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Temperature is a primary determinant for species geographic ranges. In the context of global warming, most attention focuses upon the potential effects of heat stress on the future distribution of ectothermic species. Much less attention has, however, been given to cold thermal stress although it also sets species thermal window limits, hence distribution ranges. This study was conducted in winter on a South-Australian rocky shore in order to investigate the potential thermal benefits of the aggregation behavior observed in the dominant gastropod Nerita atramentosa. Thermal imaging was used to measure the body temperatures of 3681 aggregated individuals and 226 solitary individuals, and surrounding substratum temperature. N. atramentosa aggregates and solitary individuals were significantly warmer than their surrounding substratum. The temperature deviation between aggregates and substratum was, however, ca. 2 °C warmer than the one observed between solitary individuals and substratum. This result is critical since a body temperature increase of only a few degrees might enhance individual performance, hence organismal fitness, and could potentially drive changes in interspecific relationships. Besides, the potential higher thermal inertia of aggregates might increase the snail adaptive ability to abrupt environmental changes. We further investigate the potential thermal heterogeneity within an aggregate in order to identify any thermally advantageous position. Patch centers are significantly warmer than their edges, hence snails experience greater thermal advantages in the aggregate center. Finally, we examined the potential effect of aggregate size on snail temperature and thermal spatial heterogeneity. We identified an aggregate size threshold (216 individuals) beyond which all snails had equal thermal benefits, regardless of their spatial positions within an aggregate. While the determinism of this aggregate size threshold requires further investigations, the present work uniquely identified the thermal benefits of aggregation behavior for intertidal ectotherms under cold weather conditions. The implications of the present finding are discussed in the general framework of the ability of ectothermic populations to face environmental changes.  相似文献   
An experimental design considering thermal treatment of must, yeast strain, prickly pear variety and degree of ripeness was chosen to evaluate the fermentation behavior and generation of volatile compounds, during the elaboration of a distilled beverage from prickly pear. Four Mexican prickly pear varieties were characterized physically and two of them were selected for fermentation studies. The thermal treatment of the must showed the highest statistical influence on fermentation behavior and production of volatile compounds, followed by prickly pear variety, then yeast strain and finally the degree of ripeness was the least statistically significant factor. The growth rate increased when the thermal treatment was applied whereas the ethanol production rate and alcoholic efficiency were unaffected. The results also suggested that thermal treatment was effective for inhibition of microbial contamination. As regards volatile compounds production, acetic acid and methanol decreased while other volatiles increased when the thermal treatment was applied. Despite the influence of thermal treatment, prickly pear variety strongly influences the volatile profile of fermented musts.  相似文献   
Amphipods are widely used in both acute and chronic (sub-lethal) sediment tests. Acute sediment tests provide relatively rapid results, but may fail to detect moderately toxic contaminants that are bound to the sediment, whereas chronic life-cycle tests are rarely performed as they are time consuming and expensive. Observations during chronic testing of oil-contaminated sediment suggested that there may be a link between the behavior of the marine amphipod Corophium volutator and reduction in growth rate. Behavior tests were performed with six individual amphipods per treatment using sediment spiked with weathered Forties oil with burrowing time, re-emergence from sediment, and activity prior to burrowing as endpoints. Further behavior tests were used to predict the chronic toxicity of sediments spiked with three crude oils each with a dominant unresolved complex mixture of hydrocarbons (UCM). The effect of sediment type on behavior was also investigated. The results suggested that although the behavior test could not be used alone as a viable alternative to sediment toxicity tests, it could prove useful as an adjunct to acute tests, and help select sediments that deserve further investigation.  相似文献   
