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Transmission distortion (TD) is a significant departure from Mendelian predictions of genes or chromosomes to offspring. While many biological processes have been implicated, there is still much to be understood about TD in humans. Here we present our findings from a genome-wide scan for evidence of TD using haplotype data of 60 trio families from the International HapMap Project. Fisher's exact test was applied to assess the extent of TD in 629,958 SNPs across the autosomes. Based on the empirical distribution of PFisher and further permutation tests, we identified 1,205 outlier loci and 224 candidate genes with TD. Using the PANTHER gene ontology database, we found 19 categories of biological processes with an enrichment of candidate genes. In particular, the “protein phosphorylation” category contained the largest number of candidates in both HapMap samples. Further analysis uncovered an intriguing non-synonymous change in PPPIR12B, a gene related to protein phosphorylation, which appears to influence the allele transmission from male parents in the YRI (Yoruba from Ibadan, Nigeria) population. Our findings also indicate an ethnicity-related property of TD signatures in HapMap samples and provide new clues for our understanding of TD in humans.  相似文献   
试验选用孤雌生殖单倍体地率存在差异的不同类型自交系为材料,利用DAPI荧光染色方法对离体萌发花粉管中两个精核之间的距离进行观察统计。结果显示,具有2个精核、1个精核和无精核花粉管的百分率与单倍体诱导率均不存在相关关系。在具有2个糖核的花粉管中,根据不同精核间距分布组之间的相互关系推测,存在着2个相互独立的花粉管亚群,即精核间距小于花粉管平均直径的疏亚群。其中,密管亚,即精核间距小于花粉管平均直径的  相似文献   
It remains challenging to predict variation in the magnitude of disease outbreaks. The dilution effect seeks to explain this variation by linking multiple host species to disease transmission. It predicts that disease risk increases for a focal host when host species diversity declines. However, when an increase in species diversity does not reduce disease, we are often unable to diagnose why. Here, we increase mechanistic and predictive clarity of the dilution effect with a general trait‐based model of disease transmission in multi‐host communities. Then, we parameterise and empirically test our model with a multi‐generational case study of planktonic disease. The model‐experiment combination shows that hosts that vary in competitive ability (R*) and potential to spread disease (R0) can produce three qualitatively disparate outcomes of dilution on disease: the dilution effect can succeed, fail, or be ambiguous/irrelevant.  相似文献   
以20世纪70年代植被类型图作为参照生态系统,采用径流量和径流系数作为径流调节功能的表征指标,建立了基于历史参照系的三江源区径流调节功能评估模型,以参照系径流系数与实际径流系数的比值作为径流系数质量指数,分析了2000-2017年三江源区生态系统径流调节功能参照值、现状值及变化量的时空变化规律。结果表明:2000-2017年,三江源区多年平均径流量为495.15亿m3,地表径流量为96.64亿m3,参照系条件下多年平均径流量为468.37亿m3,地表径流量为68.60亿m3。相比参照系,三江源区生态系统的径流蓄纳能力降低,总径流量和地表径流量均明显增加。空间上,基于参照系和实际生态系统的多年平均径流量表现为东南高西北低的空间分布特征,地表径流量则呈西部高东部低的空间分布特征。从时间变化看,实际径流和参照系径流的差别率在4%-9%之间,实际地表径流和参照系地表径流的差别率在22%-58%之间。径流系数质量指数得分显示,2000-2017年,三江源区径流系数质量指数平均得分为98.63,地表径流系数质量指数平均得分为96.98,两者均呈现先降低后增加的趋势,地表径流系数质量指数变化更为明显。2000-2017年,各县(镇)径流系数和地表径流系数质量指数得分具有较大差别,但各县(镇)得分变化均不明显,变化率分别在-1.95%-0.71%和-0.35%-1.90%之间。通过建立基于历史生态系统的评估参照系,定量评估了三江源区参照系和实际条件下的径流变化过程,实现了不同时间、不同区域生态系统径流调节功能的可比较,可对量化生态系统恢复进程提供支撑。  相似文献   
The change of cholinergic transmission of ?-amyloid protein (β-AP) treated rats was studied by intracerebral microdialysis sampling combined with HPLC analysis. β-AP1—40 was injected into nucleus basalis magnocellularis (NBM). Passive avoidance response test (step-down test) and delayed alternation task were used for memory testing. The impairment of memory after injection of β-AP1—40 into NBM exhibited mainly the deficiency of short-term working memory. One week after injection of β-AP1—40 the release of acetylcholine (ACh) from frontal cortex of freely-moving rats decreased significantly, and the response of cholinergic nerve ending to the action of high [K+] solution was rather weak. In control animals the percentage of increase of ACh-release during behavioral performance was 57%, while in β-AP1—40-treated rats it was 34%. The temporary increase of the ACh-release of the rat put into a new place was also significantly diminished in β-AP1—40-treated rats. The results show that the injection of β-AP1—40 into NBM impairs the cholinergic transmission in frontal cortex, and the impairment of cholinergic transmission may be the main cause of the deficit of working memory.  相似文献   
