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Summary Two alternative estimators of individual tree leaf area (A1) area are used to derive estimates of leaf-area index (L) for 40 plots in Pinus contorta Dougl. stands. One estimator of A1 is based on the common assumption of a constant ratio between A1 and sapwood cross-sectional area at breast height (As). The second estimator of A1 accounts for tree-to-tree variation in the relation between A1 and As. The apparent relationship between stand growth and leaf-area index is strongly dependent on the way leaf area is estimated. When L is derived from a constant A1As ratio, stand growth appears to be strongly correlated with L. However, when L is based on estmates of A1 that account for tree-to-tree variation in the A1 — As relation, stand growth is seen to be only weakly related to L. Stand structure, quantified as percent live-crown, accounts for a great deal of the observed variation in leaf-area efficiency. These contrasting relationships illustrate the importance of unbiased estimates of L in interpreting the link between stand-level processes and leaf area.Utah Aggriculural Experiment Station Journal Paper No. 3333  相似文献   
Information is presented on fishing effort, efficiency, techniques, and catch composition for Pumé men, women, and children along with a conceptual model of fishing as a food procurement strategy. The Pumé are a native lowland South American group living in the topical savanna region of southwestern Venezuela characterized by seasonal flooding. Results are discussed in relation to the Pumé environmental and social situation, and briefly compared with results from other lowland South American groups.  相似文献   
It has been known for several decades that cultured murine cells undergo a defined series of changes, i.e., anin vitro evolution, which includes crisis, spontaneous transformation (immortalization), aneuploidy, and spontaneous neoplastic transformation. These changes have been shown to be caused by thein vitro environment rather than an inherent instability of the murine phenotype or genotype. Serum amine oxidases were recently identified as a predominant cause of crisis. These enzymes generate hydrogen peroxide from polyamine substrates that enter the extracellular milieu. This finding implicates free-radical toxicity as the underlying cause ofin vitro evolution. We propose an oxyradical hypothesis to explain each of the stages ofin vitro evolution and discuss its significance for cytotechnology and long-term cultivation of mammalian cell types.ORR, CDER, FDA Mod-1, Room 2023, 8301 Muirkirk Road, Laurel MD 20708, USA  相似文献   
The iaaM and iaaH genes of Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Agrobacterium rhizogenes play an important role in crown gall and hairy root disease. The iaaM gene codes for tryptophan monooxygenase which converts tryptophan into indole-3-acetamide (IAM). IAM is converted into the auxin indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) by indoleacetamide hydrolase, encoded by the iaaH gene. In functional studies on the activity of the iaa genes of the TB region of the A. tumefaciens biotype III strain Tm4, the frequently used 35S--glucuronidase (35S-UidA or GUS) marker gene was found to inhibit IAA synthesis and root induction encoded by the TB iaa genes. To exert this inhibition, the 35S-UidA gene must be cotransferred with the iaaH gene. The 35S promoter alone is sufficient to cause the inhibitory effect.  相似文献   
The second-order Fisher information   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
HOSOYA  YUZO 《Biometrika》1988,75(2):265-274
Larvae from two populations of Euphydryas chalcedona Doubleday & Hewitson (Nymphalidae) were reared on their own hostplant and that of the other population, in both pre-diapause and post-diapause instars. One population, Chico, uses Penstemon breviflorus Lindl. (Scrophulariaceae), and the other, Echo Lake, uses P. newberryi Gray. Growth rate and survival were determined for pre-diapause and post-diapause larvae from both populations on both plant species; and digestive efficiencies were calculated during the prediapause instars. The results showed that larvae from the two populations differed in their responses to the two plant species. Pre-diapause larvae from Chico performed equally well on both plant species—survival and digestive indices were not significantly different for two Penstemon species. In contrast, pre-diapause larvae from Echo Lake performed significantly worse on the non-hostplant—growth and survival were significantly lower on the non-host, P. breviflorus. In addition, comparison of digestive efficiencies for the two plants showed that larvae from Echo Lake digested P. breviflorus better than P. newberryi, but were significantly less able to convert P. breviflorus to body mass. In the post-diapause instars, larvae from Chico grew faster on the host than on the non-host. Larvae from Echo Lake grew quite slowly on both plant species and significantly more of the Echo Lake larvae returned to diapause instead of completing development.