Temperament differs among individuals both within and between species. Evidence suggests that differences in temperament of group members may parallel differences in social behavior among groups or between species. Here, we compared temperament between three closely related species of monkey—rhesus (Macaca mulatta), long‐tailed (M. fascicularis), and pigtailed (M. nemestrina) macaques—using cage‐front behavioral observations of individually housed monkeys at a National Primate Research Center. Frequencies of 12 behaviors in 899 subjects were analyzed using a principal components analysis to identify temperament components. The analysis identified four components, which we interpreted as Sociability toward humans, Cautiousness, Aggressiveness, and Fearfulness. Species and sexes differed in their average scores on these components, even after controlling for differences in age and early‐life experiences. Our results suggest that rhesus macaques are especially aggressive and unsociable toward humans, long‐tailed macaques are more cautious and fearful, and pigtailed macaques are more sociable toward humans and less aggressive than the other species. Pigtailed males were notably more sociable than any other group. The differences observed are consistent with reported variation in these species’ social behaviors, as rhesus macaques generally engage in more social aggression and pigtailed macaques engage in more male–male affiliative behaviors. Differences in predation risks are among the socioecological factors that might make these species‐typical behaviors adaptive. Our results suggest that adaptive species‐level social differences may be encoded in individual‐level temperaments, which are manifested even outside of a social context. Am. J. Primatol. 75:303‐313, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761) on male copulatory behavior in rats. EGb 761 (1 mg/ml) induced significant production of testosterone (T) in rat Leydig cells in vitro. Its effects on sexual behavior were then tested in Long-Evans male rats after 7, 14, 21, or 28 days of oral gavage of vehicle (distilled water) or EGb 761 at doses of 10, 50, or 100 mg/kg. Administration of 50 mg/kg of EGb 761 for 28 days and of 100 mg/kg for 14 or 21 days significantly increased intromission frequency compared to controls on the same day. An increase in ejaculation frequency was seen after treatment with 50 mg/kg of EGb 761 for 14, 21, or 28 days when compared to either the control group on the same day or the same group on day 0. A reduction in ejaculation latency was only seen after administration of 50 mg/kg of EGb 761 for 14 days compared to the vehicle-treated group. After treatment for 28 days, no significant difference was seen in mount latency, intromission latency, serum T levels, reproductive organ weight, sperm number, or levels of the metabolite of dopamine, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid in the brain with any dose of EGb 761, but significantly reduced serum prolactin levels and increased dopamine levels in the medial preoptic area and arcuate nucleus were seen at the dose of 50 mg/kg. These findings show that EGb 761 (especially at the dose of 50 mg/kg) enhances the copulatory behavior of male rats and suggest that the dopaminergic system, which regulates prolactin secretion, may be involved in the facilitatory effect of EGb 761.  相似文献   
We quantified the vigilance levels of elk (Cervus elaphus) preyedon by wolves (Canis lupus) in Yellowstone National Park, betweenJanuary and May in 2005 and 2006, and used Akaike's informationcriterion to compare a set of 38 regression models for vigilancelevels. These models combined up to 9 predictor variables of3 types: characteristics of the prey group (herd size and composition),characteristics of the predator (wolf pack size, distance away,and the presence/absence of a kill), and characteristics ofthe local environment (distance to woodland edges, snow depth,and snow cover). The set of models spanned a range of complexityfrom simple univariate models to complex combinations with upto 3 variables of each type. Complex models incorporating thecharacteristics of the wolf pack, the structure of the elk herd,and the environmental conditions had higher information contentthan simple models. Although univariate models of vigilancedetect significant relationships, they have low informationcontent relative to multivariate models. These results showthat elk assesses factors of several types when assessing riskand deciding how much time to allocate to vigilance. In particular,we found that all well-supported models of vigilance includedseveral "prey" variables and several "predator" variables. Thisresult highlights the need to consider information about predatorswhen trying to explain variation in vigilance levels in prey.  相似文献   
捕食风险与动物行为及其决策的关系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
捕食风险与动物行为及其决策的关系边疆晖樊乃昌(中国科学院西北高原生物研究所,西宁810001)(浙江师范大学,金华310000)TheEfectofPredationRiskonAnimals’BehaviorandTheirDecision.Bia...  相似文献   
