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Summary The blowfly Calliphora has a mobile head and various, presumably proprioceptive, sense organs in the neck region. The prosternal organs are a pair of mechanosensory hair fields, each comprising ca. 110 sensilla. We studied their structure (Figs. 2–4), kinematics (Figs. 5, 6) and, after surgery, their influence on head posture (Figs. 7–11) in order to reveal their specific function.The hair sensilla are structurally polarized, all in roughly the same direction, and are stimulated by dorsoventral bending of the hairs (Figs. 3, 4). This occurs indirectly by flap-movements of two contact sclerites (Figs. 3, 6); they move in the same direction during pitch turns of the head, in opposite directions during roll turns, and barely at all during yaw turns of the head (Fig. 5).Bending and arresting all hairs of one field elicits a head roll bias to the non-operated side (Fig. 7) during tethered flight in visually featureless surroundings. In contrast, shaving all hairs of one field elicits a head roll to the operated side (Figs. 8–10). The surgically induced bias of head posture is not compensated within three days (Fig. 10). Our results show that the prosternal organs of Calliphora sense pitch and roll turns of the fly's head, and control at least its roll position.Abbreviations HP° TP° angular positions of the sagittal planes of the fly's head and thorax, respectively, relative to an external reference - HR° = HP — TP head roll angle of the fly's head relative to its thorax, HR>0° for clockwise head roll, looking in flight direction - N number of flies - n number of measurements - PO prosternal organ - SD standard deviation - SEM standard error of the mean  相似文献   
Attempts were made to extend the storage life of seed potatoes by treating them with trace elements as antimicrobial and antisprouting agents. In tests to measure the growth of Fusarium oxysporum, and Erwinia carotovora pv. carotovora it was found to be decreased more by iron, copper and zinc than by boron, manganese and molybdenum. Dipping seed tubers in aqueous solutions of trace element salts decreased both sprouting and microbial spoilage during storage at ambient conditions. Field testing at the end of storage proved that treating seed potatoes with ferrous sulphate did not decrease the yield of tubers or increase their iron content. It is suggested that trace elements may be used to extend the storage life of seed potato tubers, in tropical conditions.  相似文献   
The inhibitory effect of gibberellic acid on flowering in Citrus   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
The application of gibberellic acid (GA3) at any time from early November until bud sprouting, resulted in a significant inhibition of flowering in the sweet orange [ C. sinensis (L.) Osbeck] and the Satsuma ( C. unshiu Marc.) and Clementine ( C. reticulata Blanco) mandarins. Two response peaks were evident: the first occurred when the application was timed to the translocation of an unknown flowering signal from the leaves to the buds. The second occurred during bud sprouting, at the time the flower primordia were differentiating. From the pattern of flowering, it appears that the mechanism of inhibition was similar irrespective of the timing of GA3 application. There was an initial reduction in bud sprouting affecting selectively those buds originating leafless inflorescences. An additional inhibition resulted in a reduction in the number of leafy inflorescences with an increase in the number of vegetative shoots, suggesting the reversion of a floral to a vegetative apex. The inhibited buds sprouted readily in vitro but invariably vegetative shoots were formed. A continuous influence of the sustaining branch is necessary to keep the flowering commitment of the buds; irreversible commitment occurs when the petal primordia are well differentiated.  相似文献   
打孔注药法防治芒果壮铗普瘿蚊试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
芒果壮铗普瘿蚊(Procontarinia robustaLi,Bu&Zhang)是新发现的危害厦门市园林绿化主要树种芒果的一种新害虫。该虫主要危害叶片,在芒果叶面上隆起形成虫瘿,严重影响城市园林绿化景观。在厦门芒果主要种植在城市主干道、公园、小区、机关单位和学校等地方,该树种树形高大,喷雾法用药量大,操作困难且对空气造成污染。选用几种具有内吸、上下输导作用的药剂(10%吡虫啉可湿性粉剂、16%虫线清、蚧诛净等)在树干基部打孔注药,发现芽前注药明显优于芽后注药。处理后虫口减退率都在90%以上,能较好地控制芒果壮铗普瘿蚊的虫口密度。  相似文献   
With the wide application of microwave technology, concerns about its health impact have arisen. The signal transmission mode of the central nervous system and neurons make it particularly sensitive to electromagnetic exposure. It has been reported that abnormal release of amino acid neurotransmitters is mediated by alteration of p-SYN1 after microwave exposure, which results in cognitive dysfunction. As the phosphorylation of SYN1 is regulated by different kinases, in this study we explored the regulatory mechanisms of SYN1 fluctuations following microwave exposure and its subsequent effect on GABA release, aiming to provide clues on the mechanism of cognitive impairment caused by microwave exposure. In vivo studies with Timm and H&E staining were adopted and the results showed abnormality in synapse formation and neuronal structure, explaining the previously-described deficiency in cognitive ability caused by microwave exposure. The observed alterations in SYN1 level, combined with the results of earlier studies, indicate that SYN1 and its phosphorylation status (ser-553 and ser62/67) may play a role in the abnormal release of neurotransmitters. Thus, the role of Cdk5, the upstream kinase regulating the formation of p-SYN1 (ser-553), as well as that of MEK, the regulator of p-SYN1 (ser-62/67), were investigated both in vivo and in vitro. The results showed that Cdk5 was a negative regulator of p-SYN1 (ser-553) and that its up-regulation caused a decrease in GABA release by reducing p-SYN1 (ser-553). While further exploration still needed to elaborate the role of p-SYN1 (ser-62/67) for neurotransmitter release, MEK inhibition had was no impact on p-Erk or p-SYN1 (ser-62/67) after microwave exposure. In conclusion, the decrease of p-SYN1 (ser-553) may result in abnormalities in vesicular anchoring and GABA release, which is caused by increased Cdk5 regulated through Calpain-p25 pathway after 30 mW/cm2 microwave exposure. This study provided a potential new strategy for the prevention and treatment of microwave-induced cognitive dysfunction.  相似文献   
