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Azotobacter vinelandii was grown diazotrophically in sucrose-limited chemostat cultures at either 12, 48, 108, 144 or 192 M dissolved oxygen. Steady state protein levels and growth yield coefficients (Y) on sucrose increased with increasing dilution rate (D). Specific rate of sucrose consumption (q) increased in direct proportion to D. Maintenance coefficients (m) extrapolated from plots of q versus D, as well as from plots of 1/Y versus 1/D exhibited a nonlinear relationship to the dissolved oxygen concentration. Constant maximal theoretical growth yield coefficients (Y G) of 77.7 g cells per mol of sucrose consumed were extrapolated irrespective of differences in ambient oxygen concentration. For comparison, glucose-, as well as acetate-limited cultures were grown at 108 M oxygen. Fairly identical m- and Y G-values, when based on mol of substrate-carbon with glucose and sucrose grown cells, indicated that both substrates were used with the same efficiency. However, acetate-limited cultures showed significantly lower m- and, at comparable, D, higher Y-values than cultures limited by either sucrose or glucose. Substrate concentrations (K s) required for half-maximal growth rates on sucrose were not constant, they increased when the ambient oxygen concentration was raised and, at a given oxygen concentration, when D was decreased. Since biomass levels varied in linear proportion to K s these results are interpreted in terms of variable substrate uptake activity of the culture.Abbreviations D dilution rate - K s substrate concentration required for half maximal growth rate - m maintenance coefficient - q specific rate of substrate consumption - Y growth yield coefficient - Y G maximum theoretical growth yield coefficient  相似文献   
The specific binding protein for substance P (SP) was solubilized in an active form from the crude mitochondrial (P2) fraction of bovine brainstem. After incubation with 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propane sulfonate (CHAPS) and 0.1 M NaCl at 0 degrees C for 30 min, the SP binding to the supernatant fraction (100,000 g, 60 min) was determined by the glass fiber filtration method reported by Bruns et al. (1983). The specific [3H]SP binding to the solubilized fraction was highly specific for SP and was displaced by nanomolar concentrations of SP and physalaemin, but only by micromolar concentrations of eledoisin. In addition, the binding was inhibited by GTP (approximately 40% of the specific binding decreased by 10 microM GTP) in both preparations. These results were virtually identical to those of P2 membrane preparations and suggested that this high-affinity SP binding site belongs to the SP-P type. Scatchard analyses of SP binding to the solubilized fraction revealed a single saturable component with a Bmax of 22.0 +/- 5.10 fmol/mg protein and a KD of 0.79 nM, and these values are almost the same as those obtained in the P2 fraction (Bmax = 31.3 +/- 3.56 fmol/mg protein, KD = 0.82 nM). Gel filtration analysis showed that the detergent-SP binding protein complex has two calculated molecular weights of greater than 1,000,000 and 55,000-60,000 (a corresponding Stokes radius of 35.5 nm).  相似文献   
无样地法在暖温带落叶阔叶林群落调查中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以秦岭太白山自然保护区内锐齿栎(Quercus atiena var. acuteserrota)为优势的暖温带落叶阔叶林为对象,采用与大样地(0.5公顷)实测结果的比较,研究了无样地法中的中点四分法取样技术在暖温带落叶阔叶林中的应用。认为中点四分法取样技术,具有较高的精度和效率,可适用于暖温带落叶阔叶林。并用种点数曲线确定了暖温带落叶阔叶林的最小点数为15个。  相似文献   
Summary Studies utilizing restriction analysis of plastid DNA, as well as those employing chlorophyll-deficient mutants, have shown a high frequency of paternal plastid transmission in alfalfa. Recent research has also shown that plastid inheritance patterns among alfalfa genotypes and are under genetic control. In a previous study we were unable to detect any correlations between qualitative, three-dimensional ultrastructure of generative cells and male plastid transmission strength in certain genotypes. In the present study we used serial ultrathin sectioning, computerized reconstruction and quantitation, and stereology to further analyze generative cells within mature pollen. Measurements included volumes and surface areas of cells, nuclei, and organelles, as well as organelle number and distribution. Three genotypes were investigated, one that is a strong transmitter of male plastids (genotype 301), one that is a weaker transmitter of male plastids (genotype 7W), and a third that is an even weaker male plastid transmitter (genotype