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This cross-sectional retrospective study evaluated 440 leprosy patients; 57% (251/440) had leprosy reactions during and/or after multidrug therapy, 80.5% (202/251) of whom presented with multibacillary leprosy. At diagnosis, positive bacterial index (BI) [odds ratio (OR) = 6.39; 95% confidence interval (CI): 4.1-10.1)] or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (OR = 9.15; 95% CI: 5.4-15.5) in skin smears, anti-phenolic glycolipid-1 (anti-PGL-1) ELISA (OR = 4.77; 95% CI: 2.9-7.9), leucocytosis (OR = 9.97; 95% CI: 3.9-25.7), thrombocytopenia (OR = 5.72; 95% CI: 2.3-14.0) and elevated lactate dehydrogenase (OR = 2.38; 95% CI: 1.4-4.0) were potential markers for the development of reactions during treatment. After treatment, positive BI (OR = 8.47; 95% CI: 4.7-15.3) and PCR (OR = 6.46; 95% CI: 3.4-12.3) in skin smears, anti-PGL-1 ELISA (OR = 2.25; 95% CI: 1.3-3.9), anaemia (OR = 2.36; 95% CI: 1.2-4.5), leucocytosis (OR = 4.14; 95% CI: 1.5-11.6) and thrombocytopenia (OR = 3.70; 95% CI: 1.3-2.2) were risk factors for the occurrence of reactions during the study period. The identification of groups with an increased risk for developing reactions will allow for the timely development of a treatment plan to prevent nerve damage and, therefore, the appearance of the disabling sequelae associated with the stigma of leprosy.  相似文献   
Although biological conservation has traditionally focused on the protection of pristine areas, it is becoming increasingly evident that efforts should also be made toward the maintenance of biological diversity in human‐managed ecosystems. We evaluated the potential role of scattered, remnant trees in enhancing ant diversity in agricultural lands within a biodiversity hotspot, namely the Cerrado savannas of central Brazil. Ant collections were performed in, beneath, and away from the crowns of a native tree species growing in planted pastures, soy fields, and in small (<400 ha) savanna reserves. Significantly more ant species were found beneath than 30 m away from scattered trees. The magnitude of this effect was similar in soy fields and in pastures at all scales of our analyses, except at the landscape scale where the effect was comparatively greater in soy fields. Most of the species that occurred more frequently beneath than away from trees nest on ground, indicating that the conservation value of scattered trees goes beyond the mere protection of arboreal ant species. Soy plantations presented a particular species‐poor ground‐dwelling fauna when compared with savannas, whereas differences in the number and composition of arboreal species were less marked. In contrast, the diversity of arboreal‐ and ground‐dwelling ants recorded in and beneath pasture trees was nearly as high as the one found in savannas. It is suggested that pasture trees can have an important value for ant conservation off reserves, particularly in regions where most of the native vegetation has already been cleared.  相似文献   
Tropical tephritids are ideally suited for studies on population divergence and speciation because they include species groups undergoing rapid radiation, in which morphologically cryptic species and sister species are abundant. The fraterculus species group in the Neotropical genus Anastrepha is a case in point, as it is composed of a complex of up to seven A. fraterculus morphotypes proposed to be cryptic species. Here, we document pre‐ and post‐zygotic barriers to gene flow among adults of the Mexican A. fraterculus morphotype and three populations (Argentina, Brazil, and Peru) belonging to two separate morphotypes (Brazilian 1 and Peruvian). We unveiled three forms of pre‐zygotic reproductive isolation resulting in strong assortative mating. In field cages, free‐ranging male and female A. fraterculus displayed a strong tendency to form couples with members of the opposite sex belonging to their own morphotype, suggesting that male pheromone emission, courtship displays, or both intervene in shaping female choice before actual contact and coupling. In addition, males and females of the Peruvian morphotype became receptive and mated significantly later than adults of the Mexican and Brazilian 1 morphotypes. After contact, Mexican females exhibited greater mating discrimination than males when facing adults of the opposite sex belonging to either the Peruvian or the Brazilian 1 morphotype as evidenced by vigorous resistance to penetration once they had been forcefully mounted by heterotypic males. Forced copulations resulted in production of F1 hybrids that were either less viable (and partially fertile) than parental crosses or even sterile. Our results suggest that the Mexican morphotype is a distinct biological entity and that pre‐zygotic reproductive isolation through divergence in courtship or male‐produced pheromone and other mechanisms appear to evolve faster than post‐zygotic isolation in the fraterculus species group.  相似文献   
