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Transglutaminases are a class of transferases known to form isopeptide bond between glutamine and lysine residues in a protein molecule. Increasing demand for transglutaminase in food and other industries and its low productivity have compelled researchers to isolate and screen micro-organisms with potential to produce it. In the present investigation around 200 isolates were screened for extracellular secretion of microbial transglutaminase (MTGase). Isolate B4 showed enzyme activity of 1.71?±?0.2?U/mL followed by isolate C2 which showed 1.61?±?0.17?U/mL activity, comparable with the activity of industrially used microbial strains. Biochemical analysis along with 16S r-RNA sequencing revealed these isolates (B4 and C2) to be Bacillus nakamurai and a variant of Bacillus subtilis, respectively. Amongst the various production media screened, a medium containing starch and peptone was found best for MTGase production. Correlation between growth, enzyme production, and sugar utilization was also studied and maximum enzyme production was obtained after 48 to 60?hr. Highest MTGase titer (3.95?±?0.03?U/mL for B4 and 2.65?±?0.17?U/mL for C2) was obtained by optimization of parameters. The enzyme was characterized for temperature and pH optima, pH and thermal stability, and effect of metal ions, suggesting its potential use in future applications.  相似文献   
At least eight neurodegenerative diseases, including Huntington disease, are caused by expansions in (CAG)n repeats in the affected gene and by an increase in the size of the corresponding polyglutamine domain in the expressed protein. A hallmark of several of these diseases is the presence of aberrant, proteinaceous aggregates in the nuclei and cytosol of affected neurons. Recent studies have shown that expanded polyglutamine (Qn) repeats are excellent glutaminyl-donor substrates of tissue transglutaminase, and that the substrate activity increases with increasing size of the polyglutamine domain. Tissue transglutaminase is present in the cytosol and nuclear fractions of brain tissue. Thus, the nuclear and cytosolic inclusions in Huntington disease may contain tissue transglutaminase-catalyzed covalent aggregates. The (CAG)n/Qn-expansion diseases are classic examples of selective vulnerability in the nervous system, in which certain cells/structures are particularly susceptible to toxic insults. Quantitative differences in the distribution of the brain transglutaminase(s) and its substrates, and in the activation mechanism of the brain transglutaminase(s), may explain in part selective vulnerability in a subset of neurons in (CAG)n-expansion diseases, and possibly in other neurodegenerative disease. If tissue transglutaminase is found to be essential for development of pathogenesis, then inhibitors of this enzyme may be of therapeutic benefit.  相似文献   
In this study, a novel microbial transglutaminase (MTG) from Streptomyces hygroscopicus WSH03-13 was applied in the processing of wool fabrics. The results indicated that MTG treatment could improve felting properties and decrease tensile strength loss of wool fabrics. For the wool fabrics used in this study, MTG treatment following chemical and protease pretreatment led to a 2.32% of area shrinkage and about 16% recovery in tensile strength based on the samples without MTG treatment. Moreover, a traditional resin treatment was compared with the role of MTG. Although the tensile strength of wool fabrics treated by MTG was lower than that treated by resin treatment, the fabrics had similar anti-felting properties, and the chemical oxygen demand of wastewater was only half of the latter.  相似文献   
Tissue transglutaminase (tTgase) contributes to the organisation of the basement membrane and is therefore thought to be important for the integrity and stability of the vessel wall. In the present study, we hypothesised that the HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor atorvastatin may up-regulate the tTgase expression in endothelial cells and thereby exert beneficial effects on endothelial function. Treatment of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) with atorvastatin (1-10 microM) caused a clear increased expression of tTgase in both permeabilised and non-permeabilised HUVEC. In contrast, stimulation of HUVEC with TNFalpha had no substantial effect on tTgase expression or localisation but inhibited the atorvastatin-induced up-regulation and externalisation of tTgase. Propidium iodide staining revealed that statin-induced apoptosis is not responsible for the enhanced expression. By inducing the expression of tTgase, statins may promote tTgase-mediated stabilisation of the basement membrane. This effect of atorvastatin may contribute to the beneficial role of statins on endothelial function.  相似文献   
Bovine beta-lactoglobulin (BLG) is a major component in whey and its physical properties are important for the texture of many dairy-based foods. Modification of proteins with transglutaminase from Streptoverticillium mobaraense (MTGase) can be used to alter their physical properties. MTGase-mediated modification of native BLG was until now, however, not effective. Here we report a method that allows for the enzymatic modification of native BLG with MTGase. Lysines 8, 77, and 141 were modified with alpha-N-carbobenzyloxy-glutamine-glycine and glutamines 35, 59, 68,and 155 were modified with 6-aminohexanoic acid under nonreducing and nondenaturing conditions. MTGase-mediated BLG crosslinking is hampered by the low reactivity of the lysines and enzymatic deamidation of the glutamines prevails. Modification of BLG with poly-lysine yields a BLG derivative with increased affinity for the water-air interface and stronger surface tension lowering capacities than normal BLG. Hence, this modification method offers the opportunity to change the functional properties of BLG and to prepare novel protein foods.  相似文献   
