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Stop codon read-through (SCR) is a process of continuation of translation beyond a stop codon. This phenomenon, which occurs only in certain mRNAs under specific conditions, leads to a longer isoform with properties different from that of the canonical isoform. MTCH2, which encodes a mitochondrial protein that regulates mitochondrial metabolism, was selected as a potential read-through candidate based on evolutionary conservation observed in the proximal region of its 3′ UTR. Here, we demonstrate translational read-through across two evolutionarily conserved, in-frame stop codons of MTCH2 using luminescence- and fluorescence-based assays, and by analyzing ribosome-profiling and mass spectrometry (MS) data. This phenomenon generates two isoforms, MTCH2x and MTCH2xx (single- and double-SCR products, respectively), in addition to the canonical isoform MTCH2, from the same mRNA. Our experiments revealed that a cis-acting 12-nucleotide sequence in the proximal 3′ UTR of MTCH2 is the necessary signal for SCR. Functional characterization showed that MTCH2 and MTCH2x were localized to mitochondria with a long t1/2 (>36 h). However, MTCH2xx was found predominantly in the cytoplasm. This mislocalization and its unique C terminus led to increased degradation, as shown by greatly reduced t1/2 (<1 h). MTCH2 read-through–deficient cells, generated using CRISPR-Cas9, showed increased MTCH2 expression and, consistent with this, decreased mitochondrial membrane potential. Thus, double-SCR of MTCH2 regulates its own expression levels contributing toward the maintenance of normal mitochondrial membrane potential.  相似文献   
Cell milking is a 100% renewable green energy for CO2 by extraction of biofuels inside the cytosol of photosynthetic micro-organisms as microalgae and bacteria. The cells are exposed to a hydrophobic solvent forming holes and cracks through their membranes from which the biofuels can leak out. In protein folding, the goal would be to find pathways to the unique functional protein conformer. However, in the lipid-bilayer interaction with the solvent for milking, the objective is to block the pathways for damaged membrane conformations of low free energy with undesired nanostructures, using the solvent properties, as shown with an ab initio structural bioinformatic model. Statistical thermodynamics is used to compute the free energy (including entropy) from the molecular dynamics trajectory of the biomolecular system with many conformational changes. This model can be extended to the general problem of biomolecules folding as for proteins and nucleic acids. Using an adaptation of the Einstein diffusion law, the conformational change dynamics of the lipid bilayer depends on the two diffusion coefficients of the solvent: D1 before the irreversible folding transition time and the much smaller D2 thereafter. In contrast to the n-hexane and n-heptane hydrocarbons of smaller size, the residual D2?=?4.7?×?10?7?cm2/s of the n-decane solvent, with the highest partition coefficient among the three extractors, is the only to present a D2 value that is significantly below the critical threshold of 10?6?cm2/s. Therefore, the membrane would resist to long hydrocarbons and the exposed cells would remain viable for milking.  相似文献   
Type I collagen extracted from tendon, skin, and bone of wild type and prolyl 3-hydroxylase 1 (P3H1) null mice shows distinct patterns of 3-hydroxylation and glycosylation of hydroxylysine residues. The A1 site (Pro-986) in the α1-chain of type I collagen is almost completely 3-hydroxylated in every tissue of the wild type mice. In contrast, no 3-hydroxylation of this proline residue was found in P3H1 null mice. Partial 3-hydroxylation of the A3 site (Pro-707) was present in tendon and bone, but absent in skin in both α-chains of the wild type animals. Type I collagen extracted from bone of P3H1 null mice shows a large reduction in 3-hydroxylation of the A3 site in both α-chains, whereas type I collagen extracted from tendon of P3H1 null mice shows little difference as compared with wild type. These results demonstrate that the A1 site in type I collagen is exclusively 3-hydroxylated by P3H1, and presumably, this enzyme is required for the 3-hydroxylation of the A3 site of both α-chains in bone but not in tendon. The increase in glycosylation of hydroxylysine in P3H1 null mice in bone was found to be due to an increased occupancy of normally glycosylated sites. Despite the severe disorganization of collagen fibrils in adult tissues, the D-period of the fibrils is unchanged. Tendon fibrils of newborn P3H1 null mice are well organized with only a slight increase in diameter. The absence of 3-hydroxyproline and/or the increased glycosylation of hydroxylysine in type I collagen disturbs the lateral growth of the fibrils.  相似文献   
Cbx7 is one of five mammalian orthologs of the Drosophila Polycomb. Cbx7 recognizes methylated lysine residues on the histone H3 tail and contributes to gene silencing in the context of the Polycomb repressive complex 1 (PRC1). However, our knowledge of Cbx7 post-translational modifications remains limited. Through combined biochemical and mass spectrometry approaches, we report a novel phosphorylation site on mouse Cbx7 at residue Thr-118 (Cbx7T118ph), near the highly conserved Polycomb box. The generation of a site-specific antibody to Cbx7T118ph demonstrates that Cbx7 is phosphorylated via MAPK signaling. Furthermore, we find Cbx7T118 phosphorylation in murine mammary carcinoma cells, which can be blocked by MEK inhibitors. Upon EGF stimulation, Cbx7 interacts robustly with other members of PRC1. To test the role of Cbx7T118 phosphorylation in gene silencing, we employed a RAS-induced senescence model system. We demonstrate that Cbx7T118 phosphorylation moderately enhances repression of its target gene p16. In summary, we have identified and characterized a novel MAPK-mediated phosphorylation site on Cbx7 and propose that mitogen signaling to the chromatin template regulates PRC1 function.  相似文献   