MS-5). Our results show that genotype MS-5 has significantly fewer plastids/generative cell than either of the other genotypes, which may account for it being a relatively poor transmitter of male plastids. However, plastid number does not explain known differences in male plastid inheritance between genotypes 301 and 7W, since plastid number does not differ significantly between these two genotypes. Regarding the other features of generative cells measured in this study, no consistent correlations were found that might account for differences in male plastid inheritance patterns between genotypes. Plastid distribution is equal in each end of the spindle-shaped generative cell in all genotypes studied. Similar relative results were found with regard to mitochondria within generative cells; however, comparative genetic data are not available on mitochondrial transmission patterns in alfalfa genotypes.  相似文献   
Summary Cuticle/water partition coefficients (Kc/w) for d-limonene, -pinene and -pinene were determined by an extrapolation and a desorption method. The sorption experiments were carried out with isolated angiosperm and gymnosperm cuticles and with [14C]-labelled monoterpenes, which were obtained biosynthetically. Both methods were suitable for the determination of the Kc/w of volatile hydrophobic compounds. For the angiosperm cuticles the partition coefficients are of the order of 104, which indicates a high accumulation of monoterpenes in the cuticle. The values of the conifer cuticles of Picea abies (L.) Karst. and Abies alba Mill., however, are lower due to their high lignin content. This is proved by the increase of the partition coefficients after removal of polar and phenolic components. The Kc/w can be estimated with good accuracy from the octanol/water partition coefficient, which was determined experimentally.  相似文献   
Osmotic properties of human red cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary When an osmotic pressure gradient is applied to human red cells, the volume changes anomalously, as if there were a significant fraction of nonosmotic water which could not serve as solvent for the cell solutes, a finding which has been discussed widely in the literature. In 1968, Gary-Bobo and Solomon (J. Gen. Physiol. 52:825) concluded that the anomalies could not be entirely explained by the colligative properties of hemoglobin (Hb) and proposed that there was an additional concentration dependence of the Hb charge (zHb). A number of investigators, particularly Freedman and Hoffman (1979,J. Gen. Physiol. 74:157) have been unable to confirm Gary-Bobo and Solomon's experimental evidence for this concentration dependence of zHb and we now report that we are also unable to repeat the earlier experiments. Nonetheless, there still remains a significant anomaly which amounts to 12.5±0.8% of the total isosmotic cell water (P0.0005,t test), even after taking account of the concentration dependence of the Hb osmotic coefficient and all the other known physical chemical constraints, ideal and nonideal. It is suggested that the anomalies at high Hb concentration in shrunken cells may arise from the ionic strength dependence of the Hb osmotic coefficient. In swollen red cells at low ionic strength, solute binding to membrane and intracellular proteins is increased and it is suggested that this factor may account, in part, for the anomalous behavior of these cells.  相似文献   
Summary The sequences of the ribosomal proteins YS25, SP-S28, RL-S21, and Ec-S6, fromSaccharomyces cerevisiae, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, rat liver, andEscherichia coli, respectively, have been examined using a computer program that searches for homologous tertiary structures. Matrices of comparisons among the eukaryotic sequences show that they match each other sequentially without any internal gaps. The average values of the correlation coefficients obtained from the comparison matrices are higher for the first halves of the sequences than for the latter halves. This result suggests that the first halves of the sequences may represent a more important domain than the latter halves. The comparison matrices between the eukaryotic and bacterial sequences of ribosomal proteins, however, do not show sequentially arranged homology, though there are six well-matching segments arranged in different orders in the two types of sequences. This implies that the eukaryotic sequences of the ribosomal protein were reconstituted by two internal transpositions and six deletions of 4–12 residues each from the ancestral sequence during the divergence between bacterial and eukaryotic genes. These findings may give insight into structural and quantitative studies of evolutionary divergence between eukaryotes and prokaryotes.  相似文献   
