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Seasonal tropical forests exhibit a great diversity of leaf exchange patterns. Within these forests variation in the timing and intensity of leaf exchange may occur within and among individual trees and species, as well as from year to year. Understanding what generates this diversity of phenological behaviour requires a mechanistic model that incorporates rate-limiting physiological conditions, environmental cues, and their interactions. In this study we examined long-term patterns of leaf flushing for a large proportion of the hundreds of tree species that co-occur in a seasonal tropical forest community in western Thailand. We used the data to examine community-wide variation in deciduousness and tested competing hypotheses regarding the timing and triggers of leaf flushing in seasonal tropical forests. We developed metrics to quantify the nature of deciduousness (its magnitude, timing and duration) and its variability among survey years and across a range of taxonomic levels. Tree species varied widely in the magnitude, duration, and variability of leaf loss within species and across years. The magnitude of deciduousness ranged from complete crown loss to no crown loss. Among species that lost most of their crown, the duration of deciduousness ranged from 2 to 21 weeks. The duration of deciduousness in the majority of species was considerably shorter than in neotropical forests with similar rainfall periodicity. While the timing of leaf flushing varied among species, most (∼70%) flushed during the dry season. Leaf flushing was associated with changes in photoperiod in some species and the timing of rainfall in other species. However, more than a third of species showed no clear association with either photoperiod or rainfall, despite the considerable length and depth of the dataset. Further progress in resolving the underlying internal and external mechanisms controlling leaf exchange will require targeting these species for detailed physiological and microclimatic studies.  相似文献   
Eggs of the elm leaf beetle Xanthogaleruca luteola are often heavily attacked by the chalcidoid wasp Oomyzus gallerucae. We studied the chemical signals mediating interactions between the egg parasitoid, its host, and the plant Ulmus campestris. Olfactometer bioassays with O. gallerucae showed that volatiles of the host-plant complex attract the parasitoid. In order to determine the source of attractive volatiles within this host-plant-complex, we tested separately the effect of odours of eggs, gravid elm leaf beetle females, faeces of the beetles and elm twigs (with undamaged leaves and leaves damaged either mechanically or by feeding of the beetles). Odours of faeces of the elm leaf beetle were attractive, whereas neither volatiles from eggs nor from gravid females acted as attractants. Volatiles from undamaged or damaged plants did not elicit a positive reaction in O. gallerucae, whereas volatiles from feeding-damaged plants onto which host eggs had been deposited were attractive. This latter result suggests that it is not feeding but deposition of host eggs onto elm leaves that induces the production of plant volatiles attractive to the egg parasitoid. Investigations of the search patterns of O. gallerucae within the habitat by laboratory bioassays revealed that the egg parasitoid encounters host eggs by chance. Contact kairomones from faeces were demonstrated to be important in microhabitat acceptance, while contact kairomones isolated from the host eggs are relevant for host recognition. Received: 12 February 1997 / Accepted: 29 April 1997  相似文献   
The terrestrial forest ecosystems in the northern high latitude region have been experiencing significant warming rates over several decades. These forests are considered crucial to the climate system and global carbon cycle and are particularly vulnerable to climate change. To obtain an improved estimate of the response of vegetation activity, e.g., forest greenness and tree growth, to climate change, we investigated spatiotemporal variations in two independent data sets containing the dendroecological information for this region over the past 30 years. These indices are the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI3g) and the tree‐ring width index (RWI), both of which showed significant spatial variability in past trends and responses to climate changes. These trends and responses to climate change differed significantly in the ecosystems of the circumarctic (latitude higher than 67°N) and the circumboreal forests (latitude higher and lower than 50°N and 67°N, respectively), but the way in which they differed was relatively similar in the