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  • Under natural conditions, light exposure for Mediterranean shrubs can be highly variable, especially during cloudy days or under a canopy, and can interfere with other environmental factors such as temperature and water availability.
  • With the aim of decoupling the effect of radiation and temperature from water availability, we conducted an experiment where two perennial and three summer semi‐deciduous shrub species were subjected to different levels of irradiation. In order to follow plant responses to light exposure, we measured gas exchange, photosystem II photochemical efficiency, photosynthetic pigments and leaf mass area in spring and summer.
  • Results showed that all study species presented a plastic response to different light conditions, and that light‐related traits varied in a coordinated manner. Summer semi‐deciduous species exhibited a more opportunistic response, with higher photosynthesis rates in full sun, but under shade conditions, the two strategies presented similar assimilation rates. Stomatal conductance did not show such a drastic response as photosynthetsis, being related to changes in WUE. Daily cycles of Fv/Fm revealed a slight photoinhibitory response during summer, mainly in perennial species. In all cases photosynthetic pigments adjusted to the radiation level; leaves had lower chlorophyll content, higher pool of xanthophylls and higher proportion of the de‐epoxydaded state of xanthophylls under sun conditions. Lutein content increased in relation to the xanthophyll pool under shade conditions.
  • Our results evidenced that radiation is an important driving factor controlling morphological and physiological status of Mediterranean shrub species, independently of water availability. Summer semi‐deciduous species exhibit a set of traits with higher response variability, maximising their photosynthetic assimilation under different sun conditions.
The effects of the availability of light (high, medium and low) and soil water (wet and dry) on morphological and physiological traits responsible for whole plant carbon gain and ramet biomass accumulation were examined in a splitter-type clonal herbaceous species Primula sieboldii, a spring plant inhabiting broad range of light environments including open grassland and oak forest understory. Growth experiments were conducted for three genets originated from natural microhabitats differing in light and soil water availability. Ramets of a genet from high light and wet microhabitat, which were grown in low light (relative photon flux density: R-PPFD of 5%) showed 41% less light-saturated photosynthetic rate, 50% less dark respiration rate and earlier defoliation than the ramets in high light (R-PPFD of 61%). The estimation of daily photosynthesis revealed that the light acclimation response in leaf gas exchange contributes to efficient carbon gain of whole plants, irrespective of experimental light conditions. Water stress increased root weight ratio, decreased ramet leaf area, petiole length and photosynthetic capacity. These morphological effects of water stress were larger in high and medium light regimes than in low light regime. The consequence of the above responses was recognized in the relative growth rate of the ramets. The relative growth rate of the ramets in high light with wet regime was four-fold of that in low light plus wet regime, and was 1.5-fold of that in high light plus dry regime. However, even in low light and/or dry regimes, ramets kept positive relative growth rates and produced gemma successfully. We could not detect significant variation in growth responses among genets. The high photosynthetic plasticity revealed in the present study should enable Primula sieboldii to inhabit in a broad range of light and soil water availability.  相似文献   
For a photobioreactor for mass-culturing microalgae, it is known that flashing light effect enhances the efficiency of photosynthesis. A dynamic model for photosynthesis was developed to elucidate this effect. A particular feature of the model is that discrete RuBP particles circulate in the Calvin cycle and their speeds in the cycle are determined by the amount of ATP generated in the photon reception process. This can realise the light saturation under continuous light and the flashing light effect under fluctuating illumination. Laboratory experiments were conducted to obtain model parameters by curve-fitting for Chaetoceros calcitrans. The present model demonstrates the light flashing effect moderately well and elucidates its mechanism reasonably.  相似文献   
1 We examined the abundance and distribution patterns of pioneer seeds in the soil seed bank, and of pioneer seedlings in 53 recently formed gaps, in a 50‐ha forest dynamics plot on Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama. The aim was to assess the importance of dispersal limitation (failure of seeds to arrive at all sites suitable for their germination) and establishment limitation (failure of seeds having reached a site to germinate successfully and establish as seedlings) in determining patterns of gap occupancy.
2 The abundance of seeds in the soil seed bank was strongly negatively correlated with seed size, but was not correlated with the abundance of reproductive‐sized adult trees in the plot. In contrast, the abundance of pioneer seedlings > 10 cm height in natural gaps was strongly correlated with adult abundance, but was not correlated with seed size.
3 Seedlings were non‐randomly distributed among gaps, but seedling abundance was not directly related to gap size, and there was no evidence of partitioning of the light environment of gaps by small seedlings. Large differences in growth and mortality rates among species were observed after 1 year, and this may result in the gap size partitioning previously found in saplings of the same species.
