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The expression of an Arabidopsis acyl carrier protein (ACP) gene promoter has been examined in transgenic tobacco plants by linking it to the reporter gene -glucuronidase (GUS). Fluorometric analysis showed that the ACP gene promoter was most active in developing seeds. Expression was also high in roots, but significantly lower in young leaves and downregulated upon their maturation. Etiolated and light-grown seedlings showed the same level of GUS activity, indicating that this promoter is not tightly regulated by light. Histochemical studies revealed that expression was usually highest in apical/ meristematic zones of vegetative tissues. Young flowers (ca. 1 cm in length) showed GUS staining in nearly all cell types, however, cell-specific patterns emerged in more mature flowers. The ACP gene promoter was active in the stigma and transmitting tissue of the style, as well as in the tapetum of the anther, developing pollen, and ovules. The results provide evidence that this ACP gene is regulated in a complex manner and is responsive to the array of signals which accompany cell differentiation, and a demand for fatty acids and lipids, during organogenesis.  相似文献   
Tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill cv. Ailsa Craig) were transformed with a gene construct having 244 bp of the 5 end of a polygalacturonase (PG) cDNA, coding for a 71 amino acid N-terminal extension to the mature protein, fused to 1320 bp of a pectinesterase (PE) cDNA encoding the full sequence of the mature PE protein. This chimaeric gene was inserted in a sense orientation between a CaMV 35S promoter and terminator for constitutive expression. In transformed tomato plants expression of the endogenous PG and PE genes in the fruit was inhibited; there was little or no observable PG and PE mRNA and a substantial reduction in the level of PG and PE enzyme activity. The transgene was expressed in the leaves of the transformed plants as demonstrated by the accumulation of mRNA, but no protein product could be identified. However, no transgene mRNA or protein were observed in the transgenic fruit.This paper represents the first report of the down-regulation of two non-homologous endogenous genes using a single gene construct. A sense gene construct was responsible for these effects. These findings are discussed in relation to possible mechanisms of action of co-suppression.  相似文献   
Direct DNA transfer methods based on particle bombardment have revolutionized plant genetic engineering. Major agronomic crops previously considered recalcitrant to gene transfer have been engineered using variations of this technology. In many cases variety-independent and efficient transformation methods have been developed enabling application of molecular biology techniques to crop improvement. The focus of this article is the development and performance of electric discharge particle bombardment (ACCELL™) technology. Unique advantages of this methodology compared to alternative propulsion technologies are discussed in terms of the range of species and genotypes that have been engineered, and the high transformation frequencies for major agronomic crops that enabled the technology to move from the R&D phase to commercialization. Creation of transgenic soybeans, cotton, and rice will be used as examples to illustrate the development of variety-independent and efficient gene transfer methods for most of the major agronomic crops. To our knowledge, no other gene transfer method based on particle bombardment has resulted in variety-independent and practical generation of large numbers of independently-derived crop plants. ACCELL™ technology is currently being utilized for the routine transfer of valuable genes into elite germplasm of soybean, cotton, bean, rice, corn, peanut and woody species.  相似文献   