NDVI3g and the RWI. In the circumarctic ecosystem, the climate variables of the current summer were the main climatic drivers for the positive response to the increase in temperatures showed by both the NDVI3g and the RWI indices. On the other hand, in the circumboreal forest ecosystem, the climate variables of the previous year (from summer to winter) were also important climatic drivers for both the NDVI3g and the RWI. Importantly, both indices showed that the temperatures in the previous year negatively affected the ecosystem. Although such negative responses to warming did not necessarily lead to a past negative linear trend in the NDVI3g and the RWI over the past 30 years, future climate warming could potentially cause severe reduction in forest greenness and tree growth in the circumboreal forest ecosystem.  相似文献   
猕猴属五个种mtDNA多态性研究   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
本文以10种限制性内切酶研究猕猴属5个种(Macaca mulatta.M.nemestrina.M.assemensis.M.thibetana,M arctoides)线粒体DNA进化。在13个个体中,共检出8种限制性类型。恒河猴种内存在广泛的线粒休DNA限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP)。结合日本猴(M.fuscata)的有关资料,构建了猕猴属6个种的分子系统树,并给出各个种的分化时间。结果表明,这6个种可分成4个类群,熊猴和藏酋猴、恒河猴和日本猴之间的遗传距离较近,可分别划为同一类群,红面猴与其他5种猴的遗传距离最远,在系统发生上分离最早。  相似文献   
哺乳动物是一类最进化并在地球上占主导地位的动物类群,重建其系统发育关系一直是分子系统学的研究热点。随着越来越多物种全基因组测序的完成,在基因组水平上探讨该类动物的系统发育关系与进化成为研究的热点。本文从全基因组序列,稀有基因组变异及染色体涂染等几个方面简要介绍了当前系统发育基因组学在现生哺乳动物分子系统学中的应用,综合已有的研究归纳整理了胎盘亚纲的总目及目间的系统发育关系,给出了胎盘动物19 个目的系统发育树。本文还分析了哺乳动物系统发育基因组学目前所面临的主要问题及未来的发展前景。  相似文献   
The success of invasive plants has been attributed to their escape from natural enemies and subsequent evolutionary change in allocation from defence to growth and reproduction. In common garden experiments with Senecio jacobaea, a noxious invasive weed almost worldwide, the invasive populations from North America, Australia, and New Zealand did indeed allocate more resources to vegetative and reproductive biomass. However, invasive plants did not show a complete change in allocation from defence to growth and reproduction. Protection against generalist herbivores increased in invasive populations and pyrrolizidine alkaloids, their main anti‐herbivore compounds, did not decline in invasive populations but were higher overall compared with native populations. In contrast, invasive plants lost additional protection against specialist herbivores adapted to pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Hence, the absence of specialist herbivores in invasive populations resulted in the evolution of lower protection against specialists and increased growth and reproduction, but also allowed a shift towards higher protection against generalist herbivores.  相似文献   
植物形态性状叶面积简单易测, 能够反映植物对环境的适应与响应, 指示生态系统的功能与过程。在野外测定叶面积时, 叶片取样数量往往采用约定俗成的10-20片, 但到底采集多少叶片才是最优和最具代表性, 却少有探究。该研究以浙江金华山常绿落叶阔叶混交林的优势树种木荷(Schima superba)与枫香树(Liquidambar formosana)为研究对象, 通过对5个胸径等级植株和每个植株6个方位开展大批量叶片取样(>2 500个), 分析两个树种的叶面积变异特征, 探讨叶片取样数量为多少才能最代表该森林类型的叶片大小性状规律。结果表明, 常绿乔木木荷平均叶面积与变幅均小于落叶乔木枫香树。木荷叶面积与胸径无显著相关性, 而枫香树叶面积与胸径有较显著相关性, 但两个树种均在中胸径等级(15-20 cm)差异不显著; 两个树种的叶面积与采样方位无显著相关性, 但在东、西和底部的差异不显著。因此, 综合考虑代表性与野外可操作性, 叶片采集首选中胸径成树的底部叶片。随机抽样统计可知, 树木叶面积测定的最适叶片采集数量因物种而异, 木荷的最适叶片采集数量为40, 而枫香树最少为170片。因此, 在叶面积测定时, 叶片采集的数量应该不能只局限在10-20片, 在人力、物力和时间等条件允许的情况下, 应该尽可能多地测定较多叶片的叶面积。  相似文献   
Constructions composed of faeces are rare in insects, but occur in certain leaf-beetle clades. Members of the subfamily Cryptocephalinae share a complex behavioural and morphological synapomorphy, involving portable faecal cases that house the immature stages. A maternally initiated egg case is expanded and enlarged through four larval stadia, then sealed to provide a pupal chamber from which adults eventually emerge. We analyse and compare faecal-case architecture in ten taxa of the cryptocephaline genus Neochlamisus , and assess structural variation within a life cycle, between different 'host forms' of Neochlamisus bebbianae , and among species. These cases proved to be comprised primarily of faeces, with plant trichomes representing the only common secondary component. General architectural trends reflected variation in shape, faecal texture, and the incorporation and density of trichomes. Deviations of the Neochlamisus case from a simple geometrical gnomon reflect the changing body size of the animal, differential application of faeces, and shifts in the orientation of the carriage of the case. Neochlamisus cases are presumably energetically costly to produce, carry, and maintain, and some adaptive hypotheses of case evolution are proposed. Additionally, literature on case morphology in other camptosomates is reviewed.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 152 , 315–351.  相似文献   
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