Transmission of potato vims Y to sweet pepper by the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer), was inhibited by foliar applications of 1.0% or 2.0% neem seed oil to infected source plants or to uninfected recipient plants. Neem seed oil interfered with virus acquisition and inoculation in a manner comparable to that of a commercial horticultural oil, while an oil-free neem seed extract did not reduce rates of transmission compared with controls. The finding that neem seed oil inhibits virus transmission, while oil-free neem seed extract does not, suggests that the presence of the oil rather than biologically active limonoids such as azadirachtin interfere with virus transmission. None of the treatments affected rates of infection when potato virus Y was transmitted mechanically, or the resulting virus titre and symptom expression. In addition to direct control of insect pests, formulated neem oils may help reduce or delay the spread of non-persistent plant viruses.  相似文献   
Luo DG  Yang XL 《生理科学进展》2001,32(3):204-208
锌离子(Zn^2 )广泛存在于中枢神经系统中,其释放呈钙依赖性。近年来,许多证据表明,Zn^2 能调节递质的释放,并调制电压门控通道和配体(兴奋性、抑制性氨基酸)门控通道,表明它是一种重要的内源性神经调质。  相似文献   
A knowledge of the effective size of a population (Ne) is important in understanding its current and future evolutionary potential. Unfortunately, the effective size of a hierarchically structured population is not, in general, equal to the sum of its parts. In particular, the inbreeding structure has a major influence on Ne. Here I link Ne to Wright's hierarchical measures of inbreeding, FIS and FST, for an island-structured population (or metapopulation) of size NT. The influence of FST depends strongly on the degree to which island productivity is regulated. In the absence of local regulation (the interdemic model), interdemic genetic drift reduces Ne. When such drift is combined with local inbreeding under otherwise ideal conditions, the effects of FIS and FST are identical: increasing inbreeding either within or between islands reduces Ne, with Ne = NT/[(1 + FIS)(1 + FST) ? 2FISFST]. However, if islands are all equally productive because of local density regulation (the traditional island model), then Ne = NT/[(1 + FIS)(1 –FST)] and the effect of FST is reversed. Under the interdemic model, random variation in the habitat quality (and hence productivity) of islands act to markedly decrease Ne. This variation has no effect under the island model because, by definition, all islands are equally productive. Even when no permanent island structure exists, spatial differences in habitat quality can significantly increase the overall variance in reproductive success of both males and females and hence lower Ne. Each of these basic results holds when other nonideal factors are added to the model. These factors, deviations from a 1:1 sex ratio, greater than Poisson variance in female reproductive success, and variation in male mating success due to polygynous mating systems, all act to lower Ne. The effects of male and female variance on Ne have important differences because only females affect island productivity. Finally, it is noted that to use these relationships, FIS and FST must be estimated according to Wright's definition (and corrected to have a zero expectation under the null model). A commonly used partitioning (θ, θg) can be biased if either island size or the number of islands is small.  相似文献   
【目的】检测 Q 型烟粉虱 Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius)体内 Rickettsia 的感染情况,研究分析Rickettsia 共生菌经烟粉虱传入豇豆植物后的分布、转移效率等。【方法】以 Q 型烟粉虱为实验材料,利用常规 PCR 及荧光原位杂交技术(FISH),检测了烟粉虱体内 Rickettsia 的感染率,以及 Rickettsia 传入豇豆植物体内后的存留情况。【结果】 Q 型烟粉虱可以通过取食将 Rickettsia 传至豇豆植株内;接虫数量与 Rickettsia传入效率及其在取食部位相邻的下部叶片中检测到的起始时间呈负相关;Rickettsia 经烟粉虱取食传入豇豆叶片后,集中分布在叶片的韧皮部筛管中;基于16S rRNA 的系统发育分析结果表明,Q 型烟粉虱体内的Rickettsia 与经取食传入豇豆叶片的 Rickettsia 高度同源。【结论】 Rickettsia 可以通过烟粉虱的取食传入植物体内,并且可以在相邻叶片之间转移传播,Rickettsia 在由寄主昆虫向植株传播过程中高度保守。  相似文献   
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