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A three‐dimensional model of the stomatostylet and associated structures has been reconstructed from serial thin sections of Aphelenchus avenae, a representative of Tylenchomorpha, a group including most plant parasitic nematodes. The reconstruction is compared with previous work on bacteriovorous cephalobids and rhabditids to better understand the evolution of the stylet and its associated cells. Two arcade syncytia (“guide ring”) line the stylet shaft, supporting the hypothesis that the stylet shaft and cone (into which the shaft extends and which is not lined by syncytia) are homologous with the gymnostom of cephalobids, the sister taxon of tylenchids. Epidermal syncytia, HypA, HypB, HypC, and HypE, line the cephalic framework, vestibule, and vestibule extension, congruent with the hypothesis that these components are homologous with the cephalobid cheilostom. Relative to outgroups, HypC is expanded in A. avenae, enclosing sensilla that fill most of the cephalic framework. The homolog of syncytium HypD in the cephalobid Acrobeles complexus is not observed in A. avenae. Arcade syncytia are reduced compared with those of cephalobids. Stylet protractor muscles in A. avenae are homologous with the most anterior set of radial muscles of cephalobids. Observations to date test and verify our previous hypotheses of homology of the stomatostylet with respect to the stoma of bacteriovorous outgroups. Reconstruction of the stegostom and pharynx will provide further tests of homology and evolution of feeding structure adaptations for plant parasitism. J. Morphol., 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Amblyospora infections in Aedes stimulans are transovarially transmitted by females infected in the previous year. Pathogen development in progeny is dimorphic and host sex dependent. In males, the pathogen invades fat body tissue and undergoes an extensive developmental sequence which kills the host and results in the formation of eight haploid spores enclosed in an accessory membrane that are not infectious to other larvae. In females, the pathogen invades host oenocytes and undergoes a simple developmental sequence which has no detrimental affect on longevity, fecundity, oviposition, or egg hatch, and results in the formation of binucleated spores that infect the ovaries and ensure transmission to the next generation. Transovarial transmission is continuous and is the major way in which these microsporidia are maintained from year to year, but is incapable of maintaining infections in breeding populations because of low transmission rates and is not sufficient to account for the types and levels of infection observed in the field. Horizontal transmission is reported for the first time. It occurs sporadically during the early stages of larval subsequently disseminated to oenocytes of adult hosts and are transovarially transmitted by females to filial host generations. This pathway of transmission provides the necessary mechanism whereby these microsporidia can reenter the mosquito population and thus perpetuate themselves.  相似文献   
During this work, it was investigated whether spectral measurements can be used to monitor embryonic growth. An experiment was conducted in which both the transmission spectra and embryonic weight were determined on 240 eggs (Cobb, 37 weeks) between Day 5 and Day 10 of incubation. The spectral data were linked to embryonic weight by means of a partial least squares analysis. Different preprocessing procedures were compared during this work, that is, smoothing, multiplicative scatter correction (MSC), and first‐ and second‐order derivative. Compared to the remainder of the preprocessing procedures, MSC leads to a considerable improvement of the prediction capability of the embryonic weight. The ratio of performance to deviation obtained for the MSC spectra equaled 4.5 indicating that a very accurate prediction of embryonic weight is feasible based on the VIS/NIR transmission measurements. Important regions for the prediction are situated around 685–740 nm. It is suggested that the spectral changes in these spectral regions result from the displacement of carotenoids from the yolk into the blood circuitry. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   
Epidemiology of European stone fruit yellows was studied by focussing on the life cycle and transmission characteristics of the vector Cacopsyllapruni. The proportion of both phytoplasma positive and inoculative insects was determined for the first C. pruni adults back colonising the stone fruit trees in spring and for the new generations of the vector, hatched at the beginning of summer. We showed that in spring, as soon as the insects moved to stone fruit trees from shelter plants, they were infective. After the vector fed on infected stone fruit trees, the proportion of phytoplasma positive insects increased. The new generation colonising Prunus species also acquired the phytoplasma from their hosts although several of these insects completed the latency period on secondary hosts. Results showed that the risk of natural transmission of European stone fruit yellows-phytoplasma by C. pruni within orchards is high when the vector is present. These results have implications for the control of European stone fruit yellows.  相似文献   