Summary The potent fungal metabolite cytochalasin D (CD) and cationized ferritin (CF) are used in combination to test for negative charge distribution on blebs (knobs). Two established human epithelial cell lines, WISH and HeLa, that display blebs in various phases of the cell cycle or under certain culture conditions (37,46) are investigated. CD alone, applied at a low concentration (1.0 μg/ml) and for a short time period (3 min), causes blebs to appear as the prevalent surface feature. These are filled mainly with free ribosomes. Additionally, feltlike mats, presumed to be disorganized, compacted microfilaments, are formed directly beneath the cell membrane. These are especially evident in the cortical cytoplasm below the blebs or bleb clusters. CF (0.345 mg/ml), applied for a 5-min period after CD administration (1.0 μg/ml) for 3 min, appears along the surface of microvilli, at the base of blebs, and in vesicles beneath the bleb clusters. In some cases, microfilaments (6 nm in diameter) are closely related to the vesicles. CF does not preferentially bind to the apical cell membrane of blebs. Above areas of the subplasmalemmal microfilaments, CF membrane binding is apparent, even under circumstances where the filaments are disorganized by cytochalasin treatment. These results seem to show the following: (a) bleb membranes are different from the remainder of the cell and do exhibit a loss of negative charge and (b) surface charge may be dependent on the presence or structural integrity of membrane-related 6-nm microfilaments. The support of this research by a grant from the Baylor College of Dentistry and The Oklahoma College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery is gratefully acknowledged. The assistance of Dr. J. H. Martin, Department of Pathology, Baylor University Medical Center, is also greatly appreciated.  相似文献   
A detailed analysis is presented of the small-angle neutron scattering curves of homogeneous solutions of influenza B virus, both intact and after treatment with bromelain, which removes the external glycoprotein spikes. The two sets of data are consistent with the following low-resolution structure: the virus particles are spherical, about 1200 A in diameter and of Mr about 180 X 10(6). The lipid bilayer is centred at a radius of 425 A, is 40 A to 50 A thick and constitutes 25% to 28% of the virus mass. The surface glycoproteins, predominantly haemagglutinin, contribute 40% to 46% of the total mass. Surprisingly little protein is found in the interior of the virus. It is suggested that the reason for this is that many particles do not contain the full complement of ribonucleoprotein complexes. These results are in good agreement with recent scanning transmission electron microscopic measurements of molecular mass and cryo-electron microscopic observations of the same preparations. Appendix 1 describes a new method of deriving spherical shell models from contrast variation neutron scattering data on viruses, in which scattering curves from all measured contrasts are used simultaneously. There is also a discussion of the assumptions and limitations implicit in the structural interpretation of such models, with emphasis on viruses containing lipid bilayers. Appendix 2 examines the effect on the scattering curves of various arrangements of the surface glycoproteins.  相似文献   
Summary Using the monotone dependence function (mdf) together with correlation coefficient it was found that the Ma-DNA content as well as total protein content are regularly, linearly, positively and strongly dependent in sister cells (proter-opisthe) ofChilodonella steini. Additionally it was shown that proter-opisthe ordering is irrelevant to Ma-DNA and protein contents.Analysis of sister cell generation times (TG) confirmed the existence of regular, linear, positive and strong codependence.The relations between Ma-DNA and total protein contents, between protein content and TG, and between Ma-DNA content and TG were also described. There is a weak, linear dependence between Ma-DNA and total protein contents. Relations of TG and Ma-DNA content or TG and total protein content are non-linear and not even monotone. Low and high levels of DNA or proteins are connected with long generation times.  相似文献   
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