Summary During postembryonic development of insects, molting cycles affect epidermal cells with alternate periods of proliferation and differentiation. Cells of the cell line established from imaginal discs of the Indian meal moth (IAL-PID2) differentiate under the action of the molting hormone, 20-hydroxyecdysone, in a manner that is meaningful in terms of the development of the tissue from which they were derived. In particular, the hormone caused an accumulation of the cells in the G2 phase of their cycle and induced the formation of epithelial-like aggregates and the synthesis of specific proteoglycans. Recent discovery of members of the insulin superfamily in insects and the role of growth factors played by this family of molecules in vertebrates led us to check for their potential effects on IAL-PID2 cell cycle regulation. On the one hand, our results showed that insulin was involved in partial resumption of the cell cycle after an arrest caused by serum deprivation, but that other growth factors present in fetal calf serum were needed for full completion of mitosis. On the other hand, the cytostatic effect of 20-hydroxyecdysone was reversible, and, prior exposure of the cells to the hormone allowed the cells to complete one cell cycle in serum-free medium. These results suggest that the production of autocrine growth factors induced by ecdysteroids could circumvent the absence of serum. This cell culture model provides potential for further study of interactions between ecdysteroids and growth factor homologs during differentiation of insect epidermal cells.  相似文献   
Lines of wheat with the 6Mv chromosome from Aegilops ventricosa display partial resistance to both pathotypes Hal2 and Ha41 of Heterodera avenae. With either pathotype, the effect of this alien chromosome on cyst production, size, and fecundity was expressed in resistance tests. Partial resistance of five 6Mv(6D) substitution lines varied according to the intrinsic cyst-forming capacity of the nematode pathotypes and the recipient germplasms. Such partial resistance can be utilized in wheat breeding lines for integrated management of the cereal cyst nematode.  相似文献   
A simplified and non-destructive method using starch gel electrophoresis has been developed on seeds to identify inbred lines of Vicia faba and assess outcrossing rates and gene dispersal in pollination experiments. Six enzyme systems (Alcohol dehydrogenase, Aspartate aminotransferase, Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase, Isocitrate dehydrogenase, Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase and Shikimate dehydrogenase) were analysed from parental lines, crosses performed between lines bearing dissimilar isozyme patterns in pollination cages with Bombus and F2 progenies obtained from manual selfing of F1 hybrids. The allozymes at each of the seven studied loci segregated in the expected Mendelian fashion and behaved in a co-dominant manner except for the Adh-2 locus where the only variant was a null allele. No evidence of genetic linkage was observed between at least 13 of the 15 pairs of the studied loci. Percentage of cross fertilisation by Bombus between seven pairs of inbred lines ranged between 1.7% and 28.3%. Pollen transfer between a donor line and a recipient line by two species of Bombus did not lead to differences in outcrossing rates (both about 8%). The new PGD marker with two loci at three alleles each is particularly discriminating and valuable in pollination studies and breeding of V. faba.  相似文献   
牙龈类杆菌曾是重要的产黑色素类杆菌群菌株,最近重新命名为牙龈卟啉杆菌,该菌为牙周病龈下菌斑中关键性厌氧菌,与成人慢性牙周炎的发生、发展有密切关系。作者用牙龈卟啉杆菌侵袭型菌株W83,作为免疫原,通过免疫小鼠、细胞融合、筛选、克隆化,最后得到一株能够稳定分泌抗牙龈卟啉杆菌W83的单克隆抗体杂交瘤细胞系,经鉴定该单抗特异性良好,可用于临床该菌的检出和生态学研究。  相似文献   
Medium chain hydrolase (MCH) is an enzyme which regulates the chain length of fatty acid synthesis specifically in the mammary gland of the rat. During lactation, MCH interacts with fatty acid synthase (FAS) to cause premature release of acyl chains, thus providing medium chain fatty acids for synthesis of milk fat. In this study we have investigated the ability of rat MCH to interact with the phylogenetically more distant FAS structure present in plant systems and to cause a perturbation of fatty acid synthesis. Inin vitro experiments, addition of purified MCH to rapeseed homogenates was found to cause a significant perturbation of fatty acid synthesis towards medium chain length products. The rat MCH gene was expressed in transgenic oilseed rape using a seed specific rape acyl carrier protein (ACP) promoter and a rape ACP plastid targeting sequence. Western analysis showed MCH protein to be present in transgenic seed and for its expression to be developmentally regulated in concert with storage lipid synthesis. The chimaeric preprotein was correctly processed and immunogold labelling studies confirmed MCH to be localized within plastid organelles. However, fatty acid analysis of oil from MCH-expressing rape seed showed no significant differences to that from control seed.  相似文献   
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