Studies on numerous insect species suggest that male-produced sex pheromones play a role in attracting females; as aphrodisiacs, making females more quiescent; or as a means of inhibiting competing males. Male heliothine moths display abdominal hairpencils during courtship, but the specific effects of the odors released on female behavior have not yet been elucidated. This study investigates the role of male hairpencil compounds in female Heliothis virescens mating behavior. Female H. virescens were exposed to filter paper loaded with hairpencil extracts of male H. virescens, Heliothis subflexa and Helicoverpa zea, and observed for behavioral responses to odors. Single synthetic compounds found in the H. virescens hairpencil blend were also tested. In mating assays between single male and female H. virescens it was found that: (i) antennectomized females mated less frequently than sham-operated females; (ii) females mated less frequently with males whose hairpencils had been surgically removed; (iii) females mated with males with ablated hairpencils if a filter paper loaded with one male equivalent of H. virescens hairpencil extract was presented simultaneously; and (iv) this effect was species-specific, as presentation of H. subflexa or H. zea hairpencil extracts did not restore mate acceptance. This study suggests that odors released by male hairpencils are important in mate acceptance by female H. virescens, and may play a role in mate choice and species isolation.  相似文献   
Nonhuman primates use greeting behaviors as nonaggressive communicatory signals in multiple social contexts. Adult male mantled howlers (Alouatta palliata) perform a ritual greeting that has been associated with bond-strengthening functions. The aim of this study is to explore the greeting patterns of male howlers living on Agaltepec Island, Mexico. Specifically, we analyzed the relationships between greetings and several individual, relational, and contextual variables, such as the expression of affiliation and agonism, dominance rank, age, kinship relationships, spatial organization, activity patterns, and subgrouping patterns. Greetings were more frequent between males with closer dominance ranks. Among those dyads that greeted at least once, dominant males initiated greetings more frequently than less-dominant males. On the other hand, more greetings were observed when one of the participants had recently returned to a subgroup and during locomotion. On the basis of these results, we propose that on Agaltepec greetings are a conflict management mechanism used between males of similar ranks. The fission-fusion social system of this group of howlers allows males with conflicting interests to remain separated, and greetings may reduce tension during fusion events.  相似文献   
  1. Hormones are extensively known to be physiological mediators of energy mobilization and allow animals to adjust behavioral performance in response to their environment, especially within a foraging context.
  2. Few studies, however, have narrowed focus toward the consistency of hormonal patterns and their impact on individual foraging behavior. Describing these relationships can further our understanding of how individuals cope with heterogeneous environments and exploit different ecological niches.
  3. To address this, we measured between‐ and within‐individual variation of basal cortisol (CORT), thyroid hormone T3, and testosterone (TEST) levels in wild adult female Galápagos sea lions (Zalophus wollebaeki) and analyzed how these hormones may be associated with foraging strategies. In this marine predator, females exhibit one of three spatially and temporally distinct foraging patterns (i.e., “benthic,” “pelagic,” and “night” divers) within diverse habitat types.
  4. Night divers differentiated from other strategies by having lower T3 levels. Considering metabolic costs, night divers may represent an energetically conservative strategy with shorter dive durations, depths, and descent rates to exploit prey which migrate up the water column based on vertical diel patterns.
  5. Intriguingly, CORT and TEST levels were highest in benthic divers, a strategy characterized by congregating around limited, shallow seafloors to specialize on confined yet reliable prey. This pattern may reflect hormone‐mediated behavioral responses to specific risks in these habitats, such as high competition with conspecifics, prey predictability, or greater risks of predation.
  6. Overall, our study highlights the collective effects of hormonal and ecological variation on marine foraging. In doing so, we provide insights into how mechanistic constraints and environmental pressures may facilitate individual specialization in adaptive behavior in wild populations.
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