Abstract 1. The leaf‐cutting ants practise an advanced system of mycophagy where they grow a fungus as a food source. As a consequence of parasite threats to their crops, they have evolved a system of morphological, behavioural, and chemical defences, particularly against fungal pathogens (mycopathogens). 2. Specific fungal diseases of the leaf‐cutting ants themselves have not been described, possibly because broad spectrum anti‐fungal defences against mycopathogens have reduced their susceptibility to entomopathogens. 3. Using morphological and molecular tools, the present study documents three rare infection events of Acromyrmex and Atta leaf‐cutting ants by Ophiocordyceps fungi, agenus of entomopathogens that is normally highly specific in its host choice. 4. As leaf‐cutting ants have been intensively studied, the absence of prior records of Ophiocordyceps suggests that these infections may be a novel event and that switching from one host to another is possible. To test the likelihood of this hypothesis, host switching was experimentally induced, and successfully achieved, among five distinct genera of ants, one of which was in a different sub‐family than the leaf‐cutter ants. 5. Given the substantial differences among the five host ants, the ability of Ophiocordyceps to shift between such distant hosts is remarkable; the results are discussed in the context of ant ecological immunology and fungal invasion strategies.  相似文献   
Mycelium, oospores and zoospore cysts of Pythium spp. were fed to larvae of the fungus gnat Bradysia impatiens. The fungal structures were all ingested and provided a complete nutritional source for the insect's development from egg to adult. Mycelium seemed the major source of food as only empty fragments were found either in the digestive tract or in larval faeces. Oospores appeared intact and were viable both during passage through the tract and when expelled. Germination of oospores was normal. Most encysted zoospores also survived passage through the gut, although some appeared damaged. After transferring recently-fed larvae to a new food source, oospores were still detected in the digestive tract 48 h later. These results show that the larval stage of B. impatiens may serve as an important vector for Pythium spp.  相似文献   
The energy density of current batteries is limited by the practical capacity of the positive electrode, which is determined by the properties of the active material and its concentration in the composite electrode architecture. The observation in dynamic conditions of electrochemical transformations creates the opportunity of identifying design rules toward reaching the theoretical limits of battery electrodes. But these observations must occur during operation and at multiple scales. They are particularly critical at the single‐particle level, where incomplete reactions and failure are prone to occur. Here, operando full‐field transmission X‐ray microscopy is coupled with X‐ray spectroscopy to follow the chemical and microstructural evolution at the nanoscale of single crystals of Li1+xMn2–xO4, a technologically relevant Li‐ion battery electrode material. The onset and crystallographic directionality of a series of complex phase transitions are followed and correlated with particle fracture. The dynamic character of this study reveals the existence of nonequilibrium pathways where phases at substantially different potentials can coexist at short length scales. The results can be used to inform the engineering of particle morphologies and electrode architectures that bypass the issues observed here and lead to optimized battery electrode properties.  相似文献   
Oligomeric ubiquitin structures (i.e. ubiquitin “chains”) may be formed through any of seven different lysine residues in the polypeptide, or via the amine group of Met 1. Different types of ubiquitin chains can confer very different biological outcomes to a protein substrate, yet the structural characteristics of E2s and E3s that determine ubiquitin linkage specificity remain poorly understood. In vitro autoubiquitylation assays combined with ubiquitin protein variants bearing individually mutated lysine residues (“K‐to‐R” mutants) have thus been widely used to characterize E2–E3 linkage specificity. However, how this type of assay compares to direct identification of ubiquitin linkage types using mass spectrometry (MS) has not been rigorously tested. Here, we characterize the linkage specificity of 12 different E2–E3 combinations using both approaches. The simple MS‐based method described here is more robust, requires less material and is less prone to bias introduced by, e.g. the use of mutant proteins with unknown effects on E1, E2 or E3 recognition, antibodies with uncharacterized epitopes, the low dynamic range of X‐ray film, and additional sources of experimental error. Indeed, our results suggest that the K‐to‐R assay be approached with some caution.  相似文献   
HvLhcb1 a major light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding protein in barley, is a critical player in sustainable growth under Fe deficiency. Here, we demonstrate that Fe deficiency induces phosphorylation of HvLhcb1 proteins leading to their migration from grana stacks to stroma thylakoid membranes. HvLhcb1 remained phosphorylated even in the dark and apparently independently of state transition, which represents a mechanism for short-term acclimation. Our data suggest that the constitutive phosphorylation-triggered translocation of HvLhcb1 under Fe deficiency contributes to optimization of the excitation balance between photosystem II and photosystem I, the latter of which is a main target of Fe deficiency.  相似文献   
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