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Flowers face desiccating conditions, yet little is known about their ability to transport water. We quantified variability in floral hydraulic conductance (Kflower) for 20 species from 10 families and related it to traits hypothesized to be associated with liquid and vapour phase water transport. Basal angiosperm flowers had trait values associated with higher water and carbon costs than monocot and eudicot flowers. Kflower was coordinated with water supply (vein length per area, VLA) and loss (minimum epidermal conductance, gmin) traits among the magnoliids, but was insensitive to variation in these traits among the monocots and eudicots. Phylogenetic independent contrast (PIC) correlations revealed that few traits had undergone coordinated evolution. However, VLA and the desiccation time (Tdes), the quotient of water content and gmin, had significant trait and PIC correlations. The near absence of stomata from monocot and eudicot flowers may have been critical in minimizing water loss rates among these clades. Early divergent, basal angiosperm flowers maintain higher Kflower because of traits associated with high rates water loss and water supply, while monocot and eudicot flowers employ a more conservative strategy of limiting water loss and may rely on stored water to maintain turgor and delay desiccation.  相似文献   
Coniferous tree stems contain large amounts of oleoresin under positive pressure in the resin ducts. Studies in North‐American pines indicated that the stem oleoresin exudation pressure (OEP) correlates negatively with transpiration rate and soil water content. However, it is not known how the OEP changes affect the emissions of volatile vapours from the trees. We measured the OEP, xylem diameter changes indicating changes in xylem water potential and monoterpene emissions under field conditions in mature Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees in southern Finland. Contrary to earlier reports, the diurnal OEP changes were positively correlated with temperature and transpiration rate. OEP was lowest at the top part of the stem, where water potentials were also more negative, and often closely linked to ambient temperature and stem monoterpene emissions. However, occasionally OEP was affected by sudden changes in vapour pressure deficit (VPD), indicating the importance of xylem water potential on OEP as well. We conclude that the oleoresin storage pools in tree stems are in a dynamic relationship with ambient temperature and xylem water potential, and that the canopy monoterpene emission rates may therefore be also regulated by whole tree processes and not only by the conditions prevailing in the upper canopy.  相似文献   
Field studies analyzing the stable isotope composition of xylem water are providing important information on ecosystem water relations. However, the capacity of stable isotopes to characterize the functioning of plants in their environment has not been fully explored because of methodological constraints on the extent and resolution at which samples could be collected and analysed. Here, we introduce an in situ method offering the potential to continuously monitor the stable isotope composition of tree xylem water via its vapour phase using a commercial laser‐based isotope analyser and compact microporous probes installed into the xylem. Our technique enables efficient high‐frequency measurement with intervals of only a few minutes per sample while eliminating the need for costly and cumbersome destructive collection of plant material and laboratory‐based processing. We present field observations of xylem water hydrogen and oxygen isotope compositions obtained over several days including a labelled irrigation event and compare them against results from concurrent destructive sampling with cryogenic distillation and mass spectrometric analysis. The data demonstrate that temporal changes as well as spatial patterns of integration in xylem water isotope composition can be resolved through direct measurement. The new technique can therefore present a valuable tool to study the hydraulic architecture and water utilization of trees.  相似文献   
The process of evaporation results in the fractionation of water isotopes such that the lighter 16O isotope preferentially escapes the gas phase leaving the heavier 18O isotope to accumulate at the sites of evaporation. This applies to transpiration from a leaf with the degree of fractionation dependent on a number of environmental and physiological factors that are well understood. Nevertheless, the 18O enrichment of bulk leaf water is often less than that predicted for the sites of evaporation. The advection of less enriched water in the transpiration stream has been suggested to limit the back diffusion of enriched evaporative site water (Péclet effect); however, evidence for this effect has been varied. In sampling across a range of species with different vein densities and saturated water contents, we demonstrate the importance of accounting for the relative ‘pool’ sizes of the vascular and mesophyll water for the interpretation of a Péclet effect. Further, we provide strong evidence for a Péclet signal within the xylem that if unaccounted for can lead to confounding of the estimated enrichment within the mesophyll water. This has important implications for understanding variation in the effective path length of the mesophyll and hence potentially the δ18O of organic matter.  相似文献   