The retinotectal projection is known to be capable of extensive long-term expansion of connections, but it is not known how fast such changes can occur or what triggers sprouting of terminals. We studied sprouting of optic fibers into an area denervated by local microinjection of beta-bungarotoxin (β-BTX), a specific presynaptic neurotoxin with phospholipase A2 activity that destroys nerve terminals at the neuromuscular junction. After injection of 0.1 pmol of β-BTX, the optic terminals fired spontaneously with decreasing amplitude and became silent within 1 to 2 h. Outside the injection zone, the retinotectal map was normal, so the silent zone was associated with a scotoma in the visual field. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) staining of the entire optic nerve showed a denervated region at the injection site with beaded, degenerating fibers at its edge. Between 3 and 9 days later, optic units were recorded within the injection zone whose receptive fields lay just outside the scotoma in the visual field, indicating that intact surrounding terminals had sprouted into the area. These sprouts made functional connections, as indicated by field potential recordings and current source-density analysis. At this time, HRP staining also demonstrated retinal innervation within the injection zone. By 12 days, normal maps with no scotoma were recorded and HRP staining was normal at the injection site, indicating that the β-BTX-damaged fibers had regenerated to reclaim their tectal sites. The results show that the retinotectal projection of goldfish is very dynamic, since intact optic fibers can sprout into adjacent vacant postsynaptic territory within 2 to 3 days, much faster than previously reported. In a final experiment, we showed that this sprouting is activity-dependent, since it could be prevented by blocking retinal activity with intraocular tetrodotoxin (TTX) during the first 2 days postinjection, even though TTX block of activity does not block regeneration in this system. One possible mechanism for this rapidly triggered sprouting is that arachidonic acid liberated by β-BTX acts as a sprouting factor to attract surrounding healthy fibers into the denervated region but requires activity at the terminals to be effective. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
During vessel sprouting, a migratory endothelial tip cell guides the sprout, while proliferating stalk cells elongate the branch. Tip and stalk cell phenotypes are not genetically predetermined fates, but are dynamically interchangeable to ensure that the fittest endothelial cell (EC) leads the vessel sprout. ECs increase glycolysis when forming new blood vessels. Genetic deficiency of the glycolytic activator PFKFB3 in ECs reduces vascular sprouting by impairing migration of tip cells and proliferation of stalk cells. PFKFB3-driven glycolysis promotes the tip cell phenotype during vessel sprouting, since PFKFB3 overexpression overrules the pro-stalk activity of Notch signaling. Furthermore, PFKFB3-deficient ECs cannot compete with wild-type neighbors to form new blood vessels in chimeric mosaic mice. In addition, pharmacological PFKFB3 blockade reduces pathological angiogenesis with modest systemic effects, likely because it decreases glycolysis only partially and transiently.  相似文献   
CAP23 is a major cortical cytoskeleton-associated and calmodulin binding protein that is widely and abundantly expressed during development, maintained in selected brain structures in the adult, and reinduced during nerve regeneration. Overexpression of CAP23 in adult neurons of transgenic mice promotes nerve sprouting, but the role of this protein in process outgrowth was not clear. Here, we show that CAP23 is functionally related to GAP43, and plays a critical role to regulate nerve sprouting and the actin cytoskeleton. Knockout mice lacking CAP23 exhibited a pronounced and complex phenotype, including a defect to produce stimulus-induced nerve sprouting at the adult neuromuscular junction. This sprouting deficit was rescued by transgenic overexpression of either CAP23 or GAP43 in adult motoneurons. Knockin mice expressing GAP43 instead of CAP23 were essentially normal, indicating that, although these proteins do not share homologous sequences, GAP43 can functionally substitute for CAP23 in vivo. Cultured sensory neurons lacking CAP23 exhibited striking alterations in neurite outgrowth that were phenocopied by low doses of cytochalasin D. A detailed analysis of such cultures revealed common and unique functions of CAP23 and GAP43 on the actin cytoskeleton and neurite outgrowth. The results provide compelling experimental evidence for the notion that CAP23 and GAP43 are functionally related intrinsic determinants of anatomical plasticity, and suggest that these proteins function by locally promoting subplasmalemmal actin cytoskeleton accumulation.  相似文献   
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