Understanding the history of forests and their species'' demographic responses to past disturbances is important for predicting impacts of future environmental changes. Tropical rainforests of the Guineo-Congolian region in Central Africa are believed to have survived the Pleistocene glacial periods in a few major refugia, essentially centred on mountainous regions close to the Atlantic Ocean. We tested this hypothesis by investigating the phylogeographic structure of a widespread, ancient rainforest tree species, Symphonia globulifera L. f. (Clusiaceae), using plastid DNA sequences (chloroplast DNA [cpDNA], psbA-trnH intergenic spacer) and nuclear microsatellites (simple sequence repeats, SSRs). SSRs identified four gene pools located in Benin, West Cameroon, South Cameroon and Gabon, and São Tomé. This structure was also apparent at cpDNA. Approximate Bayesian Computation detected recent bottlenecks approximately dated to the last glacial maximum in Benin, West Cameroon and São Tomé, and an older bottleneck in South Cameroon and Gabon, suggesting a genetic effect of Pleistocene cycles of forest contraction. CpDNA haplotype distribution indicated wide-ranging long-term persistence of S. globulifera both inside and outside of postulated forest refugia. Pollen flow was four times greater than that of seed in South Cameroon and Gabon, which probably enabled rapid population recovery after bottlenecks. Furthermore, our study suggested ecotypic differentiation—coastal or swamp vs terra firme—in S. globulifera. Comparison with other tree phylogeographic studies in Central Africa highlighted the relevance of species-specific responses to environmental change in forest trees.  相似文献   
Neutral and niche theories give contrasting explanations for the maintenance of tropical tree species diversity. Both have some empirical support, but methods to disentangle their effects have not yet been developed. We applied a statistical measure of spatial structure to data from 14 large tropical forest plots to test a prediction of niche theory that is incompatible with neutral theory: that species in heterogeneous environments should separate out in space according to their niche preferences. We chose plots across a range of topographic heterogeneity, and tested whether pairwise spatial associations among species were more variable in more heterogeneous sites. We found strong support for this prediction, based on a strong positive relationship between variance in the spatial structure of species pairs and topographic heterogeneity across sites. We interpret this pattern as evidence of pervasive niche differentiation, which increases in importance with increasing environmental heterogeneity.  相似文献   
Speciation involves the evolution of traits and genetic differences that contribute to reproductive isolation and the cessation of gene flow, and studying closely related species and divergent populations gives insight into how these phenomena proceed. Here, we document patterns of gene flow within and between two members of a rapid Neotropical species radiation, Costus pulverulentus and Costus scaber (Costaceae). These species co‐occur in the tropical rainforest and share pollinators, but are reproductively isolated by a series of prezygotic barriers, some of which show evidence of reinforcement at sympatric sites. Here, we genotype microsatellite markers in plants from eight sites that span the geographical range of both species, including four sympatric sites. We also genotype putative hybrids found at two sympatric sites. We find high levels of genetic isolation among populations within each species and low but detectable levels of introgression between species at sympatric sites. Putative hybrids identified by morphology are consistent with F1 or more advanced hybrids. Our results highlight the effectiveness of prezygotic isolating mechanisms at maintaining species boundaries in young radiations and provide empirical data on levels of gene flow consistent with reinforcement.  相似文献   
Tropical rain forest has been a persistent feature in South America for at least 55 million years. The future of the contemporary Amazon forest is uncertain, however, as the region is entering conditions with no past analogue, combining rapidly increasing air temperatures, high atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, possible extreme droughts, and extensive removal and modification by humans. Given the long‐term Cenozoic cooling trend, it is unknown whether Amazon forests can tolerate air temperature increases, with suggestions that lowland forests lack warm‐adapted taxa, leading to inevitable species losses. In response to this uncertainty, we posit a simple hypothesis: the older the age of a species prior to the Pleistocene, the warmer the climate it has previously survived, with Pliocene (2.6–5 Ma) and late‐Miocene (8–10 Ma) air temperature across Amazonia being similar to 2100 temperature projections under low and high carbon emission scenarios, respectively. Using comparative phylogeographic analyses, we show that 9 of 12 widespread Amazon tree species have Pliocene or earlier lineages (>2.6 Ma), with seven dating from the Miocene (>5.6 Ma) and three >8 Ma. The remarkably old age of these species suggest that Amazon forests passed through warmth similar to 2100 levels and that, in the absence of other major environmental changes, near‐term high temperature‐induced mass species extinction is unlikely.  相似文献   