Bats broadcast rapid sequences of echolocation calls, named ‘drinking buzzes’, when they approach water to drink on the wing. So far this phenomenon has received little attention. We recorded echolocation sequences of drinking bats for 12 species, for 11 of which we also recorded feeding buzzes. Based on the different sensorial tasks faced by feeding and drinking bats, we hypothesize that the drinking buzz structure will differ from that of feeding buzzes since unlike the latter drinking buzzes are not designed to detect and track mobile prey. We demonstrated that drinking buzzes are structurally different from feeding buzzes. We show that the buzz‐II phase common in feeding buzzes is absent in drinking buzzes; that is, call frequency is not lowered to broaden sonar beam since the task of drinking does not imply tracking fast‐moving targets. This finding indirectly confirms the role of buzz II in feeding buzzes. Pulse rate in drinking buzzes is also lower than in feeding buzzes, as predicted since the high pulse rate typical of feeding buzzes is important to update rapidly the relative location of moving targets. The most likely function of drinking buzzes is to guide a safe drinking manoeuvre, similar to ‘landing buzzes’ broadcast when bats land on the ground.  相似文献   
于2012年9月通过浮游动物添加实验,研究了大型溞(Daphnia magna)和隆腺溞(Daphnia carinata)对上海滴水湖浮游植物群落结构的影响.结果表明,实验组氨氮和可溶性活性磷浓度与空白组相比显著增加,大型溞组浮游植物密度较空白组降低了70.3%,隆腺溞组浮游植物密度较空白组降低了80.0%,叶绿素a浓度分别下降了80.4%和75.2%,叶绿素a与氨氮、可溶性活性磷呈显著相关性.浮游植物的群落结构较空白组也发生较大变化,硅藻、蓝藻和绿藻密度比例明显降低,隐藻、裸藻和甲藻在实验结束时没有检出,说明大型溞和隆线溞能有效控制水体中浮游植物密度,并能够对浮游植物群落结构产生影响.同时,附着藻类密度较空白组也有明显减少,说明大型溞和隆线溞对附着藻类也有一定的牧食作用.  相似文献   
Eutrophication of landscape waters is drawing public concerns in China but few studies have been conducted on the problem associated with high water salinity as what happens at Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city in Tianjin, a coastal metropolis of northern China. In order to find ways for eutrophication control, a comparative study was conducted on three landscape water bodies, namely Qingjing Lake, Jiyun River and Jiyun River Oxbow, which are under varied conditions of salinity, organic, and nutrients intrusion. The spatial and temporal variations of water quality were revealed by water sampling and analyses, and correlative relationships were obtained between water salinity and other parameters related to eutrophication. By utilizing a trophic level index (TLI), the eutrophication status of the three landscape water bodies in different seasons could further be evaluated. As a result, water temperature, as expected, showed the strongest effect on eutrophication because higher TLI together with higher Chl-a concentrations tended to occur in later spring and summer seasons, while nutrient concentration, especially TP, was also the determinative factor to the eutrophication status. Of the three water bodies, the Jiyun River Oxbow showed a salinity as high as 20 g/L or more in contrast with the other two water bodies with salinity as 4–5 g/L. Although its TP concentration was usually very low (about 0.1 mg/L), it was under a moderate eutrophication status almost in all seasons, indicating that high salinity tends to induce alga growth. Dilution of saline inflow and nutrients reduction could thus be proposed as the main measures for eutrophication control of landscape waters in the study area.  相似文献   
The role of water in determining the structure and stability of biomacromolecules has been well studied. In this work, molecular dynamics simulations have been applied to investigate the effect of surface hydrophobicity on the structure and dynamics of water confined between graphene surfaces. In order to evaluate this effect, we apply various attractive/repulsive water–graphene interaction potentials (hydrophobicity). The properties of confined water are studied by applying a purely repulsive interaction potential between water–graphene (modelled as a repulsive r?12 potential) and repulsive–attractive forces (modelled as an LJ(12-6) potential). Compared to the case of a purely repulsive graphene–water potential, the inclusion of repulsive–attractive forces leads to formation of sharp peaks for density and the number of hydrogen bonds. Also, it was found that repulsive–attractive graphene–water potential caused slower hydrogen bonds dynamics and restricted the diffusion coefficient of water. Consequently, it was found that hydrogen bond breakage and formation rate with the repulsive r?12 potential model, will increase compared to the corresponding water confined with the LJ(12-6) potential.  相似文献   
A simple combined water model (SCW model) for the calculation of the hydration free energy is presented. In the frame of the model a solute is placed in the centre of the spherical cavity with explicit water molecules, which are considered at the atomistic level. Rigid wall potential at the boundary of the cavity restricts the moving of the explicit water molecules. Water outside the sphere is considered as the conducting continuum (implicit part of the model). Simulation is performed in the frame of the NVT ensemble (constant number of particles, volume and temperature), density of water is fixed and equal to experimental value 1 g/cm3. The energy of electrostatic interaction of atomic point charges of the explicit water molecules with conducting continuum is calculated analytically by means of the image charges method. It provides high computational efficiency of the SCW model. For the averaging of the calculated thermodynamic and structural values over microstates of the system the thermodynamic integration method is used. The possible using of SCW for the docking problem is discussed.  相似文献   
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