Résumé Des chenilles de deux populations d'E. chalcedona ont été élevées sur leur propre plante-hôte et sur celle de l'autre population, aux stades avant et après diapause. Les deux populations s'alimentent sur différentes espèces de Penstemon (Scrophulariaceae), et une population—Echo Lake—est monophage sur P. newberry, tandis que l'autre—Chico—utilise d'abord P. breviflorus, mais les chenilles après diapause sont trouvées sur au moins deux autres espèces de plantes. Les taux de croissance et de survie ont été déterminés pour des chenilles avant et après diapause pour les deux populations sur les deux plantes; les efficacités digestives ont été calculées sur les chenilles avant diapause.Les résultats ont montré que les chenilles des deux populations différaient par leur degré de spécialisation digestive sur leur plante hôte normale: les chenilles de Chico ont utilisé aussi bien les deux plantes, tandis que celles d'Echo Lake le faisaient significativement moins bien sur la plante non-hôte, par suite de l'inaptitude à la digérer. Ainsi la population oligophage est alimentairement moins spécialisée et plus capable de se débrouiller avec une plante non-hôte. Après diapause, les chenilles de Chico s'alimentaient significativement mieux sur plante hôte que non-hôte, ce qui était le cas aussi pour la population monophage. Dans l'ensemble, les chenilles de la population monophage semblaient moins capables de se débrouiller dans des conditions défavorables ou moins avantageuses.
As a prerequisite for the use of liposomes for delivery of biologically active agents, techniques are required for the efficient and rapid entrapment of such agents in liposomes. Here we review the variety of procedures available for trapping hydrophilic and hydrophobic compounds. Considerations which are addressed include factors influencing the choice of a particular liposomal system and techniques for the passive entrapment of drugs in multilamellar vesicles and unilamellar vesicles. Attention is also paid to active trapping procedures relying on the presence of (negatively) charged lipid or transmembrane ion gradients. Such gradients are particularly useful for concentrating lipophilic cationic drugs inside liposomes, allowing trapping efficiencies approaching 100%.  相似文献   
The photosynthetic and growth characteristics of Ceratophyllum demersum L. were investigated under laboratory conditions which simulated those encountered in the plants' normal environment. The carbon fixation rate of C. demersum measured with 14C at light and carbon saturation at pH 8.0 was 4.48 mg C (g ash-free dry weight)−1 h−1. It was lower at pH 6.5 than at pH 8.0. The light use efficiencies in quiescent plants and actively growing plants were 6.3 and 8.7 × 10−9 kg CO2 J−1, respectively, with corresponding maximum photosynthetic rates of 2.67 and 4.36 mg C (g ash-free dry weight)−1 h−1. Photorespiration in actively growing plants consumed 24% of the carbon fixed. Incubation with DCMU demonstrated that about one-third was refixed. The optimum temperature for carbon fixation was 25°C. The C3-photosynthetic pathway was the main operational route as indicated by the early photosynthetic products (largely C3-acids) and the absence of Krantz anatomy and the chlorophyll a:b ratio (2.7). The maximum relative growth rates ranged from 0.025 to 0.041 g ash-free dry weight (g ash-free dry weight)−1 day−1 in the field (Lake Vechten, 1 to 3 m depth classes).  相似文献   
Summary The relative efficiences of the biparental mating systems and selfing series in connection with phenotypic and geno-phenotypic selection procedures were evaluated for yield improvement in a cross HP1102 X CPAN 1681 of wheat. Two selection cycles having a 4 per cent selection intensity for grain yield were carried out following both selection procedures under the two mating systems. Following these selection procedures, a greater improvement for grain yield could be achieved with the biparental mating system than with the selfing series. During the first selection cycle, the geno-phenotypic selection procedure had an edge over phenotypic selection procedure. The realized response due to the second cycle of selection and the predicted response for the third selection cycle indicated that the phenotypic selection procedure is more efficient than the geno-phenotypic selection procedure. It is suggested that selection following intermating in early segregating generations is able to overcome several inherent limitations of the simple pedigree method as it is possible to increase genetic variation and to concentrate favourable genes and gene combinations for grain yield. An increase in grain yield was, in general, accompanied by an increase in plant height, peduncle length, 100 grain weight, tiller number and biological yield. Therefore, it is suggested that an index comprised of grain yield, plant height, tiller number, grain weight and biological yield could be used for selecting high yielding genotypes of suitable height.  相似文献   
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