Habitat loss represents one of the main threats to tropical forests, which have reached extremely high rates of species extinction. Forest loss negatively impacts biodiversity, affecting ecological (e.g., seed dispersal) and genetic (e.g., genetic diversity and structure) processes. Therefore, understanding how deforestation influences genetic resources is strategic for conservation. Our aim was to empirically evaluate the effects of landscape‐scale forest reduction on the spatial genetic structure and gene flow of Euterpe edulis Mart (Arecaceae), a palm tree considered a keystone resource for many vertebrate species. This study was carried out in nine forest remnants in the Atlantic Forest, northeastern Brazil, located in landscapes within a gradient of forest cover (19–83%). We collected leaves of 246 adults and 271 seedlings and performed genotyping using microsatellite markers. Our results showed that the palm populations had low spatial genetic structure, indicating that forest reduction did not influence this genetic parameter for neither seedlings nor adults. However, forest loss decreased the gene flow distance, which may negatively affect the genetic diversity of future generations by increasing the risk of local extinction of this keystone palm. For efficient strategies of genetic variability conservation and maintenance of gene flow in E. edulis, we recommend the maintenance of landscapes with intermediary to high levels of forest cover, that is, forest cover above 40%.  相似文献   
The main aim of this paper is to address consequences of climate warming on loss of habitat and genetic diversity in the enigmatic tropical alpine giant rosette plants using the Ethiopian endemic Lobelia rhynchopetalum as a model. We modeled the habitat suitability of Lrhynchopetalum and assessed how its range is affected under two climate models and four emission scenarios. We used three statistical algorithms calibrated to represent two different complexity levels of the response. We analyzed genetic diversity using amplified fragment length polymorphisms and assessed the impact of the projected range loss. Under all model and scenario combinations and consistent across algorithms and complexity levels, this afro‐alpine flagship species faces massive range reduction. Only 3.4% of its habitat seems to remain suitable on average by 2,080, resulting in loss of 82% (CI 75%–87%) of its genetic diversity. The remaining suitable habitat is projected to be fragmented among and reduced to four mountain peaks, further deteriorating the probability of long‐term sustainability of viable populations. Because of the similar morphological and physiological traits developed through convergent evolution by tropical alpine giant rosette plants in response to diurnal freeze‐thaw cycles, they most likely respond to climate change in a similar way as our study species. We conclude that specialized high‐alpine giant rosette plants, such as L. rhynchopetalum, are likely to face very high risk of extinction following climate warming.  相似文献   
The Cerrado (Brazilian savanna) is a biodiversity hotspot with a history of fire that goes back as far as 10 million years. Fire has influenced the evolution of several aspects of the vegetation, including reproduction and life cycles. This study tested how fire by‐products such as heat and smoke affect the germination of six species common to two Cerrado open physiognomies: wet grasslands and the campo sujo (grassland with scattered shrubs and dwarf trees). We subjected seeds collected in northern Brazil to heat shock and smoke treatments, both separately and combined, using different temperatures, exposure times, and smoke concentrations in aqueous solutions. High temperatures and smoke did not break seed dormancy nor stimulate germination of the Cerrado study species. However, seeds were not killed by high temperatures, indicating that they are fire‐tolerant. Our findings differed from those of other fire‐prone ecosystems (mostly of Mediterranean vegetation), where fire stimulates germination. Moreover, we provide important information regarding germination strategies of non‐woody Cerrado plants, showing the importance of considering the tolerance of seeds to high temperatures when evaluating fire‐related traits in fire‐prone ecosystems.  相似文献   
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