PorH and PorA are two small peptides that, in complex, form a voltage-dependent ion channel in the outer membrane of Corynebacterium glutamicum. Specific post-translational modifications on PorA and PorH are required for the formation of a functional ion channel. The assignment of PorH proton NMR chemical shifts in DMSO, allowed identifying unambiguously the exact position of the PorH O-mycoloylation on Ser 56 side chain. This was further confirmed by site directed mutagenesis and mass spectrometry. Together with the previously published localization of PorA mycoloylation, this provides the complete primary structure characterization of this outer membrane porin.  相似文献   
从能量角度粗谈人体的几个定量问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文构思源于线粒体的功能研究,从能量角度,分析了静息状态下裸露的人体散热及功耗,其中辐射散热占1/2以上,对流散热约1/3,排泄散热约1/8;进而讨论了人体所需食物、氧和水;同时探讨人体生理温度的维持,粗略计算了人体理想最低功耗及负熵量,提供了满足个体需求的简便算法,为越来越流行的节食减肥或节食长寿留下可供参考的红线。  相似文献   
Post‐translational modifications (PTM) of proteins can control complex and dynamic cellular processes via regulating interactions between key proteins. To understand these regulatory mechanisms, it is critical that we can profile the PTM‐dependent protein–protein interactions. However, identifying these interactions can be very difficult using available approaches, as PTMs can be dynamic and often mediate relatively weak protein–protein interactions. We have recently developed CLASPI (cross‐linking‐assisted and stable isotope labeling in cell culture‐based protein identification), a chemical proteomics approach to examine protein–protein interactions mediated by methylation in human cell lysates. Here, we report three extensions of the CLASPI approach. First, we show that CLASPI can be used to analyze methylation‐dependent protein–protein interactions in lysates of fission yeast, a genetically tractable model organism. For these studies, we examined trimethylated histone H3 lysine‐9 (H3K9Me3)‐dependent protein–protein interactions. Second, we demonstrate that CLASPI can be used to examine phosphorylation‐dependent protein–protein interactions. In particular, we profile proteins recognizing phosphorylated histone H3 threonine‐3 (H3T3‐Phos), a mitotic histone “mark” appearing exclusively during cell division. Our approach identified survivin, the only known H3T3‐Phos‐binding protein, as well as other proteins, such as MCAK and KIF2A, that are likely to be involved in weak but selective interactions with this histone phosphorylation “mark”. Finally, we demonstrate that the CLASPI approach can be used to study the interplay between histone H3T3‐Phos and trimethylation on the adjacent residue lysine 4 (H3K4Me3). Together, our findings indicate the CLASPI approach can be broadly applied to profile protein–protein interactions mediated by PTMs.  相似文献   
Inactivation path of voltage gated sodium channel has been studied here under various voltage protocols as it is the main governing factor for the periodic occurrence and shape of the action potential. These voltage protocols actually serve as non-equilibrium response spectroscopic tools to study the ion channel in non-equilibrium environment. In contrast to a lot of effort in finding the crystal structure based molecular mechanism of closed-state(CSI) and open-state inactivation(OSI); here our approach is to understand the dynamical characterization of inactivation. The kinetic flux as well as energetic contribution of the closed and open- state inactivation path is compared here for voltage protocols, namely constant, pulsed and oscillating. The non-equilibrium thermodynamic quantities used in response to these voltage protocols serve as improved characterization tools for theoretical understanding which not only agrees with the previously known kinetic measurements but also predict the energetically optimum processes to sustain the auto-regulatory mechanism of action potential and the consequent inactivation steps needed. The time dependent voltage pattern governs the population of the conformational states which when couple with characteristic rate parameters, the CSI and OSI selectivity arise dynamically to control the inactivation path. Using constant, pulsed and continuous oscillating voltage protocols we have shown that during depolarization the OSI path is more favored path of inactivation however, in the hyper-polarized situation the CSI is favored. It is also shown that the re-factorisation of inactivated sodium channel to resting state occurs via CSI path. Here we have shown how the subtle energetic and entropic cost due to the change in the depolarization magnitude determines the optimum path of inactivation. It is shown that an efficient CSI and OSI dynamical profile in principle can characterize the open-state drug blocking phenomena.  相似文献   
By revisiting theoretical concepts in biogeography and the importance of thermodynamic laws in biosphere-atmosphere interactions, ecological sustainability in agricultural systems may be better defined. In this case study, we employed a multidisciplinary methodology for exploring agroecosystem sustainability by using eddy covariance (EC) data to compute thermodynamic entropy production (σ) and relate it to water, energy and carbon cycling in croplands and grasslands of the Central US. From 2002 to 2012, the biophysical metric of σ was compared across AmeriFlux sites, each with site-specific land management practices of irrigation, crop rotation, and tillage. Results show that σ is most correlated with net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of carbon, and when cropland and grassland sites are close to being carbon neutral, σ values range from 0.51–1.0 W K−1 m−2 for grasslands, 0.81–1.0 W K−1 m−2 for rainfed croplands, and 0.81–1.1 W K−1 m−2 for irrigated croplands. Irrigated maize stressed by hydrologic and high temperature anomalies associated with the 2012 drought exhibit the greatest increase in σ, indicating the possibility of decreased sustainability compared to rainfed croplands and grasslands. These results suggest that maximizing carbon uptake with irrigation and fertilizer use tends to move agroecosystems further away from thermodynamic equilibrium, which has implications for ecological sustainability and greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation in climate-smart agriculture. The underlying theoretical concepts, multidisciplinary methodology, and use of eddy covariance data for biophysical indicators in this study contribute to a unique understanding of ecological sustainability in agricultural systems.  相似文献   
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