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应用ESR和自旋捕集相结合的技术直接测定了过硫酸铵—N,N,N′,N′-四甲基乙二胺(AP-TEMED)体系产生的氧自由基,经计算机波谱模拟和计算波谱参数证实该体系产生的氧自由基是O_2~-和·OH。并用维生素C、茶多酚、超氧化物歧化酶等氧自由基清除剂,从聚丙烯酰胺凝胶法、化学发光法和脂质过氧化法不同角度研究了AP-TEMED体系在自由基研究方面的应用意义。  相似文献   
豆野螟成虫行为学特征及性信息素产生与释放节律   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
豆野螟Maruca vitrata (Fabricius)是一种严重的泛热带豆类蔬菜害虫。本文在(29±1)℃、相对湿度75%~80%、光周期14L∶10D条件下研究了豆野螟成虫的羽化、交尾行为以及雌蛾性信息素的释放节律。结果表明:其羽化行为全天可见,在雌蛾中,86%于暗期羽化; 在雄蛾中,73%于暗期羽化。雌雄蛾羽化行为在暗期第4、5和8 h差异达到显著 (t>4; P<0.05)。交尾活动发生在暗期19:00到5:00之间,交尾持续时间最短约为20 min,最长约为90 min,3日龄进入暗期第5 h具有最高的交尾率。1、6和7日龄成虫具有单个交尾高峰,2到5日龄成虫具有两个交尾高峰。同一日龄成虫交尾在暗期前半段平均花费的时间要明显高于在后半段花费的时间。低龄和高龄的成虫用于交尾的时间明显高于中龄的性成熟成虫。成虫的开始交尾时间随着日龄的增加逐渐前移。雄蛾对进入暗期后第5 h和第9 h处女雌蛾的性腺提取物和空气收集性信息素的触角电位反应最强,对 3日龄处女雌蛾的性腺提取物和空气收集性信息素的触角电位反应最强。处女雌蛾田间诱蛾试验表明:23:00-01:00为诱蛾高峰期,3日龄处女雌蛾的诱蛾效果最好。该蛾的羽化、交尾及性信息素产生与释放均存在节律上的一致性。雌蛾的性信息素释放的时间较长,见于整个暗期,然而交尾行为发生时间较短,主要发生于两个交尾高峰之间。  相似文献   
苹果蠹蛾性信息素的研究和应用进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
苹果蠹蛾Cydia pomonella (L.)是我国重要的检疫害虫, 在我国仅分布于新疆和甘肃以西局部地区, 但一直保持向我国东部扩张的趋势。在国际上, 利用性信息素监测和迷向防治苹果蠹蛾已经成为一种切实可行并广泛应用的害虫管理技术。本文综述了苹果蠹蛾性信息素的成分鉴定、人工合成和应用情况的研究进展, 指出了目前存在的问题和应用前景, 以期为我国苹果蠹蛾的防控策略的研究和应用提供参考。  相似文献   
Carnivorous pitcher plants capture insects in cup-shaped leaves that function as motionless pitfall traps. Nepenthes gracilis evolved a unique ‘springboard'' trapping mechanism that exploits the impact energy of falling raindrops to actuate a fast pivoting motion of the canopy-like pitcher lid. We superimposed multiple computed micro-tomography images of the same pitcher to reveal distinct deformation patterns in lid-trapping N. gracilis and closely related pitfall-trapping N. rafflesiana. We found prominent differences between downward and upward lid displacement in N. gracilis only. Downward displacement was characterized by bending in two distinct deformation zones whist upward displacement was accomplished by evenly distributed straightening of the entire upper rear section of the pitcher. This suggests an anisotropic impact response, which may help to maximize initial jerk forces for prey capture, as well as the subsequent damping of the oscillation. Our results point to a key role of pitcher geometry for effective ‘springboard'' trapping in N. gracilis.  相似文献   
茶毛虫性引诱剂诱杀效果分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
20 0 2年在贵州省都匀茶场研究了茶毛虫性信息素引诱剂大面积诱杀茶毛虫的防治效果 ,并观察了不同浓度以及不同高度设置对诱蛾效果的影响。结果表明 :越冬代试验 2 0d ,诱杀成虫 42 60头 ,第1代试验 44d ,诱杀成虫 1 3 42 3头 ;防治后田间落卵量以及后代幼虫数分别比对照区减少 5 3 3 3 %和60 5 3 % ;诱蛾效果以浓度为 1 5mg 枚的诱芯效果最好 ,诱盆设置高度以 90cm左右为佳。  相似文献   
Superoxide anions (O2.−) generated by the reaction of xanthine with xanthine oxidase were measured by the reduction of cytochrome c and by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy using the spin trap 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO). Studies were performed to determine the relative sensitivities of these two techniques for the measurement of O2.−. Mixtures of xanthine, xanthine oxidase, DMPO generated two adducts, a transient DMPO-OOH and a smaller but longer-lived DMPO-OH. Both adducts were inhibited by superoxide dismutase (SOD), demonstrating they originated from O2.−, and were also significantly decreased when the experiments were performed using unchelated buffers, suggesting that metal ion impurities in unchelated buffers alter the formation or degradation of DMPO-adducts. O2.−, generated by concentrations of xanthine as low as 0.05 μM, were detectable using EPR spin trapping. In contrast, mixtures of xanthine, xanthine oxidase, and cytochrome c measured spectrophotometrically at 550 nm demonstrated that concentrations of xanthine above 1 μM were required to produce measurable levels of reduced cytochrome c. These studies demonstrate that spin trapping using DMPO was at least 20-fold more sensitive than the reduction of cytochrome c for the measurement of superoxide anions. However, at levels of superoxide generation where cytochrome c provides a linear measurement of production, EPR spin trapping may underestimate radical production, probably due to degradation of DMPO radical adducts.  相似文献   