4 Seedlings of most species, particularly those with large seeds, were relatively more abundant than expected in gaps close to their conspecific adults. Proximity to reproductives, and by inference dispersal limitation, therefore exerts some effect on seedling distribution. None the less, large differences between seed and seedling abundances for some species, and low seedling occupancy rates in some gaps close to adult conspecifics, suggest that seedling emergence probabilities and species‐specific establishment requirements may also be important determinants of local abundance.  相似文献   
绿色微囊藻的混合营养生长   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究绿色微囊藻(Microcystis viridis)在混合条件下的生长特性,以及葡萄糖,光照强度和pH对绿色微囊藻生长的影响。结果表明:绿色微囊藻混合营养生长与光能自养生长相比,生长速率明显提高,对数期延长,生物量显著提高;随着初始葡萄糖浓度在0~18.0g/l范围内增加,同一光照条件下明显提高了藻细胞的生长速率,但在初始葡萄糖浓度18.0~36.0g/l范围内,同一光照条件下葡萄糖浓度的高低对藻细胞的生长速率不再有更大的影响;在光照强度24~112μE·m-2·s-1范围内,初始葡萄糖浓度相同条件下藻细胞的生长速率及对葡萄糖的藻体得率都随光照强度的增强而增大,但当光照强度在112~200μE·m-2·s-1时,绿色微囊藻的生长速率增加幅度较小,出现了光饱和现象;当pH处于8.0~10.0间,明显促进了绿色微囊藻的生长,偏离该范围越大,越抑制绿色微囊藻的生长,甚至导致死亡。  相似文献   
Oligo-kappa-carrageenans participate as elicitors in the cell-cell recognition process in marine plants. Analytical methods can be usefully applied to gain insight into the biochemistry of these biological processes. Therefore, enzymatically digested oligomers of kappa-carrageenans have been separated and isolated on a Spherisorb ODS1 (250 x 4 mm i.d., particle size 5 microm) column using ion-pair liquid chromatography coupled with an evaporative light scattering detector. Heptylamine (5 mM, pH4) has been selected as the ion-pairing agent and MeOH as the organic modifier in a gradient mode. Overloading the column with 1mg of the mixture, the chromatographic mechanism presented adequate stability. The mobile phase of each isolated oligomer was evaporated and the residue was infused into an electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (ESIMS) in positive-ion mode with 4:1 MeCN-water as mobile phase. Each ESIMS spectrum presented ions consisting of the oligomer attached with a number of heptylammonium ions depending on the molecule size. In addition, the different m/z values permitted direct detection of the oligomers in ESIMS positive-ion mode. The analytical method developed separated the oligomers up to dotriacontasaccharide.  相似文献   
Floral initiation is regulated by various genetic pathways in response to light, temperature, hormones and developmental status; however, the molecular mechanisms underlying the interactions between different genetic pathways are not fully understood. Here, we show that the photoresponsive gene FOF2 (F‐box of flowering 2) negatively regulates flowering. FOF2 encodes a putative F‐box protein that interacts specifically with ASK14, and its overexpression results in later flowering under both long‐day and short‐day photoperiods. Conversely, transgenic plants expressing the F‐box domain deletion mutant of FOF2 (FOF2ΔF), or double loss of function mutant of FOF2 and FOL1 (FOF2‐LIKE 1) present early flowering phenotypes. The late flowering phenotype of the FOF2 overexpression lines is suppressed by the flc‐3 loss‐of‐function mutation. Furthermore, FOF2 mRNA expression is regulated by autonomous pathway gene FCA, and the repressive effect of FOF2 in flowering can be overcome by vernalization. Interestingly, FOF2 expression is regulated by light. The protein level of FOF2 accumulates in response to light, whereas it is degraded under dark conditions via the 26S proteasome pathway. Our findings suggest a possible mechanistic link between light conditions and the autonomous floral promotion pathway in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   
Chronotherapeutics are well established for the treatment of depression and associated sleeping problems in adults. However, effects are still understudied in adolescents. Two pilot studies highlighted the crucial role of sleep when it comes to the treatment of depression, by means of chronotherapeutics, in adolescents. The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of adjunctive wake therapy (WT) in addition to bright light therapy (BLT) with respect to sleep behaviors. In the present study, 62 depressed inpatients (aged 13–18 years; diagnosed with Beck Depression Inventory Revision) were randomly assigned to two groups: BLT only (BLT-group) and a combination of BLT and WT (COMB-group). After one night of WT adolescents in the COMB-group revealed longer sleep durations, time in bed, advanced sleep onset, less wakes during night and an improved sleep efficiency. However, one night of WT plus BLT had no additional effect on sleep parameters compared with BLT-group in the long run. Therefore, future studies should assess whether more nights of WT might lead to more sustainable effects.  相似文献   
泛素、泛素链和蛋白质泛素化研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
蛋白质泛素化是以泛素单体和泛素链作为信号分子,共价修饰细胞内其他蛋白质的一种翻译后修饰形式。不同蛋白质底物、同一底物的不同氨基酸修饰位点以及同一位点上泛素链连接方式的不同均可导致细胞效应的差异。蛋白质泛素化在真核细胞内广泛存在,除了介导蛋白质的26S蛋白酶体降解途径之外,还广泛参与了基因转录、蛋白质翻译、信号传导、细胞周期控制以及生长发育等几乎所有的生命活动过程。泛素链的形成及其修饰过程的任何失调均可导致生物体内环境的紊乱,从而产生严重的疾病。文中结合实验室研究,综述了泛素的发现历史、基因特点、晶体结构,特别是泛素链的组装过程、结构、功能以及与人类相关疾病关系的新进展,可为这些疾病的治疗靶点和药物靶标的研究提供思路。  相似文献   
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