1,25 Dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25(OH)(2)D) regulates the differentiation of keratinocytes. 1,25(OH)(2)D raises intracellular free calcium (Cai) as a necessary early step toward stimulating differentiation. 1,25(OH)(2)D induces the calcium sensing receptor (CaR) in keratinocytes and enhances the calcium response of these cells. Activation of the CaR by calcium increases intracellular free calcium by a mechanism involving phospholipase C (PLC) cleavage of phosphatidylinositolbisphosphate into inositoltrisphosphate (IP(3)) and diacylglycerol (DG). 1,25(OH)(2)D induces the family of PLCs. PLC-gamma1 has a DR6 VDRE in its promoter which binds and is activated by VDR/RAR rather than VDR/RXR. The involucrin gene, which encodes a critical component of the cornified envelope, contains a DR3 VDRE in its promoter that acts in conjunction with a nearby AP-1 site. The sequential regulation of these genes is critical for the differentiation process. In undifferentiated keratinocytes, the VDR binds preferentially to the DRIP complex of coactivators. However, with differentiation DRIP 205 is no longer produced, and the VDR switches partners to the SRC family (SRC2 and 3). These studies suggest that at least part of the sequential activation of genes required during keratinocyte differentiation is regulated by the change (availability) of these different coactivator complexes.  相似文献   
Batch transglutaminase (MTG) fermentations by Streptovertivillium mobaraense WSH-Z2 at various temperatures ranging from 25 to 35 °C were studied. Dry cell weight and MTG activity could reach their maximal values of 25.1 g/l and 2.94 U/ml, respectively at 30 °C. One typical equation was used to describe the relationship between specific growth rate and culture temperature by comparing several typical equations. Different lag time was observed under various culture temperature. The low lag time was observed under high culture temperature. X = –a 0(TT 0)2 + X 1 + a 1 (1 – exp(a 2 (TT 1))) and U = –a 0 (TT 0 )2 + U 0 + a 1 (1 – exp(a 2 (TT 1 ))) could be used to describe the relationship between temperature and the maximal dry cell weight as well as the maximal MTG activity at each temperature.  相似文献   
1. One type of transglutaminase is usually accumulated in various forms of naturally occurring cell death and apoptosis. The accumulated enzyme is activated during the death process, leading to the formation of cross-linked protein structures. Degradation of the cross-linked apoptotic bodies results in the elevation of the (-glutamyl)lysine isodipeptide concentration in body fluids, which may provide a diagnostic tool to monitor the apoptosis rate in various tissues under normal and pathologic conditions.2. Extensive protein cross-linking may be directly related to the act of killing in some cells. In others, the effect of protein cross-linking is palliative, preventing leakage of macromolecules and enhancing phagocytosis of the dead cells.3. Tissue transglutaminase has been implicated in some physiologic functions of the nervous system.4. The molecular machinery of apoptosis is present and easily evoked in neuronal cells.5. Effector elements of the apoptosis process have been associated with the pathogenesis of neurologic disorders. Tissue transglutaminase, representing one of the effector elements of apoptosis, may be induced and activated in cells following ischemia. It may also participate in the formation of abnormal cell inclusions and A deposits in amyloid plaques.  相似文献   
Close correlation between tissue transglutaminase (tTG) induction and growth regulation and/or cell death processes has been suggested in many cell lineages. In this study, the regulation of the tTG levels by various growth and differentiation factors and its relation to growth rate and cell death processes were investigated in two rat hepatoma cell lines, McA-RH7777 and McA-RH8994, using a monoclonal antibody against liver tTG. Transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) and retinoic acid (RA) each increased tTG to the level of 8- to 32-fold above that of control cultures in both cell lines after 72-h treatment. Dexamethasone (DEX) induced a 16- to 32-fold of tTG in McA-RH8994 cells while it did not change the enzyme level in McA-RH7777 cells. Simultaneous addition of DEX and RA increased the tTG level to more than 50-fold in McA-RH7777 cells as well as McA-RH8994 cells. Other factors, such as TGF-α, hepatocyte growth factor, dimethyl sulfoxide, and protein kinase C activator, did not show significant increases of the tTG levels. Although tTG induction by TGF-β1 or DEX appeared to be correlated with their growth suppressive effects, RA increased the tTG level without suppressing the growth rate of hepatoma cells. TGF-β1 was also shown to induce cell death in both cell lines. Our results demonstrate that RA and DEX are capable of modulating the TGF-β1-induced cell death processes independent of the tTG levels. We present evidence here that tTG induction by itself is not the direct cause of growth suppression and cell death in these hepatoma cells.  相似文献   
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