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The Agrobacterium-mediated ability to transfer genes into organisms without sexual crossing provides breeders with new opportunities to improve the efficiency of plant production. Gene transfer offers advantages over classical genetic manipulation since plants are improved without disruption of the integrity of their genomes. Several useful genes isolated from microrganisms and affecting pest resistance, rooting ability, hormonal metabolism etc., are now available. These genes can be easily cloned into suitable Ti and Ri derived plasmid vectors and transferred into woody species. The scarce ability of most fruit trees to regenerate the whole plant from in vitro-cultured cells remains the main obstacle to a wider use of gene transfer technology.  相似文献   
The α1-adrenergic receptor (AR) subtypes (α1a, α1b, and α1d) mediate several physiological effects of epinephrine and norepinephrine. Despite several studies in recombinant systems and insight from genetically modified mice, our understanding of the physiological relevance and specificity of the α1-AR subtypes is still limited. Constitutive activity and receptor oligomerization have emerged as potential features regulating receptor function. Another recent paradigm is that βarrestins and G protein-coupled receptors themselves can act as scaffolds binding a variety of proteins and this can result in growing complexity of the receptor-mediated cellular effects. The aim of this review is to summarize our current knowledge on some recently identified functional paradigms and signaling networks that might help to elucidate the functional diversity of the α1-AR subtypes in various organs.  相似文献   
Milk protein of farm animals is difficult to isolate because of the presence of casein micelles, which are hard to separate from whey by using centrifugation or filtration. Insoluble casein micelles also create an obstacle for purification instruments to operate efficiently. The conventional method, to precipitate caseins by lowering pH to 4.6 and then recover the whey fraction for further purification using chromatography techniques, is not applicable to proteins having an isoelectric point similar to caseins. In addition, the acid condition used for casein removal usually leads to significantly poor yields and reduced biological activities. In this study, a novel method of precipitating caseins under neutral or weak acidic conditions is presented. The method employs a phosphate salt and a freeze–thaw procedure to obtain a casein-free whey protein fraction. This fraction contains more than 90% yield with little loss of bioactivity of the target protein, and is readily available for further chromatographic purification. This method was successfully applied to purify recombinant human factor IX and recombinant hirudin from the milk of transgenic pigs in the presented study. It is an efficient pretreatment approach prior to chromatographic purification of milk protein from farm animals and particularly of great value to collect those recombinants secreted from transgenic livestock.  相似文献   

Being a new cultivar, the physiology of transgenic cotton, especially dual-toxin transgenic (Bt+CpTI) cotton, is not yet completely understood. Twelve elements in three organs of dual-toxin transgenic cotton seedlings were analyzed by ICP-MS. The distributions of the 12 elements were substantially different from those of non-transgenic cotton. In particular, the contents of B, Mg, P, K and Ca were the highest in leaves, while those of Si, Fe, Rb and Cu were the highest in roots; other elements had similar contents in the two organs, which were higher than those in the stem. Compared with non-transgenic cotton, the 12 elements could be classified into four groups according to their contents and distributions in the three organs: (a) P, K and Cu: their contents in transgenic cotton were remarkably lower, especially contents of P and K in leaves that were one times lower than those in leaves of non-transgenic cotton; (b) B, Mg and Mo: their contents in leaves and roots of transgenic cotton were higher, but lower in stems, compared with non-transgenic cotton; (c) Si, Mn, Fe, Rb and Zn: compared with non-transgenic cotton, these were lower in leaves and stems, but higher in roots of transgenic cotton; and (d) Ca: compared with non-transgenic cotton, its content was higher in all three organs of the transgenic counterpart. The decrease in soluble proteins and the expression of Bt and CpTI genes could be responsible for these changes. Further studies are needed to verify this hypothesis.  相似文献   
Emerging evidence suggests that dysregulation stress hormones, such as glucocorticoids, in aged persons put them at a higher risk to develop Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, the mechanisms underlying such vulnerability remain to be unraveled. Pharmacologic inhibition of 5‐lipoxygenase (5LO), an active player in AD pathogenesis whose protein level increases with aging in the human, has been shown to blunt glucocorticoid‐mediated amyloid β (Ab) formation in vitro. In this article, we investigated the role of this pathway in modulating the development of the corticosteroid‐dependent AD‐like phenotype in the triple transgenic mice (3xTg). Dexamethasone was administered for 1 week to 3xTg or 3xTg genetically deficient for 5LO (3xTg/5LO?/?) mice, and its effect on memory, amyloid‐β and tau levels, and metabolism assessed. At the end of the treatment, we observed that dexamethasone did not induce changes in behavior. Compared with controls, treated mice did not show significant alterations in brain soluble Aβ levels. While total tau protein levels were unmodified in all groups, we found that dexamethasone significantly increased tau phosphorylation at S396, as recognized by the antibody PHF‐13, which was specifically associated with an increase in the GSK3β activity. Additionally, dexamethasone‐treated mice had a significant increase in the tau insoluble fraction and reduction in the postsynaptic protein PDS‐95. By contrast, these modifications were blunted in the 3xTg/5LO?/? mice. Our findings highlight the functional role that 5LO plays in stress‐induced AD tau pathology and support the hypothesis that pharmacologic inhibition of this enzyme could be a useful tool for individuals with this risk factor.  相似文献   
