dissemination, as well as by sculpturing of the tumor microenvironment as a tumor-supportive niche. In the present review, we will detail the consequences of the RAGE axis activation to fuel essential mechanisms to guarantee tumor growth and spreading.  相似文献   
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