Plant functional traits are increasingly used in restoration ecology because they have the potential to guide restoration practices at a broad scale. This article presents a trait‐based multi‐criteria framework to evaluate and predict the performance of 17 plant seedlings to improve ecological restoration of marly eroded areas in the French Southern Alps. The suitability of these species to limit soil erosion was assessed by studying both their response to erosive forces and their effect on erosion dynamics. We assumed that species efficiency could be explained and predicted from plant traits and we looked for trait‐performance relationships. Our results showed that root slenderness ratio, the percentage of fine roots and root system topology, were the three root morphology traits best describing anchorage strength. Root system characterized by a long and thin tap root and many fine lateral ramifications would be the best to resist concentrated runoff. Species response to burial mainly depended on growth form and morphological flexibility. The abilities of species in reinforcing the soil and reducing erosion rates were negatively correlated to root diameter and positively to the percentage of fine roots. Moreover, root system density and root tensile strength also influenced root reinforcement. Finally, the ability to trap sediment was positively correlated to leaf area and canopy density. Species were then scored and classified in four clusters according to their global performance. This method allows identifying species that possess both response and effect traits related to the goal of preventing erosion during ecological restoration.  相似文献   
一种新型的昆虫诱捕器及其对长足大竹象的诱捕作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨瑶君  刘超  汪淑芳  邓丽  罗耀  刘敏  罗慧 《生态学报》2011,31(20):6174-6179
生态诱捕竹林主要害虫是当前研究的难点。用长形竹条和可降解的聚乙烯光滑细线编织成圆柱体虫网诱捕器,以竹笋为引诱剂,研究了不同孔径的虫网对不同大小的长足大竹象成虫的捕获效果,分析了虫网诱捕器捕获成虫的主要部位及该部位的的超微结构,在此基础上,探索了成虫足的作用力特点及其与虫网的互作机制。研究表明(1)在一定范围内,诱捕率Y与虫网边长X1极显著相关,并受中足长度X2的影响,三者间的回归方程为Y=-30.551+ 13.945X1+ 7.825X2(X1∈ 、X2∈ )。(2)虫网诱捕器主要捕捉成虫的主要部位是前、中、后足的转节和腿节。(3)足与虫网的互作主要是机械作用,诱捕器对长足大竹象的捕获主要是虫网与足间的机械作用的结果。虫网诱捕器制作简便,成本低,无毒无污染,是捕获长足大竹象的有效工具。其研究结果为竹林害虫生态防治提供了重要理论依据。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Density estimates for small-mammal populations from capture-mark-recapture (CMR) data have played an important role in many studies of theoretical and applied ecology. Defining effective trapping area (ETA) is one of the main issues affecting accuracy of density estimates. Our objective was to assess sensitivity of CMR density estimates to correctors based on movement parameters calculated from trapping and radiotelemetry data. From May to November 2005, we conducted monthly CMR trapping in a beech (Fagus sylvaticus) forest of the province of Trento, northern Italy. In conjunction with CMR, we radio-marked 32 yellow-necked mice (Apodemus flavicollis) captured from July to October and located them daily using radiotelemetry. We estimated population size (N) by model averaging with Program MARK. We calculated ETA using several definitions of the boundary strip, including full and half mean maximum distance moved (MMDM) from capture-recapture and telemetry data and mean radius of mean monthly home ranges. The boundary strip (W) increased with the amount of behavioral information embodied in the estimates. The largest W and lowest density values were based on radius of mean home ranges followed by MMDM calculated from telemetry data. The ETA based on movement distances increased more than proportionally when N decreased, suggesting that low population density combined with scarce resources results in rodents moving more in search of food, thus leading to overestimated ETA and underestimated density values. Although robust behavioral information would certainly improve density estimates, we suggest caution in relating ranging movements to capture probability and hence in using correctors based on movement distances to infer density values.  相似文献   
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