Urate is the final metabolite of purine in humans. Renal urate handling is clinically important because under-reabsorption or underexcretion causes hypouricemia or hyperuricemia, respectively. We have identified a urate-anion exchanger, URAT1, localized at the apical side and a voltage-driven urate efflux transporter, URATv1, expressed at the basolateral side of the renal proximal tubules. URAT1 and URATv1 are vital to renal urate reabsorption because the experimental data have illustrated that functional loss of these transporter proteins affords hypouricemia. While mutations affording enhanced function via these transporter proteins on urate handling is unknown, we have constructed kidney-specific transgenic (Tg) mice for URAT1 or URATv1 to investigate this problem. In our study, each transgene was under the control of the mouse URAT1 promoter so that transgene expression was directed to the kidney. Plasma urate concentrations in URAT1 and URATv1 Tg mice were not significantly different from that in wild-type (WT) mice. Urate excretion in URAT1 Tg mice was similar to that in WT mice, while URATv1 Tg mice excreted more urate compared with WT. Our results suggest that hyperfunctioning URATv1 in the kidney can lead to increased urate reabsorption and may contribute to the development of hyperuricemia.  相似文献   
Plants are subject to attack by a wide range of phytopathogens. Current pathogen detection methods and technologies are largely constrained to those occurring post‐symptomatically. Recent efforts were made to generate plant sentinels (phytosensors) that can be used for sensing and reporting pathogen contamination in crops. Engineered phytosensors indicating the presence of plant pathogens as early‐warning sentinels potentially have tremendous utility as wide‐area detectors. We previously showed that synthetic promoters containing pathogen and/or defence signalling inducible cis‐acting regulatory elements (RE) fused to a fluorescent protein (FP) reporter could detect phytopathogenic bacteria in a transient phytosensing system. Here, we further advanced this phytosensing system by developing stable transgenic tobacco and Arabidopsis plants containing candidate constructs. The inducibility of each synthetic promoter was examined in response to biotic (bacterial pathogens) or chemical (plant signal molecules salicylic acid, ethylene and methyl jasmonate) treatments using stably transgenic plants. The treated plants were visualized using epifluorescence microscopy and quantified using spectrofluorometry for FP synthesis upon induction. Time‐course analyses of FP synthesis showed that both transgenic tobacco and Arabidopsis plants were capable to respond in predictable ways to pathogen and chemical treatments. These results provide insights into the potential applications of transgenic plants as phytosensors and the implementation of emerging technologies for monitoring plant disease outbreaks in agricultural fields.  相似文献   
The transmembrane HIV‐1 envelope protein gp41 has been shown to play critical roles in the viral mucosal transmission and infection of CD4+ cells. Gag is a structural protein configuring the enveloped viral particles and has been suggested to constitute a target of the cellular immunity that may control viral load. We hypothesized that HIV enveloped virus‐like particles (VLPs) consisting of Gag and a deconstructed form of gp41 comprising the membrane proximal external, transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains (dgp41) could be expressed in plants. To this end, plant‐optimized HIV‐1 genes were constructed and expressed in Nicotiana benthamiana by stable transformation, or transiently using a Tobamovirus‐based expression system or a combination of both. Our results of biophysical, biochemical and electron microscopy characterization demonstrates that plant cells could support not only the formation of enveloped HIV‐1 Gag VLPs, but also the accumulation of VLPs that incorporated dgp41. These findings provide further impetus for the journey towards a broadly efficacious and inexpensive subunit vaccine against HIV‐1.  相似文献   
Genetic deficiency of Cx43 in vivo causes skeletal developmental defects, osteoblast dysfunction and perinatal lethality. To determine the role of Cx43 in the adult skeleton, we developed two models of osteoblast-specific Cx43 gene deletion using Cre mediated replacement of a “floxed” Cx43 allele with a LacZ reporter gene. Cre recombinase expression in osteoblasts was driven by either the osteocalcin OG2 promoter or the 2.3 kb fragment of the Colα1(I) promoter. Homozygous Cx43fl/flmice, in which the Cx43 coding region is flanked by two loxP sites, were crossed with Cre expressing mice in a heterozygous Cx43-null background [Cx43±; Colα1(I)-Cre or Cx43±; OG2-Cre]. Cx43 gene ablation was demonstrated in tissues by selective X-gal staining of cells lining the endosteal surface, and in cultured osteoblastic cells from calvaria using different approaches. Although no LacZ expression was observed in proliferating calvaria cells, before osteoblast differentiation begins, post-proliferative cells isolated from conditional knockout mice [Cx43fl/?; Colα1(I)-Cre or Cx43fl/?; OG2-Cre] developed strong LacZ expression as they differentiated, in parallel to a progressive disappearance of Cx43 mRNA and protein abundance relative to controls. Selective Cre mediated Cx43 gene inactivation in bone forming cells will be useful to determine the role of Cx43 in adult skeletal homeostasis and overcome the perinatal lethality of the conventional null model.  相似文献   
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